7-10-75 | Commercial land use zone (Not codified) |
7-10-75 | Resort land use zone (Not codified) |
12-29-75 | Amends text of comprehensive plan (Special) |
2-9-76 | Amends zoning map; repeals and replaces WCC §§2.24.080, 2.24.100 and 2.24.200, forestry district (Not codified) |
4-5-76 | Repeals and replaces WCC Ch. 1.52, fire prevention bureau (2.04) |
5-17-76 | Utility fleet permit fees (Special) |
6-7-76 | Adoption of light impact industrial district (LIID), zoning (Not codified) |
6-7-76 | Adopts agricultural district (AG), zoning (Not codified) |
6-7-76 | Adopts rural-farm district (RF), zoning (Not codified) |
8-2-76 | Adopts rural one acre district (R1A), zoning (Not codified) |
8-2-76 | Approves change in comprehensive plan map (Special) |
10-4-76 | Addition to county ferry rates (Special) |
10-4-76 | Adoption of major development permit process (Not codified) |
11-15-76 | Amends WCC §2.24.209A, general protection district (GP) (Not codified) |
12-27-76 | Adopts comprehensive plan map changes; amends zone map; adopts rural two acre district (R2A) and rural residential district (RR2); adopts declaration of nonsignificance (Not codified) |
12-27-76 | Adds WCC §7.40.030A, road vacation report fees and WCC §8.44.055, fees; amends WCC §§2.24.270H and 2.24.280E, zoning; amends WCC §2.32.090, shorelines; amends WCC §§8.20.030, 8.20.130, 8.20.140, 8.20.150, 8.28.020, and 8.28.040, subdivisions; repeals WCC §8.20.010(3) (12.20) |
12-30-76 | Adds WCC §2.24.271; repeals WCC §§2.24.209A(E)(2) and 2.24.270(D)(9), zoning (Not codified) |
1-13-77 | Amends Res. 1-6-75, ferry permits for senior citizens (Special) |
1-24-77 | Defense and indemnification of officials (Not codified) |
2-14-77 | Defense and indemnification of officials in regard to use of vehicles (2.56) |
3-21-77 | Adds WCC §5.04.340(7); amends WCC §5.04.340(1), boating (Repealed by Ord. 8-16-78) |
4-4-77 | Adopts contract zone district (CZ); approves rezone and adopts “The Firs” contract zone agreement (Not codified) |
4-11-77 | Adopts Whatcom County SEPA Ordinance (Not codified) |
5-31-77 | Adds WCC §§1.14.050 and 1.14.052, reimbursement of officials (Repealed by 93-042) |
6-8-77 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
6-15-77 | Adds WCC §2.24.245 (Not codified) |
6-17-77 | Amends comprehensive plan map; adopts declaration of nonsignificance (Special) |
6-29-77 | Amends WCC §2.24.209A, zoning (Not codified) |
12-7-77 | Amends WCC §2.05A.410, valuation schedule (Repealed by Ord. 79-71) |
12-28-77 | Amends Ch. 9.3(1), shoreline management; amends WCC §§2.24.230, 2.24.280E, 8.20.030, 8.20.130, 8.20.140 and 8.28.020, application fees (Not codified) |
12-28-77 | Boundary review board (2.24) |
1-3-78 | Amends WCC §3.08.025, garbage disposal fees (8.12) |
1-4-78 | Amends WCC §5.04.160, boating (Repealed by Ord. 8-16-78) |
1-23-78 | Recodification of interim zoning ordinance (Not codified) |
2-8-78 | Adds Ch. 1.62 to WCC, establishing Whatcom County central services department, organization, and fund (Repealed by 87-74) |
2-8-78 | Amends zoning map; adopts declaration of nonsignificance (Special) |
3-27-78 | Revision of zoning map (Special) |
5-15-78 | Incorporates Res. 4-25-77 of Council of Governments into county solid waste management plan (Special) |
5-22-78 | Deletes WCC §, manure storage and disposal (Not codified) |
5-22-78 | Establishes rewards, offenses to county property (9.16) |
6-26-78 | Approves Whatcom County Shoreline Management Program (Not codified) |
7-3-78 | Approval of extension of interim zoning ordinance (Special) |
8-30-78 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
9-20-78 | Establishes department of public works (Repealed by Ord. 88-22) |
9-27-78 | Changes “select industrial” district to “light impact” industrial district in comprehensive plan text (Special) |
9-27-78 | Repeals §13 of SEPA; repeals and replaces §§20(B) and 20(C) of SEPA with §§20(B) – 20(E) (Incorporated in SEPA Rev. 11/29/79) |
10-16-78 | Amends WCC §§2.24.510.058 and 2.24.510.150; repeals WCC §2.24.510.174, GP district (Not codified) |
11-6-78 | Amends WCC §, permitted uses in RR2 district (Not codified) |
11-6-78 | Amends suburban and potential suburban comprehensive plan texts, establishment of neighborhood grocery stores (Special) |
11-6-78 | Amends WCC §§ and 8.28.040, short plat appeal fees (Not codified) |
12-11-78 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
79-1 | County council meetings (Repealed by Ord. 2008-004) |
79-2 | Filling vacancies on county council (Repealed by Ord. 2008-004) |
79-3 | Board of equalization (2.21) |
79-4 | County district board of health (Repealed by Ord. 88-94 and Res. 88-32) |
79-11 | Amends Res. 79-1, county council meetings (Repealed by 2007-044) |
79-14 | Adopts Whatcom County comprehensive plan goal statements (16.04) |
79-19 | Liquor license applications (5.32) |
79-21 | Utility construction on public roadways (12.28) |
79-36 | Ferry rates (Special) |
79-39 | Employment of professional negotiators (2.08) |
79-41 | Road district operations (Special) |
79-48 | Law library fund (Special) |
80-1 | Street name changes (Special) |
80-11 | Out-of-pocket expenses (Repealed by 93-042) |
80-12 | Membership on boards and commissions (2.03) |
80-13 | Board of equalization membership (2.03) |
80-15 | Street name change (Special) |
80-32 | Draw day period (Repealed by 93-042) |
80-42 | Adds new §§9 and 17 to Res. 78-1, renumbers existing sections, executive appointments (Repealed by Ord. 2008-004) |
80-50 | Street name change (Special) |
80-60 | Distribution of code (Not codified) |
80-69 | (Repealed by 87-28) |
80-70 | Ferry charges (Not codified) |
80-72 | Settlements for tort claims (Repealed by 85-78) |
81-5 | Funding of public health work (3.44) |
81-16 | Primitive roads (10.13) |
81-32 | Affirmative action plan and program for equal opportunity employment (Repealed by 93-042) |
81-49 | Amends justice court districting plan (2.12) |
82-1 | Amends Res. 79-1, county council meetings (Repealed by Ord. 2008-004) |
82-6 | Amends Res. 81-16, primitive roads (10.13) |
82-8 | Amends Res. 79-1, county council meetings (Repealed by Ord. 2008-004) |
82-30 | (Rescinded by 86-62) |
82-31 | Commercial and industrial development policy review (Special) |
82-35 | Alarm system fees (Not codified) |
82-41 | Exempts county project at former Blaine Air Force Station from zoning ordinance (Special) |
82-52 | Dissolution of Northwest Air Pollution Authority (Special) |
82-53 | Merges Whatcom County Air Pollution Control Authority to form multi-county air pollution control authority (Special) |
82-64 | Convention center fund policy guidance (Special) |
83-10 | Adopts sexual harassment policy (Repealed by 93-042) |
83-19 | Amends Res. 80-13, board of equalization (2.03) |
83-28 | Delineates public transportation benefit area (Special) |
83-34 | Establishes public transportation benefit authority (2.39) |
83-36 | Assigns tasks for development of county-wide solid waste disposal plan (Rescinded by Res. 85-37) |
83-45 | Council meeting and ordinance adoption procedures (Repealed by Ord. 2008-004) |
83-46 | Appoints Fred Wendover to health district board (Special) |
83-63 | Continues sales and use tax through 1984 (Special) |
83-64 | Repeals Res. 83-29 and restores Res. 79-4, health district and board (Repealer) |
84-3 | Requires local notice of county bond sales (3.16) |
84-13 | Changes street name (Special) |
84-27 | Creates charter review commission (2.35) |
84-28 | Expiration dates for terms of board of equalization members (Special) |
84-34 | Assistance to property owners in establishing their property under Open Space Act (Special) |
84-38 | Endorses certain traffic safety improvements (Special) |
84-47 | Continues sales and use tax (Special) |
84-54 | Authorizes ordinance segregating functions of fire marshal’s office between sheriff’s department and public works department (Special) |
84-55 | Reaffirms status of certain public road right-of-way (Special) |
85-1 | Craig W. Cole commendation (Special) |
85-2 | Bond requirement for administrators of Veterans’ Relief Fund (Special) |
85-3 | Amends §13 of Res. 83-45, membership on standing committees (Repealed by Ord. 2008-004) |
85-4 | Sets time and place for assessment roll hearing (Special) |
85-5 | Ferndale High School Band commended as representatives of entire state at Second Inaugural of President Ronald Reagan (Special) |
85-6 | Expresses opposition to proposed landfill on international border (Special) |
85-7 | Amends Res. 85-2 by extending list of officers required to be bonded prior to disbursement from Veterans’ Relief Fund (Special) |
85-8 | County executive contract with William T. Follis (Special) |
85-9 | Sale of real property foreclosed by county (Special) |
85-10 | Amends county deferred compensation plan (Special) |
85-11 | Authorizes payment of attorneys (Special) |
85-12 | Memorial to Legislature to proclaim “Louie Louie” as official state song (Special) |
85-13 | Amends Res. 85-9, sale of real property foreclosed by county (Special) |
85-14 | Authority granted to park director in acquisition and maintenance of former air force station (Special) |
85-15 | Adopts salary schedules for unrepresented county employees (Special) |
85-16 | Official county newspaper bid proposals (Special) |
85-17 | Establishes roadside vegetation management program (Repealed by Ord. 85-105) |
85-18 | County executive contract with Arnold, Arnold & Associates (Special) |
85-19 | Amends Res. 84-26, transfer of mineral rights (Special) |
85-20 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
85-21 | Public hearing for declaring certain property surplus to county (Special) |
85-22 | Changes name of county water district No. 4 to Point Roberts Water District No. 4 (Special) |
85-23 | May 1985 established as Older Americans Month (Special) |
85-24 | County executive contract with Foss Launch and Tug Co. (Special) |
85-25 | Adopts Point Roberts Water District No. 4’s amendments to comprehensive plan (Special) |
85-26 | Directs county engineer to investigate proposed Sumas River drainage improvement district (Special) |
85-27 | County executive authorized to extend agreement with Harper-Owes (Special) |
85-28 | Implements Res. 85-17 into comprehensive plan (Special) |
85-29 | Implements provisions of county nuclear free zone vote (1.24) |
85-30 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
85-31 | Sets date for comprehensive road program hearing (Special) |
85-32 | Aquatic land enhancement project (Special) |
85-33 | Places name on certain county road (Special) |
85-34 | Adopts comprehensive road program (Special) |
85-35 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
85-36 | Adopts revised deferred compensation plan (Special) |
