Resolution |
Number |
Updates the 2025 nonrepresented employee salary schedule | |
Declares certain property surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Updates master fee schedule | |
Expends opioid funds for a K9 purchase | |
Authorizes the sole source purchase of one FLYGT pump from Whitney Equipment Company and waives competitive bidding requirements | |
Amends salary schedule for non-represented employees | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Updates master fee schedule | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
Waives competitive bidding and public notice requirements for city contracts for wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) clarifier 2 (two) gearbox | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Waives competitive bidding and public notice requirements for city contracts for wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) return activated sludge (RAS) pumps | |
Updates master fee schedule | |
1140-24 | (Pending) |
Ends community development grant program | |
Authorizes grant applicant for Olmstead Park playground and sports courts project | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Adopts sidewalk repair and maintenance and sidewalk replacement program policy documents | |
Waives competitive bidding and public notice requirements for city contracts for sidewalk grinding to repair deflected sidewalks | |
Adopts salary schedule for nonrepresented employees | |
Declares certain property surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
States intent to annex property | |
1131-24 | (Tabled) |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for the purchase of replacement parts for wastewater treatment plant oxidation ditch rotors three and four | |
Designates authorized representative for grant assistance | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
States intent to annex property | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
Amends Res. 947-16, travel policies and procedures | |
Establishes petty cash accounts, appoints custodians, and establishes the amount of monies | |
Ballot proposition, levy of additional property taxes | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Funding the North Star project | |
Authorizes purchase of police vehicles | |
Community development grant program | |
Road closure | |
Adopts master fee schedule | |
Amends salary schedule for non-represented employees | |
Revises employee wellness program | |
States intent to annex property | |
Adopts master fee schedule | |
Adopts salary schedule for non-represented employees | |
Revises city council governance handbook | |
Designates October 28 as “Honoring Skagit County’s First Responders Day” | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Adopts master fee schedule | |
1105-22 | (Canceled) |
Terminates proclamation of emergency; rescinds Res. 1048-20; continues implementation of virtual meeting technology | |
Honors Pola Kelley for service | |
Adopts master fee schedule | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Grants final plat approval | |
Adopts master fee schedule | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Denies requested parking regulations amendments | |
Authorizes investment of city monies in local government investment pool | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for Spiraltec screw screen spiral assembly and wear parts | |
Recognizes Juneteenth as a city holiday | |
Ratifies emergency declaration, authorizes use of emergency procurement procedures | |
Terminates proclamation of emergency; rescinds Res. 1048-20, temporary amendment to city council procedures to facilitate social distancing standards | |
Authorizes Social Security coverage for certain eligible employees | |
Grants preliminary plat approval | |
Designates authorized representative for grant assistance | |
Urges the city of Seattle to commit to a regionally equitable salmon investment in the Skagit | |
Updates fees for ambulance transports | |
Electronic and digital signature policy | |
Expresses concern and opposition to the potential authorization or support of fully contained communities by or within Skagit County | |
Ratifies emergency declaration, authorizes use of emergency procurement procedures | |
1082-21 | (Failed) |
Authorizes investment of city monies in local government investment pool | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Ratifies emergency declaration, authorizes use of emergency procurement procedures | |
Appointment of Brock Stiles as municipal court judge | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Indigent defense standards | |
Approves change of indirect control of telecommunications franchise | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Grants final plat approval | |
City council governance handbook | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for ultraviolet disinfection system modules | |
Grants final plat approval | |
Expresses opposition to mining by Imperial Metals in the Skagit River watershed | |
Grants final plat approval | |
Designation of official to declare official intent to reimburse expenditures from proceeds of bonds | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
States intent to annex property | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Adopts Skagit County hazard mitigation plan | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
Grants preliminary plat approval | |
Grants preliminary plat approval | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Application for funding for Olmsted Park development project | |
Application for funding for Olmsted Park development project | |
Ratifies emergency declaration, amends city council procedures to facilitate social distancing standards (Repealed by 1091-22, 1104-22) | |
Adopts a building, planning and engineering fee schedule | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for CCTV system | |
Amends ambulance transport fees and billing policy | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for replacing pump assembly | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Opposes Initiative No. 976 | |
Grants preliminary plat approval | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Establishes policies for use of city’s reader board, banner and bulletin board facilities | |
Declares intent to adopt sales and use tax for affordable and supportive housing | |
Grants final plat approval | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Interlocal agreement and participation as a member of the regional home consortium | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
States intent to annex property | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Grants final plat approval | |
Grants final plat approval | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Authorizes community development block grant application | |
Amends city council governance handbook | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Adopts investment policy | |
Adopts debt management policy | |
Finds it unduly burdensome to maintain public records index | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Establishes policy for city-issued cell phones for members of city council | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for pump guide shoes | |
States intent to annex property | |
Grants preliminary plat approval | |
Establishes Sedro-Woolley as a hybrid entity under HIPAA | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Awards 2018 wastewater treatment plan improvement project, identifies project manager, and delegates authority to approve change orders | |
Adopts a building, planning and engineering fee schedule | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Establishes petty cash amounts, appoints custodians, and establishes the amount of monies | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Appoints members to the 2018 lodging tax advisory committee | |
Awards W. Bennett, W. Nelson and Batey sewer extension project | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Closes portion of Talcott Street | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Awards State Street pavement and utility improvements project | |
Grants preliminary plat approval | |
Interlocal agreement with Lake Stevens Sewer District to share public works equipment | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for pump assembly purchase | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Awards SR20, Township Street to Fruitdale Road lane widening and sidewalk project | |
Authorizes investment of city monies in local government investment pool | |
Interfund loan | |
Acquisition of property | |
Delegates authority to manage construction of new library to city supervisor | |
Congratulates Bobi Kelley for 40 years of business in Sedro-Woolley | |
Approves 2017 comprehensive solid waste management plan | |
Awards Fruitdale Road arterial improvements project | |
Interfund loan | |
Authorizes acquisition of property | |
Application for funding for Memorial Winnie Houser Park and Playfields project | |
Application for funding for Memorial Park Rehabilitation and Spray Park project | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Amends Res. 972-17, city council governance handbook | |
Amends Res. 922-17, city council governance handbook | |
Interfund loan | |
Authorizes acquisition of property | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
CPR course fee (3.60) | |
Appointment of Brock Stiles as municipal court judge | |
Petition to vacation right-of-way at the Swift Center | |
Adopts city council governance handbook; repeals Res. 546 | |
Closing of Talcott Street between Seventh and Sixth Streets for trial period of one year | |
Appoints member to city library’s board of trustees | |
Appoints members to lodging tax advisory committee | |
Acquisition of property | |
Increases amount of cash in change drawers in finance department | |
Consents to transfer of ownership of franchise | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
Designates expenditures for potential reimbursement from bonds or other obligations | |
Delegates authority to city supervisor to execute contacts consistent with library partnership agreements | |
Approves partnership with Central Skagit Rural Partial County Library District | |
Updates fees for ambulance transports | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Awards SR20/Cascade Trail West Extension Phase 1A Trail Road to SR9 South and Phase 1B Hodgin Road to Trail Road project | |
Adopts ambulance transport fees and billing policy | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Adopts building, planning and engineering fee schedule | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for Hycor Rotostrainer replacement parts purchase | |
Adopts complete streets policy | |
