A. BACKFLOW: See RMC 4-6-100.
C. BACKGROUND AREA: The entire face of a sign upon which text and/or graphics could be placed.
E. BASE FLOOD: A flood having a one percent (1%) chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. Also referred to as the “one hundred (100) year flood.” Designation on flood maps always includes the letters A or V.
F. BASE FLOOD ELEVATION (BFE): The elevation to which floodwater is anticipated to rise during the base flood.
G. BASEMENT: Any floor level below the first story in a building, except that a floor level in a building having only one floor level shall be classified as a basement unless such floor level qualifies as a first story as defined herein.
H. BASEMENT: (This definition for RMC 4-3-050, flood hazard regulations, use only.) Any area of the building having its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all sides.
I. BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM FACILITY: One or more utility-scale energy storage systems designed to receive, store, and discharge energy to and from the electrical grid or energy generation facility for later use. Battery energy storage systems generally consist of batteries assembled together and may include on-site switchyard, inverters, associated interconnection transmission line, and supervisory control and data acquisition system. This definition excludes individual residential and commercial use systems for on-site energy use, standalone twelve (12) volt car battery or electric motor vehicles, and other consumer products.
J. BED AND BREAKFAST HOUSE, ACCESSORY: Overnight accommodations and a morning meal in a dwelling unit with less than four (4) guest rooms provided to transients for compensation. Accessory bed and breakfast houses are proprietor-occupied, or the proprietor lives on a contiguous property, and morning meals are provided to the house residents and the overnight guests only. This definition does not include congregate residences, professional bed and breakfast houses, hotels, or motels.
K. BED AND BREAKFAST HOUSE, PROFESSIONAL: Overnight accommodations and a morning meal in a dwelling unit with four (4) to ten (10) guest rooms provided to transients for compensation. Professional bed and breakfast houses are proprietor-occupied, or the proprietor lives on a contiguous property, and morning meals are provided to the house residents and the overnight guests only. This definition does not include congregate residences, accessory bed and breakfast houses, hotels, or motels.
L. BEDROCK: In-place subsurface material consisting of solid rock.
M. BEEKEEPING: The management and maintenance of colonies of honeybees.
N. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES, WETLANDS: Conservation practices or systems of practices and management measures that:
1. Control soil loss and reduce water quality degradation caused by nutrients, animal waste, toxins and sediment;
2. Minimize adverse impacts to surface water and groundwater flow, circulation patterns, and to the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of wetlands; and
3. Includes allowing proper use and storage of fertilizers/pesticides.
O. BINDING SITE PLAN: A drawing as authorized by chapter 58.17 RCW and provided for in RMC 4-7-230 which:
1. Identifies and shows the areas and locations of all streets, roads, improvements, utilities, open spaces, and any other matters specified by RMC 4-8-120C, Submittal Requirements; and
2. Contains inscriptions or attachments setting forth such appropriate limitations and conditions for the use of the land as are established by the City; and
3. Contains provisions requiring site development to be in conformity with the approved binding site plan.
P. BLOCK: A block consists of two (2) facing block fronts bounded on two (2) sides by alleys or rear property lines and on two (2) sides by the centerline of platted streets, with no other intersecting streets intervening.
Q. BLOCK FRONT: A block front is the frontage of property along one side of a street bound on three (3) sides by the centerline of platted streets and on the fourth side by an alley or rear property lines.
R. BMPs: Best management practices, see supra, and RMC 4-6-100.
T. BOAT LAUNCHING RAMP: A facility with an inclined surface extending into the water which allows launching of boats directly into the water from trailers.
U. BODY SHOP: An establishment which conducts any of the following operations:
1. Collision repair services, including body, frame or fender straightening, repair, or replacement; and/or
2. Overall painting of vehicles or painting of vehicles in a paint shop, but excluding minor painting with an airbrush or roller brush utilized in customizing or detailing operations; and/or
3. Welding, molding, and similar operations conducted on vehicles.
V. BREAKWATER: A protective structure, usually built off-shore for the purpose of protecting the shoreline or harbor area from wave action.
W. BUFFER, CRITICAL AREA: A naturally vegetated and undisturbed, enhanced, or revegetated area that surrounds and protects a critical area from adverse impacts to its functions and values, and/or which protects developed areas from potentially hazardous conditions.
