Chapter 18.30


18.30.010    Purpose.

18.30.020    Accessory uses.

18.30.030    Performance standards.

18.30.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this district is to stabilize and preserve single-family and two-family neighborhoods, to create a stable and satisfying environment for family life and to prevent intrusions of incompatible land uses. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 235 § 3.61, 1995)

18.30.020 Accessory uses.

Accessory uses permitted in the R-10,000 district are uses and structures customarily appurtenant to the principal use, such as:

(1) Home occupations which are clearly incidental and secondary to the dwelling for dwelling purposes, and shall be conducted by family members and no more than one nonfamily employee.

(2) Private garages.

(3) Gardening and fruit raising.

(4) Renting of rooms for lodging purposes to accommodate not more than two persons in addition to the immediate family.

(5) Recreational facilities intended for the use of residents, including swimming pools, saunas, tennis courts and exercise rooms.

(6) Keeping of not more than five family pets, such as dogs, cats or other domestic or tamed animals which are not vicious by nature. Reference SMC 6.05.030.

(7) Keeping of horses, cattle, chickens, rabbits, sheep or other similar animals, not including swine, provided shelters are provided for the animals at least 50 feet from any property line adjoining a street or other lot. A lot area, in addition to the minimum required for a dwelling, shall be provided equivalent to one acre for each animal over 300 pounds in weight. This regulation shall not be construed to permit the keeping of animals in any place or manner which will endanger the public health or safety. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 235 § 3.63, 1995. Formerly 18.30.030)

18.30.030 Performance standards.

The following special performance standards shall apply to properties located in the R-10,000 district:

(1) Exterior Mechanical Devices. Air conditioners, heating, cooling, ventilating equipment, swimming pool pumps and heaters and all other mechanical devices shall be screened from surrounding properties and streets and shall be so operated that they do not disturb the peace, quiet and comfort of the neighboring residents. Apparatus needed for the operation of solar energy systems need not be screened pursuant to this section.

(2) Required Landscaping. Required front and street side yards shall be landscaped except for necessary walks, drives and fences. All required landscaping shall be permanently maintained in a neat and orderly condition.

(3) Outdoor Storage of Vehicles. Required front and side yards shall not be used for the storage of any motor vehicle or vehicle accessory such as camper shells, trailers, motorbikes or other wheeled accessory or conveyance. Storage of such vehicle and vehicle accessories is permitted within the legal building site area and rear and interior side yards; provided, that such vehicles and accessories are screened from neighboring properties and public rights-of-way by a six-foot-high solid fence or landscaped screen. For purposes of this section, “storage” means the keeping of such vehicles and accessories on any portion or any parcel of property for a period of five consecutive days.

(4) Detached Accessory Building. Detached one-story buildings may be constructed anywhere behind the front building line, except within the required corner or interior side yard.

(5) Setbacks from alleys: eight feet.

(6) Yard Projections. Every required front, rear and side yard shall be open and unobstructed from the ground to the sky unless otherwise provided:

(a) Fences and walls as specified and limited under this section may project into the front, rear and side yards.

(b) Cornices, sills, eave projections and awnings without enclosing walls or screening may project into a required yard by not more than 30 inches.

(7) Swimming Pools. A protective fence, wall or enclosure of not less than five feet in height, with no opening greater than four inches wide and equipped with a self-closing gate, shall surround each swimming pool or outdoor body of water having a depth of 12 or more inches. For purposes of this section, naturally occurring bodies of water are exempt.

(8) Building Height Exceptions. Chimneys and vents not exceeding three feet in height above the highest point of the roof, church steeples and church spires not exceeding 50 feet maximum height from ground level shall be permitted.

(9) Trash Receptacles. Except on trash pick-up days, all trash receptacles shall be screened from neighboring properties up to the maximum height of the receptacle.

(10) Fences, Walls, and Hedges. Except as allowed under subsection (9) of this section, fences, walls and hedges located in the required front or street side yard shall not exceed four feet in height. Fences, walls and hedges located in the rear yard and interior side yard shall not exceed six feet in height.

(11) Site Distance Requirements. At all intersections there shall be a triangular yard area within which no tree, fence, shrub or other physical obstruction shall be permitted higher than three feet above the adjacent grade. This triangular area shall be measured as follows:

(a) Street Intersections. At the intersection of two street rights-of-way, two sides of the triangular area shall extend 20 feet along both shoulder or curblines of the improved portion of the rights-of-way, measured from their point of intersection. For purposes of this subsection, an alley shall be considered a street.

(b) Street and Driveway Intersections. At any intersection of a street right-of-way and a driveway, two sides of the triangular area shall extend 20 feet along the edge of the driveway and 10 feet along the shoulder or curbline of the improved portion of the street. Such triangular area shall be applied to both sides of the driveway.

(12) Antennas. Disc antennas exceeding 36 inches in diameter shall not be permitted on the roof, except where there is no other location on the lot which provides access to receiving or transmitting signals. In no case shall any part of any antenna be located more than 10 feet above the roof surface. Antennas mounted on the roof shall be located in the least visible location as viewed from adjacent rights-of-way, and residential structures in residential zones. The antenna, including guy wires, supporting structures and accessory equipment, shall be located and designed so as to minimize the visual impact on surrounding properties and public streets. Antennas shall be screened through the addition of architectural features and/or landscaping that harmonize with the elements and characteristics of the property. The materials used in constructing the antenna shall not be unnecessarily bright, shiny, garish, or reflective. Whenever possible, disc antennas shall be constructed out of mesh material and painted a color that will blend with the background. Antennas not in use shall be removed.

(13) Outdoor Lighting. Outdoor lighting and aerial-mounted floodlights shall be shielded so the direct illumination shall be confined to the property boundaries of the lighting source. Ground-mounted floodlighting or light projection above the horizontal plane is prohibited between midnight and sunrise, except to illuminate governmental flags. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 235 § 3.66, 1995. Formerly 18.30.060)