85-37 | Changes solid waste facilities funding, and rescinds Res. 83-36 (Special) |
85-38 | Establishes 1986 budget policies (Special) |
85-39 | Nooksak hazardous waste incinerator (Special) |
85-40 | Economic development revenue bonds issuance (Special) |
85-41 | Amendment of agreement with city of Ferndale regarding sewage treatment and disposal facilities (Special) |
85-42 | Public hearing for declaring certain property surplus to county (Special) |
85-43 | Public hearing for declaring certain vehicles surplus to county (Special) |
85-44 | Public hearing for declaring certain property surplus to county (Special) |
85-45 | Cancellation of uncollectible personal property taxes more than four years delinquent (Special) |
85-46 | Preservation and acquisition of public access to and use of shorelines of county (Special) |
85-47 | Amends §1 of Res. 84-39, regarding repayment of community economic revitalization board loan (Special) |
85-48 | Affirms county support for HJR 23, community redevelopment financing (Special) |
85-49 | County support for annexation of Cordata Business Park site (Special) |
85-50 | County support for economic revitalization board loan for Cordata Business Park (Special) |
85-51 | Property reassessment (Special) |
85-52 | Property reassessment (Special) |
85-53 | Declares October 30, 1985 to be “Noche Mexicano” (Special) |
85-54 | Road vacation (Special) |
85-55 | Public hearing for declaring certain property surplus to county (Special) |
85-56 | Reassessment of property within Road Improvement District No. 1 (Special) |
85-57 | Reassessment of property within Road Improvement District No. 2 (Special) |
85-58 | 1985 budget transfers (Special) |
85-59 | Capital improvement projects for county buildings (Special) |
85-60 | Adopts 1986 county and road construction program (Special) |
85-61 | Adopts salary schedules for unrepresented county employees (Rescinded by Res. 86-57) |
85-62 | Adopts salary schedule for unrepresented employees of Nor-Bell Nursing Home (Rescinded by Res. 86-58) |
85-63 | Continues tax levied under Ord. 82-68 (Special) |
85-64 | Amends Res. 85-30, sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
85-65 | Amends sewer connection agreement with Ferndale wastewater treatment plant (Special) |
85-66 | Easement vacation (Special) |
85-67 | Request for acceptance by state of alcohol certification application from counseling and psychiatric clinic (Special) |
85-68 | Salary adjustments for chief corrections officer (Special) |
85-69 | Retroactive pay adjustment (Special) |
85-70 | Establishes Cherry Point working group (Special) |
86-1 | Commends and encourages park and recreation board (Special) |
86-2 | Fund transfer (Special) |
86-3 | Honors certain councilwoman (Special) |
86-4 | Commends certain councilman (Special) |
86-5 | Amends salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
86-5-A | Amends salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
86-6 | Terms of office for certain office holders (Special) |
86-7 | Jail arbitration fund (Special) |
86-8 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
86-9 | Amends Ch. 20.82, zoning (Not codified) |
86-10 | Public hearing on surplus screening (Special) |
86-11 | Proposes closure of Cedarville landfill (Rescinded by Res. 86-61) |
86-12 | Bond issuance (Special) |
86-13 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
86-14 | Opposes §145 of the Tax Reform Act of 1985 (Special) |
86-14-A | Warrant cancellation (Special) |
86-15 | Amends salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
86-16 | Contract with G.H.R. and Associates for consulting services (Special) |
86-17 | Vacation schedule for superior court reporters and commissioner (Not codified) |
86-18 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
86-19 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
86-20 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
86-21 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
86-22 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
86-23 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
86-24 | Abandonment of portion of certain lane (Special) |
86-25 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
86-26 | Leave for city employees due to inclement weather or emergencies (Not codified) |
86-27 | Commends deputy prosecuting attorney (Special) |
86-28 | Declaration of intent to construct certain storm drainage project (Special) |
86-29 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
86-30 | Contract with Harlen Construction Company for reconstruction of certain ferry terminal (Special) |
86-31 | Declaration of intent to upgrade certain roads (Special) |
86-32 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
86-33 | Acceptance of loan from Community Economic Revitalization Board (Special) |
86-34 | Sets hearing date for Six-year Comprehensive Road Program (Special) |
86-35 | Declaration of certain surplus property (Special) |
86-36 | Establishes new assessment roll for certain property in flood control district (Special) |
86-37 | Adopts Six-year Comprehensive Road Program (Special) |
86-38 | Amends salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
86-39 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
86-40 | Special election on certain annexation (Special) |
86-41 | Revises rules of hearing examiner (Not codified) |
86-42 | Road improvement (Special) |
86-43 | Road improvement (Special) |
86-44 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
86-45 | Establishes agency for planning of county centennial celebration (Special) |
86-46 | Creates drainage improvement district (Special) |
86-47 | Expresses concern and requests forbearance in regard to burning of hazardous materials (Special) |
86-48 | Proclaims October 5 through 11, 1986 to be “4-H Week” (Special) |
86-49 | Expresses appreciation for retiring employee (Special) |
86-50 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
86-51 | Amends Res. 82-59, wastewater facility improvements (Special) |
86-52 | Approves agreement for state administration of forest lands (Special) |
86-53 | Establishes procedures for transfers within departmental budgets (Special) |
86-54 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
86-55 | Adopts six-year physical plant and facilities capital improvement program (Special) |
86-55A | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
86-56 | Adopts 1987 county road construction program (Special) |
86-57 | Adopts salary schedule for unrepresented employees; rescinds Res. 85-61 (Special) |
86-58 | Adopts salary schedules for unrepresented employees of Nor-Bell Nursing Home; rescinds Res. 85-62 (Special) |
86-59 | Continues Ord. 82-68, sales and use tax (Special) |
86-60 | Adopts county comprehensive solid waste management plan (Special) |
86-61 | Extends operation of Cedarville landfill site; rescinds Res. 86-11 (Special) |
86-62 | Adopts personnel policies and procedures; rescinds Res. 82-30 (Special) |
86-63 | Adopts terms of Comprehensive Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) for continuation of terminating employees’ health benefits (Special) |
86-64 | Expresses appreciation for retiring employee (Special) |
87-1 | Employee payroll direct deposit (Special) |
87-2 | Firefighter retirement medical benefits payment (Special) |
87-3 | Open space tax relief (Special) |
87-4 | Appreciation to Dave Jenkins (Special) |
87-5 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
87-6 | Amends Ordinance 86-89, road construction (Special) |
87-7 | County newspaper bid (Special) |
87-8 | Amends Resolutions 86-61 and 86-11, Cedarville landfill (Special) |
87-9 | Road naming, signposting (Special) |
87-10 | Road naming, signposting (Special) |
87-11 | Drainage district election (Special) |
87-12 | Amends Resolution 86-45, centennial committee (Special) |
87-13 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
87-14 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
87-15 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
87-16 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
87-17 | Community development block grant funds (Special) |
87-18 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
87-19 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
87-20 | Hearing for road plan (Special) |
87-21 | Agreement with British Columbia Telephone Company (Special) |
87-22 | Sale of county real property (Special) |
87-23 | Warrant cancellation (Special) |
87-24 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
87-25 | Adopts 1988 through 1993 comprehensive road program (Special) |
87-26 | Declares restoration of Mount Baker Theatre to be official centennial project (Special) |
87-27 | Park and recreation board advised to continue public hearings on EIS for Sumas Mountain project (Special) |
87-28 | Repeals Res. 80-69 (Repealer) |
87-29 | Extends operation of Cedarville landfill site (Special) |
87-30 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
87-31 | Sale of county surplus equipment (Special) |
87-32 | CRP 99164 appropriation (Special) |
87-33 | Sale of county surplus equipment (Special) |
87-34 | Authorizes interlocal agreement for facility maintenance services (Special) |
87-35 | Salary schedule (Special) |
87-36 | Interlocal agreement with Lummi Indian Business Council (Special) |
87-37 | Authorizes contract with Arnold, Arnold and Associates (Special) |
87-38 | Amends Res. 86-58, salary schedule (Special) |
87-39 | Procedure for setting date for bids to lease gas and oil rights (Special) |
87-40 | Sale of county surplus equipment (Special) |
87-41 | Sets special election (Special) |
87-42 | Hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
87-43 | Proclaims October 4 through 10, 1987 as “4-H Week” (Special) |
87-44 | Selects Pat McMullen to fill vacant state senate seat (Special) |
87-45 | Sale of county surplus equipment (Special) |
87-46 | Approves agreement for formation of a local and road improvement district (Special) |
87-47 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
87-48 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
87-49 | Intent to form RID No. 7 (Special) |
87-50 | Moratorium on action concerning solid waste disposal (Special) |
87-51 | Gravel road conversions (12.52) |
87-52 | Interlocal agreement for multijurisdictional task force to control narcotics (Special) |
87-53 | Application for transfer of United States-owned real property (Special) |
87-54 | Declares appointment of Jim Fox as state representative (Special) |
87-55 | Accepts Lake Whatcom watershed management plan and advisory report (Special) |
87-56 | Adopts six-year physical plant and facilities capital improvement program (Special) |
87-57 | Adopts 1988 road construction program (Special) |
87-58 | Salary schedule for unrepresented county employees (Rescinded by Res. 88-64) |
