Chapter 10.10


10.10.010    Definitions.

10.10.020    Purpose.

10.10.030    Parking prohibited during the period between November 15th and March 15th or as prevailing snow conditions require.

10.10.040    Impoundment authority procedure.

10.10.050    Violation – Penalty.

10.10.010 Definitions.

For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:

(1) “Right-of-way” means any portion of a dedicated right-of-way adjacent to the street or roadway within the city limits of the town of Skykomish.

(2) “Street” means any portion of the roadway that vehicles use for the purpose of moving from one place to another. (Ord. 275, 1998)

10.10.020 Purpose.

To facilitate the removal of snow and keep the entire street clear of snow and ice for the safety of the citizens and to provide access for emergency vehicles. To make snow removal less costly for the town of Skykomish. (Ord. 275 § 1, 1998)

10.10.030 Parking prohibited during the period between November 15th and March 15th or as prevailing snow conditions require.

(1) It is unlawful for any person to park or leave parked a vehicle upon any street, right-of-way or adjoining parking area within the town of Skykomish after public notice has been given by the town by way of posted notices or signs that the town intends to remove snow. Any vehicle parked in these areas after the time posted and interfering with snow removal will be towed at the owner’s expense.

(2) No person shall park a vehicle upon a street in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave less than 10 feet of the width of the roadway for free movement of vehicular traffic.

(3) No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle within an alley in such position as to block the driveway entrance to any abutting property.

(4) No parking on either side of the street or dedicated right-of-way adjacent to that street or roadway in the residential area Railroad Avenue East to the west end of Railroad Avenue except in marked designated areas.

(5) Parking is prohibited on either side of the street or dedicated right-of-way adjacent to street or roadway town limits at the east end of Old Cascade Highway, to the west end of Old Cascade Highway town limits, except in marked designated areas.

(6) No parking on the following streets and dedicated rights-of-way: South Fourth Street, South Third Street, South Second Street, South First Street, Thelma Street, Reginald Street, Helen Street and Dean Avenue.

(7) No parking on the south side of River Drive in front of the business currently known as the Sky River Motel.

(8) No parking on either side of the street or dedicated right-of-way on West River Drive, Fifth Street Bridge to the west end of West River Drive. No parking on either side of approaches to the Fifth Street Bridge. No parking on either side of the street at Skylane or designated right-of-way adjacent to such street or roadway. (Ord. 383, 2007; Ord. 275 § 2, 1998)

10.10.040 Impoundment authority procedure.

In addition to the other penalties provided herein, the police department or sheriff’s department is authorized and empowered to remove and impound any such vehicle which is found to be in violation of any provisions of this chapter either by governmental or private equipment. Any such vehicle shall be placed in storage, either public or private, as may be designated by the local law enforcement agency. All charges for removing, impounding and storing of such vehicle shall be paid by the registered owner, operator or other person having control of the vehicle before the person may take possession thereof. All such charges shall be a lien against the vehicle. (Ord. 275 § 3, 1998)

10.10.050 Violation – Penalty.

Any person who owns, operates or controls a vehicle which is found to be in violation of any provisions of this chapter is guilty of a civil infraction and shall pay a monetary penalty in the maximum amount authorized by Chapter 7.80 RCW. (Ord. 275 § 4, 1998)