X. BUFFER, LANDSCAPE: Landscaped area used to physically separate or screen one use or property from another so as to visually shield or block views, noise, lights, or other potential nuisances.
Y. BUFFER, SHORELINES: A strip of land that is designated to permanently remain vegetated in an undisturbed and natural condition to protect an adjacent aquatic, riparian, or wetland site from upland impacts, to provide habitat for wildlife and to afford limited public access. Uses and activities within the buffer are extremely limited. The buffer is measured horizontally upland from and perpendicular to the OHWM.
Z. BUILDABLE AREA: The portion of a lot or site, exclusive of required yard areas, setbacks, landscaping or open space within which a structure may be built.
AA. BUILDING: As defined by the International Building Code.
BB. BUILDING: (This definition for RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program Regulations, use only.) Any structure having a roof intended to be used for the shelter or enclosure of persons, plants, animals or property.
CC. BUILDING CODE: The International Building Code, promulgated by the International Conference of Building Officials, as adopted by this jurisdiction.
DD. BUILDING COMPLEX, MULTIPLE: A group of structures housing more than one type of retail business, office or commercial venture and generally under one ownership and control.
FF. BUILDING FACADE: That portion of any exterior elevation of a building extending from the grade to the top of the parapet wall or eaves, and the entire width of the building elevation.
GG. BUILDING FOOTPRINT: The area of a lot or site included within the surrounding exterior walls of a building or portion of a building, exclusive of courtyards. In the absence of surrounding exterior walls, the building footprint shall be the area under the horizontal projection of the roof.
HH. BUILDING HEIGHT: The measurement of building height depends on the applicable zone, as follows:
1. Within the RC, R-1, R-4, R-6, R-8, R-10, R-14, and RMF Zones: Primary structures and accessory dwelling units shall be measured by the vertical distance from grade plane to the highest wall plate combined with the height of any portion of the structure that extends above the wall plate (e.g., roof, deck, etc.), excluding chimneys, ventilation stacks, and similar elements as determined by the Administrator. Detached accessory structures shall be measured by the vertical distance from grade plane to the average height of the highest roof surface.
2. All Other Zones: The vertical distance from grade plane to the average height of the highest roof surface.
II. BUILDING, MULTI-OCCUPANCY: A single structure housing more than one type of retail business, office or commercial venture and generally under one ownership and control.
JJ. BUILDING OFFICIAL: The officer or other person charged with the administration and enforcement of the IBC and the building-related provisions of this Title, or his duly authorized deputy.
KK. BUILDING, SINGLE OCCUPANCY: A building occupied by a single tenant. A building is considered to be “single occupancy” if:
1. It has only one occupant; and
2. It has no wall in common with another building; and
3. It has no part of its roof in common with another building.
LL. BUILDING STEP-BACK: A building step-back applies to stories above the ground floor and is the horizontal distance between one or more stories of a building façade relative to the building façade of the floor directly below.
NN. BULKHEAD: A vertical wall constructed of rock, concrete, timber, sheet steel, gabions, or patent system materials. Rock bulkheads are often termed “vertical rock walls.” Seawalls are similar to bulkheads, but more robustly constructed.
OO. BUOY: A floating object anchored in a lake, river, etc., to warn of rocks, shoals, etc., or used for boat moorage.
PP. BUSINESS FACADE: That portion of an exterior building wall owned or leased by a business.
(Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983; Ord. 4071, 6-1-1987; Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992; Ord. 4651, 1-27-1997; Ord. 4715, 4-6-1998; Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998; Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998; Ord. 4835, 3-27-2000; Ord. 4851, 8-7-2000; Ord. 4954, 2-11-2002; Amd. Ord. 4963, 5-13-2002; Ord. 5124, 2-7-2005; Ord. 5137, 4-25-2005; Ord. 5153, 9-26-2005; Ord. 5355, 2-25-2008; Ord. 5450, 3-2-2009; Ord. 5474, 7-13-2009; Ord. 5478, 8-3-2009; Ord. 5576, 11-15-2010; Ord. 5633, 10-24-2011; Ord. 5640, 12-12-2011; Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012; Ord. 5790, 4-25-2016; Ord. 5841, 6-12-2017; Ord. 5917, 12-10-2018; Ord. 5976, 8-3-2020; Ord. 5977, 8-10-2020; Ord. 6049, 12-13-2021; Ord. 6081, 10-10-2022; Ord. 6151, 11-25-2024)