87-59 | Salary schedule for unrepresented employees of Nor-Bell Nursing Home (Special) |
87-60 | Continues Ord. 82-68, sales and use tax (Special) |
87-61 | Hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
87-62 | Merger of water districts 6 and 8 (Special) |
87-63 | Defense and indemnification of employees (Not codified) |
87-64 | Amends Res. 87-58, salary schedule (Special) |
88-1 | Expresses appreciation to J.V. “Jim” Hawley, Jr. (Special) |
88-2 | Expresses appreciation to R.W. “Bob” Muenscher (Special) |
88-3 | Honors Patti Jefferson (Special) |
88-4 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
88-5 | Amends Res. 87-58, salary schedule for unrepresented county employees (Special) |
88-6 | Authorizes two new positions (Special) |
88-7 | Establishes CRP 99130; awards contract for rehabilitation of bridge (Special) |
88-8 | Calls for bid proposals from newspapers qualified to serve as the official county newspaper (Special) |
88-9 | Hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
88-10 | Establishes date and time for bid acceptance (Special) |
88-11 | Establishes CRP 99134; awards contract for reconstruction of road (Special) |
88-12 | States intent of council to support responsible development of oil production in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Special) |
88-13 | Assigns “Cronk Road” as name of County Road No. 627 (Special) |
88-14 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
88-15 | Cancellation of warrants (Special) |
88-16 | Authorizes Emily Jackson to appear before the utilities and transportation commission (Special) |
88-17 | Authorizes procedure for siting a new county-owned sanitary landfill (Special) |
88-18 | Amends Res. 87-58, salary schedule for unrepresented county employees (Special) |
88-19 | Establishes CRP 99170; awards contract for work on bridge (Special) |
88-20 | Clarifies Res. 87-63 to include officers and board members of county boundary review board (Not codified) |
88-21 | Authorizes county executive to advertise for certain proposals (Special) |
88-22 | Authorizes county executive to enter into certain agreement (Special) |
88-23 | Expresses support for water quality planning information-gathering processes (Special) |
88-24 | Proposes cooperative venture with city of Bellingham for juvenile detention facility construction (Special) |
88-25 | Hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
88-26 | Amends §1 of Ord. 87-29, extending operation of Cedarville landfill site (Special) |
88-27 | Endorses certain project of Lummi Indian Tribe (Special) |
88-28 | Hearing on county’s six-year comprehensive road program (Special) |
88-29 | Authorizes county executive to enter into contractual agreement with Harper-Owes to provide services relating to new landfill site (Special) |
88-30 | Sale of foreclosed real property (Special) |
88-31 | Adopts six-year comprehensive road program (Special) |
88-32 | Repeals Res. 79-4 (Repealer) |
88-33 | Contract for road reconstruction (Special) |
88-34 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
88-35 | Authorizes a proposition for ballot on a proposal to fund an emergency telephone system (Special) |
88-36 | Authorizes a proposition for ballot for an excess levy for the county parks and recreation department (Special) |
88-37 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
88-38 | Authorizes purchase of real estate (Special) |
88-39 | Notice of sale of county property (Special) |
88-40 | Contract with architectural firm for public safety building construction (Special) |
88-41 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
88-42 | Endorses hazardous waste cleanup law (Special) |
88-43 | Hearing on sale of surplus equipment (Special) |
88-44 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
88-45 | Authorizes participation in Washington counties risk pool (Special) |
88-46 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
88-47 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
88-48 | List of surplus equipment of sale (Special) |
88-49 | Supports relocation of U.S. post office from Prospect Street (Special) |
88-50 | Commends planning association of Washington (Special) |
88-51 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
88-52 | Supports rail development commission (Special) |
88-53 | Cancellation of uncollectible property taxes more than four years delinquent (Special) |
88-54 | Appreciates Latin American delegation’s visit (Special) |
88-55 | Lake Whatcom watershed committee (2.84) |
88-56 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
88-57 | Establishes county road program project (Special) |
88-58 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
88-59 | Warrant issuance (Special) |
88-60 | Concerns implementation of recommendations of financial management audit (Special) |
88-61 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
88-62 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
88-63 | Assessment roll for RID No. 8 (Special) |
88-64 | Adopts 1989 salary schedule for unrepresented county employees; rescinds Res. 87-58 (Special) |
88-65 | Adopts 1989 salary schedule for unrepresented Nor-Bell employees (Special) |
88-66 | Court appointment (Special) |
88-67 | Adopts six-year physical plant and facilities capital improvement program (Special) |
88-68 | Adopts 1989 road construction program (Special) |
88-69 | Establishes county road project (Special) |
88-70 | Requests administration to examine certain personnel issues (Special) |
88-71 | Establishes county road project (Special) |
88-72 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
88-73 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
88-74 | Accepts interlocal agreement extending joint operations of Whatcom communications center (Special) |
89-1 | Requests administration to examine certain personnel issues (Special) |
89-2 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-3 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
89-4 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
89-5 | Amends county policies and procedures manual (Special) |
89-6 | Logging within Lake Whatcom watershed (Special) |
89-7 | Bid proposals for official county newspaper (Special) |
89-8 | Creates LRID No. 10 (Special) |
89-9 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
89-10 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
89-11 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
89-12 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
89-13 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-14 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-15 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
89-16 | Assessment segregation within LRID No. 9 (Special) |
89-17 | Assessment segregation within RID No. 8 (Special) |
89-18 | Sets public hearing for formation of water district (Special) |
89-19 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-20 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-21 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-22 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-23 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
89-24 | Bid proposals for official county newspaper (Special) |
89-25 | Authorizes county management of comprehensive solid waste plan (Special) |
89-26 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-27 | Amends Res. 88-55, Lake Whatcom watershed committee (2.84) |
89-28 | Places formation of water district No. 18 on special election ballot (Special) |
89-29 | Approves issuance of bonds by Community Economic Revitalization Board (Special) |
89-30 | Approves issuance of bonds by Community Economic Revitalization Board (Special) |
89-31 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
89-32 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
89-33 | Hearing on surplus property (Special) |
89-34 | Authorizes agreement to sell county-owned property (Special) |
89-35 | Authorizes joint powers agreement for Lake Whatcom restoration project (Special) |
89-36 | Orders segregation of certain assessment within road improvement district No. 8 (Special) |
89-37 | Authorizes execution of joint powers agreement with city of Bellingham for Lake Whatcom restoration project (Special) |
89-38 | Open space and timber applications (Special) |
89-39 | Approves county-wide recycling program (Special) |
89-40 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-41 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-42 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
89-43 | Amends county policies and procedures manual (Special) |
89-44 | Establishes county road project (Special) |
89-45 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
89-46 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
89-47 | Hearing on six-year comprehensive road program (Special) |
89-48 | Open space tax status (Special) |
89-49 | Groundwater management areas (Special) |
89-50 | Transfer of quitclaim deed from county to state (Special) |
89-51 | Repeals Res. 88-24 (Repealer) |
89-52 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-53 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
89-54 | Establishes CRP 99178; awards contract for road relocation (Special) |
89-55 | Resolution in the matter of Whatcom County comprehensive six-year road program for years 1990 to 1995 (Special) |
89-56 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-57 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-58 | Amends Res. 88-12, stating intent of council to support responsible development of oil production in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Special) |
89-59 | Requests long-range capital improvement plan (Special) |
89-60 | Adopts recommendations for 1989 A-H open space/timber applications (Special) |
89-61 | Establishes CRP 99168; awards contract for road reconstruction (Special) |
89-62 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-63 | Extends area service for phone customers (Special) |
89-64 | Recognition (Special) |
89-65 | Amends Res. 88-64, salary schedule for unrepresented county employees (Special) |
89-66 | County tax title property hearing (Special) |
89-67 | County tax title property hearing (Special) |
89-68 | Surplus property hearing (Special) |
89-69 | Recognition (Special) |
89-70 | Recognition (Special) |
89-71 | Surplus equipment sale (Special) |
89-72 | Authorizes funding assistance application (Special) |
89-73 | Authorizes funding assistance application (Special) |
89-74 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-75 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-76 | Road classification (Special) |
89-77 | Mobile home assessment collection delay (Special) |
89-78 | Tax levy proposal submission to voters (Special) |
