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Appendix 20D-6 Care and Restoration of Historic Landmarks

I.    Need/Introduction

II.    Required Maintenance

III.    Restoration and Care

I. Need/Introduction

In accordance with RCDG 20D.57.30-020 this appendix establishes the required maintenance and restoration standards to prevent deliberate or inadvertent neglect of the significant features of historic landmarks and to guide the restoration of historic features.

II. Required Maintenance

The owner, lessee or other person legally responsible for a historic landmark or its maintenance shall maintain the structure and site to prevent deterioration and decay of structural integrity through prompt corrections of any of the following defects:

(1)    Facades or portions of a facade that may fall and injure members of the public or property.

(2)    Deteriorated or inadequate foundations, defective or deteriorated flooring or floor supports, deteriorated walls or other vertical supports.

(3)    Members of ceilings, roofs, ceiling and roof supports or other horizontal members that sag, split, or buckle due to deterioration or defective materials.

(4)    Deteriorated or ineffective waterproofing of exterior walls, roofs, foundation or floors, including broken windows or doors.

(5)    Defective or insufficient weather protection for exterior wall covering, including lack of paint or other protective covering.

(6)    Fireplaces, chimneys, ventilation stacks, or ornamentation such as flagpoles that list, bulge, settle, or otherwise are deteriorating such that the structural load bearing capacity is negatively affected or that the attachment to the structure is in jeopardy.

(7)    Any fault or defect in a structure which renders it not properly watertight, prone to damage by the elements, or structurally unsafe.

(8)    Erosion other than natural erosion that would risk destabilizing a foundation, losing significant site features, or exposing archeological or historic material or artifacts.

III. Restoration and Care

The following shall be used as guidelines for the care and restoration of historic resources:

(1)    Use the gentlest possible procedure such as low-pressure water, natural bristle brushes, or hand scraping when cleaning, refinishing, or repairing historic materials.

(2)    Use bonding materials compatible with the materials used in original construction.

(3)    Do not cover historic surfaces with vinyl, aluminum or other siding that can cause deterioration of the original material and loss of historic integrity.

(4)    When disassembly of an historic element is necessary for restoration or repair, use methods to catalog the item and protect it.

(5)    Restoration or repair of existing historic buildings should meet the guidelines established by the Secretary of the Interior for treatment of historic properties.

(6)    Additions should be similar in style yet discernible from the original structure and may use new materials to the extent that those materials allow building design to have similarity in window patterns, articulation, and use of detail to that of the existing historic building.

(7)    Minimize the visual impacts of new building systems on exterior features of identified historic buildings.

(8)    Where by necessity of use any of the primary entrances should no longer be functional to that use, the character-defining entrances should remain. If installation of additional entrances or secondary service entrances are allowed to be added, they should be compatible in size and scale and not redefine primary entrances or destroy the character-defining features of the existing structure.

(9)    Avoid placing mechanical and electrical equipment on primary, character-defining facades.

(10)    Minimize damaging historic materials in order to insert new mechanical and electrical systems, such as cutting holes in walls.

(11)    Color of historic landmark buildings should reflect the period of architecture or the original color if documented. Painting over of unpainted brick shall be prohibited. Preservation of wood structures with paint, stains or preservative shall be allowed.

(12)    Signage for businesses shall not obscure significant features. (Ord. 2164)