Chapter 17.65


17.65.010    Intent.

17.65.020    Binding site plan.

17.65.030    Permitted uses and general requirements.

17.65.040    Manufactured home parks – Where permitted.

17.65.050    Prohibited uses.

17.65.060    Density.

17.65.070    Park size.

17.65.080    Setbacks and separations.

17.65.090    Walkways.

17.65.100    Screening.

17.65.110    Landscaping and park maintenance.

17.65.120    Space numbering.

17.65.130    Signs.

17.65.140    Parking requirements.

17.65.150    Utility requirements.

17.65.160    Common open space.

17.65.170    Building height.

17.65.180    Structures over public easements or right-of-way.

17.65.190    Use impacts.

17.65.200    Storage area.

17.65.210    Drainage and storm water control.

17.65.220    Roads and streets.

17.65.230    Skirting.

17.65.240    Lighting.

17.65.250    Additions and separate accessory buildings or structures.

17.65.260    Satellite receiving antennas.

17.65.270    Shoreline areas.

17.65.280    Park administration.

17.65.290    Permit.

17.65.300    Set up.

17.65.310    Insignia requirement.

17.65.320    Variances, waivers, deviations and deferrals.

17.65.330    Interpretations and rulings.

17.65.340    Appeals.

17.65.350    Issuance of a business license or a certificate of occupancy.

17.65.360    Nonconforming use.

17.65.010 Intent.

The purpose of this chapter is to provide a means for the establishment and operation of manufactured home parks within the city of Soap Lake; to ensure a suitable living environment for owners of manufactured homes located within manufactured home parks; and to establish standards to promote the health, safety, and general welfare. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.020 Binding site plan.

Manufactured home parks shall be established pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and Chapter 16.26 SLMC entitled “Binding Site Plan.” (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.030 Permitted uses and general requirements.

Subject to the provisions of this chapter, the following uses are permitted in a manufactured home park:

A. Manufactured home units.

B. Additions to manufactured home units.

C. Accessory structures or buildings.

D. Recreational facilities located within the manufactured home park and intended solely for the use of the residents or the residents’ guests.

E. Bulk storage areas for materials and equipment owned by residents and located within the manufactured home park and limited to use by the residents.

F. Buildings and structures necessary for the operation of a public utility.

G. Home occupations in compliance with Chapter 17.55 SLMC.

H. No space shall be rented or leased within a manufactured home park except for a manufactured home unit.

I. The sale of manufactured home spaces within a manufactured home park is prohibited. Manufactured home park binding site plans shall not authorize the sale or transfer of ownership of a space or spaces within a manufactured home park.

J. No person, company, or corporation shall establish a new manufactured home park without first complying with the provisions and standards of this chapter and obtaining all necessary permits and approval. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.040 Manufactured home parks – Where permitted.

Manufactured home parks are allowed in the R-2 and R-3 zones as a conditional use subject to review and approval of the planning agency and in compliance with the standards and requirements of this chapter and the standards of the underlying zone. The standards and requirements of this chapter shall supersede the standards and requirements of the underlying zone. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.050 Prohibited uses.

Any use not expressly permitted outright or as a conditional use in this chapter shall be prohibited, including but not limited to the following examples:

A. Commercial uses except as provided in this chapter.

B. Industrial uses.

C. Keeping of livestock, poultry, rabbits, or bees.

D. Occupancy of recreational vehicles.

E. Public nuisances as defined in this title.

F. Outside storage, collection, or dumping of dismantled, partly dismantled, or wrecked vehicles, trailers, machinery or their parts.

G. Outside storage or collection of any junk, scrap, garbage, unsightly material, litter, or debris.

H. Abandoned sheds or buildings in a state of disrepair.

I. Any use which does not or is not capable of conforming with the requirements of this chapter.

J. Placement of mobile homes in any space intended for manufactured homes. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.060 Density.

Manufactured home parks shall be developed at a density of not more than 10 dwelling units per acre. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.070 Park size.

There shall be no minimum or maximum required manufactured home park size. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.080 Setbacks and separations.

Setbacks and separations in the manufactured home park shall be as follows:

A. Setbacks.

1. The setback from a private road shall be 10 feet exclusive of hitches or towing devices.

2. The setbacks from a public right-of-way shall be 15 feet.

3. The setback from the exterior park boundary not abutting upon a public right-of-way shall be 10 feet. Except that separate accessory buildings or structures attendant to a manufactured home unit may be located not closer than five feet from the exterior property line of a manufactured home park not abutting upon a public right-of-way.

4. Attached or freestanding additions to a manufactured home unit including carports, awnings, storage rooms, habitable rooms, and other similar structures or buildings shall be considered to be a part of the manufactured home unit for setback purposes.

5. Open stairs, decks, and landings no higher than the floor level of the manufactured home unit may encroach to within five feet of a private road, public right-of-way, or from the exterior park boundary.

