The purpose and intent of this Chapter is to establish standard procedures for all land use and development applications in order to provide for an integrated and consolidated land use permit and environmental review process. It is further the purpose of this Chapter to combine and expedite development review to eliminate redundancy and minimize delays, to establish timelines for notifying the public of land use applications, to establish hearing requirements to allow one open record hearing and one closed record appeal hearing, and to provide final decisions for development proposals within the applicable permit review time period established in RMC 4-8-080E, Permit Review Time Periods, except for development specifically exempted under this Chapter.

The mandatory nature of the permit review time periods notwithstanding, it is neither the intent nor the purpose of this Chapter to establish a claim or remedy for a delay in the final decision of a permit beyond the time periods established in RMC 4-8-080E, Permit Review Time Periods. (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996; Amd. Ord. 4974, 6-24-2002; Ord. 6149, 11-18-2024)