Chapter 2.20


2.20.010    Definitions.

2.20.020    Salaries and wages.

2.20.030    Types of leave.

2.20.040    Holidays.

2.20.050    Vacation leave.

2.20.060    Sick leave.

2.20.070    Leave without pay.

2.20.080    Jury and witness leave.

2.20.090    Military leave.

2.20.100    Administrative leave.

2.20.110    Bereavement leave.

2.20.010 Definitions.

(1) “Regular full-time employee” means 30 hours or more per work week, hired on a permanent basis.

(2) “Regular part-time employee” means 29 hours or less per work week.

(3) “Temporary (or seasonal) employee” means hired for less than eight months per year but may work more than 30 hours per week.

(4) “Two-hour call out” means an employee being called out during normal off hours for an emergency only.

(5) “Compensatory time” means time off with pay in lieu of overtime pay for irregular or occasional overtime work, or when permitted under agency flexible work schedule programs, time off with pay in lieu of overtime pay for regularly scheduled or irregular or occasional overtime work.

(6) “Payday advance or draw” means an employee receiving their paycheck before a normal payday. (Ord. 472, 2020; Ord. 446A, 2013)

2.20.020 Salaries and wages.

(1) The salaries and wages of the employees of the town of Skykomish shall be as follows:


$1,000 per month

Clerk/treasurer full time

$20.00 to $30.00 per hour

Clerk part time

$15.00 to $25.00 per hour

Utility superintendent full time

$20.00 to $35.00 per hour

Utility labor full time

$15.00 to $30.00

Utility labor part time

$15.00 to $25.00

Building inspector (on call)

$25.00 to $40.00 per hour (min. 1 hour)

(2) Two-hour call out should be used as compensatory time when practical.

(3) Payday advance/draw will be allowed at the mayor’s discretion and to be used only if utilizing accrued sick, vacation or holiday pay. (Ord. 472, 2020; Res. 244, 2020; Ord. 446A § 1, 2013)

2.20.030 Types of leave.

The town has eight different types of leave:

(1) Holidays;

(2) Vacation leave;

(3) Sick leave;

(4) Leave without pay;

(5) Jury and witness leave;

(6) Military leave;

(7) Administrative leave;

(8) Bereavement leave. (Ord. 446A § 2, 2013)

2.20.040 Holidays.

(1) The following are recognized as paid holidays for all regular full-time employees:

New Year’s Day

January 1st

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Third Monday in January

Presidents’ Day

Third Monday in February

Memorial Day

Last Monday in May

Independence Day

July 4th

Labor Day

First Monday in September

Veterans Day

November 11th

Thanksgiving Day

Fourth Thursday in November

Day after Thanksgiving

Day after Thanksgiving

Christmas Day

December 25th

(2) Any holiday falling on Saturday will be celebrated on the preceding Friday. Any holiday falling on Sunday will be celebrated on the following Monday.

(3) Regular full-time employees will be paid for the holiday plus one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for any time worked on the holiday. Such time must be preauthorized by the mayor.

(4) Temporary employees will be paid at their regular straight-time rate for hours worked on a holiday. (Ord. 446A § 2.a, 2013)

2.20.050 Vacation leave.

(1) Each regular full-time employee is entitled to vacation leave as follows:

(40 hours per week employee)

Years of Continuous Service

Monthly Accrual Rate

Annual Hrs

1 – 2 years

6 2/3 hrs


2 – 5 years

8 hrs


5 – 10 years

10 hrs


10 – 15 years

12 hrs


15 plus years

13 1/3 hrs


Maximum carry over of vacation hours

1 year

(2) All new employees must satisfactorily complete their first year of employment to be entitled to the accrual and use of vacation leave. Regular part-time and temporary employees are not eligible for any vacation benefits. Employees do not accrue vacation benefits during a leave without pay.

