20D.230.30 Use, Operations, and Development Standards in a Transition Overlay.

20D.230.30-010 Use and Operations Standards and Limitations in a Transition Overlay.

(1)    Nonemergency maintenance and testing activities may only take place from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday. No maintenance and testing activities may take place on legal holidays in Washington State. Emergency maintenance activities may take place at any time and on any day.

(2)    Outside of the Industry (I) zone, all exterior work activities allowed by the underlying zone shall be prohibited except for the following uses: restaurants, plant nurseries, entertainment and recreation uses that are commonly performed outside, sales of motor vehicle fuels, car washes, parking lots, outdoor markets, and sidewalk sales.

(3)    Outside of the Industry (I) zone, no exterior storage of goods or materials shall be allowed within the Transition Overlay. Exterior storage of construction materials and construction equipment during temporary construction activities is allowed. (Ord. 2390; Ord. 2332; Ord. 2027)

20D.230.30-020 Site and Building Design Standards in a Transition Overlay.

(1)    Site Design Standards.

(a)    Uses shall be located on a site so as to minimize adverse impacts on protected zones.

(b)    Streets, driveways, parking, parking structures, and other vehicle use areas shall be designed, located, constructed, and maintained to minimize the impacts on protected zones of noise, and direct and reflected light trespass. Joint use driveways shall be used where possible. Parking structures shall be designed and constructed to minimize light from cars within the structure spilling over or intruding into protected zones.

(c)    New driveways, curb cuts, and streets shall be located, designed, and constructed to minimize cut-through traffic in protected zones. The Technical Committee may authorize an exception to this requirement when compliance would create an undue hardship on the applicant.

(d)    Surface parking lots, loading and refuse collection areas shall be located away from bordering protected zones and screened from street level views. This screening shall be done by placing the areas behind buildings or by the use of berms, hedges, walls, or equivalent or better methods. The Technical Committee may authorize an exception to this requirement when compliance would create an undue hardship on the applicant.

(e)    Loading and refuse collection areas shall not be located within a front yard setback or within the Overlake Business and Advanced Technology District Height and FAR Limit Overlay described in RCDG 20C.45.40-050(4).

(f)    Nearby topography, vegetation, street patterns, parking configuration, building massing, and building and site design should be considered in order to result in a compatible fit between the proposed development and existing residential developments.

(2)    Building Design Standards.

(a)    Building surfaces and design shall minimize light reflecting into residential zones and allowing light from inside the building to intrude into residential zones. Glass curtain walls, metallic wall or roof coverings, or similar materials shall not face residential zones.

(b)    Facade Modulation. Building facades visible from protected zones shall be stepped back or projected forward at intervals to provide a minimum of 40 percent facade modulation. The minimum depth of modulation shall be one foot and the minimum width shall be five feet. (Ord. 2390)

20D.230.30-030 Signs in a Transition Overlay.

(1)    Only freestanding and wall signs shall be permitted. Freestanding signs shall be affixed directly to the ground and be no higher than five feet from the finished grade.

(2)    Signs shall only be indirectly lighted. (Ord. 2390)

20D.230.30-040 Building Setbacks in a Transition Overlay.

(1)    Minimum Setback in a Transition Overlay. The following table shows the required setback from property lines that border a protected zone or property lines adjacent to a street that borders a protected zone.

Building Height

Complying Zones: R-12 R30, NC, GC, BP, MP, I, GDD

Up to 30 feet

20 feet

31 to 40 feet

25 feet

41 to 50 feet

30 feet

More than 51 feet

35 feet

(a)    This setback shall not apply to property lines bordering a multi-modal corridor as designated in the Transportation Master Plan, or an arterial street served by all-day or peak-hour transit service.

(b)    This setback shall not apply to property lines bordering the SR 520 right-of-way. (Ord. 2390)

20D.230.30-050 Maximum Height of Structures in a Transition Overlay.