Delegates signing authority to public works director for purposes of requesting reimbursement of federally funded transportation projects | |
Adopts policies related to employee wellness program | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Appoints Dr. Tim Howland, DVM and Millissa L. Macomber as trustees for the Sedro-Woolley city library | |
Amends Res. 516, travel policies and procedures | |
Appoints members to lodging tax advisory committee | |
Assigns to general fund interfund loan from sewer cumulative reserve fund to cemetery operating fund | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
Establishes public participation plan for decisions regarding city library | |
Authorizes grant assistance application to Recreation and Conservation Funding Board for Memorial Park rehabilitation and splash park project | |
Awards bid for 2016 Ferry Street and Township Street overlay project | |
Awards bid for Jameson Arterial Extension project | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for purchase of replacement parts for Rotor Body No. 4 | |
Grants planned residential development approval | |
Authorizes interfund loan from sewer cumulative reserve fund to cemetery operating fund | |
Supports expansion of urban growth area | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
Supports development of Veterans Memorial Park | |
Opposes designation of Skagit River as wild steelhead gene bank | |
Grants preliminary plat approval | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Sets public hearing date concerning council’s intent to assume rights, powers, functions and obligations of transportation benefit district | |
Appoints members to lodging tax advisory committee | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Agreement with WSDOT for SR20/Cascade Trail West Extension Phase 1B Hodgin Road to Trail Road project | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for purchase of sewer pump station | |
Adopts ambulance transport fees and billing policy | |
Honors and recognizes Don Wick for service | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
Appointment of Brock Stiles as municipal court judge | |
Authorizes interfund loan from sewer cumulative reserve fund to fund LED retrofit project | |
Adopts building, planning and engineering fee schedule | |
Awards 2015 Greenstreet-Dean-Virginia sanitary sewer and sidewalks improvement project | |
Withdrawal from Skagit-Island Regional Transportation Planning Organization | |
Agreement with WSDOT for SR20/Cascade Trail West Extension Phase 1A Trail Road to SR9 South project | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for the purchase of a GPS clock and authorizes the purchase of the same | |
Initiates collaborative process with Port of Skagit and Skagit County for North Cascades Gateway Center subarea plan | |
Accepts proposed annexation petition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Adopts Skagit County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan | |
TBD 1-14 | Vehicle license fee (3.84) |
Congratulates Sedro-Woolley football team for victory in state championship | |
907-14 | Number not assigned |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Appoints members to lodging tax advisory committee | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
Amends bylaws and interlocal agreement to the Cities Insurance Association of Washington (CIAW) | |
Comments on draft feasibility report and environmental impact statement for Skagit River flood risk management investigation | |
Agreement with WSDOT for Jameson Arterial extension to SR9 project | |
Approval of amended preliminary plat of Arbor Glen | |
Awards Third Street sidewalk and pavement improvements project | |
Adopts accident prevention personnel policy | |
Adopts building, planning and engineering fee schedule | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Appoints Robert Abrams as trustee for the Sedro-Woolley city library | |
Appoints Brian Stiles as judge for the Sedro-Woolley municipal court | |
Authorizes investment of city monies in local government investment pool | |
Recommends no new development in Bayview Ridge urban growth area | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for purchase of MP plus unit | |
Approves shoreline master program update | |
Establishes three-hour parking limit in certain city-owned parking areas | |
Interlocal agreement creating health care program | |
Recognizes Joe Nemo’s 100th birthday | |
Appoints members to lodging tax advisory committee | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Awards road realignment and extension project | |
Awards pedestrian/bicycle safety improvements project | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Increases amount of cash change drawers in finance department | |
Supports reconfiguration of urban growth area | |
Wishes Doris J. Allen a happy 100th birthday and honors her service | |
Small works public roster process to award public works contract and consulting services roster for architectural, engineering and other professional services | |
Grants subdivision approval | |
Proclaims economic development week | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for purchase of pump station control panel | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for purchase of ultraviolet disinfection modules | |
Appoints members to lodging tax advisory committee | |
Recognizes World Breastfeeding Week | |
Amends six-year transportation improvement program | |
Awards 2012 city pavement, pedestrian and utility improvement project | |
Appoints members of committees to prepare arguments for and against Proposition 1 | |
Provides for submission to voters of sales and use tax proposition | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Amends Res. 826-10, sale of old fire station site | |
Expansion of urban growth area | |
Rescinds Res. 854-11, unpaid closure days in 2012 | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for purchase of CCTV equipment | |
Authorizes interfund loan to pay off USDA loan for fire engine | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Authorizes unpaid closure days in 2012 (Rescinded by 858-12) | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Appoints Brian Stiles as judge for the Sedro-Woolley municipal court | |
Requests assistance from state and federal legislative delegations to support United General Hospital | |
Authorizes interfund loan to maintain cash flow | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Appoints members to lodging tax advisory committee | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
Authorizes public works director to manage the SR 20 widening project and delegates authority to approve change orders | |
Authorizes city supervisor to send a notice of withdrawal of membership to CIAW | |
Names playing field at Fruitdale Road “Denny Engberg Memorial Field” | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for purchase of ultraviolet disinfection modules | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Recognizes and honors councilman Ted Meamber for service and declares April 27, 2011, as Ted Meamber day | |
Establishes public CPR class fee | |
Requests funding for replacement of BNSF Skagit River Bridge | |
Approves final plat and authorizes signing of final plat documents for Eden’s Acres | |
Recognizes and honors councilman Ted Meamber for service | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Appoints members to the lodging tax advisory committee | |
Greenhouse gas reduction policy | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for purchase of firefighting bunker gear | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
Declares city as initial site for the Passing of the Pig | |
Findings supporting adoption of stormwater manual; confirms Ord. 1675 | |
Authorizes construction of Fire Station 2 | |
Adopts resource conservation management plan | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
States intent to annex property | |
Opposes the Model Toxics Control Act tax increase | |
Declares BNSF Skagit River bridge a safety hazard | |
Annexation | |
Affirms support of and partnership with the 2010 census | |
Authorizes interfund loan | |
Approves interlocal agreement with city of Wapato | |
Expresses support of employee wellness program | |
Adopts a building, planning and engineering fee schedule | |
Urges alcohol retailers to voluntarily reduce the amount of alcohol advertisements in their establishments by thirty percent | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for the purchase of air packs manufactured by Scott for the purpose of equipping the city’s new ladder truck and authorizes the purchase of the same | |
Waives competitive bidding requirements for the purchase of rescue and extrication tools manufactured by Holmatro, Inc., for the purpose of equipping the city’s new ladder truck and authorizes the purchase of the same | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Appoints members to the lodging tax advisory committee | |
Establishes various petty cash funds for city offices | |
Authorizes and provides for the incurrence of indebtedness for the purpose of providing a portion of the cost of acquiring, constructing, enlarging, improving, and/or extending the fire facility to serve an area lawfully within the jurisdiction to serve | |
Authorizes and provides for the incurrence of indebtedness for the purpose of providing a portion of the cost of acquiring, constructing, enlarging, improving, and/or extending the fire facility to serve an area lawfully within the jurisdiction to serve | |
Adopts findings supporting the adoption of the 2005 stormwater manual for Western Washington and related standards as amendments to Chs. 13.36 and 13.40, and confirms Ord. 1648-09 | |
Adopts personnel policies | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program | |
Amends Res. 760-07, small works roster | |
Adopts identity theft prevention program | |
Grants final approval for “Plat of Habitat Village” | |
Awards bid for Fruitdale/McGarigle Road Improvements Project | |
Grants final approval for Sauk Mountain View Estates North – Phase Four Planned Residential Development (PRD) Application No. 161 | |
Grants final approval for “Plat of Sapp Place” | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Adopts Skagit County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan as the official natural hazards mitigation plan for the city | |
Implements a spending and hiring freeze on the 2009 budget | |
Establishes a resource conservation management policy | |
Authorizes short-term interfund loans to funds supported by property taxes to maintain cash flow | |
