Chapter 9.05


9.05.010    RCW Title 9A adopted.

9.05.020    RCW Title 9 adopted.

9.05.030    RCW Title 13 adopted.

9.05.010 RCW Title 9A adopted.

The town of Skykomish provides for the adoption of RCW Title 9A, in its entirety, accepting the new Washington State Criminal Codes. (Ord. 173, 1984)

9.05.020 RCW Title 9 adopted.

The town of Skykomish provides for the adoption of RCW Title 9, in its entirety, accepting the old Washington State Criminal Codes. (Ord. 174, 1984)

9.05.030 RCW Title 13 adopted.

The town of Skykomish provides for the adoption of RCW Title 13, in its entirety, accepting the Washington State Juvenile Codes. (Ord. 175, 1984)