(1)    Maximum Height of Structures (in feet) without Bonuses in a Transition Overlay.


Complying Zones

R-12, R-18

R-20, R-30, I



Protected Zones

RA-5, R-1 R-8, and ORS





R-12, R-18, NC, and ORM





(2)    Maximum Height of Structures (in feet) with Bonuses in a Transition Overlay.


Complying Zones

R-12, R-18

R-20, R-30, I



Protected Zones

RA-5, R-1 R-8, and ORS





R-12, R-18, NC, and ORM





(3)    Allowable Height Increase. The maximum height of structures may be increased to the height shown in subsection (2) of this section if one or more of the following features are constructed as part of the development and the intent of this chapter is met. In no case shall the maximum height of structures set in subsection (2) of this section be exceeded through this subsection.


At least one-quarter of the on-site parking is provided in underground parking structures.

At least one-quarter of the on-site parking is located in parking structure(s) outside the transition zone.

The building has a pitched roof.

No mechanical equipment is located on the roof.

The existing grade under the proposed building pad is at least 10 feet below the grade at the property lines of all properties in the protected zone that border the development site or are across the street from the development site.

A greenbelt at least 100 feet wide is provided along at least one public street.

TDRs are used to increase building height.

(4)    Modification to Height. The maximum height of structures set in subsections (1) and (2) of this section may be increased by the Design Review Board if all of the following conditions are met:

(a)    The modified building height does not exceed the maximum height, without bonuses, permitted by the underlying zone for properties outside the transition overlay.

(b)    The proposal, with the height modification, will provide an equivalent or better transition to the protected properties as the maximum height of structures without bonuses in subsection (1) of this section. (Ord. 2390)

20D.230.30-060 Landscaping and Buffers in a Transition Overlay.

(1)    All setbacks, open spaces, and buffers shall be landscaped as required by Chapter 20D.80 RCDG, Landscaping and Tree Protection, and all other applicable standards, or be maintained in existing vegetation.

(2)    Required Buffers.

(a)    Landscape buffers at least 20 feet in width shall be provided in the following locations, unless otherwise provided in the Redmond Community Development Guide:

(i)    Along property lines that border a protected zone.

(ii)    Along street frontages where any portion of the street bordering the development site borders an R-1 through R-8, ORS, or ORM zone.

(iii)    Where the development site is zoned GC, MP, or I, along the street frontages where any portion of the street bordering the development site borders an R-1 through R-30, ORS or ORM zone.

(3)    In addition to the requirements of Chapter 20D.80 RCDG, the following planting requirements shall apply in all setbacks, open spaces, and buffers:

(a)    Unless a tree is hazardous, dead, diseased, or dying, or its removal is necessary for streets, sidewalks, or utilities, all significant trees within 15 feet of the property line where a required transition overlay buffer or setback must be provided shall be retained.

(b)    Where a GC, MP, or I zone borders a residential zone on an interior property line, an evergreen hedge a minimum of three feet in height at the time it is planted and capable of achieving a continuous visual screen with a height of four feet within three years shall be planted or a combination of shrubs and a fence shall be added within the required planting area to achieve the effect of a hedge.

(4)    Structures in Buffers. Except as otherwise provided in this section, no structures shall be placed in required buffers.

(a)    Up to 20 percent of the buffer area may be used for streets, driveways, utility crossings, trails, or ground level features such as patios.

(b)    Patios shall not be placed closer than 10 feet from the property line.

(c)    No existing structure, except as noted in subsections (4)(a) and (b) of this section, shall be considered a legal nonconforming use, since all nonconforming structures were to be removed no later than June 10, 2004, per Ordinance 2027, which the ordinance codified in this chapter amends.

(5)    Buffers may be counted towards required open space, required pervious surfaces and other requirements that they meet. Except for trails, any impervious surfaces within the buffer shall not be counted towards fulfilling open space requirements. (Ord. 2390)