89-79 | Established county road program project No. 99187 (Special) |
89-80 | Declaration of surplus property (Special) |
89-81 | (Failed) |
89-82 | County tax title property hearing (Special) |
89-83 | Designates lead agency in Drayton Harbor Watershed Management Plan (Special) |
89-84 | Authorizes binding arbitration to determine division of assets (Special) |
89-85 | Orders segregation of assessment for road improvement district No. 8 (Special) |
89-86 | Orders segregation of assessment for local and road improvement district No. 9 (Special) |
89-87 | Orders segregation of assessment for road improvement district No. 8 (Special) |
89-88 | Orders segregation of assessment for local and road improvement district No. 9 (Special) |
89-89 | Orders segregation of assessment for road improvement district No. 8 (Special) |
89-90 | Orders segregation of assessment for local and road improvement district No. 9 (Special) |
89-91 | County tax title property hearing (Special) |
89-92 | Confirms denial of open space applications (Special) |
89-93 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-94 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-95 | County tax title property hearing (Special) |
89-96 | County council salary schedule (Special) |
89-97 | Initiates review of official controls relating to billboards (Special) |
89-99 | Authorizes financing of courthouse addition (Special) |
89-100 | Flood emergency commendation (Special) |
89-101 | Adopts 1990 road construction program (Special) |
89-102 | Adopts 1990 buildings and facilities capital program (Special) |
89-103 | Sale of foreclosed property (Special) |
89-104 | Orders cancellation of warrants (Special) |
89-107 | Surplus property hearing (Special) |
89-108 | Solid waste collection district hearing (Special) |
89-109 | Solid waste disposal district hearing (Special) |
89-110 | Dedication of certain property for public use as a street (Special) |
89-111 | Requests feasibility study of Vietnam veterans park or memorial facility (Special) |
90-1 | Authorizes intergovernmental transfer of certain property (Special) |
90-2 | Adopts updated comprehensive solid waste management plan (Special) |
90-3 | Authorizes name change from Glacier Water District No. 14 to Glacier Water District (Special) |
90-4 | Formation of RID No. 12 (Special) |
90-5 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
90-6 | Establishes county road project No. 99120 and awards contract (Special) |
90-7 | Policy for substituting asphalt overlay for chip-sealing (Not codified) |
90-8 | Fixes hearing date for fixing of tax rate (Special) |
90-9 | Authorizes application for funds to study Nooksack River (Special) |
90-10 | Supports Puget Sound Water Quality Authority (Special) |
90-11 | Endorses joint city-county production of a new comprehensive plan for the urban fringe subarea (Special) |
90-12 | Sets hearing date for surplus property declaration (Special) |
90-13 | Support for North Sound regional support network and funding (Special) |
90-14 | Directs auditor to advertise bidding procedures for county’s official newspaper (Special) |
90-15 | Endorses efforts to increase staff at international ports of entry in county (Special) |
90-16 | Establishes county road project No. 99190 and awards contract (Special) |
90-17 | Establishes county road projects Nos. 99158 and 99174 and awards contract (Special) |
90-18 | Sets hearing date for surplus property declaration (Special) |
90-19 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
90-20 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
90-21 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
90-22 | Authorizes petition to authorize property transfer (Special) |
90-23 | Adopts updated comprehensive solid waste management plan (Special) |
90-24 | Sets hearing date for declaration of surplus property (Special) |
90-25 | Authorizes agreement between county and Kaplan, McLaughlin, Diaz Architects relating to addition to county courthouse (Special) |
90-26 | Authorizes prosecuting attorney’s office to seek petition in Superior Court to authorize transfer of property (Special) |
90-27 | Authorizes property transfer (Special) |
90-28 | Authorizes name change from Whatcom County Fire Protection District No. 19 to Glacier Fire and Rescue (Special) |
90-29 | Authorizes contractual agreement for traffic signal design and construction (Special) |
90-30 | Authorizes contractual agreement for development of comprehensive flood control management plan (Special) |
90-31 | Surplus property declaration and transfer (Special) |
90-32 | Sale of property acquired by county (Special) |
90-33 | Sale of property acquired by county (Special) |
90-34 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
90-35 | Surplus property declaration and transfer (Special) |
90-36 | Formation of technical advisory committee to review, evaluate and revise development and subdivision standards (Special) |
90-37 | Authorizes legal action to acquire land (Special) |
90-38 | Authorizes sale of county-owned property through public auction (Special) |
90-39 | Adopts recommendations for 1989 I-J and 1990 A-C open space/timber and open space/open space applications (Special) |
90-40 | Directs county treasurer not to sell certificates of delinquency for real property taxes until further notice (Special) |
90-41 | Sets hearing on six-year comprehensive road program (Special) |
90-42 | Road reconstruction project (Special) |
90-43 | Hearing on sale of county tax title property (90-43) |
90-44 | Hearing on sale of real estate (Special) |
90-45 | Six-year road program and bridge analysis (Special) |
90-46 | Adopts salary schedule for unrepresented county employees for 1990 (Special) |
90-47 | Authorizes sale of property (Special) |
90-48 | Authorizes sale of property (Special) |
90-49 | Transfer of ownership of equipment (Special) |
90-50 | Cancellation of warrants (Special) |
90-51 | Finding concerning creation of a solid waste collection district (Special) |
90-52 | Cancellation of delinquent personal property taxes (Special) |
90-53 | Procedure for road improvement districts (Special) |
90-54 | Hearing on sale of surplus equipment (Special) |
90-55 | Amends sewage facilities construction agreement (Special) |
90-56 | Amends sewage facilities construction agreement (Special) |
90-57 | Establishes policy for notification of proposed rezone actions (Not codified) |
90-58 | Establishes policy on scheduling of land use activities (Not codified) |
90-59 | Establishes civic center advisory commission (Not codified) |
90-60 | Amends Res. 89-59, construction of juvenile facilities and courthouse addition (Special) |
90-61 | Extends council appreciation to certain employees (Special) |
90-62 | Sale of surplus equipment (Special) |
90-63 | Hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
90-64 | Sets date for hearing on creation of solid waste collection district (Special) |
90-65 | Authorizes sale of property acquired by county on tax foreclosure (Special) |
90-66 | Interim policy on wetland regulations (Special) |
90-67 | Overflow channel improvements to Glacier Creek at Mount Baker (Special) |
90-68 | Orders segregation of Local and Road Improvement District No. 9 (Special) |
90-69 | Accepts Hill-Burton funds (Special) |
90-70 | Establishes position opposing initiative 547 (Special) |
90-71 | Agrees to multi-year regional strategy for implementing Growth Management Act (Special) |
90-72 | Intersection signalization (Special) |
90-73 | Adopts recommendations establishing coordinated water system plan process (Special) |
90-74 | Endorsing efforts of Whatcom Symphony Orchestra under direction of Nicholas Bussard (Special) |
90-75 | Adopts 1991 six-year physical plant and facilities capital program for Whatcom County (Special) |
90-76 | Adopts 1991 annual road construction program (Special) |
90-77 | Adopts salary schedule for unrepresented county employees for 1991 (Special) |
90-78 | Intersection signalization (Special) |
90-79 | Guardrail site improvements (Special) |
90-80 | Sets hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
90-81 | Enters into interlocal agreement with other counties owning public timber (Special) |
90-82 | Authorizes administration to accept funds for development of wetlands regulations as part of a critical areas ordinance (Special) |
90-83 | Amends Res. 90-66, interim policy on wetland regulations (Special) |
90-84 | Issues statement of support for efforts to lower the level of the Nooksack River in order to diminish possibility of future catastrophic flooding (Special) |
90-85 | Authorizes sale of property acquired by county on tax foreclosure (Special) |
90-86 | Adopts recommendations for 1990 D-H open space/timber and open space/open space applications (Special) |
90-87 | Authorizes application for funding assistance for outdoor recreation project (Special) |
91-001 | Cancellation of uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
91-002 | Cancellation of warrants more than one year old (Special) |
91-003 | Accepts treasurer’s list of property tax refunds (Special) |
91-004 | Street dedication (Special) |
91-005 | Directs auditor to advertise opening of bids for county’s official newspaper (Special) |
91-006 | Proposes creation of diking district (Special) |
91-007 | Commendation for emergency service and public work performance (Special) |
91-008 | Recommendation on the Governor’ s Advisory Council on Investment in Human Capital report (Special) |
91-009 | Fire Protection District No. 14 incorporated (Special) |
91-010 | Establishes dates for 1991 county council meetings (Special) |
91-011 | Findings on feasibility of diking district and request for election seeking formation (Special) |
91-012 | Orders segregation of Local Road Improvement District No. 9 (Special) |
91-013 | Authorizes county prosecuting attorney’ s office to proceed with legal action to acquire land for right-of-way (Special) |
91-014 | Supports SSB 5097 (Special) |
91-015 | Supports SB 5411 (Special) |
91-016 | Sets hearing date (Special) |
91-017 | Sets hearing date (Special) |
91-018 | Waives bid requirement and authorizes contract for leasing office space (Special) |
91-019 | Approves courthouse expansion (Special) |
91-020 | Call for bids (Special) |
91-021 | Call for bids (Special) |
91-022 | Declares July 4, 1991 a family day (Special) |
91-023 | Endorses effort to seek federal funds for salmon enhancement (Special) |
91-024 | Declares alternative transportation day (Special) |
91-025 | Authorizes sewer connection (Special) |
91-026 | Authorizes lease extension (Special) |
91-027 | Authorizes sale of real property (Special) |
91-028 | Sets hearing date for property sale (Special) |
91-029 | Opposes ESHB 1378 (Special) |