(3) Each employee is responsible for scheduling their vacations without undue disruption of department operations. Leave requests shall be submitted at least two weeks prior to taking vacation leave. (Ord. 446A § 2.b, 2013)

2.20.060 Sick leave.

(1) All full-time regular employees accrue sick leave benefits at the rate of six hours for each calendar month of continuous employment.

(2) Employees accrue and may use sick leave during their trial periods. Regular part-time and temporary employees do not earn sick leave benefits. Employees do not accrue sick leave benefits during a leave without pay. Maximum accrual of sick leave shall be 72 hours per year. Employees that have accumulated sick leave at the end of the year may carry it over to the next calendar year, not to exceed more than 40 hours carry over.

(3) Sick leave covers those situations in which an employee is absent from work due to:

(a) Physical injury or illness to the employee.

(b) The need to care for the employee’s immediate family member(s) who are ill.

(c) Medical or dental appointments for the employee or dependent child; provided, that the employee must make a reasonable effort to schedule such appointments at times which have the least interference with the work day.

(d) Exposure to a contagious disease where on-the-job presence of the employee would jeopardize the health of others.

(e) Use of a prescription drug which impairs job performance or safety.

(f) Actual periods of temporary disability due to pregnancy or child birth.

(4) A doctor’s certificate shall be required prior to return to work when an employee is absent for a period in excess of three days. The town may also request the opinion of a second doctor at the town’s expense to determine whether the employee suffers from a chronic physical or mental condition which impairs his/her ability to perform the job. Employees who are habitually absent due to illness or disability may be terminated if their disability cannot be reasonably accommodated and/or when the employee’s absenteeism prevents the orderly and efficient provision of services to the citizens of the town.

(5) Employees who use all their accumulated sick leave and require more time off work due to illness or injury may, with the mayor’s prior approval, take leave without pay or use vacation time.

(6) Employees will not be paid for any unused sick leave upon leaving the town service for any reason. (Ord. 446A § 2.c, 2013)

2.20.070 Leave without pay.

The following requirements apply:

(1) Leave may be granted to an employee for a period of up to 30 days upon the approval of the mayor. Further extensions are at the discretion of the mayor.

(2) Accrued compensatory time, if any, and vacation leave must be exhausted prior to taking any leave without pay.

(3) An employee’s benefits are suspended during the period of unpaid leave until the employee returns to work. Vacation, sick leave and/or any other benefits do not accrue while an employee is on leave without pay.

(4) An employee who fails to report promptly at the end of the unpaid leave is presumed to have resigned. An employee returning from a temporary disability may, at the town’s option, return to the same position or similar at a comparable rate of pay.

(5) If the leave without pay is due to an illness, upon the employee’s return to work the town may require a doctor’s certificate stating that the employee is capable of returning to work and performing the work, duties and responsibility of the employee’s position. (Ord. 446A § 2.d, 2013)

2.20.080 Jury and witness leave.

(1) Employees may be granted time off without pay to serve on a jury or as a court witness. If an employee is summoned during a critical work period, the town may ask the employee to request a waiver from duty.

(2) Employees must provide their supervisor with a copy of the jury duty summons as soon as possible after receiving it. Upon completion of jury duty, employees are required to provide their supervisor with proof of jury service. (Ord. 446A § 2.e, 2013)

2.20.090 Military leave.

Employees who are members of the National Guard or federal reserve military units may be absent from their duties, with pay, for a period of up to 15 days per calendar year when they are performing ordered military training duty and while going to and from that duty. (Ord. 446A § 2.f, 2013)

2.20.100 Administrative leave.

On a case-by-case basis, the town may place an employee on administrative leave without pay for an indefinite period of time. Administrative leave may be used in the best interests of the town (as determined by the mayor) during the pendency of an investigation or other administrative proceeding. (Ord. 446A § 2.g, 2013)

2.20.110 Bereavement leave.

The town provides regular, full-time employees with paid leave for up to three days in the event of the death of an immediate family member. (Ord. 446A § 2.h, 2013)