Chapter 2.130
2.130.040 Membership – Term of office.
2.130.050 Organization – Meetings.
2.130.060 EDI program administration and staffing.
2.130.010 Established.
There is hereby established the Whatcom County economic development investment board (EDI board). (Ord. 2025-003 Exh. A; Ord. 2003-046 Exh. A; Ord. 2000-022).
2.130.020 Purpose.
The board is created to make recommendations to the Whatcom County council to invest in public facilities, consistent with RCW 82.14.370, that further the goals for promoting the industrial, commercial, and residential growth and creation of housing units in support of economic development in Whatcom County:
A. Increase the number of family wage jobs available in Whatcom County;
B. Retain, expand, and attract businesses to Whatcom County;
C. Invest in housing infrastructure and affordable workforce housing serving residents at 120 percent area median income (AMI) or below;
D. Invest in expansion of broadband internet infrastructure expanding access to affordable and reliable internet for Whatcom County businesses;
E. Sustain the EDI program through repayment of EDI loans;
F. Other Criteria. Other criteria as established by legislative actions taken subsequent to the adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter will be incorporated in the project funding criteria. (Ord. 2025-003 Exh. A; Ord. 2003-046 Exh. A; Ord. 2000-022).
2.130.030 Function.
At the inception of the tax collection, all revenue shall be deposited into the designated rural county public facilities fund. As soon thereafter as practical, the county may issue bonds in an amount that will be based on the estimated annual tax collections. All interest from the bonds, loans, any additional taxes, or other revenues collected from this act or any subsequent or successor legislation shall be treated in a similar manner. (Ord. 2025-003 Exh. A; Ord. 2003-046 Exh. A; Ord. 2000-022).
2.130.040 Membership – Term of office.
A. The EDI board will consist of 13 members and one nonvoting member responsible for administration of the EDI program, which include:
Members by organization:
1. The county executive;
2. The mayor of Bellingham;
3. Two mayors of small cities, designated by the Small Cities Caucus;
4. One member of the county council;
5. One member of the Whatcom County business and commerce committee (business representative);
6. One member representing the Bellingham/Whatcom County chamber of commerce;
7. One member representing the Associate Development Organization (ADO);
8. One member representing the Port of Bellingham;
9. One member representing the public utility district.
Members appointed:
10. One member of the commercial financing community, with expertise in housing development;
11. One member from the philanthropic community;
12. One member of the nonprofit housing development community;
Nonvoting member:
13. One Whatcom County staff member designated by the county executive with responsibility for administrating the EDI program.
B. The chairperson of the board shall be the Whatcom County executive.
C. All appointed members of the EDI board will be appointed by the county executive and confirmed by the Whatcom County council.
D. All appointed EDI board members will serve a three-year term, and will be limited to two consecutive terms. (Ord. 2025-003 Exh. A; Ord. 2018-016 Exh. A; Ord. 2016-015 Exh. A; Ord. 2003-046 Exh. A; Ord. 2000-022).
2.130.050 Organization – Meetings.
A. Meetings of the EDI board shall be open and accessible to the public and shall be subject to the Open Public Meetings Act.
B. The EDI board will meet two times per year: in May, the board will review the past year’s awards and review the annual update form from each agency awarded funding, review proposed “call for projects” process presented by staff, and vote to release a “call for projects” and application.
In August, the Board will review applications to EDI funding and develop a prioritized list of projects and recommended funding awards for the following fiscal year to the county council.
C. The EDI board may be called to a special meeting at the discretion of the county executive to consider emergent requests, where an opportunity arises to meet the county goals of EDI funding and the opportunity would be lost without consideration of awarding EDI funding. (Ord. 2025-003 Exh. A; Ord. 2003-046 Exh. A; Ord. 2000-022).
2.130.060 EDI program administration and staffing.
The county executive will be responsible for administration of the EDI program including developing guidelines and processes to meet the adopted purpose.
The county executive shall designate the staffing for the board.
EDI funding will be allocated annually to support staffing costs for the administration of the EDI program. (Ord. 2025-003 Exh. A; Ord. 2003-046 Exh. A; Ord. 2000-022).