Chapter 13.08
13.08.010 Consolidated billing system for water, sewer and storm sewer.
13.08.020 Construction and interpretation of city powers.
13.08.040 Accounting and charges – Change of ownership.
13.08.050 Billing adjustments due to water leaks.
13.08.060 Payment of bills – Penalties.
13.08.005 Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, unless the context indicates otherwise, the words and phrases used in the chapter are defined as follows:
A. “Residential account” means any utility account that provides service to a property where people live.
B. “Nonresidential account” means any utility account that provides service to a property that is not used as a place to live.
C. “Single-family account” means a residential account where a single dwelling unit is connected to a water meter.
D. “Multifamily account” means a residential account where more then one dwelling unit is connected to a single water meter. (Ord. 2912 § 1, 2024)
13.08.010 Consolidated billing system for water, sewer and storm sewer.
Water, sewer and storm sewer charges are consolidated as one bill and, upon failure to make full payment of the consolidated bill, the city shall have the right to discontinue water service to the premises so affected. Bills for residential service to parcels inside Sumner city limits for each of the utilities will be rendered to each customer on a monthly basis, all other parcels will be billed bimonthly (six times a year) unless otherwise approved by the council. (Ord. 2620 § 1 (part), 2017: Ord. 2529 § 1 (part), 2015)
13.08.020 Construction and interpretation of city powers.
This chapter shall be construed and interpreted as additional powers to any and all rights the city may now have by virtue of previous ordinances and the laws of the state. (Ord. 2529 § 1 (part), 2015)
13.08.030 Rate study.
The city of Sumner shall conduct a rate study of each utility’s expenditures and needed revenues during each biennial budget process. The rate study shall be based on historical data, the capital facilities program, cost of proposed improvements to the wastewater treatment plant, operations and maintenance needs and debt service. In addition, the rate structure of all classifications of users will be reviewed for fairness for use of the facilities of the utility and is the basis of the rate structure contained in this chapter. (Ord. 2529 § 1 (part), 2015)
13.08.040 Accounting and charges – Change of ownership.
A. All utility accounts shall be kept in the name of the owner of the property when known and all charges shall be made against the property, as well as the owner thereof. No change of ownership or occupancy shall affect the application of this section.
B. The city will send all utility bills to the owner.
1. For nonresidential properties only: Upon written application, the owner may have a duplicate bill sent to a tenant by having the utility account placed in his/her name; however, all charges shall be made against the property and the owner shall remain liable for all charges not paid by the tenant.
C. Upon written application by the owner, or the owner’s agent, a final bill can be created for a change in tenants or ownership. The fee for creating a final billing and related services for a property receiving city utilities shall be $40.00. This charge shall be placed on the final bill. (Ord. 2811 § 1, 2022; Ord. 2620 § 1 (part), 2017: Ord. 2529 § 1 (part), 2015)
13.08.050 Billing adjustments due to water leaks.
A. To apply for a billing adjustment due to a water leak, a customer shall submit a written leak adjustment request form to the finance department. The request shall include the date the leak was repaired and copies of the repair bills or materials’ receipts. Upon receipt of the request, the public works department’s water division shall check the meter to ensure that the leak is fixed. After receiving confirmation that the leak has been fixed, the finance department shall analyze the utility account. If the water consumption for the same billing period in the previous year was greater than the consumption for the period in which the leak occurred, no adjustment will be made. If the water consumption for the same billing period in the previous year was less than the consumption for the period in which the leak occurred an adjustment will be processed. The difference between the current consumption and the previous consumption will be considered the leak. For new owners or renters occupying the premises for less than one year, the consumption used to determine the adjustment amount will be based on the average usage for that classification of customer for that time period in the previous year.
B. To ensure leaks are repaired in a timely manner the utility account will only receive an adjustment for half of the leak and the maximum number of months that will be adjusted is four. If the total dollar amount of the adjustment for both water and sewer is less than $25.00, the customer will not be eligible for an adjustment. The maximum number of billing adjustments as a result of leaks is one per calendar year unless there are unusual circumstances and the administrative services director or designee waives this requirement.
C. The monetary adjustment shall be made on the bill following the next meter reading cycle after the adjustment request is received. If necessary, an adjustment will also be made to the water consumption amount so that the winter sewer consumption average will be calculated based on the adjusted usage.
D. Payment of the bill that includes the leak is due on the date stated on the bill. If the customer is unable to pay the entire bill as a result of the leak, the customer shall pay the amount of the previous bill until the billing adjustment has been processed. If the customer pays the full amount of the previous bill by the due date stated on the current bill, the outstanding balance on the current bill will not be penalized and the service to that account will continue. Once the adjustment has been credited to the account, any amounts still owed will be due immediately. If the leak adjustment results in a credit balance on the account, refunds will not be given unless there has been a change of ownership or the credit balance will not be used up over a time period of three normal billings. (Ord. 2529 § 1 (part), 2015)
13.08.060 Payment of bills – Penalties.
A. The billing date is defined as the last day of the prior month. Bills for service are due and payable upon presentation, and payment may be made through the mail, in person at the city’s utility billing office, or online through the city of Sumner website.
B. Any monthly bill not paid within 20 days of the billing date or bimonthly bill not paid within 30 days of the billing date is delinquent. Failure of the mail service to deliver payment in a timely manner shall not be cause for waiver of penalties or for waiver of discontinuance of service as provided in this chapter.
C. Delinquent accounts shall be assessed a penalty of five percent of the total outstanding service balance, with a minimum penalty of $15.00, unless the past due balance is less than $35.00, in which case the penalty shall be waived. Penalty amounts will not compound. Failure to receive a bill will not be recognized as a valid excuse for failure to pay bills when due.
D. Upon request from the customer, the city may reverse one penalty per 12 months as a customer courtesy. Courtesy penalty reversals will only be granted to those customers who otherwise keep their accounts in good standing. Any additional reversals are authorized only if the penalty was due to a pending leak adjustment, change in ownership or otherwise approved by the chief financial officer.
E. Any customer who has a delinquent account after 25 days shall have water service disconnected. Prior to disconnection a delinquent notice will be mailed to the service address and to the owner’s address if different. Failure to receive a disconnection notice will not be a valid excuse for avoiding disconnect. A lien may be placed upon the property being served by filing a notice with the city attorney. The city shall send a written notice of filing to the recorded owner of the property. The property owner shall be responsible for all fees associated with both filing and releasing the lien.
F. Partial payments shall be applied to the oldest charges, and remaining charges shall continue to accrue time and penalties. (Ord. 2679 § 1, 2019: Ord. 2620 § 1 (part), 2017: Ord. 2529 § 1 (part), 2015)
13.08.070 Discount program.
A. Low income seniors and people with disabilities who are receiving discounted property tax rates through the Pierce County tax assessor’s office are eligible for discounted utility rates.
B. Staff will obtain a list of eligible accounts and automatically apply a discounted rate of 25 percent of water, sewer and storm water base fees on January 1st and July 1st annually.
C. Should customers notify staff that they have become eligible for a discount between those review periods, the discounted rates will be applied once verified.
D. No prior adjustments for discounts will be made unless due to staff error. (Ord. 2912 § 1, 2024)