91-030 | Authorizes sale of real property (Special) |
91-031 | Authorizes sale of real property (Special) |
91-032 | Accepts West Illinois Street (Special) |
91-033 | Orders segregation of parcels 13 and 14 (Special) |
91-034 | Establishes road project (Special) |
91-035 | Sets hearing date for road program (Special) |
91-036 | Sets hearing date for transportation benefit district (Special) |
91-037 | Procedures for private requests for water sampling (Special) |
91-038 | Establishes procedures for ditch cleaning operations (Special) |
91-039 | Requests administrative policies of a legislative nature be forwarded to council office for informational purposes (Special) |
91-040 | Sets date for public hearing for declaring certain county-owned property surplus (Special) |
91-041 | Supports resolution of intent for formation of a lake management district for the Lake Samish Area (Special) |
91-042 | Appoints initial members to governing body of the Deming Diking District (Special) |
91-043 | Sets development guidelines for preparation of 1992 budget (Special) |
91-044 | Endorses county natural heritage plans and goals (Special) |
91-045 | Salary schedule for county council (Not codified) |
91-046 | Establishes critical water supply area boundaries (Rescinded by Res. 91-075) |
91-047 | Adopts six-year road program (Special) |
91-048 | Authorizes application for recreation project funding assistance (Special) |
91-049 | Declares certain county-owned property surplus (Special) |
91-050 | Interim procedures to implement §63 of Growth Management Act (Special) |
91-051 | Establishes intent for the formation of a lake management district for the Lake Samish Area (Special) |
91-052 | Adopts county hazardous waste management plan (Special) |
91-053 | Sets date for hearing of proposition to impose tax on retail sale of motor vehicle fuel in certain district (Special) |
91-054 | Requests administration to establish database of businesses in county (Special) |
91-055 | Adopts recommendations for 1991 A-D open space/timber and open space/open space applications (Special) |
91-056 | Establishes county road project No. 99185 (Special) |
91-057 | Establishes county road project No. 99207 (Special) |
91-058 | Proclaims start of the “Calling on America” campaign of the National Organization on Disability (Special) |
91-059 | Proposition to authorize vehicle fuel tax in Point Roberts Transportation Benefit District (Special) |
91-060 | Sets date for public hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
91-061 | Sets date for public hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
91-062 | Revises Ord. 91-051, establishing intent for the formation of a lake management district for the Lake Samish Area (Special) |
91-063 | Sets meeting date for counties and cities to develop planning policies (Special) |
91-064 | Declares support for the Sandy Point Community Wetlands Project (Special) |
91-065 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
91-066 | Sets date for the hearing on the proposed finalization of system of assessment of Deming Diking District (Special) |
91-067 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
91-068 | Sets public hearing on dissolution of Sumas River Flood Control Zone District (Special) |
91-069 | Sets public hearing on dissolution of the Point Roberts Flood Control Zone District (Special) |
91-070 | Resolves to create one-lane sections on Lummi Shore Drive (Special) |
91-071 | Dissolves the Sumas Area Flood Control Zone District (Special) |
91-072 | Dissolves the Point Roberts Flood Control Zone District (Special) |
91-073 | Establishes the boundaries and requirements, and sets a public hearing date, for the Whatcom County County-wide Flood Control Zone District (Special) |
91-074 | Confirms the council of governments as the lead agency for an overall economic development plan (Special) |
91-075 | Includes tribal lands within the boundaries of the critical water supply area; rescinds Res. 91-046 (Special) |
91-076 | Establishes the boundaries and requirements, and sets a public hearing date, for the Sumas River Sub-Flood Control Zone District (Special) |
91-077 | Transfers assets of the Sumas Area Flood Control Zone District to Whatcom County and provides for these assets being conveyed to the Sumas River Sub-Flood Control Zone District upon its creation (Special) |
91-078 | Sets public hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
91-079 | Sets public hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
91-080 | Authorizes sale of surplus property (Special) |
91-081 | Opposes Initiative 559 (Special) |
91-082 | Authorizes sale of real property (Special) |
91-083 | Authorizes contractual agreement for courthouse addition (Special) |
91-084 | Supports the efforts of the Park and Recreation Foundation (Special) |
91-085 | Supports county-wide toll-free phone service (Special) |
91-086 | Adopts salary schedule for unrepresented employees for 1992 (Special) |
91-087 | Establishes county road project No. 99218 and awards contract (Special) |
91-088 | Approves annexation of certain property by city of Lynden (Special) |
91-089 | Adopts 1992 update of the six-year physical plant and facilities capital program (Special) |
91-090 | Adopts the 1992 road construction program (Special) |
91-091 | Establishes mail ballot on formation of Lake Management District No. 1 (Special) |
91-092 | Adopts recommendations and policy statements to complement the 1992 budget ordinance (Special) |
91-093 | Dedicates certain real property to city of Blaine (Special) |
91-094 | Approves a multi-year regional strategy for implementing the Growth Management Act (Special) |
91-095 | Accepts Nesset irrevocable living trust and conservation easement conditions for a county park (Special) |
91-096 | Sets public hearing on surplus property (Special) |
91-097 | Establishes county road project No. 99181 and awards contract (Special) |
91-098 | Authorizes sale of surplus property (Special) |
92-001 | Sets date for public hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
92-002 | Gasoline tax for Point Roberts transportation benefit district (Special) |
92-003 | Accepts 1991 property tax refund list (Special) |
92-004 | Establishes dates for 1992 county council meetings (Special) |
92-005 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
92-006 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
92-007 | Cancellation of uncollectible property taxes (Special) |
92-008 | Adds permanent position to noxious weed control board (Special) |
92-009 | Disposal of surplus property (Special) |
92-010 | Cancellation of uncollectible property taxes (Special) |
92-011 | Urges consolidation of unprotected county areas into fire districts (Special) |
92-012 | Appoints representative to Northwest Air pollution authority board (Special) |
92-013 | Establishes bylaws for governing body of Point Roberts Transportation Benefit District (Special) |
92-014 | Flood control zone district board of supervisors bylaws (Special) |
92-015 | Flood control advisory committee (FCZD) |
92-016 | Exemption of film studio from normal land use activities schedule (Special) |
92-017 | Disposal of surplus property (Special) |
92-018 | Directs auditor to advertise a call for bids for official county newspaper (Special) |
92-019 | Authorizes purchase of property by N.W. Washington Fair (Special) |
92-020 | Establishes county road project (Special) |
92-021 | Cancellation of warrants (Special) |
92-022 | Lake Management District No. 1 board of supervisions bylaws (Special) |
92-023 | Hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
92-024 | Lake Management District No. 1 advisory committee (2.96) |
92-025 | Recommends restructuring financial management structure (Special) |
92-026 | Authorizes sale of property (Special) |
92-027 | Adopts funding for flood control zone district (Special) |
92-028 | Proclaims “alternative transportation day” (Special) |
92-029 | Amends Res. 92-015, flood control advisory committee (FCZD) |
92-030 | Calls for election on incorporation of Birch Bay (Special) |
92-031 | Sets public hearing on comprehensive road program (Special) |
92-032 | Sets public hearing on sale of county property (Special) |
92-033 | Awards contract for county road project (Special) |
92-034 | Awards contract for county road project (Special) |
92-035 | Awards contract for county road project (Special) |
92-036 | Sets public hearing on sale of county property (Special) |
92-037 | Authorizes sale of county property (Special) |
92-038 | Authorizes sale of county property (Special) |
92-039 | Adopts recommendations for 1992 open space applications (Special) |
92-040 | Sets public hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
92-041 | Awards contract for county road project (Special) |
92-042 | Approves interagency agreement (Special) |
92-043 | Declares Whatcom County a Sasquatch protection and refuge area (Special) |
92-044 | Adopts 1991 update of shoreline management program (Special) |
92-045 | Adopts comprehensive road program (Special) |
92-046 | Authorizes sale of surplus property (Special) |
92-047 | States policy for scheduling of agenda items (Special) |
92-048 | Awards contract for county road project (Special) |
92-049 | Establishes funding for flood control zone district (Special) |
92-050 | Establishes guidelines for preparing 1993 budget (Special) |
92-051 | Authorizes formation of citizen committee (Special) |
92-052 | Commends Mount Baker High School (Special) |
92-053 | Sets date for hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
92-054 | Authorizes application for recreation project funding assistance (Special) |
92-055 | Authorizes application for recreation project funding assistance (Special) |
92-056 | Authorizes sale of property (Special) |
92-057 | Sets date for hearing on sale of county-owned surplus equipment (Special) |
92-058 | Resolves to sell surplus equipment (Special) |
92-059 | Segregation of Local and Road Improvement District No. 9 (Special) |
92-060 | Sets hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
92-061 | Supports grant application relating to gas tank replacement (Special) |
92-062 | Requests PUD to adopt policies and develop memos of understanding with county (Special) |
92-063 | Establishes county road project No. 99215 and awards contract (Special) |
92-064 | Annexes certain land into Drainage Improvement District No. 30 (Special) |
92-065 | Authorizes sale of county property (Special) |
92-066 | Approves a multi-year regional strategy for implementing the Growth Management Act (Special) |
92-067 | Adopts recommendations for open space applications (Special) |
92-068 | Adopts multi-year capital facilities improvement program (Special) |
