20C.40.100 Residential Density Bonus.
Density bonuses shall be granted to residential developments as set forth in this division. (Ord. 2302; Ord. 1901)
20C.40.100-010 Semi- and Full-Subterranean Parking.
In freestanding residential developments, a density bonus of 10 percent shall be granted to developments that provide semi- or full-subterranean parking where the finished floor height of the first floor is not more than four feet above the street curb. (Ord. 2302; Ord. 1901)
20C.40.100-020 Affordable Housing.
Density bonuses shall be granted per RCDG 20D.30.10, Affordable Housing. (Ord. 2302; Ord. 1901)
20C.40.100-030 Senior Housing.
Density bonuses shall be granted per RCDG 20D.30.15, Affordable Senior Housing Bonus. (Ord. 2302; Ord. 1901)