Chapter 2.120


2.120.010    Established.

2.120.020    Purpose.

2.120.030    Function.

2.120.040    Membership – Term of office.

2.120.050    Organization – Meetings.

2.120.060    Committee staffing.

2.120.010 Established.

There is hereby established the Whatcom County surface mining advisory committee (SMAC). (Ord. 2000-017).

2.120.020 Purpose.

The committee is created to advise the Whatcom County planning and development services department and the Whatcom County council on implementing surface mining regulatory program consistent with the comprehensive plan. (Ord. 2000-017).

2.120.030 Function.

The committee will address the action items of the mineral resources element of the Whatcom County comprehensive plan. Upon appointment to the committee, members shall review the Whatcom County council’s natural resources committee meeting minutes and handouts from the public meetings on the formation of the surface mining advisory committee. The committee shall take direction from the Whatcom County council as to the priority of the action items as follows:

Action #5: Implement a surface mining regulatory program, consistent with the comprehensive plan, which addresses those areas where there is a conflict between land uses. Maintain an ongoing advisory committee consisting of representatives of diverse interests.

Action #3: Develop a coordinated and consistent approach for the regulation and enforcement of mineral extraction and accessory uses. Eliminate unnecessary regulations and permit. Make the regulatory process more efficient and timely, while protecting the land use rights of those affected.

Action #11: Budget, initiate and complete a Comprehensive Construction Aggregate Study (CCAS) to document the short and long range availability and location of quality mineral resources, to be completed within five years of the adoption of the comprehensive plan. Update the CCAS as needed based on the outcome of the study.

Action #8: Develop a program for the use of alternative methods and materials in County projects.

(Ord. 2000-017).

2.120.040 Membership – Term of office.

A. The committee shall consist of the following individuals:

1. One civil or geotechnical engineer with no direct or indirect financial business ties to the industry;

2. One material user;

3. One geologist;

4. Two members of the surface mining industry;

5. One citizen who lives in close proximity to active mining, mineral overlay area, or quarry;

6. One representative of agriculture;

7. One representative of forestry;

8. One representative of ground water as a potable, domestic supply, specifically a public water system or private well owner;

9. One ecologist;

10. One environmental consultant.

B. Committee members shall be appointed by the county council. Member terms will be four years.

C. When a committee member has completed two consecutive full terms, if a position on the committee remains unfilled for one month, the county council shall have the right to waive the one-year period of separation set forth in WCC 2.03.030. The exiting committee member may apply for any vacant position for which they are qualified.

D. When considering applications for appointments to this committee, county council should stagger the terms such that the term limit requirement in WCC 2.03.030 does not cause more than five positions to expire simultaneously. (Ord. 2019-034 Exh. A; Ord. 2016-070 Exh. A; Ord. 2000-017).

2.120.050 Organization – Meetings.

Meetings of the committee shall be open and accessible to the public and shall be subject to the Open Public Meetings Act. At every meeting, the committee will schedule an open session to take public comment on surface mining issues. Written and audio records of meetings, resolutions, findings and recommendations shall be kept and such records shall be public. The committee shall adopt its own rules and procedures for the conduct of business. The committee shall elect a chairperson from among its members who shall preside at its meetings. (Ord. 2002-030; Ord. 2000-017).

2.120.060 Committee staffing.

The Whatcom County planning and development services department shall provide staffing for the committee. (Ord. 2000-017).