Delegates authority to approve change orders on small public works projects | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Awards bid and authorizes public works director to manage the SR 20/F&S Grade Road and Skagit Industrial Park Roadway Improvement Project and delegating authority to approve change orders | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Designates Skagit Valley Herald as official city newspaper | |
Grants preliminary approval for “Plat of Eden’s Acres” | |
Adopts certain personnel policies | |
Preauthorizes annual payment on the GO bond | |
Accepts the project design as complete for the critical sewer interceptor project | |
Adopts revised comprehensive solid waste management plan | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Authorizes establishment of health reimbursement arrangement/voluntary employees’ beneficiary association (“HRA VEBA”) plan | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Appoints Brian Stiles as judge for the municipal court | |
Authorizes interfund loan from Sewer Cumulative Reserve Fund | |
Appoints members to the lodging tax advisory committee | |
Grants preliminary approval for “Plat of Habitat Village” | |
Amends hearing examiner fee for hearing appeals | |
Resolution resolving to annex real property, and adopting proposed land use zoning regulation for the real property | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Accepts addition to city’s municipal building as complete | |
Grants preliminary approval for “Plat of Zoey’s Place” | |
Grants preliminary approval for “Plat of Donovan Place” | |
Grants preliminary approval for “Plat of Rene Estates” | |
Resolution awarding bid and authorizing public works director to manage Township Sewer Improvement Project and delegating authority to approve change orders | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program for the city 2009-2014 | |
Authorizes mayor to sign an interlocal agreement addressing solid waste governance and the adoption and amendment of comprehensive solid waste management plan | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Adopts fees for projects or actions which require a hearing examiner decision | |
Authorizes public works director to manage the SR 20 sewer improvement project and delegates authority to approve change orders | |
Appoints Patrick Huggins to six-year term on planning commission | |
Indicates city’s support for branch campus of one of state’s universities to serve northwest Washington including Skagit County | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its distribution | |
Resolution on subjects of establishing small works roster process to award public works contract and consulting services roster for architectural, engineering and other professional services | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Initiates vacation of portion of Waldron Street | |
Indicates city’s support for concept of two roundabouts to serve the intersection of F&S Grade Road and Highway 20 and to provide access to Skagit Industrial Property and Rimmer Industrial Park | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Authorizes Sedro-Woolley School District to utilize portion of city right-of-way | |
Appoints members to Lodging Tax Advisory Committee | |
Indicates city’s support for concept presented by North Cascades Gateway Center for location of branch campus of University of Washington | |
Cancels unclaimed warrants | |
Authorizes city supervisor to send a notice of withdrawal of membership to CIAW | |
Grants preliminary approval for the Plat of Jones Estates | |
Grants preliminary approval for the Plat of Sapp Place | |
Authorizes mayor to execute rental agreements for city property | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program for the city | |
Authorizes interfund loan from Sewer Cumulative Reserve Fund | |
Resolution indicating city’s support for concept presented by Deluxe Recycling for location of materials handling facility within the city | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Declares intention of city council to adopt for city the classification of Noncharter Code City, to be governed by provisions of Title 35A, Revised Code of Washington | |
Acknowledges achievement of four new Eagle Scouts | |
Resolution authorizing construction of an addition to city’s municipal building | |
Authorizes and provides for incurrence of indebtedness for purpose of providing portion of cost of acquiring, constructing, enlarging, improving, and/or extending City Hall/Courtroom Chambers facility to serve | |
Resolution in the matter of restoring funding to inspect and repair PL 84-99 levees following November 2006 flood | |
Resolution in the matter of hydrology and hydraulic models used to form the basis of study in ongoing Skagit River Flood Feasibility General Investigation Study | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes its disposition | |
Resolution congratulating Sedro-Woolley wrestlers for being first team in the state to have six consecutive State Championship titles | |
Authorizes construction of amphitheater at Riverfront Park | |
Interpretation of timing under certain agreements as a result of sewer moratorium | |
Authorizes interfund loan from Sewer Cumulative Reserve Fund (410) to Public Lands Fund (110) and Sewer Fund (401) | |
Declares emergency as a result of flooding | |
Approves preliminary Nevitt Plat | |
Grants preliminary approval for “Preliminary Plat of Westpark” | |
Grants preliminary approval for “Plat of Arbor Glen” | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program for the city 2007-2012 | |
Authorizes application(s) for funding assistance for Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP) project | |
Grants final approval to “Plat of Klinger Estates” and authorizes mayor or designee to sign all final plat approval documents | |
Authorizes submittal of an application for funding the costs of construction of public economic development infrastructure | |
Designates National Incident Management System as basis for all incident management in the city | |
Supports construction of a new municipal building at public safety building site | |
Resolution to Skagit County Commissioners in support of proposal regarding privatization of a single county transfer station | |
Resolution resolving to annex real property, and adopting proposed land use zoning regulation for the real property | |
Authorizes acceptance of sanitary sewer pump station constructed for “Brickyard Meadows” Planned Development, Division 2 | |
Grants final approval to Sauk Mountain View Estates South — Phase Three Planned Residential Development (PRD) Application No. 165 | |
Grants final approval to Sauk Mountain View Estates North — Phase Three Planned Residential Development (PRD) Application No. 161 | |
Resolution denying the appeal of James Hawkings and affirming the decision of the planning commission | |
Resolution approving the Cultus Mountain View amended binding site plan (BSP) No. 2746 | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program for the city 2006-2011 | |
Supports adoption of the proposed Skagit County Ordinance to adopt permanent development regulations | |
Grants preliminary plat approval of Willow Way Preliminary Plat application No. 2576, including variance No. 2578 | |
Resolution entering findings of fact in support of a moratorium on subdivisions in certain areas | |
Grants final approval to “Brickyard Meadows” planned development, Division 2, for 11 single-family lots and 11 multifamily units (No. 2569) | |
Resolution resolving to annex real property, and adopting a proposed land use zoning regulation for the real property | |
Resolution entering findings of fact in support of interim Ord. No. 1488-04 adopting a design standards and guidelines manual | |
Resolution adopting the Skagit County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan as presented by the Skagit County board of commissioners | |
Grants preliminary plat approval of Sunrise Meadows Preliminary Plat Application No. 1270, including variances Nos. 1267 and 1269 | |
Grants preliminary plat approval of Klinger Estates Planned Residential Development No. 2021 | |
Seeks state legislature action to address funding for municipal transportation infrastructure | |
Supports the mission and goals of the proposed Skagit Partial-County Library District Initiative | |
Resolution resolving to annex real property, and adopting proposed land use zoning regulation for the real property | |
Authorizes applications for funding assistance for Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP) project | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program for the city 2005-2010 | |
Resolution entering findings of fact in support of interim Ord. No. 1470-04, establishing a mandatory minimum lot size, and affirming Ord. No. 1470-04 as amended by Ord. No. 1471-04 | |
Grants final approval to Park Cottages, a planned residential development (PRD), application No. 1003 | |
Adopts findings supporting delegation to city engineer of authority to establish standards and requirements for all public works | |
Authorizes submission of application for Washington Rural Development Loan Fund Grant and authorizes mayor to enter into an agreement for such funding | |
Additional flood storage in the Baker River System for protection of Skagit County residents and the region | |
Resolution approving the Cultus Mountain View Binding Site Plan (BSP) No. 1677 | |
Approves interlocal correction/detention agreement between city of Sedro-Woolley and city of Wapato | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes sale or destruction of surplus property | |
Authorizes applications for funding assistance for Youth Athletic Facilities Program (YAF) project | |
Grants final approval to Sauk Mountain View Estates North — Phase Two planned residential development (PRD) application No. 161 | |
Adopts findings supporting the restriction of private streets for residential subdivisions, and confirming Ord. No. 1459-03 | |
Resolution appointing Kevin Loy a six-year term on the planning commission | |
Authorizes an interfund loan from Equipment Replacement fund to Solid Waste fund, and providing for repayment | |
Resolution appointing Brian Stiles as judge for Sedro-Woolley municipal court | |
Designates an applicant agent and alternative agent for purpose of obtaining federal disaster funding | |
Grants final approval to Sauk Mountain View Estates South — Phase Two planned residential development (PRD) application No. 165 | |
682-03 | Resolution declaring an emergency |
Adopts 2003 Skagit County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan as the official plan for the city | |
Resolution regarding an appeal from a decision of Sedro-Woolley hearing examiner approving conditional use permit No. 1121 | |
Resolution denying the appeal of Park Cottages planned residential development No. 1003 | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program for the city 2004-2009 | |
