Chapter 2.06


2.06.010    Departments created.

2.06.010 Departments created.

There are hereby created and established the following departments in the city: police department; fire department; finance department; community development department; transportation and engineering department; water resources and sustainability department; administrative services department; city attorney’s office; parks and recreation department; information technology department, and executive department. References to the public works department shall mean transportation and engineering department or water resources and sustainability department as appropriate. Additional departments may be created from time to time by ordinance with proper budgetary approval.

(Ord. O2024-010, Amended, 11/19/2024; Ord. O2020-021, Amended, 08/04/2020; Ord. O2011-002, Amended, 03/01/2011; Ord. O2008-007, Amended, 02/05/2008; Ord. O2000-002, Amended, 01/18/2000; Ord. O96-030, Added, 10/15/1996)