B. Separations.

1. Manufactured home units and habitable additions thereto having a minimum two by six stud and sheet rock exterior wall construction or equal fire resistive wall construction shall maintain a minimum 10-foot separation from one manufactured home unit to another manufactured home unit of similar construction. Manufactured home units of lesser fire resistive exterior wall construction shall maintain a 20-foot separation from one manufactured home unit to another manufactured home unit.

2. Attached or freestanding nonhabitable additions appurtenant to a manufactured home including stairs, decks, landings, awnings, carports, storage rooms, and other structures or buildings shall maintain a six-foot separation from another manufactured home.

3. Separate accessory buildings or structures shall not be located closer than six feet from its attendant manufactured home or additions except as may be permitted by the Uniform Building Code.

4. Separate accessory buildings or structures attendant to one manufactured home unit shall not be located closer than six feet from another manufactured home unit and its attendant additions or accessory buildings or structures. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.090 Walkways.

The manufactured home park shall contain designated hard surface pedestrian walkways to and from all service and recreation facilities; and between locations where pedestrian traffic might interfere with vehicular traffic. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.100 Screening.

The manufactured home park shall be enclosed on all sides with a permanently maintained sight-obscuring fence, wall, berm, or combination thereof six feet in height and tapering to a maximum of four feet in height at the park entrances as approved by the city engineer to ensure adequate sight distance. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.110 Landscaping and park maintenance.

Landscaping shall comply with Chapter 17.57 SLMC. All natural and artificial barriers, driveways, lawns, trees, landscaping, buildings, occupied and unoccupied manufactured home spaces, recreation areas, and open spaces shall be continually maintained. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.120 Space numbering.

Every manufactured home space shall be identified with an individual number in logical sequence which is uniformly located and clearly visible from the private street and so shown on the official binding site plan. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.130 Signs.

Signs identifying the manufactured home park shall conform to the applicable sign ordinance. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.140 Parking requirements.

A. There shall be provided and maintained on each manufactured home space at least two parking spaces. Each parking space shall contain a minimum area of 180 square feet with a minimum width of nine feet and minimum length of 20 feet.

B. In addition to occupant parking, guest parking shall be provided within the manufactured home park at a ratio of not less than one-half parking space for each manufactured home space. Such parking shall be hard surfaced and reserved solely for guest parking. Such parking shall be conveniently arranged throughout the manufactured home park or provided in parking lanes. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.150 Utility requirements.

A. All manufactured home parks shall provide permanent electrical, water, and sewage disposal connections to each manufactured home in accordance with the applicable federal, state, and local regulations. All sewage and wastewater shall be discharged into a public sanitary sewer system.

B. All water, sewer, electrical, communication, and natural gas lines shall be installed underground except for access terminals and shall be approved by the agency or jurisdiction providing the service. Public utility shut off valves, meters, and regulators shall not be located beneath manufactured home units, additions, or accessory buildings or structures. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.160 Common open space.

A minimum of 435 square feet per manufactured home unit shall be set aside and maintained as common open space for the manufactured home park. Such space and location shall be accessible and usable by all residents of the park. Parking space(s), driveways, storage areas, and private streets are not considered to be usable open space. The open space shall be of such grade and surface suitable for active or passive recreation. The following minimum ground area per manufactured home unit shall not be included as common open space:

A. Single wide: 3,200 square feet.

B. Double wide: 4,300 square feet.

C. Triple wide: 5,400 square feet.

Deviation from the common open space requirements of this section may be permitted by the planning agency as a conditional use in compliance with Chapter 17.51 SLMC, entitled “Conditional and Unmentioned Uses,” and the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.170 Building height.

No building or structure shall exceed 30 feet in height. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.180 Structures over public easements or right-of-way.

No building or structure shall be placed or constructed over a public easement or over dedicated right-of-way, except that fences may be placed over a public easement to the city subject to permission from the city of Soap Lake. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.190 Use impacts.

Uses within a manufactured home park shall not inflict upon adjacent property or upon adjacent manufactured home units smoke, dust, glare, odor, vibration, noise, electrical interference, or excessive hazard. Noise in a manufactured home park shall not exceed the standards set forth in this code. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.200 Storage area.

A bulk storage area shall be provided for the storage of materials and equipment owned by the residents of the manufactured home park. A minimum of 300 square feet of space exclusive of driveways shall be provided for every 10 manufactured home units. Bulk storage areas shall be contained within the manufactured home park. Access to the storage area shall be through the manufactured home park. Access to the storage area shall not be onto a public street. A six-foot-high sight-obscuring fence shall be erected and maintained around the perimeter of the storage area. The requirements of this section shall be waived when the manufactured home park developer/owner agrees to prohibit storage of such items in the manufactured home park and such prohibition is inscribed on the face of the binding site plan. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.210 Drainage and storm water control.