Grants final approval to Sauk Mountain View Estates South — Phase One Planned Residential Development (PRD) Application No. 165 | |
Grants final approval to Fidalgo Commons planned residential development (PRD) application No. 408 | |
Grants final approval to “Sauk Mountain View Estates North-Phase One-Wildflower” planned residential development (PRD) application No. 161 | |
Adopts findings supporting amendment of urban growth boundary of the city | |
Adopts findings supporting the reduction of urban growth boundary of the city | |
Resolution authorizing mayor to sign interlocal cooperation agreement | |
Support for a high priority transportation project to extend Skagit River Bridges for Flood Protection | |
Authorizes city’s participation in development of a Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazard Mitigation Plan | |
Resolution supporting Skagit County Proposition No. 1 sales and use tax for emergency communications systems and facilities | |
Resolution regarding an appeal from a decision of Sedro-Woolley hearing examiner denying the request for a variance | |
Resolution regarding an appeal from a decision of Sedro-Woolley hearing examiner approving the Fidalgo Commons PRD | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program for the city 2003-2008 | |
Establishes procedures and rules for appeals to city council for land use decisions | |
Grants final approval to “Brickyard Meadows” planned development, Division 1, for 38 single-family lots (No. 478) | |
Sets forth a schedule and method for updating the comprehensive plan | |
Authorizes mayor to execute revised framework planning agreement | |
Resolution regarding an appeal from decision in CUP Application No. 72, upholding the decision and denying the appeal | |
Adopts hearing examiner system for an interim period of six months, and enters findings of fact pursuant to RCW 36.70A.390 | |
Resolution remanding an appeal from a decision in CUP application No. 72 to the planning commission for additional testimony and entry of written decision with findings of fact | |
City support for Skagit County Flood Protection/Salmon Restoration Project | |
Establishes second cash drawer for finance department | |
Appoints an agent to receive claims under R.C.W. Ch. 4.96 | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program for the city 2002-2007 | |
Sets public hearing for vacation of portion of Jameson Street | |
Sets public hearing for vacation of portion of Jameson Street | |
Grants final approval to “Ankney Heights” subdivision (No. 02-98-SUB) | |
Dismisses the appeal by John Falavolito of the decision of Sedro-Woolley planning commission upholding traffic impact fees for Riverside Health Club | |
Sets public hearing for vacation of portion of Alexander Street lying east of Township Street | |
Resolution regarding the application to construct gas-fired power plant in city’s urban growth area | |
Authorizes mayor to sign and execute required Washington State Department of Transportation Local Agency Agreement for the Historic Sedro-Woolley Transportation Improvements | |
Annexation | |
Resolution to establish policy to ensure compliance with RCW 39.04.190 and 39.04.200 for implementing state laws with regard to purchase from vendor lists without formal bids | |
Approves segregation of assessments for ULID 1994-2 | |
Approves segregation of assessments for ULID 1994-2 for Westview Estates, Sub SW-98-01 | |
Amends six-year transportation improvement program for the city 2001-2006 | |
Directs mayor and staff to enforce minimum standards of Sedro-Woolley Municipal Code Chapters 15.40, 16.16 and 16.36 | |
Authorizes city clerk-treasurer to cancel certain claim and payroll warrants that have not been redeemed | |
Authorizes applications for funding assistance for Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program project | |
Authorizes applications for funding assistance for Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program project | |
Authorizes applications for funding assistance for Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program project | |
Authorizes mayor to sign and execute required Federal Rural Economic Vitality Program Grant agreements | |
Declares certain property as surplus and authorizes sale of surplused property | |
Dismisses the appeal by city of conditional use permit 10-99, and approves settlement between city and applicant | |
Affirms decision of Sedro-Woolley planning commission to grant CUP No. 13-99 | |
Submission for a community development block grant | |
Fixes time and date for hearing on final assessment roll for Utility Local Improvement District No. 1994-2 | |
Affirms decision of Sedro-Woolley board of adjustments denying application of Diana Wherli (Var 02-99) for variances | |
Resolution adopting six-year transportation improvement program for the city 2000-2005 | |
Grants preliminary approval to “Ankney Heights” subdivision for single-family lots (No. 02-98-sub) | |
Authorizes and directs execution of interlocal joint purchasing agreement with city of Toppenish, Washington | |
627-99 | Annexation |
Schedules public hearing for vacation of full-length and width of First Street, between Nelson Street and Jameson Street | |
Annexation | |
Annexation | |
Authorizes city clerk-treasurer to cancel certain claim and payroll warrants that have not been redeemed | |
Establishes street improvement requirements for short plats and off-street parking requirements | |
Sets date and time for public hearing for vacation of Fairhaven (Graves) Street, between Alexander Street and Jennings Avenue | |
Petition to vacate Fairhaven (Graves) Street, between Alexander Street and alley to the south | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program for the city 1999-2004 | |
Annexation | |
Amends six-year transportation improvement program (1998-2003) | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program (1998-2003) | |
Authorizes certain city personnel to participate in the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) deferred compensation program | |
Resolution establishing lodging tax advisory committee and appointing members thereto | |
Resolution remanding the appeal of David Edwards of denial of Conditional Use Application No. 03-97 to Sedro-Woolley planning commission | |
Declares the intention of council to order the formation of a local improvement district—Thompson Lane | |
Authorizes city clerk-treasurer to cancel certain claim and payroll warrants that have not been redeemed | |
Resolution remanding the appeal by David Edwards of the decision of Sedro-Woolley planning commission concerning entry of written decision with findings of fact | |
Resolution to establish May 15th of each year as peace officers’ memorial day and the calendar week of each year during which May 15th occurs as police week | |
Amends 1996 six-year transportation improvement program for the city | |
Adopts residential anti-displacement and relocation assistance plan for the city | |
Adopts residential anti-displacement and relocation assistance plan for the city | |
Amends 1996 six-year transportation improvement program for the city | |
Authorizes mayor to sell real estate for a price set by city council | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program for the city | |
Resolution to build youth/family activity center by CDBG grant | |
Establishes policy to ensure compliance with and sets policy for implementing state laws with regard to public records and disclosure | |
Designates persons to deal with city funds | |
Approves contract for financing acquisition of ten-yard dump truck for street department | |
Establishes code of conduct for administration of federal grant funds for city | |
Establishes city policy regarding fair housing practices | |
Authorizes mayor to negotiate final agreements resolving lawsuit against ULID 1994-2 | |
Adopts six-year transportation improvement program for the city | |
Declares support of city to prohibit parking on roadside of SR 9 adjacent to Middle School | |
Resolution with certifications of compliance supporting affordable housing feasibility planning | |
592-96 | Rezone No. 01-96 |
591-96 | Rezone No. 01-96 |
Designates authorized representative for obtaining federal disaster assistance funds | |
Reviews and revises six-year transportation improvement program for the city | |
Appoints Brian Stiles as judge for Sedro-Woolley municipal court | |
Resolution combining cash change drawers in planning department and finance department | |
Resolution of city council adopting policy protecting individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstration | |
585-95 | Schedules public hearing to consider a petition by Sedro-Woolley School District to vacate a portion of Nelson Street between Third and Fourth Avenues |
Supports campaign of city of Bremerton City council to keep USS Missouri in Bremerton | |
Increases revenues in Arterial Street Fund No. 104 and expends ending fund balance of Sanitation Fund No. 412 | |
Closes certain funds No. 301-Reserve for Capital, No. 303-L.I.D. 1991-1 Construction, No. 403-RV Park Construction, No. 305-Vehicle Acquisition, No. 320-Fire Equipment Reserve, and No. 321-Police Equipment Reserve | |
Establishes various petty cash funds for city offices | |
Resolution to enter into an equipment lease purchase agreement with LaSalle National Bank | |
Authorizes city attorney to enter into settlement of pending eminent domain proceedings against James and Pamela Robinson | |
Salaries of certain nonunion employees of the city | |
Reviews and revises six-year transportation improvement program for the city | |
576-95 | Grants preliminary plat approval to Metcalfe Meadows subdivision for single- and multifamily lots with variances |
Sets hearing for public vacation of public street right-of-way | |
Resolution amending city comprehensive land use element, and comprehensive plan map for city | |
Resolution to county commissioners of Skagit County in support of urban growth area boundaries selected and approved by Sedro-Woolley city council | |
Establishes certain claims warrants to be issued prior to city council approval | |
Amends city comprehensive plan land use element and comprehensive plan map for city, and designates the same as interim plan | |
Establishes policies and procedures for collection and adjustment of sewer and garbage utility billings | |
Authorizes mayor and city clerk to enter into written agreements for various legal services | |
Declares intent of city to support development and implementation of stormwater program and utility structure | |
Establishes payroll procedures | |
Declares intent of city to annex certain real property into city limits | |
Repeals Resolution No. 537, regarding nonunion employee salary schedule | |