92-069 | Awards contract for county road project (Special) |
92-070 | Adopts salary schedule for unrepresented employees for 1993 (Special) |
92-071 | Adopts recommendations and policy statements to complement 1993 budget (Special) |
92-072 | Adopts nonmotorized element of transportation improvement program (Special) |
92-073 | Adopts goals for Lake Whatcom watershed (Special) |
92-074 | Endorses Let’s Pool Together Committee plan for developing community aquatic center (Special) |
92-075 | Authorizes legal action to acquire easement (Special) |
92-076 | Approves amendment to water district no. 2 comprehensive plan (Special) |
92-077 | Authorizes sale of county property (Special) |
92-078 | Supports proposed exchange of forest lands (Special) |
92-079 | Sets special election for annexation of Everson into library district (Special) |
93-001 | Dates for 1993 county council meetings (Special) |
93-002 | Authorizes sale of county property (Special) |
93-003 | Accepts 1992 property tax refund list (Special) |
93-004 | Authorizes sale of county property (Special) |
93-005 | Authorizes segregation of parcels (Special) |
93-006 | Authorizes sale of county property (Special) |
93-007 | Cancellation of uncollectible property taxes (Special) |
93-008 | Endorsement of Cascadia Quest Project (Special) |
93-009 | Authorizes segregation of parcels (Special) |
93-010 | Sets date for hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
93-011 | Adopts 1996 and 1997 salary schedule for county council (Special) |
93-012 | Call for bids for official newspaper (Special) |
93-013 | Authorizes sale of county property (Special) |
93-014 | Opposes SB 5832, disposition of animals (Special) |
93-015 | Establishes law and justice council (Repealed by Ord. 2019-009) |
93-016 | Requests reconveyance of Forest Board lands from DNR to the county (Special) |
93-017 | Declares Public Health Week (Special) |
93-018 | Awards contract for county road project (Special) |
93-019 | Sets date for hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
93-020 | Orders cancellation of warrants more than one year old (Special) |
93-021 | Recognizes Municipal Clerks’ Week (Special) |
93-022 | Establishes financial assurance for post-closure activities at Cedarville Landfill (Special) |
93-023 | Authorizes research into DOE’s Trust Water Rights Program (Special) |
93-024 | Adopts county-wide planning policies (Special) |
93-025 | Authorizes sale of county property (Special) |
93-026 | Awards contract for county road project (Special) |
93-027 | Dates for 1993 county council meetings (Special) |
93-028 | Road project No. 992226 (Special) |
93-029 | Road project No. 992235 (Special) |
93-030 | Credo of the Government of Whatcom County (Special) |
93-031 | Dedication of county property sale proceeds (Special) |
93-032 | Improper government action and protecting employees against retaliation (Special) |
93-033 | Intent to review annexation request (Special) |
93-034 | A-F open space/timber applications (Special) |
93-035 | Amendment to sewer service commitment (Special) |
93-036 | Application for wetlands planning assistance grant (Special) |
93-037 | Public hearing for surplus property (Special) |
93-038 | Hearing and notice on donation of county owned property (Special) |
93-039 | Contribution to restoration project (Special) |
93-040 | Guidelines for 1994 budget (Special) |
93-041 | CRAB certificate to county engineer (Special) |
93-042 | Endorsement of grant application for Kendall Grocery (Special) |
93-043 | Hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
93-044 | Timeline for public participation process (Special) |
93-045 | Sale of county surplus property (Special) |
93-046 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
93-047 | Donation of county property (Special) |
93-048 | Road project No. 992216 (Special) |
93-049 | Conditional use permit section not applicable to stringing television cable (Special) |
93-050 | Six-year comprehensive road program (Special) |
93-051 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
93-052 | Board of equalization pay increase (Special) |
93-053 | Extension of term limits of Lake Management District No. 1 (Special) |
93-054 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
93-055 | Road project No. 992228 (Special) |
93-056 | Withdrawal of surplus properties (Special) |
93-057 | Withdrawal of surplus properties (Special) |
93-058 | Withdrawal of surplus properties (Special) |
93-059 | Recognizes contributions of North Sound Regional Support Network (Special) |
93-060 | Approves implementation of watershed urbanization program (Special) |
93-061 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
93-062 | Amends Res. 93-033, intent to review annexation request (Special) |
93-063 | (Number not used) |
93-064 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
93-065 | Supports high-speed rail operations (Special) |
93-066 | Adopts planning commission recommendations (Special) |
93-067 | Growth Management Act implementation strategy (Special) |
93-068 | Intersection signalization contract (Special) |
93-069 | Adopts salary schedule for unrepresented employees for 1994 (Special) |
93-070 | Adopts physical plant and capital improvements program (Special) |
93-071 | Supports grant requests (Special) |
93-072 | Road project No. 993005 (Special) |
94-001 | Amends § 2.92.040, flood control zone advisory committee (FCZD) |
94-002 | Adopts funding mechanism for flood control district and authorizes collection of charges (Special) |
94-003 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
94-004 | Property tax refunds (Special) |
94-005 | Council meeting dates (Special) |
94-006 | Supports library system special levy (Special) |
94-007 | Sets hearing on sale of county property (Special) |
94-008 | Creates panel to review budget processes and financial operations (Special) |
94-009 | Road project No. 992236 (Special) |
94-010 | Hearing on donation of county property (Special) |
94-011 | Hearing on sale of county property (Special) |
94-012 | Sale of county property (Special) |
94-013 | Orders segregation of local and road improvement district (Special) |
94-014 | Sale of county property (Special) |
94-015 | Donation of county property (Special) |
94-016 | Call for bids for county newspaper (Special) |
94-017 | Road projects Nos. 992237 and 994018 (Special) |
94-018 | Hearing on sale of tax title property (Special) |
94-019 | Sale of tax title property (Special) |
94-020 | Supports establishment of PACE lane for Point Roberts border crossing (Special) |
94-021 | Proclaims Public Health Week (Special) |
94-022 | Policy to encourage enhancement of a jobs-based economy (Special) |
94-023 | Road project No. 992230 (Special) |
94-024 | Proclaims county volunteer week (Special) |
94-025 | Encourages jobs-based economy (Special) |
94-026 | Compliance with Growth Management Act (Special) |
94-027 | Adopts recommendations for open space applications (Special) |
94-028 | Reconstruction of East Smith Road (Special) |
94-029 | Reconstruction of Hannegan Road (Special) |
94-030 | Reconstruction of Hannegan Road (Special) |
94-031 | Consideration of application for rezone (Special) |
94-032 | Authorizes application for funding for outdoor recreation (Special) |
94-033 | Authorizes application for funding for outdoor recreation (Special) |
94-034 | 6-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
94-035 | Growth Management Act citizen's final review and report (Special) |
94-036 | Preparation of permanent critical areas ordinance (Rescinded) |
94-037 | Special election for petition for formation of irrigation district (Special) |
94-038 | Guidelines for preparation of 1995 budget (Special) |
94-039 | Sets date for public hearing for sale of county-owned surplus equipment (Special) |
94-040 | Sets date for public hearing for sale of chip spreader (Special) |
94-041 | Appreciation for Courthouse Open House preparation (Special) |
94-042 | Selling county-owned surplus equipment in annual public auction (Special) |
94-043 | Sale of chip spreader (Special) |
94-044 | 1995 budget preparation and tax levy lid (Special) |
94-045 | Endorses Runaway Alliance objectives (Special) |
94-046 | Accepts proposed poll book for irrigation district formation election (Special) |
94-047 | Changes date for election for formation of irrigation district (Special) |
94-048 | Clarifies intent of flow control (Special) |
94-049 | Approves multi-county resolution regarding proposed national marine sanctuary for Northern Puget Sound (Special) |
94-050 | Appoints election supervisor for irrigation district election (Special) |
94-051 | Procedure for creating resolutions of intent for road improvement districts (Special) |
94-052 | Policy regarding jurisdiction rights between Whatcom County and Lummi Nation (Special) |
94-053 | Text amendment 19-94:ZT as emergency measure (Special) |
94-054 | Requests federal cooperation in researching Nooksack basin water issues (Special) |
94-055 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
94-056 | Irrigation district election ballots (Special) |
94-057 | Salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
94-058 | Six-year physical plant and facilities capital program (Special) |
94-059 | 1995 county council meetings (Special) |
95-001 | 1995 county council meetings (Special) |
95-002 | Property tax refunds (Special) |
95-003 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
95-004 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax-title property (Special) |
95-005 | Designates treasurer as negotiator in sale of tax-title property (Special) |
95-006 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
95-007 | Sale of county tax-title property (Special) |
95-008 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
95-009 | 1994 open space/timber applications (Special) |
95-010 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
95-011 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
95-012 | Transfer of fee title lands to federal tribal trust status (Special) |
95-013 | Bid for county official newspaper (Special) |
95-014 | 1994 L-P open space/open space applications (Special) |
95-015 | Issuance of short-term obligations (Special) |
95-016 | Salary schedule for county council 1998 and 1999 (Special) |
95-017 | 1995 county council meeting dates; supersedes Res. 95-001 (Special) |
95-018 | Endorse county council member handbook of office and operating policies (Special) |
95-019 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
95-020 | Contract for structural overlay of Slater Road (Special) |
95-021 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
95-022 | Commends Ramona Reeves (Special) |
95-023 | Sale of tax foreclosed property (Special) |
95-024 | Sale of tax foreclosed property (Special) |