Storm water runoff or drainage shall be controlled and contained on site except where adequate off-site storm water drainage systems are available. Storm water runoff and/or drainage resulting from the manufactured home park must be controlled so that water will not flow onto a public sidewalk or onto adjacent property except when water flows in a natural course from one property to another. Drainage into a city street gutter must be approved by the city engineer. Manufactured home parks shall provide for on-site or off-site detention or control of excess storm water or drainage resulting from the use. The manufactured home park shall not cause downstream property owners to receive storm water runoff at a higher peak flow than would have resulted from the same event had the use or improvement not been present. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.220 Roads and streets.

A. All interior roads for manufactured home parks shall be private roads. All private roads shall be designed and maintained to carry emergency vehicles.

B. Private road access to the manufactured home park shall be consistent with the existing pattern of vehicular movement and parking on public streets.

C. Public streets shall be constructed to city design standards current at the time of construction.

D. Vehicular movement, parking, and private streets shall be in compliance with the approved binding site plan.

E. Vehicular movement and parking generated from a new manufactured home park shall not exceed the design capacity of public collector or public minor streets serving the new development.

F. There must be vehicular and pedestrian access from a dedicated and improved public street(s) to the manufactured home park.

G. Private roads and parking lanes shall have hard surface depths as proposed by a licensed engineer and approved by the city engineer.

H. Park roads and parking lanes shall have widths as follows:

1. One-way roads shall be a minimum of 22 feet in width.

2. Two-way roads shall be a minimum of 30 feet in width.

3. Parking lanes shall be a minimum of 10 feet in width.

I. Parking lanes shall be hard surfaced.

J. A cul-de-sac turn around shall have a minimum pavement width of 20 feet and a minimum diameter of 50 feet, exclusive of any parking area. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.230 Skirting.

All manufactured homes shall have compatible foundation fascia of fire and weather resistant material, which must be continually maintained. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.240 Lighting.

Outdoor lighting shall be provided to adequately illuminate internal streets and pedestrian walkways. Lights shall be sized and directed to avoid adverse impact from glare on adjacent property. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.250 Additions and separate accessory buildings or structures.

A. Additions to manufactured home units and separate accessory buildings or structures shall be constructed in compliance with the standards specified by local codes including the State Building Code and the mechanical code, plumbing code and fire code adopted therein, and the requirements of the Department of Labor and Industries as may be applicable.

B. Additions and accessory buildings or structures shall maintain the setback and separation requirements of this chapter.

C. Additions or accessory structures shall not exceed 16 feet in height. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.260 Satellite receiving antennas.

Satellite receiving antennas shall be sited in compliance with the setback and separation standards of this chapter. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.270 Shoreline areas.

All property developed within 200 feet of the high water mark of Soap Lake or its associated wetlands as defined by the city’s shoreline management master plan, and any uses relying on the shoreline for such use, shall conform with the city’s shoreline management master plan. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.280 Park administration.

The owner and/or authorized operator of the manufactured home park shall be responsible for ensuring the maintenance of the manufactured home park and compliance with the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.290 Permit.

Prior to the location, relocation, establishment, or initial occupancy of any manufactured home, the manufactured home owner or authorized representative shall obtain a set up permit from the city. Application for the permit shall be on forms prescribed and furnished by the city. The permit fee shall be established by the city. Each permit issued by the city shall be valid until the manufactured home is moved to another location. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.300 Set up.

All manufactured homes shall be set up in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and as required by the building official in accordance with any applicable federal, state, or local regulations. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.310 Insignia requirement.

All manufactured homes not established as a residence within the city prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title shall bear the insignia of approval by the state of Washington or the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development indicating compliance with 42 U.S.C. Sections 5401 through 5403 standards (as amended in 2000). (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.320 Variances, waivers, deviations and deferrals.

A. Zoning. A variance of the bulk standards, the performance standards, and the dimensional standards of this chapter may be obtained through the hearing examiner in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2.72 SLMC entitled, “Hearing Examiner.”

B. Design. A variance of the city design standards or of the requirements of Chapter 16.26 SLMC entitled “Binding Site Plan” may be obtained in compliance with Chapter 16.40 SLMC entitled “Waivers and Deferrals.” (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.330 Interpretations and rulings.

Recognizing that there may be ambiguities in any ordinance and that it may be necessary to obtain an interpretation or ruling regarding intent, interpretation, or definition, the planner may forward a request to the planning agency for an interpretation or ruling regarding the application of the provisions of this chapter to any existing or proposed use. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.340 Appeals.

Any decision made by any administrator, officer, board, or agency in carrying out the provisions of this chapter may be appealed as provided for in Chapter 18.11 SLMC. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.350 Issuance of a business license or a certificate of occupancy.

No certificate of occupancy or business license may be issued by the city for new development until the premises have been inspected by the building official and found to be in compliance with the provisions and requirements of this chapter. (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).

17.65.360 Nonconforming use.

Any land use, structure, lot of record or sign which was legally established prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title or subsequent amendment to it and which could not be permitted to be established as a new use in a zone in which it is located by the regulations of this title, may be permitted to continue as a legal nonconforming use in compliance with Chapter 17.69 SLMC entitled “Nonconforming Uses.” (Ord. 1105 § 1, 2009).