Chapter 18.75


18.75.010    Zoning classification map document.

18.75.020    Amendments.

18.75.030    Council initiated amendments.

18.75.040    Planning commission amendments.

18.75.050    Property owner initiated amendments.

18.75.060    Other.

18.75.010 Zoning classification map document.

(1) The official zoning classification map shall depict the types and extent of the zoning districts. It shall be signed and dated by the mayor and attested by the town clerk-treasurer. All amendments shall be noted on the map as to location, date of change, new zoning district, and ordinance number or other information directing the viewer to the official document containing the amendment.

(2) Annually, the mayor and town council shall review the map for accuracy. They shall certify its accuracy by affixing the mayor’s signature and town clerk-treasurer’s attestation and date. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 235 § 6.1, 1995)

18.75.020 Amendments.

The zoning title is a legal instrument for implementation of the comprehensive land use plan. It is recognized that population growth, changes in economic and social customs and patterns and other factors will from time to time justify changes in the comprehensive plan and, consequently, in the zoning title. It is also recognized that changes in the zoning title may sometimes be made without breach of the comprehensive plan. The zoning title may be amended by following the procedures of this chapter. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 235 § 6.2, 1995)

18.75.030 Council initiated amendments.

The council may amend, change, modify or repeal regulations and restrictions as established in this title, and may change, restrict or extend the boundaries of the various districts established in this title. Before acting on any proposed amendment, modifications, restrictions, extension or change in the maps or text of this title, the same shall be referred by the council to the town planning commission. The commission, after due public notice and hearing, shall submit a report to the council containing its recommendations thereon. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 235 § 6.21, 1995)

18.75.040 Planning commission amendments.

The town planning commission may on its own initiative, after due public notice and hearing at which parties of interest and citizens may have an opportunity to be heard, cause to be prepared and proposed to the town council an ordinance recommending the altering or changing of the use, height or area restrictions as provided elsewhere in this title. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 235 § 6.22, 1995)

18.75.050 Property owner initiated amendments.

A bona fide owner of real property, or a person having pecuniary interest in the property, may request an amendment of the zone, commonly referred to as a rezone, in which his property lies. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 235 § 6.23, 1995)

18.75.060 Other.

Only persons with pecuniary interest in property may directly propose amendments to this title. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 235 § 6.24, 1995)