Chapter 18.34


18.34.010    Purpose.

18.34.020    Applicability.

18.34.030    Designated areas.

18.34.040    Property development standards.

18.34.050    Open space designation and preservation.

18.34.010 Purpose.

The intent of the cluster housing overlay is to accommodate urban densities of the underlying zoning district while allowing residential development to utilize less land area. These provisions aim to allow greater flexibility in the design of subdivisions to ensure development is in harmony with the natural characteristics on site and to preserve features such as critical areas, open space, recreation areas, or scenic vistas. (Ord. 433, 2012)

18.34.020 Applicability.

A cluster housing overlay may be applied to all subdivisions in all residential zones as permitted in this title. (Ord. 433, 2012)

18.34.030 Designated areas.

Unless specifically addressed in this section, cluster housing developments shall adhere to the underlying provisions of the zoning district in which they are located. (Ord. 433, 2012)

18.34.040 Property development standards.

(1) Minimum area required for a cluster housing overlay is not less than one acre.

(2) Density. A density bonus of 25 percent for open space shall apply in the cluster housing overlay, five dwelling units per acre instead of four in the R-10,000 zone and 10 dwelling units per acre instead of eight in the R-5,000 zone.

(3) Minimum Lot Size. Lot size may be reduced to 1,500 square feet, provided all lots are buildable. No maximum lot coverage.

(4) Community centers provided for the enjoyment of the residents and management of the development are permitted.

(5) Parking. The standard parking requirements may be modified as follows:

(a) Parking may be applied to the entire site rather than to each individual lot;

(b) Parking areas shall be placed in easily accessible locations;

(c) Designated parking spaces should be clearly marked.

(6) Housing Type. Attached and detached single-family homes and townhomes are allowed as residential structures. (Ord. 433, 2012)

18.34.050 Open space designation and preservation.

(1) Each cluster housing development shall provide not less than 20 percent of the gross site area for common open space which shall be primarily concentrated in large areas. When these areas are designated as critical areas they should be designed to provide connectivity for habitat functions.

(2) Open space areas shall be located on separate tract(s), and shall be developed for passive or active recreational uses or set aside to preserve critical areas as defined in the critical areas regulations in Chapter 16.15 SMC.

(3) Parking areas, rights-of-way, driveways, and yards within individual lots shall not be included in common open space.

(4) Facilities and other improvements that enhance recreational use(s) may be located in an open space area. Such facilities can include, but are not limited to, trails, fields, picnic areas, playgrounds, and athletic courts.

(5) Open space areas shall be restricted in perpetuity from further subdivision and/or land development. This restriction shall be noted on the face of the plat.

(6) Open Space Plan. For all designated open space areas the proposal shall include an open space plan. This plan is to ensure the open space is maintained and preserved in perpetuity. Open space requirements established in the critical areas regulations (Chapter 16.15 SMC) shall be met for all designated critical areas. All open space areas excluding critical areas shall comply with the following:

(a) Identify all proposed improvements such as public facilities, proposed vegetation, and existing vegetation to remain; and

(b) The plan shall outline maintenance responsibilities in a format acceptable to the administrator; and

(c) The plan shall include a notice to title approved by the city and recorded with the county assessor. This notice shall include provisions for the designation and retention of open space, and provisions for permanent maintenance of the open space and/or commonly owned facilities.

(d) Open space plans may change over time to allow new amenities and uses as needs change. Changes to open space plans shall be a Type 1 permit, provided changes include only allowed uses. (Ord. 433, 2012)