Chapter 11.25


11.25.010    Purpose.

11.25.020    Uses.

11.25.030    Development standards.

11.25.040    Other applicable regulations.

11.25.010 Purpose.

The purpose of the single-family residential (R-1) zone is to provide a low-density, single-family residential area that promotes and encourages a favorable environment for family life. Residential development is intended to blend with the existing character of the neighborhood and provide for adequate open space without resulting in increased traffic on minor streets or creating excessive demands and costs for public services. This designation provides for stable and attractive suburban residential neighborhoods that have a full range of public services and facilities. It is notable for the prevalence of detached garages, front porches, and accessory dwelling units. Owner occupancy, quiet atmosphere, and an average density of six dwellings per net acre further characterize the zone. The maximum density in this zone is eight dwellings per net acre. To complement the primarily residential nature of this zone, some nonresidential uses are allowed. (Ord. 2041 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 1024 § 11.02.041, 2001).

11.25.020 Uses.

Table 11.15.020 describes uses which are permitted, conditionally permitted, and prohibited in the R-1 zone. (Ord. 2041 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 1024 § 11.02.042, 2001).

11.25.030 Development standards.


Without Alleys

With Alleys

Minimum lot size

5,000 square feet

6,000 square feet

Minimum lot depth

100 feet

100 feet

Minimum lot width

50 feet

50 feet

Minimum building setback, front yard

20 feet

20 feet

Minimum building setback, side yard

5 feet

5 feet

Minimum building setback, street side yard

15 feet

15 feet

Minimum building setback, rear yard

5 feet

5 feet

Maximum building height

Not to exceed 35 feet

Maximum lot coverage


Maximum outbuilding height

Not to exceed 20 feet

Maximum outbuilding footprint

Not to exceed 125% of house footprint

A. Bonuses are intended to enhance the livability and variety of this zone, increase development flexibility, and maintain the residential character of the existing structures.

1. Five percent lot coverage bonus is permitted if the garage is detached from the primary residential structure and the garage is located in the rear half of the lot.

2. Three percent lot coverage bonus if a front porch is included as part of the primary residential structure.

3. One accessory dwelling unit is allowed for caretaker or immediate family use.

B. Single dwellings shall be designed so that the front door entrance of each dwelling is closer to the street than the garage door. Detached garages may be sited in several acceptable ways: (1) in the rear and accessed from an alley, (2) in the rear and accessed from a front drive, (3) on the side and accessed from a front drive. (Ord. 2041 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 1024 § 11.02.043, 2001).

11.25.040 Other applicable regulations.

In addition to the requirements contained in this chapter, the requirements contained in Division III, Supplementary Standards, and the overlay requirements found in Chapters 11.70 through 11.80 RCC shall also apply to development in the R-1 zone. (Ord. 2041 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 1024 § 11.02.044, 2001).