Requests the planning commission to prepare recommendations regarding amendment to Sedro-Woolley Municipal Code concerning common wall single-family dwellings | |
Resolution denying an appeal by Sunset Industrial Development Inc. for conditional use permit, and granting the appeal of Judy Greathouse, et al., for conditional use permit | |
Adopts amended 1994 city comprehensive plan land use element and amended comprehensive plan map for the city | |
Resolution to increase revenues in Arterial Street Fund No. 104 and to expend ending fund balance of Sanitation Fund No. 412 | |
Reviews and revises six-year transportation improvement program | |
Grants preliminary approval to “Brickyard Meadows” planned unit development | |
Resolution in support of Runaway Alliance and requesting state of Washington legislature to enact legislation to assist parents and communities in dealing with runaway children | |
Authorizes agreement to annex certain real property into city limits | |
Grants preliminary approval to “Central Place” subdivision for single-family lots | |
555 | Finalizes eastern boundaries of urban growth area (Failed) |
Reviews and revises six-year transportation improvement program for the city | |
Declares intent of city to annex certain real property into city limits | |
Declares intention to order formation of utility local improvement district for construction and installation of sewage collection system | |
Ratifies and confirms terms of engagement of special counsel for certain services | |
Designates persons to deal with city funds | |
Adopts 1994 city comprehensive plan land use element and comprehensive plan map for the city, with the exception of areas designated MF1, MF2 and SF1 | |
Settlement of claim for prescriptive easement | |
Adoption of 1994 Skagit County solid waste management plan update | |
Sets forth the rules for conduct of city council meeting | |
Amends Resolution No. 542 to change | |
Reviews and revises six-year transportation improvement program for city | |
Authorizes city special counsel to negotiate with Skagit County auditor and prosecuting attorney and to make changes in ballot proposition approved by Resolution No. 541 | |
Declares city council’s intention to order formation of utility local improvement district for construction and installation of sewage collection system | |
Provides for borrowing of funds for constructing, installing and equipping new city administration building, including police and fire department facilities | |
Authorizes city attorney to negotiate and settle claims for city sewer service and garbage collection accounts | |
Recognizes city attorney to negotiate and settle claims for city sewer service and garbage collection accounts | |
Implements moratorium policy on annexations | |
Salaries of certain nonunion employees of the city | |
Appeal from planning commission action granting preliminary approval for binding site plan of Sunset Industrial Development Company | |
535 | Nilson subdivision plat approval (Not written) |
Resolution surplusing vehicles and equipment | |
Sewer fees and hookup charges for certain property owners on West State Street | |
Annexation | |
Request for rezone denied | |
Continuation of council meeting payments for finance director pending salary survey | |
Declares intent of city to annex certain real property into city limits upon petition | |
Maintenance of acute medical services at United General Hospital | |
Availability of police patrol vehicles to officers residing within city of Sedro-Woolley urban growth boundary | |
Supports continued operation of Pioneer Center North and Portal Programs at Northern State Hospital Complex | |
Resolution supporting the effort to have the next round super ferries built in Washington State | |
Adopts policy on reporting improper governmental actions and protecting employees against retaliation | |
523 | Surpluses 1981 flatbed (Tabled) |
Resolution authorizing city employees to obtain cellular phone services at city’s government rate | |
Resolution for criminal justice system | |
Resolution establishing cash change draws for building and planning department | |
Resolution increasing petty cash fund | |
Declares list of equipment surplus property and authorizes sale of said equipment for the best price obtainable | |
Accepts the terms and conditions set forth by the Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) in its offer of financial aid for Economic Impact (“Feasibility”) Study grant | |
Establishes travel policies and procedures | |
Resolution adopting the mission statement of the city | |
514 | Sets date for hearing on final assessment roll for L.I.D. 1991-1 |
Resolution regarding compliance with the Fair Housing Act | |
Sets time and place for hearing on Kemp petition for street vacation | |
Resolution of intent to annex certain property into the city | |
Application to state of Washington for a local development matching fund grant (and authorizing Mayor William R. Stendal to submit the application) | |
Application for a grant from CERB timber program for a feasibility study to include engineering and site evaluation and market feasibility analysis on Skagit manufacturing site in Sedro-Woolley | |
Adoption of Skagit County moderate risk hazardous waste management plan by the city transportation planning organization | |
Resolution by cities and towns of Island County and county of Skagit establishing the Skagit County — Island County regional | |
Review and revision of six-year transportation improvement program for the city | |
Resolution appointing Hugh Ridgway as judge for Sedro-Woolley Municipal Court | |
Authorizes city council members to serve as volunteer firemen | |
Adopts amendments to 1984 Comprehensive Plan establishing policies for natural resources lands and sensitive and critical areas | |
Authorizes procedure for securing telephone and/or written quotations from vendors | |
Resolution authorizing investment of city monies in local government investment pool | |
Designates persons to deal with city funds | |
City requests approval by the committee for deferred compensation to participate in the deferred compensation plan for the employees of the city | |
Retains special counsel for certain services in connection with the formation and levying of assessments in a sewerage system local improvement district | |
Resolution regarding membership in the Cities Insurance Association of Washington | |
Resolution concerning the continued support of United General Hospital and its operation | |
Declares intention of council to order the formation of a local improvement district for the installation of a sanitary sewer main with side sewers to individual properties within the boundaries | |
Authorizes settlement of O’Niell vs. City of Sedro-Woolley, District Court Cause No. C90-345Z | |
Declares an emergency and dispenses with competitive bidding requirements | |
Declares surplus vehicles, computer, fire truck | |
Declares surplus vehicles | |
Resolution recognizing the heroic efforts of persons and personnel during the flood emergencies of 1990 | |
Declares a need for increased primary medical coverage in Sedro-Woolley | |
Declares city emergency | |
Resolution reaffirming and expanding sphere of influence between county and city | |
Drainage improvements in the Sedro-Woolley sub-flood control zone | |
Vacates portion of the plat of “Alder Ridge, Division No. 1” | |
Adopts the Sedro-Woolley investment policy | |
Review and revision of six-year transportation improvement program for the city | |
Resolution rejecting bids for a sewer line television camera opened on April 9, 1990 and asking city to rewrite the bid specifications and call for new bids | |
Authorizes application for funding assistance in repair of sewerage treatment system to Washington State Department of Ecology | |
Designates persons to deal with city funds | |
Declares an aluminum 28-foot, 1965 vintage ladder surplus property | |
Declares a 1972 LUV pickup truck surplus property | |
Resolution declaring an emergency—Sewer Plant | |
Declares the IBM G-3 typewriter surplus property and authorizing sale of said equipment | |
Declares Pitney Bowes Addresser Printer surplus property and authorizing sale of said equipment | |
Declares the 4-line multi-purpose phone, intercom system, surplus property and authorizing sale of said equipment | |
Adopts the Sedro-Woolley, Washington, park and recreation plan | |
Sets 1989 six-year transportation improvement plan | |
Authorizes application for funding assistance for an outdoor recreation project to the interagency committee for outdoor recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Act | |
Declares Metcalf Street property to be surplused | |
Holds public hearing on Munro between Central and Haines—Vacation | |
Fixes time and place of hearing on L.I.D. No. 1988-1 | |
Library expansion funding commitment | |
Library expansion intent | |
Sets six-year transportation improvement program—1988 | |
Authorizes application by library to the state of Washington for a grant to expand | |
Retains special counsel for the formation of an L.I.D. | |
Declaration of intent to form an L.I.D. for street lights on Metcalf Street | |
Designates hazardous incident command agency | |
Appointment of Hugh Ridgway as municipal court judge | |
Library usage | |
Resolution designating Carlene Sygitowicz and Trudy Starkovich as proper officials for the city | |
Establishes special investigation fund No. 109 | |
Resolution revising the six-year transportation improvement program | |
Establishes “Police Department Confidential Drug Enforcement Investigative Fund” | |
Approves conditional use permit to Snelson Companies, Inc. and William Snelson | |
Sports fishing on Skagit River | |
Requests review of regulations and management practices of the Skagit River Salmon Fishery | |
Establishes personnel policies | |
Cancellation of warrants numbered 04825, 04947, and 00035 and transfer of all records of such warrants | |
Accepts the 1985 Skagit County solid waste management plan | |
Cancellation of warrants | |
Resolution regarding an agreement for SCAN services | |
Resolution authorizing a CERB application | |
Establishes cash change drawer in the amount of $100.00 for Sewer & Garbage Bills | |
Establishes new rates for garbage | |
Seat belt policy | |
Adopts revised six-year transportation improvement program | |
Establishes policies for advance travel funds and travel expense reimbursement | |
Resolution adopting the goals and objectives of the D.W.I. Task Force | |
Adopts the new comprehensive plan (1984) | |
Resolution revising six-year street program | |
Resolution authorizing Eric K. Stendal and Carlene Sygitowicz to sign on bank accounts and certificates of deposit | |
Supports placement of Skagit County Fair grounds at the Northern State Multi-Service Center | |
