Chapter 18.40


18.40.010    Purpose.

18.40.020    Performance standards.

18.40.010 Purpose.

The industrial district is intended to provide appropriately located areas for various railroad enterprises, light industrial establishments and research developments that enhance the town’s economic base and provide jobs for residents of the area, while at the same time ensuring a high quality of life free from noise, odors, dust, smoke, heavy traffic congestion and air and water pollution. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 235 § 3.81, 1995)

18.40.020 Performance standards.

(1) Exterior Mechanical Devices. Air conditioners, heating, cooling, ventilating equipment, swimming pool pumps and heaters and all other mechanical devices shall be screened from surrounding properties and streets and shall be so operated that they do not disturb the peace, quiet and comfort of the neighboring residents. Apparatus needed for the operation of solar energy systems need not be screened pursuant to this section.

(2) Landscaping. All required yards adjacent to the street shall be landscaped, except for driveways and sidewalks. Wherever landscaping is required by this section and/or by conditions of approval of discretionary applications required by this title, such landscaping shall be permanently maintained in a neat and orderly manner. In no event shall such landscape areas be used for storage of materials or parking of automobiles, trucks or other motorized vehicles.

(3) Outdoor Storage of Materials. The outdoor storage of materials, including but not limited to trash receptacles, lumber, auto parts, household appliances, pipe, drums, machinery or furniture, is permitted as an incidental or accessory activity of a permitted use or the principal feature of a conditionally permitted use; provided, that such storage shall be screened by a wall, solid fence, structure, or landscaping from surrounding properties and streets. No more than 40 percent of the lot area shall be devoted to outdoor storage.

(4) Outdoor Lighting. Outdoor lighting and aerial-mounted floodlighting shall be shielded so that the direct illumination shall be confined to the property boundaries of the lighting source. Ground-mounted floodlighting or light projection above the horizontal plane is prohibited between midnight and sunrise, except to illuminate governmental flags.

(5) Trash Receptacles. Trash receptacles enclosed with gated, solid walls or fences shall be provided for each property. The receptacle shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet from any residentially zoned property boundary and shall be maintained in a neat and sanitary manner.

(6) Commercial Antennas – Height. Commercial antennas less than 50 feet in height from the ground level shall be permitted.

(7) Site Distance Requirements. At all intersections there shall be a triangular yard area within which no tree, fence, shrub or other physical obstruction shall be permitted higher than three feet above the adjacent grade. This triangular area shall be measured as follows:

(a) Street Intersections. At the intersection of two street rights-of-way, two sides of the triangular area shall extend 20 feet along both shoulder or curblines of the improved portion of the right-of-way, measured from their point of intersection. For purposes of this subsection, an alley shall be considered a street.

(b) Street and Driveway Intersections. At any intersection of a street right-of-way and a driveway, two sides of the triangular area shall extend 20 feet along the edge of the driveway and 10 feet along the shoulder or curbline of the improved portion of the street. Such triangular area shall be applied to both sides of the driveway.

(8) Electrical Disturbance – Heat and Cold – Glare. No use except a temporary construction operation shall be permitted which creates changes in temperature or direct glare, detectable by the human senses without the aid of instruments, beyond the boundaries of the site. No use shall be permitted which creates electrical disturbances beyond the boundaries of the site.

(9) Odor. No use shall be permitted which creates annoying odor in such quantities as to be readily detectable beyond the boundaries of the site.

(10) Radioactivity. The use of radioactive materials shall be limited to measuring, gauging and calibration devices.

(11) Vibration. No use except a temporary construction operation shall be permitted which generates inherent and recurrent ground vibration perceptible, without instruments, at the boundary of the lot on which the use is located.

(12) Hazardous Materials. All users of hazardous materials shall notify the town clerk and fire marshal of the type and quantity of such material generally on the premises. No hazardous materials or hazardous waste shall be disposed of within the town limits.

(13) Solid Waste Disposal. All solid waste materials shall be transported to an official landfill waste disposal site or recycling center.

(14) Liquid Waste Disposal. No liquid waste materials except pure, uncontaminated water may be permanently disposed of on site. Materials temporarily stored on site shall be contained in a manner so as to prevent their entry into the surface water drainage system and/or any groundwater aquifer. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 235 § 3.86, 1995. Formerly 18.40.060)