Chapter 3.60


3.60.010    Investment of excess cash.

3.60.010 Investment of excess cash.

The county treasurer is hereby authorized to invest excess cash from the following funds for their own benefit:

Fund #

Fund Description



Whatcom County drug fund

Prosecuting attorney

The Whatcom County treasurer is hereby authorized to allocate interest income from residual cash, at the average pool rate, to programs where governing law or grant terms from the program require that residual cash from the program to be invested to benefit the program.

Any newly created funds that are classified construction (300 series), enterprise (400 series) or bond funds when required by bond indenture, may have their excess cash invested by the county treasurer to accrue interest earnings for their own benefit. The treasurer will be considered the manager of all bond funds. Currently established bond funds, when required by bond indenture, shall have their excess cash invested for their own benefit. In each case, the treasurer will work with the respective fund manager to determine the proper levels of investment throughout the fiscal year resulting from the development of a cash flow budget plan. (Ord. 2002-073; Ord. 99-053; Ord. 98-067; Ord. 97-073; Ord. 93-033; Ord. 93-021; Ord. 88-63).