Chapter 2.10


Article I. Meetings

2.10.010    Time – Location.

2.10.020    Special meetings.

Article II. Rules of Procedure

2.10.040    Definitions.

2.10.050    General rules.

2.10.060    Types of meetings.

2.10.070    Order of business and agenda.

2.10.080    Consensus and motions.

2.10.090    Duties and privileges of citizens.

2.10.100    Council vacancies.

2.10.110    Selection of mayor pro tempore.

2.10.120    Suspension and amendment.

Article I. Meetings

2.10.010 Time – Location.

Regular town council meetings shall be held on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. – normally at Skykomish Town Hall. (In case the regular Monday meeting night falls on a holiday, the meeting will be held the next evening.) The regular meeting shall be held in the Skykomish Town Hall unless the mayor shall by notice to each council member direct some other place of meeting. All meeting notices shall be posted at the Skykomish Post Office, Town Hall bulletin board and the community bulletin board. (Ord. 430 § 1, 2011; Ord. 358, 2004; Ord. 334 §§ 1, 3, 2003)

2.10.020 Special meetings.

(1) Special council meetings may be held at any time with the approval of at least three council members. All council members must be notified at least 24 hours prior to the time and place proposed for the special meeting. All meeting notices shall be posted at the Skykomish Post Office, Town Hall bulletin board and the community bulletin board.

(2) Actions at special council meetings are restricted by law to commitment of funds, approval of contracts, approval of plans, etc. The council may not approve checks or payments at special council meetings. (Ord. 430 §§ 2, 3, 2011; Ord. 334 § 2, 2003. Formerly 2.10.030)

Article II. Rules of Procedure

2.10.040 Definitions.

(1) Adjourned Meeting. When a meeting is adjourned, a date, time and place shall be set for the next meeting.

(2) “Cancelled meeting” requires that the next meeting of the council will be at the next scheduled regular council meeting.

(3) “Packets” means individually prepared folders of information prepared by the clerk for each council meeting and selected items prepared for the public.

(4) Postponed Meeting. Any meeting without a quorum may be postponed until such time that a quorum is present.

(5) Quorum. Any three members of the council shall constitute a quorum. (Res. 187 § 1, 2002)

2.10.050 General rules.

(1) Journal of Proceedings. A journal of all proceedings of the council shall be maintained by the clerk and shall be entered in a journal constituting the official record (minutes) of the council. The mayor shall appoint a clerk pro tempore in the absence of the clerk.

(2) Right of Floor. Members may speak regarding discussion of agenda action items for a period of 10 minutes. Members may yield their unexpired time to other members.

(3) Meetings During Holidays. The council recognizes all federal and state holidays and Christmas Eve.

(4) Decorum. Town government officials and representatives when speaking outside their official capacities do not speak for the town but are conveying their own opinions as individuals, officials or representatives. (Res. 187 § 2, 2002)

2.10.060 Types of meetings.

(1) Regular Council Meetings. The council shall meet as determined by the most recent ordinance. Council may determine an alternate day for meetings or cancel meetings. Location of meetings shall be Town Hall unless otherwise specified by a majority vote of council.

(2) Continued and Adjourned Sessions. Any session of council may be continued or adjourned from day to day, or for more than one day, but no adjournment shall be for a period longer than until the next regular meeting.

(3) Executive Sessions. Executive sessions or closed meetings may be held in accordance with the provisions of state statute.

(4) Recording of Council Meetings. Council meetings will be recorded and such will be maintained by the clerk in a safe, secure manner and kept as required by statute. (Res. 187 § 3, 2002)

2.10.070 Order of business and agenda.

(1) Order of Business. The order of business for all regular meetings shall be as follows:

(a) Call to order.

(b) Pledge of Allegiance.

(c) Consent agenda that includes minutes of last meeting and outstanding warrants.

(d) Amend agenda if desired.

(e) Sheriff’s report.

(f) Action items.

(g) Discussion items.

(h) Council report.

(i) Mayor’s report.

(j) Water district report.

(k) Correspondence.

(l) Set preliminary agenda for next meeting.

(2) Council Agenda.

(a) Subject to council’s right to amend agenda, no legislative item shall be voted upon which is not on the council agenda, except in emergency (defined as situations that would jeopardize the public’s health, safety or welfare).

(b) Questions regarding warrants should be placed with the clerk prior to the meeting.

(c) Items may not be placed on the agenda without explanation (example: an ordinance without its name, and number or section to be considered).

(d) Items placed on the agenda by a council member will not be considered in the absence of that member.

(e) The council will submit all agenda items to the clerk by 1:00 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the regular council meeting so that packets my be completed by 2:00 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the regular meeting.

(3) Council and Mayor’s Reports. The agenda shall provide time so the council may deliberate upon items members feel should be brought before council. These matters need not be specifically listed on the agenda. (Res. 187 § 4, 2002)

2.10.080 Consensus and motions.

(1) Motions. No motion shall be entertained or discussed until seconded. The motion shall be recorded and, if desired by any member, be read by the clerk before it is discussed. Motions may be withdrawn prior to action being taken.

(2) Motions to Reconsider. A motion to reconsider must be made by a member who voted with the majority on the principal question and must be made at the same or succeeding regular meeting. No motion to reconsider an adopted, written quasi-judicial decision shall be entertained after the close of the meeting at which the written findings were adopted.

(3) Adoption of Ordinances. First, second and third readings of proposed ordinances may not be performed at the same meeting except in case of emergency. (Res. 187 § 5, 2002)

2.10.090 Duties and privileges of citizens.

(1) Unacceptable Behavior. Unruly conduct, personal or slanderous remarks and boisterous behavior cannot be permitted. Removal from the meeting by a vote of council may be ordered.

(2) Electronic and Other Devices. Devices such as cellular phones that emit audible sound or require audible response by the user or may in any way distract the meeting are prohibited.

(3) Recognized to Speak. Citizens may speak to or before council or mayor after being recognized by the chair. The chair shall recognize citizens within a reasonable period of time following their desire to be heard as evidenced by the raising of hand. Council may limit the time citizens may speak.

(4) Subjects on the Current Agenda. Citizens are requested to limit themselves to issues currently before council and are encouraged to be knowledgeable and prepared.

(5) Written Communications. Interested parties, or their authorized representatives, may address council through any means of their choice. All communications will be entered into the record without the necessity for reading as long as sufficient copies are available to the public prior to the meeting. (Res. 187 § 6, 2002)

2.10.100 Council vacancies.

In the event of a vacancy, the council, during a regular or special council meeting, will publicly interview all candidates who have submitted applications. The order of interviews will be determined by the drawing of names by the clerk. (Res. 187 § 7, 2002)

2.10.110 Selection of mayor pro tempore.

The mayor pro tempore shall be elected by a majority of council members and serve for a period of six months. If a chair is required, election shall be by a majority of council present and serve only during that meeting or until such time as the mayor or mayor pro tempore resume their duties. (Res. 187 § 8, 2002)

2.10.120 Suspension and amendment.

(1) Suspension of These Rules. Any provision of these rules not governed by ordinance or statute may be temporarily suspended by a vote of the majority of council present.

(2) Amendment of These Rules. These rules may be amended or new rules adopted by a majority vote of council, by resolution. (Res. 187 § 9, 2002)