95-025 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
95-026 | Sale of tax foreclosed property (Special) |
95-027 | Recommendations for 1995A open space/timber applications (Special) |
95-028 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
95-029 | Road project No. 994016 (Special) |
95-030 | Road project No. 995014 (Special) |
95-031 | Project prioritization (Special) |
95-032 | Lake management district advisory committee (2.96) |
95-033 | Commends Jack Weiss (Special) |
95-034 | Road project No. 994007 (Special) |
95-035 | Road project No. 994004 (Special) |
95-036 | Encourages agreement regarding United States/Canada Salmon Treaty (Special) |
95-037 | Adopts Comprehensive Six-Year Road Program (Special) |
95-038 | Prioritizes county projects (Special) |
95-039 | 1996 budget policies and priorities (Special) |
95-040 | Squires Lake development policies and priorities (Special) |
95-041 | Street vacation (Special) |
95-042 | Opposes centerline median on Guide Meridian (Special) |
95-043 | Certifies grant application (Special) |
95-044 | Property review committee (Not codified) |
95-045 | Drayton Harbor watershed goals and objectives (Special) |
95-046 | Endorses county human rights efforts (Special) |
95-047 | Recognition of Daniel W. Taylor (Special) |
95-048 | ADA transition plan and ADA self evaluation plan adopted (Special) |
95-049 | Directs technical advisory committee review of land clearing regulations (Special) |
95-050 | Supports recycling facility project (Special) |
95-051 | Hearing on donation of surplus public property (Special) |
95-052 | Supports negotiation process for solving on-reservation issues (Special) |
95-053 | Supports negotiation process for solving on-reservation issues (Special) |
95-054 | Hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
95-055 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
95-056 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
95-057 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
95-058 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
95-059 | Donation of surplus property (Special) |
95-060 | Human resources advisory committee (Not codified) |
95-061 | Extends and modifies funding for flood control zone district (Special) |
95-062 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
95-063 | Sale of tax foreclosed property (Special) |
95-064 | Sale of tax foreclosed property (Special) |
95-065 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
95-066 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
95-067 | Supports moorage of U.S.S. Missouri at Bremerton (Special) |
95-068 | Opposes Initiative 640 (Special) |
95-069 | Dissolves television reception improvement district #1 (Special) |
95-070 | Endorses legislation to eliminate state’s portion of property tax levy (Special) |
95-071 | Authorizes community development block grant application (Special) |
95-072 | Submits levy to election (Special) |
95-073 | Supports contribution to Museum of History and Art (Special) |
95-074 | Authorizes community development block grant application (Special) |
95-075 | Approves distribution of Growth Management Act funds (Special) |
95-076 | Supports changes in the administrative structure of the North Sound Regional Support Network (Special) |
95-077 | Adopts recommendations for 1995 open space/timber applications (Special) |
95-078 | Road project No. 995006 (Special) |
95-079 | Adopted recommendations for 1995 open space/farm and agriculture conservation applications (Special) |
95-080 | Salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
95-081 | Adopts 1996 Six-Year Physical Plant and Capital Facilities Program (Special) |
95-082 | Recommendations and requests to complement 1996 budget (Special) |
95-083 | Commends Shirley Van Zanten (Special) |
95-084 | Appreciations to Thomas Sutberry (Special) |
95-085 | Road project No. 992252 (Special) |
95-086 | Project prioritization (Special) |
95-087 | 1996 county council meetings (Special) |
95-088 | Marks seventy-fifth anniversary of the League of Women Voters (Special) |
95-089 | Hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
96-001 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
96-002 | Clarifies intent of Chapter 8.15 WCC, solid waste disposal sites (Special) |
96-003 | Commends Larry Harris and Ken Henderson (Special) |
96-004 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
96-005 | Adopts watershed plans (Special) |
96-006 | Appoints interim health department director (Special) |
96-007 | Designates Kiwanis Week (Special) |
96-008 | Accepts list of property tax refunds (Special) |
96-009 | Directs advertisement for bids (Special) |
96-010 | Sets deadlines for agenda information and documentation (Special) |
96-011 | Amends Res. 95-069, dissolution of television reception improvement district #1 (Special) |
96-012 | Request to port commissioners regarding airport operation (Special) |
96-013 | Clarifies intent of Chapter 8.15 WCC, solid waste disposal sites (Special) |
96-014 | Proclaims Public Health Week (Special) |
96-015 | Endorses Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association (Special) |
96-016 | Sets hearing for sale of surplus property (Special) |
96-017 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
96-018 | Street vacations (Special) |
96-019 | Road project No. 994005 (Special) |
96-020 | Road project No. 995009 (Special) |
96-021 | Amends Res. 95-038, adds city plan to project list (Special) |
96-022 | Road project No. 996001 (Special) |
96-023 | Hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
96-024 | Road project No. 994012 (Special) |
96-025 | Hearing on granting back county right-of-way (Special) |
96-026 | Hearing on sale of county property (Special) |
96-027 | Road project No. 994008 (Special) |
96-028 | Road project No. 996008 (Special) |
96-029 | Certificate of tax delinquency (Special) |
96-030 | Street vacation (Special) |
96-031 | Street vacation (Special) |
96-032 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
96-033 | Granting back county right-of-way (Special) |
96-034 | Sale of county property (Special) |
96-035 | Adopts 1997 Six-Year Road Program (Special) |
96-036 | Approves withdrawal from water district (Special) |
96-037 | Adopts open space recommendations (Special) |
96-038 | Authorizes community development block grant application (Special) |
96-039 | Hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
96-040 | 1997 budget guidelines (Special) |
96-041 | Road project No. 992147 (Special) |
96-042 | Street vacation (Special) |
96-043 | Land use planning on the Lummi Indian Reservation (Special) |
96-044 | Open space application (Special) |
96-045 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
96-046 | Road project No. 996012 (Special) |
96-047 | Hearing on sale of county property (Special) |
96-048 | Hearing on sale of county property (Special) |
96-049 | Street vacation (Special) |
96-050 | Lynden Regional Park and Recreation District (Special) |
96-051 | Request to WUTC for creation of county-wide local phone service option (Special) |
96-052 | Road project No. 996009 (Special) |
96-053 | Expenditures for road improvement (Special) |
96-054 | Road project No. 996002 (Special) |
96-055 | Sale of tax foreclosed property (Special) |
96-056 | Sale of county property (Special) |
96-057 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
96-058 | Postpones review of development standards (Special) |
96-059 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
96-060 | Amends Res. 95-080, salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
96-061 | Salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
96-062 | Contracts for signalization of unsignalized railroad crossing (Special) |
96-063 | Authorizes acceptance of community development block grant (Special) |
96-064 | Adopts code of conduct regarding conflict of interest (Special) |
96-065 | Title VI certification (Special) |
96-066 | Adopts policy protecting individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstration (Special) |
96-067 | Adopts fair housing policy (Special) |
96-068 | Adopts grievance procedure (Special) |
96-069 | Adopts equal employment opportunity/affirmative action policy (Special) |
96-070 | Adopts residential antidisplacement and relocation assistance plan (Special) |
96-071 | Returns road right-of-way deeded in error (Special) |
96-072 | Requests development of environmental management program for agricultural lands (Special) |
96-073 | Adopts recommendation for 1996 Homestead Northwest Open Space application (Special) |
96-074 | 1997 county council meetings (Special) |
96-075 | Amends Res. 96-061, salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
96-076 | Adopts Six-Year Physical Plant and Capital Facilities Program (Special) |
97-001 | Road project No. 995003 (Special) |
97-002 | Accepts list of property tax refunds (Special) |
97-003 | Cancels personal uncollectible property taxes (Special) |
97-004 | County council salary schedule (Special) |
97-005 | Water resources management strategy participation (Special) |
97-006 | Addressing complaints and concerns to county council (2.02) |
97-007 | Accepts recommendations of master contract reclassification review committee (Special) |
97-008 | Road project No. 994015 (Special) |
97-009 | Hearing on donation of county-owned property (Special) |
97-010 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
97-011 | Amends county-wide planning policies (Special) |
97-012 | Amends Res. 96-021, project list (Special) |
97-013 | Donation of county-owned property (Special) |
97-014 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
97-015 | Authorizes expenditure for road improvement (Special) |
97-016 | Road project No. 997003 (Special) |
97-017 | Road project No. 995010 (Special) |
97-018 | Proclaims public health week (Special) |
97-019 | Hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
97-020 | Road projects Nos. 997006 and 997007 (Special) |
97-021 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
97-022 | Endorses Nooksack Tribe salmon restoration project (Special) |
97-023 | Supports sharing arrangement between United States and Canada regarding Fraser River sockeye salmon (Special) |
97-024 | Supports use of modified gillnets (Special) |
97-025 | Purchase of Civic Center Building (Special) |
97-026 | Flood control works and fishery habitat enhancement projects (Special) |
97-027 | Road project No. 995008 (Special) |
97-028 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
97-029 | Guide to preparing agenda bills, ordinances, and resolutions (Special) |
97-030 | Creates Whatcom County Water Resources Alliance (Special) |
97-031 | Approves boundary line adjustment (Special) |