Public hearing to hear petition on vacation of Western Street (also known as Nelson Street) | |
Authorizes application to Community Development Block Grant for the construction of Senior Center at Memorial Park | |
Adopts revised six-year street program | |
Declaration of surplus personal property (Police Dept.) | |
Resolution repealing No. 689 and setting new garbage rates | |
Resolution supporting legislative against Boldt decision | |
Resolution authorizing Eric K. Stendal and Viola C. Albright to sign on bank accounts and certificates of deposit | |
Review and revision of six-year transportation improvement program | |
Resolution authorizing Eric K. Stendal and Patricia A. Nicholson to sign on bank accounts and certificates of deposit | |
Adopts revised six-year street program | |
Adopts joint sphere of influence agreement with Skagit County, finalizing interim agreement adopted under Resolution No. 419 | |
Adopts Skagit Regional Solid Waste Management Plan | |
Authorizes application to IAC for park development grant for Byrd Riverfront Park | |
Sale of 1962 Chevrolet dump truck | |
Adopts revised six-year street program | |
Authorizes application for park funding assistance through IAC for outdoor recreation | |
Authorizes settlement of sewer grant audit dispute with Environmental Protection Agency | |
Adopts joint sphere of influence agreement with Skagit County | |
Establishes procedures on purchases between $2,000.00 and $4,000.00 | |
Establishes boundaries and public hearing date on Parking L.I.D. (L.I.D. No. 90) | |
Amends garbage rates with respect to senior citizens and city-owned subsidy properties | |
Adopts revised arterial street map | |
Adopts revised six-year street program | |
Establishes boundaries and public hearing date on Downtown Parking L.I.D. (Parking and Business Improvement Area) | |
Resolution increasing garbage rates effective July 1, 1979 | |
Formation of L.I.D. No. 88 (UAB project—Talcott Street, Third to Township Street) | |
Formation of L.I.D. No. 89 (UAB project—Sterling Street, Graves to Township Street) | |
Updates petty cash and change funds | |
Adopts revised arterial street map | |
Revises comprehensive six-year street construction program | |
Resolution for safekeeping with Rainier National Bank | |
Amends rates of Sedro-Woolley Union Cemetery | |
Adopts comprehensive sewerage plan | |
Establishes additional rules and regulations for city garbage collection | |
Establishes rates and rules for city garbage collection | |
Establishes and increases petty cash funds | |
Revises six-year street program | |
Skagit River Railway board | |
Recognizes Skagit Corporation | |
Extends property lease term option | |
Adopts revised arterial street map | |
Revises six-year street program | |
Designates disaster relief agent | |
Property lease | |
Sale of surplus property | |
Local improvement district formation | |
Garbage collection service rates and rules | |
Mosquito control district | |
Flood plain management measures | |
Flood plain management measures | |
Disposition of surplus property | |
Local improvement district formation | |
Designates official newspaper | |
Establishes petty cash funds | |
Additions to federal aid secondary system | |
Local improvement district formation | |
Revises six-year street program | |
Confirms solid waste plan | |
Local improvement district formation | |
Employs counsel in connection with general obligation bonds issuance | |
Designates official newspaper | |
Sewerage system bonds | |
Local improvement district formation | |
Local improvement district formation | |
Calls for bids for sewage treatment facilities improvements | |
Authorizes agreement with Burlington Northern, Inc., regarding State Street improvement | |
Resolution clearing title—David E. Larrabee Property | |
Resolution making “within fund” transfers of funds in connection with 1971 budget | |
Approves form of second cooperation agreement between city and housing authority | |
Vacation of portion of Eastern Ave. lying between Moore St. and north line of G N Ry. Co. right-of-way | |
Fixes hearing and petition to vacate portion of street located in Sedro-Woolley—(portion of Munro St.) | |
Six-year street program | |
L.I.D. No. 82—State St. to 11th St. East—Paving | |
L.I.D. No. 81—McGargile Rd.—Township St. (Sewer Ext.) | |
Approves sale of certain real estate owned by City (F & S Grade Road) | |
Resolution vacating a portion of Southern Ave. and a portion of Waldron St. | |
Resolution joining petition for vacation of certain city street known as Southern Ave. | |
Fixes hearing and petition to vacate portion of street located in Sedro-Woolley—(portion of Munro St.) | |
Fixes hearing and petition to vacate portion of street known as Southern Ave.—Located F & S Grade Road | |
Approves and adopts comp. plan and comp. plan map | |
Authorizes execution and delivery to contract with Puget Sound Power & Light | |
Combined precincts 2 and 3—Now 2 | |
Resolution rural precincts Batey, Sterling and McRae in city precincts | |
Agrees to participate in solid waste | |
Authorizes transfer of various appropriations-Budget 1969 | |
New sewerage treatment plant | |
Sanitary landfill | |
Authorizes mayor to sign all documents required and file in an application for a grant for aid in construction of domestic waste treatment facilities to the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration | |
Retains council to perform certain services in issuance of general obligation bonds (Fire Hall, Etc.) | |
Review and revision of complete six-year street program (1969) | |
Approves application for housing project | |
Approves form of cooperation agreement | |
Local Improvement District No. 80 | |
Approves application for housing project (See John Anderson) | |
Approves form of cooperation agreement between city and housing authority | |
Declares the need for a housing authority in the city | |
Authorizes transfer of various appropriations to the budget for 1968 | |
Authorizes submission of a workable plan to the U.S. government | |
Puget Sound P & L street lighting contract | |
Review and revision of complete six-year Street Program (see files 1968) | |
Local Improvement 7th, Bennett & Warner L.I.D. No. 79 (See Pouch) | |
Local Improvement Wicker Road—L.I.D. No. 78 file | |
Authorizes transfer of various appropriations to the budget for 1967 | |
Creates rules and regulations for the control, use, operation and management of Sedro-Woolley Union Cemetery | |
Authorizes city to purchase by real estate contract the Sedro-Woolley Union Cemetery from Charles J. Wicker | |
Authorizes and directs mayor to execute a “Skagit Regional Planning Council Agreement” | |
Resolution to form L.I.D. No. 77 Warner St. from West Line of Metcalf St. to Eastern Ave. and from E. Line of Eastern Ave. to So. line of State St. | |
Resolution to form L.I.D. No. 76 Township St. from Moore St. to Sterling St. and Jameson Ave. from E. line of Township St. to West line of 11th St. | |
Authorizes transfer of various appropriations to the budget for year 1966 | |
Resolution to form L.I.D. No. 75—Northern Ave. (Township to Ball Ave.) | |
Resolution to form L.I.D. No. 74—East Talcott St. (Fr: Township to Railroad) | |
Resolution to form L.I.D. No. 72—Northern Ave. (Metcalf St. to Puget St.) | |
Resolution to form L.I.D. No. 73 Metcalf Street from Northern Railway Company’s track to the south of Moore St. (North Metcalf St.) | |
Authorizes transfer of various appropriations to the budget for 1965 | |
Requests Skagit Co. Auditor to call a special election for the city on Tuesday November 2, 1965 | |
Revises arterial street system for the city | |
Review and revision of comprehensive six-year street program for the city | |
Adopts preliminary six-year park plan | |
Intention of city council of city of S.W. to form an L.I.D. No. 71 | |
Retains counsel for certain work in connection with authorization, issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of the city | |
Provides for issuance of bonds L.I.D. No. 70 | |
314 | Approves amendatory grant agreement |
Authorizes transfer of various appropriations to the budget for 1964 | |
Accepts work as completed as called for by schedule A of that certain storm sewer construction contract between city of S.W. and Snelson P & H Inc. Project: (APW WASH 15 G) | |
Planning study contributing to an over-all program for future community development—Urban planning (S.W. Planning Comm. Poole Assoc.) | |
Accepts as completed street improvement “Ferry”—Local Improvement District No. 70 | |
Accepts work as completed called schedule “B”—Storm sewer const. Erickson Paving Co. | |
Designates Courier Times as official city newspaper | |
Authorizes sale of 100' Third St. to School Dist. No. 101 (old library property) | |
306 | Approves amendatory grant agreement (See APW-Wash-15-g File) |
Application for federal grant sewer line to the site of the Hospital District Nos. 3 and 4 Public Law 660 - 84th Congress | |
Vacates the Southerly sixteen feet of Railroad St., etc. | |
Accepts proposal of McLean and Company to purchase sewer revenue bonds | |
Retains bond counsel for services in connection with issuance and sale of sewer revenue bonds | |
Calls general election to be held on March 10, 1964 | |
Intention to create L.I.D. | |
Transfer of various appropriations to 1963 budget | |
298 | (Not Passed) |
Adopts arterial street system for the city | |
Comprehensive six-year program for the city | |
L.I.D. No. 70 issuance of bonds and warrants | |
Declares intention of city council to improve certain streets with storm sewers | |
Adopts standard specifications for municipal public works construction | |
Petition by Sedro-Woolley School District No. 101 for vacation of portion of alley | |
Transfer of various appropriations to the 1962 budget | |
Approves proposed annexations of certain property by the city | |
Provides for increase in planned total expenditure for capital improvement project | |
Application to Housing and Home Finance Agency for a grant | |
Formation of L.I.D. for financing and construction of storm sewer system | |
Resolution pertaining to liquor outlets in the city | |
Skagit Corporation filed petition to vacate certain platted property in the city | |
Amends resolution adopted Oct. 9, 1964 | |
General election to be held on March 13, 1962 | |
Contract with Northern State Hospital for furnishing fire protection to hospital by city’s fire department | |
Adopts six-year plan for arterial street improvement in the city | |
Transfer of various appropriations in 1961 budget for the city | |
Sale of library and grounds to School District No. 101 | |
Payment of cost and expenses of newspaper publication of notices | |
Payment of cost and expenses of newspaper publication of notices | |
Acquisition by city of real estate from Robert and Janet Mahaffie | |
Sets forth city’s position on certain proposed legislation pending before 1961 session of Washington State Legislator | |
