Title 21


21.04    General Provisions

21.08    Definitions

21.12    Applicability

21.16    Administration

21.18    Zoning Text and Map Amendments

21.20    Nonconformities

21.24    Relationship to Comprehensive Plan

21.28    Residential 1 Zone Classification (R-1)

21.32    Residential 2 Zone Classification (R-2)

21.36    Residential 5 Zone Classification (R-5)

21.40    Residential 10 Zone Classification (R-10)

21.44    Rural Estate Zone Classification (RES-20)

21.48    Community Commercial Zone Classification (CC)

21.50    Commercial Recreation Zone Classification (CR)

21.52    Industrial Zone Classification (MG)

21.56    Resource Production Zone Classification (FOR/AG 10 and 20)

21.57    Forest Lands 10 (FL10)

21.58    Forest Lands 20 (FL20)

21.59    Commercial Resource Lands 40 (CRL40)

21.60    Natural Zone Classification (NAT)

21.64    Unmapped Classification (UNM)

21.65    Carson Final Zoning

21.66    Northwestern Lake Zoning

21.67    West End Subarea Final Zoning

21.68    Swift Subarea Final Zoning

21.70    Supplementary Development and Use Standards

21.85    Residential Care Facilities

21.86    Child Care Facilities

21.100    Violation—Penalty

21.110    Severability