Chapter 3.15


3.15.010    Annual inventory of assets.

3.15.020    Issuance of warrants and checks – Procedure – Auditing officer.

3.15.030    Purchasing.

3.15.010 Annual inventory of assets.

(1) The town shall take an inventory of the town’s fixed assets on a yearly basis. This inventory shall be taken prior to December 31st.

(2) There shall cause to be made a standard form for taking of this inventory.

(3) This inventory shall be taken by each department head accompanied by one councilperson.

(4) Department heads responsible for these assets shall review the completed inventory and attach their comments thereto.

(5) Once the physical inventory is complete and the department heads have attached their comments thereto, the town council shall review the same and reconcile any differences that exist between the physical inventory and the fixed asset records reported by the town. (Res. 185, 2001)

3.15.020 Issuance of warrants and checks – Procedure – Auditing officer.

(1) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish a lawful procedure for the issuance of claims and payroll warrants or checks prior to approval of the same by the town council, all as authorized by RCW 42.24.080 and 42.24.180.

(2) Auditing Officer. For the purposes of Chapter 42.24 RCW, the town clerk-treasurer shall also be the auditing officer without the necessity of a separate appointment.

(3) Payment Procedure. Warrants or checks in payment of payroll shall not be issued until and after the auditing officer and the mayor have complied with the contracting, hiring, purchasing and disbursement policies of the town council that implement internal control.

(4) At the next regularly scheduled public meeting of the town council, following the issuance of any warrants or checks issued pursuant to this section, the town council shall be presented with the documentation supporting the payment of the claims.

(5) The town council shall approve or disapprove all claims paid pursuant to this section and if, upon review, it disapproves some claims, the auditing officer and the mayor shall jointly cause the disapproved claims to be recognized as receivables of the town and to pursue collection diligently until the amounts disapproved are collected or until the town council is satisfied and approves the claims. (Res. 185, 2001)

3.15.030 Purchasing.

(1) Expenditure of Funds Below $500.00. For the purpose of this chapter, a purchase may not be broken down into separate items, each less than $500.00, for the purpose of avoiding the requirements as set out by the town council. A purchase, no matter how many parts or segments it may consist of, shall be deemed a single purchase when the whole purchase is for a single purpose.

(2) Expenditure of Funds of $500.00 or More. Any purchase of supplies, material, equipment or services except wages for town employees and contract services where the cost is $500.00 or more, excluding tax, shall not be made by the mayor, or anyone else on behalf of the town, unless the expenditure is first approved by the town council or the expenditure meets the emergency provisions.

(3) Emergency Expenditures. When, in the opinion of the mayor, a purchase of supplies, material, equipment or services, except wages for town employees and contract services, in an amount of $500.00 or more is necessary because of an emergency, as described below, the mayor may authorize the purchase after first obtaining a purchase order from the town clerk-treasurer.

An “emergency,” for the purpose of this chapter, is any time when the following situation arises and a purchase is necessary prior to the next council meeting: when there is danger to human life or property. (Res. 185, 2001)