Transfer of money from operating expense fund to insurance fund for leased cars, 1960 | |
Bans sale and use of fireworks in city | |
Fixes vacation time for city employees | |
Petition to vacate portion of streets and alleys by Skagit Corporation | |
Calls general election for March 8, 1960 | |
Creates advisory council to mayor and city council | |
Transfer of certain funds to meet deficiencies | |
Conveyance of certain lands to Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Studebaker in exchange for certain of their land | |
Canvassing result of general election held on March 11, 1958 | |
Canvassing results of primary election held on February 11, 1958 and calling general election for March 11, 1958 | |
Land annexed under Ord. No. 582, a portion of Ward 3 for election purposes | |
Resolution pertaining to liquor outlets in the city | |
Issuance of bonds for L.I.D. No. 69 | |
Executes modification of agreement between city and G. R. Leischner Construction Co. | |
Favors passage of legislation authorizing cities to levy sales tax | |
Transfer of money from street fund to L.I.D. No. 69 construction fund | |
Transfer of money from sewer construction fund to 1956 sewer revenue bond redemption fund—Ord. No. 553 | |
Application for federal grand for Sewage Treatment Work - Public Law 660 | |
Requests rezoning of certain real property from residential zone to light manufacturing zone | |
Requests rezoning of certain area of the city | |
Construction fund for L.I.D. No. 69 | |
Authorizes Puget So. Power & Light Co. to file amended returns on occupation taxes and directs payment of refund due | |
Cancels special meeting for June 29, 1956 and directs a new invitation to bid upon sewer project | |
Execution of lease to Harold Studebaker | |
Release of all interest by city in Sewer Line Easement acquired from Will H. Goans | |
Exchange of piece of property owned by city for piece of land owned by Will H. Goans | |
Execution of deed to Chamber of Commerce for real property | |
Petition for vacation of parts of Metcalf and Fidalgo Streets | |
Approval of plans showing grade elevation of overpass on Moore Street | |
Agreement of city with Chamber of Commerce and Willis, Rogers, and Pearson Lumber Company concerning tract of land owned by city | |
Dismissal of condemnation suit against Puget So. Power & Light Co. and Old Colony Trust | |
Canvassing and declaring result of general election held on March 8, 1955 | |
General city election to be held on March 8, 1955 | |
Altering polling places for primary election to be held on February 8, 1955 | |
Primary election to be held on February 8, 1955 | |
Petition for vacation of parts of certain streets | |
Petition for vacation of certain streets, alleys, and public ways by Skagit Steel & Iron Works | |
Intention of city to improve certain streets and fixing a time and date for hearing | |
Petition—Vacation of parts of Metcalf Street | |
Employing counsel for certain services in connection with creation of a L.I.D. and issuance of bonds and warrants | |
Petition—Vacation of parts of Metcalf Street | |
Construction of new highway and bridge to and across Skagit River | |
Transfer of money from street development fund project to city building fund for an addition to City Hall | |
Approves proposed merger of Washington Water Power Co. with Puget So. Power & Light Co. | |
Primary election to be held on February 10, 1953 | |
Rezoning Block 5 from Public Reserve District to part of Commercial District | |
Execution of warranty deed to Robert D. Hunter for part of Lots 10, 11, 12 | |
Grants department of highways right to occupy without cost part of Block 16 for stockpiling fill materials | |
Alters voting precincts to equalize number of voters in precincts | |
Application for permit for Northern Pacific overpass on Moore Street | |
Construction of new overpass on Moore Street by Northern Pacific Railway Company | |
Agreement with state on Moore Street improvement | |
Closing of Moore streets and others during construction on Moore Street and underpass | |
Creation of new building zone in city—“a noncommercial manufacturing zone” | |
Approves underpass on Moore Street as portion of State Highway 1-F | |
Bureau of Public Roads of Department of Commerce desires to construct federal aid project through city | |
Notice of hearing on petition to vacate alley | |
Vacation of alley running East and West through Block 54 | |
Fixes time and place of public hearing on assessment roll for L.I.D. No. 69 | |
File petition for city for real property in Skagit County | |
Payment of Skagit County tax judgement, interest, and costs on Lots 6, 7 and sale to F. O. Bear | |
Issuance of quit claim deed to Chamber of Commerce | |
Old age and survivors insurance | |
Execution of deed in behalf of Chamber of Commerce for certain real property | |
Execution of deed to J. V. Sapp for certain real property | |
General election to be held on March 13, 1951 | |
Transfer of monies from sewer department to city street fund | |
Form L.I.D. for State Street | |
Execution of deed of Lot 20 to Trustees for Local Union No. 592 Brotherhood of Painters Decorators and Paperhangers of America | |
Fixing fees for services previously rendered and employing counsel for certain services in connection with the issuance and sale of general obligation and sewer revenue bonds of the city | |
Fixing fees for services previously rendered and employing counsel for certain services in connection with the issuance and sale of general obligation and sewer revenue bonds of the city | |
Employing counsel for certain services in connection with issuance and sale of sewer revenue bonds of the city | |
Issuance of quit claim deed to Paul Neilan for Lot 7 | |
Execution of deed to Ole and Merle Huseby on Lot 5 | |
Execution of L.I.D. deed to Kenneth Tisdelland on Lots 4 and 5 | |
Execution of warranty deed of East 14 feet of Lot 12 to Edna Lepper | |
Execution of deed to Marvin D. Suiter for Lot 8 | |
Execution of deed to Henry Pfabe for Lot 10 | |
Execution of deed to Ole Huseby for Lot 7 | |
Execution of deed to Ola Harang for Lot 8 | |
Execution of deed to Homer Rhodes for Lots 21, 22, 23 | |
Purchase of bonds from L.I.D. No. 46 from funds in special revolving fund created by Ord. No. 451 | |
Purchase of L.I.D. bonds not covered by Guaranty Law fund, from monies in special revolving fund created by Ord. No. 451 | |
Purchase of warrants Nos. 13 and 14 of L.I.D. No. 64 from monies in special revolving fund created by Ord. No. 451 | |
Vacation of portion of an unnamed street between Blocks 5 and 31 | |
Vacation of all that portion of an unnamed street, between Blocks 5 and 31. | |
General election to be held on December 5, 1944 | |
Vacation of street and alleys | |
Primary election to be held on November 7, 1944 | |
Issuance of quit claim deed to Lot 18 to Percy R. Banks | |
Adoption of rules for use and operation of Clear Lake public park and beach | |
Issuance of deed to Lots 10, 11, 12 to Ira Todd | |
Issuance of correction deed to C. C. Thomas | |
Sale of city Lots 11, 12, 13 to G. O. Huyge | |
Issuance of quit claim deed to Marine National Company | |
City attorney to satisfy and release the judgment of foreclosure secured by city—Superior Court Case No. 14,150 | |
Sale of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 5—16 to Skagit Steel, & Iron Works | |
Sale of Lot 10 to Ira Lade | |
Sale of Lot 8 to D. Struss | |
General election to be held on December 8, 1942 | |
Sale of Block 24 to A. E. Thomas and V. E. Thomas | |
Conveyance of all interest of city in Block 24 to Archie E. Thomas | |
Execution of deed to Lot 20 to K. T. Sherman | |
Conveyance of all interest of city in Block 54 to Union High School District No. 4 | |
Conveyance of all interest of city in Block 7 to Cecil C. Thomas | |
Conveyance of all interest of city in Block 7 to Cecil C. Thomas | |
City set up funds for maintenance, construction, and overhead for street repairs | |
Issues quit claim deed to Lot 4 to N. Chapin | |
School board of Union High School District No. 4 to call election to provide funds for vocational school | |
Construction of highway over route known as Pacific Highway 1-A from Bothell to Sumas | |
City clerk as agent of city in connection with improvement of Bingham Park and Library Grounds | |
Improvement of part of Jameson Street by Skagit Corporation | |
Improvement of certain streets by Skagit Corporation | |
Execute quit claim deed to A. L. Hoyt for part of Plate No. 1. | |
Sale of Block 31 to S. E. Childs, G. Johnson, and Sedro Ice and Cold Storage Company | |
Set up formal program for expenditures of money—Department of highways requests | |
Application for membership in Puget Sound Regional Planning Commission | |
Transfer of money from current expense to park fund | |
Execution of quit claim deeds of Block 101 to W. Goad and J. R. Hammack | |
Alteration of precincts to equalize number of voters in respective precincts | |
Calls for special election to vote on tax levy of five mills on all real and personal property within the city | |
Funds for maintenance, construction, and overhead for street repairs | |
Request for new election precincts | |
General election (biennial) 1940 | |
Application for new crossing over railroad tracks at intersection with Pacific St. | |
Foreclosure L.I.D. No. 39 and sale to J. L. LaPlant | |
Foreclosure L.I.D. No. 39 and sale of property to J. L. LaPlant | |
Giving deed to Emma Benson for property | |
Compensation of city dog pound master | |
Foreclosure L.I.D. No. 55 and sale to A. G. Mosier | |
City unable to perform repair and maintenance of streets and director of highways is requested to perform such repairs | |
Sale of certain land to Emma Benson | |
Condolences—Councilman Emmerson Hammer | |
Foreclosure L.I.D. Nos. 35 and 46 | |
Annexation of territory, voting precincts—Ord. No. 405 | |
Revision of resolution setting up funds available for the period for maintenance and construction overhead | |
Issuance of deed correcting description of deed issued to S. S. and Hazel McIntyre | |
Outlining highway program | |
Association of Washington Cities to investigate cost of fire insurance for city property | |
Complaint to P.U.D. for better fire protection for mills | |
Rectified error of L.I.D. Nos. 33 and 34—Foreclosure and sale to Sedro Land Company | |
Foreclosure of L.I.D. No. 62 and sale of property to Gilmer of Moen | |
Foreclosure L.I.D. Nos. 63 and 39 | |
Sale of Lots 15-16 Block 15 to Carl F. Vogel | |
Complaint and suit against Public Utility District No. 1 for Skagit County | |
Meeting for hearing on petition of abutting owners to vacate portion of Rita Street | |
Foreclosure L.I.D. Nos. 39 and 41 | |
L.I.D. No. 39 sale to Lawrence LaPlant | |
City contract with Parker & Hill Engineers | |
Foreclosure L.I.D. No. 39 | |
L.I.D. No. 39 sale to Lawrence LaPlant | |
