Chapter 15.435
15.435.010 Authority and Application
15.435.100 Determining Fence Height
15.435.200 Height Limits for Fences
15.435.400 Architectural Features
15.435.005 Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to regulate the height, placement, and architectural features of fences and retaining walls within residential zones. (Ord. 15-1018 § 1)
15.435.010 Authority and Application
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all fences, walls, and similar structures located within residential zone classifications.
A. Fences and Trellises: Time of Completion. The construction of all fences and trellises shall be completed within six (6) months from the start of the fence construction. (Ord. 15-1018 § 1)
15.435.100 Determining Fence Height
The height of a fence along property boundaries is to be measured from existing or finished grade, whichever is the lowest grade on the property boundary. (Ord. 15-1018 § 1)
15.435.200 Height Limits for Fences
Within residential zone classifications, maximum heights for fences shall be as follows:
A. Front. Any fence in the front yard of the lot shall be limited to four (4) feet in height. This limit shall also apply to side yard fences within the first twenty (20) feet from the front property line (see following figures FENCE HEIGHTS and FENCE HEIGHTS ON CORNER LOTS).
B. Side and Rear. Fences along all other side property lines and along rear property lines shall be limited to six (6) feet in height (see following figures FENCE HEIGHTS and FENCE HEIGHTS ON CORNER LOTS).
(Ord. 15-1018 § 1)
15.435.300 Height Exceptions
Fence height limits may be exceeded only under the following conditions:
A. Increased Height for Fences Providing Clear Visibility. Plastic or metal fences providing clear visibility through the fence shall be allowed to a height of six (6) feet in a front yard and eight (8) feet in a side yard.
B. Fence Height on Principal Arterial/Highway. Single-family and multi-family dwelling units may have fences to a height of six (6) feet when fronting on a principal arterial/highway. A minimum of one (1) foot of the top of the fence shall be constructed in a manner to allow pedestrian and vehicular traffic to see through the fence (for example, lattice work). (See Figure: FENCE WITH LATTICE WORK.) Such fences may be stepped as provided in subsection (D) of this section. In all cases, the fence shall have an adequate setback in order to maintain sight distance requirements established in SMC 15.400.350, Sight Distance Requirements.
C. Side/Rear Slope. When a side or rear yard fence is to be built along a sloping grade, the maximum six (6) foot height may be averaged in stepped segments to allow the fence to follow the natural rise and fall of the slope. However, under no circumstances shall any portion of the fence exceed eight (8) feet above finished grade (see Figure: FENCE HEIGHT ON A SLOPING GRADE).
D. Front Slope. When a front yard fence is to be built along a sloping grade the maximum four (4) foot height may be averaged in stepped segments to allow the fence to follow the natural rise and fall of the slope. However, under no circumstances shall any portion of the fence exceed six (6) feet above finished grade.
E. Bulkhead or Retaining Wall. When a property owner raises the existing grade of a sloping residential lot through the construction of a bulkhead or retaining wall and the addition of fill, the height of such bulkhead or wall shall not exceed six (6) feet above existing grade.
1. Maximum Combined Height with Fence. If a new fence is to be placed on top of such a bulkhead or wall, the maximum combined height of the bulkhead or retaining wall and fence shall be as follows (see Figure: BULKHEAD/RETAINING WALL WITH FENCE):
a. On side and rear yards – nine and one-half (9-1/2) feet.
b. On front yards – six (6) feet.
2. Fences on Retaining Walls. Fences on retaining walls where the combined height of the retaining wall and fence exceeds nine and one-half (9-1/2) feet or six (6) feet in the front yard shall be constructed of plastic or metal of open design, providing clear visibility through the fence (see Figure: EXAMPLE OF FENCE PROVIDING CLEAR VISIBILITY in subsection (A) of this section).
F. Bulkhead/Retaining Wall for Stabilization. When a bulkhead or retaining wall is used to stabilize an excavation into existing grade on a sloping site, then the height of any such structure is limited to six (6) feet above finished grade, providing, however, that if additional wall height is necessary to retain the fill, then maximum height shall be as established through a grading permit.
1. Fence Limitations. Any new fence to be placed above a bulkhead or retaining wall permitted to exceed six (6) feet must be set back three (3) feet from the bulkhead or retaining wall along all property lines, and be limited to four (4) feet in height above the top of the bulkhead or retaining wall (see following Figure: BULKHEAD/RETAINING WALL FOR STABLILIZATION: FENCE LIMITATIONS).
a. Fence Height Maximum and Materials. A fence up to six (6) feet may be allowed provided it is constructed of plastic or metal of open design, providing clear visibility through the fence.
b. Landscaping of Setback Area. The three (3) foot setback area between the bulkhead or retaining wall and a fence shall be landscaped to at least the minimum standard established in SMC 15.445.120(E).
(Ord. 15-1018 § 1)
15.435.400 Architectural Features
A. Architectural Features Permitted. Architectural features (such as trellises and lattice panels) may be added to the top of a permitted fence in the front, side and rear yard setback as long as the following standards are met:
1. Additional Height with Architectural Feature. An architectural feature (such as a trellis or lattice panel), which is no more than twelve (12) inches in height, may be added above the maximum height limit of the fences as specified in this subsection as long as there remains at least ten (10) inches of open space above the top of the fence.
a. Supports for Architectural Features. Supports for the architectural feature placed on top of the fence shall be spaced no closer than three (3) feet on centers.
b. Solid Clear Panel. Upon approval of the Director, a solid clear panel may be placed in the opening between the top of the fence and the bottom of the trellis.
2. Maximum Fence Heights with Architectural Features. The overall height of the fence, including any architectural features, shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height above finished grade in side yards not closer than twenty (20) feet from the front property line and rear yard and six (6) feet in the front yard (see Figure: MAXIMUM FENCE HEIGHT WITH ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES).
3. Archway and Arbors. A single archway or arbor is permitted within the front yard, as a pedestrian entrance, to a maximum height of eight (8) feet and a maximum width of five (5) feet. (Ord. 15-1018 § 1)