Chapter 14.23


14.23.010    Mandatory Improvements

14.23.010 Mandatory Improvements

All approvals for binding site plans shall at a minimum be conditioned on the following mandatory improvements:

A.    Sidewalks shall be required for all streets bordering and within the subject binding site plan. All sidewalks shall at a minimum conform to the performance standards established under the SeaTac Municipal Code and other applicable regulations.

B.    In binding site plans containing ten (10) or more lots, a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the gross land area shall be reserved as common open space. Active common open space shall not include any critical areas as defined in Chapter 15.700 SMC. Critical areas shall be preserved per Chapter 15.700 SMC.

C.    The specific location and design of any common open space required under this title shall be determined by criteria established under the Zoning Code.

D.    Where an applicant proposes residential binding site plan, the applicant shall substantially improve the common recreation open space consistent with the projected maximum future occupancy of the overall site.

1.    Land reserved pursuant to a residential binding site plan shall be established as a private recreational tract. The ownership of that tract shall be allocated equally between all buildable lots created as a result of the subdivision.

2.    The original and subsequent owners of any property or properties served by a private recreation tract established under this section shall maintain that tract consistent with SMC 14.26.070. The City shall not be responsible for the maintenance of such tracts.

E.    Where an applicant proposes a planned unit development (PUD), the City may decrease the minimum land area required for each buildable lot in direct proportion to the amount of common open space reserved and improved for owners, tenants and/or public use.

1.    The applicant may dedicate or reserve through easement up to forty percent (40%) of the net site area as common open space, and decrease minimum lot areas to sixty percent (60%) of the minimum lot size prescribed by underlying zoning. At a minimum, ten percent (10%) common open space is required pursuant to SMC 15.215.160.

2.    Any common open space so reserved may be used to satisfy directly related conditions for permit approval; provided, that these dedications shall not satisfy, and shall be in addition to, any action otherwise required under the Surface and Stormwater Management Code (Chapter 12.10 SMC), Chapter 15.700 SMC, and SMC Titles 13 and 15.

3.    Any common open space created under this subsection shall be reserved and improved in a manner consistent with the standards established under subsection (B) or (C) of this section.

4.    With regard to any application involving this subsection, the City shall not accept fees in lieu of common open space, unless approved by the City under SMC 15.510.470.

5.    To the greatest extent possible, maximize contiguous open space by placing common open space adjacent to environmentally critical or sensitive areas as defined in Chapter 15.700 SMC.

F.    Storm drains and stormwater facility improvements shall be installed pursuant to Chapter 12.10 SMC. (Ord. 18-1008 § 1; Ord. 16-1022 § 1 (Exh. B); Ord. 16-1007 § 28; Ord. 09-1012 § 1 (Exh. A))