Execution of quit claim deed of city to C.E. Bingham & Co. | |
Opposition of city to increase in occupation tax and imposition of gross income tax | |
Option of city to enter or decline to enter Skagit County or other P.U.D. with electors of municipal corporation concerned | |
Foreclosure of L.I.D. Nos. 48—55 and 60 and sale | |
Conveyance by deed of a parcel of land of city to C. E. Bingham | |
Application by mayor for revocable license permitting city to keep concrete sidewalk | |
Sale of land held in trust for L.I.D. No. 56 | |
Condolences—Councilman Ray A. Leeman | |
City council opposed issuance of additional liquor licenses | |
Condolences—Councilman Enouch B. Benson | |
City started street fund for construction and maintenance | |
City unable to perform repair and maintenance of its streets upon which expenditure may be authorized by director of highways | |
Wedding anniversary congratulations—Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bingham | |
Foreclosure on lien L.I.D. No. 54 and sale of premises to C.E. Bingham & Co. | |
Cause No. 14150 redeemed premises from foreclosure of liens | |
Use of funds for street construction and maintenance | |
Drainage ditches-Drainage District No. 14 | |
Foreclosure on lien L.I.D. Ord. No. 310 | |
Membership association of Washington cities | |
Public hearing amended assessment Roll L.I.D. No. 48 | |
Assessment of omitted property from Ord. 229 | |
Sufficient revenue for proper fire and police protection | |
Construction of Ruby Dam | |
Purchase of old mission garage property | |
Hearing supplemental assessment Roll L.I.D. No. 48 | |
Bone Bill-Senate Bill No. 129 | |
Condolence-Councilman Forest J. Atterberry | |
Gasoline tax allocation to incorporated cities | |
City election | |
Designation of one or more banks as depository by city treasurer | |
Replacement of main trunk sewer | |
List of lots or tracts in state of disrepair | |
Creation of sewer replacement fund | |
Appointment of chief of police | |
Sale of real estate to E. G. Abbott | |
Lease of real estate to Washington Forest Fire Association | |
Municipal election | |
Completion of construction of new city hall | |
Authorizes sale of lots 5 and 6, block 16, town of Sedro to Emma Benson by real estate contract | |
Conveyance of certain real estate to James Boyle | |
Conveyance of certain real estate to Gustaf Gilbertson | |
Conveyance of certain real estate to Joseph Manley | |
Grants right-of-way for an underground steam pipe with necessary covering and connections | |
Sale and conveyance of certain real estate to Lyman State Bank | |
Sale and conveyance of certain real estate to Sedro Land Company | |
Acceptance of the offer or bid of the state of Washington to purchase issues of general obligation bonds of the city of Sedro-Woolley | |
Sale and conveyance of certain real estate to Enos E. Cudmore | |
Purchase of certain real estate situated in Skagit County by the city of Sedro-Woolley | |
Conveyance of certain real estate to Ernesto Santangelo | |
Publication of notice calling for bids for the furnishing of all labor and material for the construction of the new city hall or city building | |
Publication of notice regarding the sale of two issues of negotiable bonds of the city of Sedro-Woolley | |
Election board appointments | |
87 | Expresses sorrow in the loss of the late George W. Stevens, former city marshal and chief of police, and expresses appreciation of the faithful public service rendered during his terms of office |
Sale and conveyance of certain property to Ellen T. Donnelly | |
Conditional sale contract between city and Enos E. Cudmore | |
Fixes time and place of hearing for petition to vacate part of Bennett Street in the city of Sedro-Woolley | |
Sale and conveyance of certain property to H. L. Devin | |
Sale and conveyance of certain property to Theodore Jensen | |
Publication of notice relating to bond issuance | |
Municipal election to be held on the 4th day of December, 1928 | |
Conveyance of certain property to the Memorial Hospital Association | |
Expresses appreciation for the able, constructive and generous public service rendered to the city by the late F. A. Douglass, former mayor and councilman | |
Alley improvement | |
Alley improvement | |
Municipal election to be held on the 7th day of December, 1926 | |
Execution of quit claim deed conveying to D. M. Donnelly and Mary A Donnelly certain lots, tracts, or parcels of land in Skagit County | |
Alley improvement | |
Alley improvement | |
71 | Corrects assessment roll of Block 101 The Town of Sedro |
70 | Street vacation |
69 | Rescinds Res. 68 |
68 | Street vacation |
Alley improvement | |
Alley improvement | |
Municipal bond | |
Street and avenue improvement | |
Avenue improvement | |
Ratification of plans for extension of sewer system of the city of Sedro-Woolley | |
General municipal election in the city of Sedro-Woolley to be held on the 2nd day of December, 1924 | |
Alley improvement | |
Alley improvement | |
Street improvement | |
Alley improvement | |
General municipal election in the city of Sedro-Woolley to be held on the 5th day of December, 1922 | |
Accepts grant of easement for a sewer over and across the right-of-way of the Great Northern Railway Company | |
Fixes time and place of hearing for petition to vacate part of Waldron Street in the town of Woolley, in the city of Sedro-Woolley | |
Alley improvement | |
Street improvement | |
Issuance of duplicate warrants Nos. 20, 21 and 22, on Local Improvement Fund District No. 40 | |
Authority to purchase any materials, supplies, or other things for the city | |
Issuance of duplicate warrants Nos. 28 to 34 on Local Improvement District Fund No. 49, in lieu of warrants so stolen | |
General municipal election in the city of Sedro-Woolley to be held on the 7th day of December, 1920 | |
Fixes time and place of hearing for petition to vacate all of Lincoln Street in the West Addition to the town of Woolley | |
Dismissal of action of city against J. T. Post et al. involving foreclosure of pretended lien for local improvements | |
Fixes time and place of hearing for petition to vacate part of Rita Street in the town of Woolley | |
Fixes time and place of hearing for petition to vacate part of Rita Street in the town of Woolley | |
Issuance of refunding bonds and payment of one-half percent interest omitted by mistake from said refunding bonds | |
Avenue improvement | |
41 | Street improvement |
Street and avenue improvement | |
Rescinds Resolution No. 38 relating to improvement of State Street and other streets and avenues | |
Street and avenue improvement | |
Rescinds Resolution No. 36 relating to improvement of Central Avenue and other streets and avenues in the city | |
Street and avenue improvement | |
Calls for legislative action so that charges for premiums for fire insurance may be regulated by law | |
General municipal election in the city of Sedro-Woolley to be held on the 3rd day of December, 1918 | |
Street improvement | |
Alley improvement | |
Fixes time and place of hearing for petition to vacate the property abutting on the part of Elgin Street, portion of Munro Street, and on alley in Block 13, town of Woolley | |
Street improvement | |
29 | Street improvement |
28 | Street improvement |
Alley improvement | |
General municipal election in the city of Sedro-Woolley on the 5th day of December, 1916 | |
Resolution urging and recommending all voters within the city of Sedro-Woolley to vote against the Public Service Utilities measure, known as Referendum Measure No. 7 | |
Grants unto Chataqu Executive Committee of the Sedro-Woolley Commercial Club the full and exclusive right and privilege to grant permits and licenses for the use of streets and public grounds of the city of Sedro-Woolley | |
Fixes date and time of hearing for petition to vacate parts of Fidalgo Street and Second Street in the city of Sedro-Woolley | |
Street improvement | |
Rescinds Resolution No. 20 relating to improvement of Third Street, Jameson Avenue and other streets in the city of Sedro-Woolley | |
Street and avenue improvement | |
Rescinds Resolution No. 18 relating to improvement of Third Street and other streets and avenues in the city of Sedro-Woolley | |
Intention of city council to order the improvement of Third Street, Jameson Avenue, Township Street, Sixth Street, Talcott Street, Nelson Street and Bennett Street | |
Deletion of street assessment on and against Lot Eight of Block Eighteen of the Town of Sedro from the records of the county treasurer of Skagit County | |
Issuance of bonds on account of Local Improvement District Fund, District No. 35 to redeem the balance of outstanding warrants against said fund | |
Deletion of assessment against Lots Four and Five of Block Twenty-one of the town of Woolley | |
Issuance of bonds against Local Improvement Fund District No. 35 to redeem the balance of outstanding warrants against said fund | |
Petition to use all honorable means to have a portion of Mt. Baker in Whatcom County, Washington set apart as and for a National Park and Playground | |
Issuance of bonds in Local Improvement District No. 35 for the improvement of State Street in the city of Sedro-Woolley | |
General municipal election in the city of Sedro-Woolley to be held on the 7th day of December, 1915 | |
Alley improvement | |
Payment to the county commissioners of Skagit County of one-half of the cost and expense of paving the County Road or Street known as State Street | |
Appropriation of certain amount for the maintenance of the Carnagie Library in the city of Sedro-Woolley | |
Street improvement | |
Street improvement | |
Street improvement | |
Street improvement | |
Creation of a Local Improvement Assessment District embracing part of State Street in the city of Sedro-Woolley | |
Accepts and approves the conveyance made by Sedro Land Company | |
Accepts and approves the conveyance tendered by Sedro Land Company for and on behalf of the city | |
Issuance of bonds for Local Improvement District No. 27 | |
Alley improvement | |
Alley improvement | |
Street improvement | |
Sets date and time for hearing of petition to vacate part of alley running north and south in Block Eleven of the re-plat of Junction Addition to Sedro | |
Alley improvement | |
Alley improvement | |
Intention of the city to raise funds for the maintenance and support of a free public library | |
Street improvement | |
Alley improvement | |
Resolution providing for general municipal election in the city for the year 1912 | |
Resolution providing for general municipal election in the city for the year 1911 | |
Extension of contract between Skagit Improvement Co. and the city of Sedro-Woolley | |
Contract between Skagit Improvement Co. and the city of Sedro-Woolley | |
dated 2/28/1910 | Contract between Skagit Improvement Co. and the city of Sedro-Woolley |
Street improvement |