Chapter 13.10


13.10.010    Basic rate for water billing.

13.10.020    Phased in residential metered service.

13.10.030    Billing charges.

13.10.040    Billing and delinquency.

13.10.050    Dispute resolution.

13.10.060    Rate for water drawn from hydrants.

13.10.070    Connections for new construction.

13.10.010 Basic rate for water billing.

The basic rate will be a minimum of $39.62 flat rate. The town of Skykomish shall increase its rates by $10.00 due to 10 years of no increases, plus increasing expenditures to maintain the water system. The total use of gallons provided for the flat rate of $39.62 will be set at 12,000 gallons. To maintain the water system a three percent increase will be added yearly, and reviewed again for adjustments in five-year increments.

The mayor or his designee may use the services of a collection agency to collect delinquent service charges in the manner and to the extent provided in RCW 19.16.500 as currently enacted or hereafter amended. The collection agency fee shall be added to the amount of the delinquent service charge.

Delinquent account service shall be shut off 30 days after being declared delinquent and could be subject to a reconnection fee of $25.00. Overdraft charges shall be current bank overdraft fees. (Ord. 449, 2014; Ord. 364, 2005; Ord. 357, 2004; Ord. 348 § 2, 2004; Ord. 331 § 2, 2003; Ord. 318 § 1, 2002)

13.10.020 Phased in residential metered service.

During the relocation and replacement time period the affected customer’s billing shall be based upon the basic usage charge. (Ord. 364, 2005; Ord. 357, 2004; Ord. 348 § 3, 2004; Ord. 331 § 3, 2003; Ord. 318 § 11, 2002)

13.10.030 Billing charges.

All charges for water service shall be billed to the property owner/tenant, having the owner the responsible party for collection. (Ord. 364, 2005; Ord. 357, 2004; Ord. 348 § 4, 2004; Ord. 331 § 4, 2003)

13.10.040 Billing and delinquency.

Customers will be billed on a monthly basis for the prior month’s services. Payment shall be considered late and the account declared delinquent if not received within 30 days of the billing date and service may be terminated. A late charge of 1.5 percent per month shall accrue on all delinquent accounts from date of delinquency. The town may exercise any available remedy to collect the unpaid service charges, delinquent charges, interest cost of collection and applicable penalties, including but not limited to the lien for delinquent service charges and costs set forth in this section.

The mayor or his designee may use the services of a collection agency to collect delinquent service charges in the manner and to the extent provided in RCW 19.16.500 as currently enacted or hereafter amended. The collection agency fee shall be added to the amount of the delinquent service charge.

Delinquent account service shall be shut off 30 days after being declared delinquent and could be subject to a reconnection fee of $25.00. Overdraft charges shall be current bank overdraft fees. (Ord. 437, 2012; Ord. 406, 2008; Ord. 364, 2005; Ord. 357, 2004; Ord. 348 § 5, 2004; Ord. 331 § 5, 2003; Ord. 318 § 5, 2002)

13.10.050 Dispute resolution.

Billing discrepancies due to inaccurate meters will be rectified by the water department or customer, depending upon whether the meter inaccuracy was in the water department’s or customer’s favor. When the customer is responsible for the discrepancy the customer will correct the cause and shall show the water department proof of said correction. The town will correct the billing for the preceding three months determined by an average of the previous three billings. Any citizen shall have the right to appeal to the town council in the event a dispute arises over said citizen’s water bill, connection or disconnection of service. (Ord. 406, 2009; Ord. 364, 2005; Ord. 357, 2004; Ord. 348 § 6, 2004; Ord. 331 § 6, 2003; Ord. 318 § 8, 2002)

13.10.060 Rate for water drawn from hydrants.

A rate of $250.00 for zero through 6,999 gallons plus a user permit fee of $25.00 a day and a deposit of $1,000 shall be charged for the drawing of water from any hydrant belonging to the town except that as may be used by the fire department in the course of directly fighting a fire and/or training within the municipal water district. Any gallons used over the first 7,000 gallons shall be billed at the standard rate of $0.004071 per gallon. The water department personnel shall monitor all such drawings and report gallons used to the utility clerk for billing purposes. (Ord. 364, 2005; Ord. 357, 2004; Ord. 348 § 7, 2004; Add. to 331, 2003; Ord. 331 § 2, 2003; Ord. 318 § 10, 2002)

13.10.070 Connections for new construction.

Along with the construction costs for a new water service, the customer shall pay a system development charge. The purpose of this fee is to help defray the costs of past and future system improvements. Once it has been paid by a customer for a property, it will not be collected again if the service is repaired or replaced in the future except in the case where the service is upgraded to a larger service.

3/4" to 1" service


2" service


Over 2" service

Determined on an individual basis

(Ord. 364, 2005; Ord. 357, 2004; Ord. 348 § 8, 2004)