97-032 | Proposes creation of diking district (Special) |
97-033 | Road project No. 995021 (Special) |
97-034 | Diking district No. 3 (Special) |
97-035 | Proposes creation of diking district (Special) |
97-036 | Adopts 1998 Six-Year Road Program (Special) |
97-037 | Road project No. 995020 (Special) |
97-038 | Authorizes funding assistance application (Special) |
97-039 | Proposes creation of diking district (Special) |
97-040 | Tax levy proposal submission to voters (Special) |
97-041 | Authorizes expenditure for road improvement (Special) |
97-042 | Road project No. 997001 (Special) |
97-043 | Authorizes disbursement of revenues to city of Lynden for incorrectly distributed sales tax (Special) |
97-044 | Flood control works and fishery habitat enhancement projects (Special) |
97-045 | Sale of county property (Special) |
97-046 | Sale of county property (Special) |
97-047 | Authorizes funding assistance application (Special) |
97-048 | Street vacation (Special) |
97-049 | Sale of county property (Special) |
97-050 | Sale of county property (Special) |
97-051 | Amends flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
97-052 | Adopts open space/timber applications recommendations (Special) |
97-053 | Library district annexation special election (Special) |
97-054 | Hearing on flood control zone district subzone establishment (Special) |
97-055 | Hearing on flood control zone district subzone establishment (Special) |
97-056 | Hearing on flood control zone district subzone establishment (Special) |
97-057 | Hearing on annexation (Special) |
97-058 | Special election on certain annexation (Special) |
97-059 | Adopts salary schedules for unrepresented county employees (Special) |
97-060 | Nooksack River community rating system flood management plan (Special) |
97-061 | Establishes flood control subzone district advisory committees (Special) |
97-062 | Amends Res. 97-012, project list (Special) |
97-063 | Encourages equitable catch sharing and buy-out of fishing permits (Special) |
97-064 | Appoints governing board of diking district No. 3 (Special) |
97-065 | Hearing to declare surplus property (Special) |
97-066 | Supports amendments to Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (Special) |
97-067 | Hearing to declare surplus property (Special) |
97-068 | Adopts 1998 Six-Year Physical Plant and Facilities Capital Program (Special) |
97-069 | Endorses Water Resources Management Council (Special) |
97-070 | Open space/timber recommendations (Special) |
97-071 | Supports Pacific Salmon Fund (Special) |
97-072 | Supports international mobility/trade corridor project (Special) |
97-073 | 1998 council meeting dates (Special) |
97-074 | Diking district No. 4 (Special) |
97-075 | Cancellation of warrants (Special) |
97-076 | Flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
97-077 | Appoints financial officer, flood control zone district |
98-001 | Cancels uncollectible property taxes (Special) |
98-002 | Supports economic summit, creation of economic development plan (Special) |
98-003 | Supports North Sound Connecting Communities Project (Special) |
98-004 | Supports Senate Bill 6568, school district revenues (Special) |
98-005 | Property tax refund list (Special) |
98-006 | Deferred compensation plan (Special) |
98-007 | Land exchange and grant of easement (Special) |
98-008 | Open space/timber recommendations (Special) |
98-009 | Road project Nos. 996004/997004 (Special) |
98-010 | Road project No. 998003 (Special) |
98-011 | Supports termination of Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project (Special) |
98-012 | Proclaims colorectal cancer awareness month (Special) |
98-013 | Hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
98-014 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
98-015 | Road project Nos. 994011/997015 (Special) |
98-016 | Road project No. 997002 (Special) |
98-017 | Road project No. 995011 (Special) |
98-018 | Public hearing for diking district assessments (Special) |
98-019 | Public hearing for diking district assessments (Special) |
98-020 | Council member travel and expense reimbursement (2.02) |
98-021 | Supports public health assessment of the effects of groundwater contamination (Special) |
98-022 | Hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
98-023 | Comprehensive plan amendments docket (Special) |
98-024 | Designates county as participant initiating government, lead agency, watershed planning (Special) |
98-025 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
98-026 | Supports voter registration law reform (Special) |
98-027 | Hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
98-028 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
98-029 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
98-030 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
98-031 | Adopts 1999 Six-Year Road Program (Special) |
98-032 | Amends § 2.92.050, flood control advisory committee (FCZD) |
98-033 | Amends §§ 20.36.251 and 20.36.253, zoning (20.36) |
98-034 | Road project No. 997014 (Special) |
98-035 | Road project No. 996003 (Special) |
98-036 | Road project No. 997017 (Special) |
98-037 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
98-038 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
98-039 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
98-040 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
98-041 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
98-042 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
98-043 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
98-044 | Hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
98-045 | Hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
98-046 | Road project No. 997013 (Special) |
98-047 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
98-048 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
98-049 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
98-050 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
98-051 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
98-052 | Restrictive covenant on certain Sudden Valley parcels (Special) |
98-053 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
98-054 | Approval of reconveyance of Forest Board land (Special) |
98-055 | Supports housing for the mentally ill (Special) |
98-056 | Road project Nos. 998004/998005 (Special) |
98-057 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
98-058 | Cancellation of flood control fees (Special) |
98-059 | Declares Academy Road, Delta Line Road, Ham Road, Mertz Road, Tilbury Road and View Haven Lane as county roads (Special) |
98-060 | Cancellation of accounts receivable (Special) |
98-061 | Cancellation of warrants (Special) |
98-062 | Approves Van Wyck Road assessment reimbursement area (Special) |
98-063 | Initiates review for zoning map and text amendments (Special) |
98-064 | Requests regional administrator reinstatement (Special) |
98-065 | Authorizes signing of memorandum of agreement for ESHB 2514 (Special) |
98-066 | Approves change of control of cable communication franchise (Special) |
98-067 | Comprehensive plan amendments (Special) |
98-068 | Cancellation of uncollectible television reception improvement district No. 1 assessments (Special) |
98-069 | Initiates zoning review within the Ferndale UGA (Special) |
98-070 | Amends Res. 97-051, flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
98-071 | Road project No. 997002 additional funds (Special) |
98-072 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
98-073 | POW-MIA, Veterans Day recognition (Special) |
98-074 | Adopts 1999 Six-Year Physical Plant and Capital Facilities Program (Special) |
98-075 | Adopts 1999 road construction program (Special) |
98-076 | Council meeting dates (Special) |
98-077 | Ritter Road, Nooksack River emergency (Special) |
98-078 | Amends Res. 97-076, flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
98-079 | Salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
98-080 | Amends council member handbook (Special) |
99-001 | Property tax refunds (Special) |
99-002 | Cancellation of uncollectible property taxes (Special) |
99-003 | Proclaims Treaty Day (Special) |
99-004 | Emergency management services interlocal agreement (Special) |
99-005 | Habitat restoration project list (Special) |
99-006 | Adopts 1999 program for the Lake Whatcom Watershed (Special) |
99-007 | Open space applications recommendations (Special) |
99-008 | Mental health planning participation (Special) |
99-009 | Supports efforts to re-open Newhalem Public Library (Special) |
99-010 | Amends § 20.42.155, zoning (20.42) |
99-011 | Road project No. 998022 (Special) |
99-012 | Comprehensive plan and zoning amendments docket (Special) |
99-013 | Amends Res. 99-007, open space applications recommendations (Special) |
99-014 | Maintaining current level of state funding for mental health care (Special) |
99-015 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
99-016 | Amends Res. 97-062, project list (Special) |
99-017 | Supports Star Task Force and drug free youth program (Special) |
99-018 | Road project No. 998008/998009 (Special) |
99-019 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
99-020 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
99-021 | Establishes citizen’s advisory committee for salmon habitat restoration projects (2.116) |
99-022 | Initiates emergency comprehensive plan amendment (Special) |
99-023 | Establishes Whatcom County marine resource committee (2.112) |
99-024 | Special election on fire protection district #8 board of commissioners (Special) |
99-025 | Amends road construction program (Special) |
99-026 | Approves road construction expenditure (Special) |
99-027 | Road project No. 999002 (Special) |
99-028 | Road project No. 998012 (Special) |
99-029 | Road project No. 999016 (Special) |
99-030 | Special election on water-sewer district petition (Special) |
99-031 | Road project No. 999001 (Special) |
99-032 | Authorizes work on local salmon recovery projects (Special) |
99-033 | Open space/timber applications recommendations (Special) |
99-034 | Road project Nos. 999018 and 999017 (Special) |
99-035 | Adopts 2000-2005 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (Special) |
99-036 | Supports Bellingham’s public safety efforts in the reopening of the Olympic Pipeline (Special) |
99-037 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
99-038 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
99-039 | Amends Ord. 98-079, salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
99-040 | Adopts Strategic Plan 2000 (Special) |
99-041 | Urges delay in reopening of the Olympic Pipeline (Special) |
99-042 | Requests approval of water system plan (Special) |
99-043 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
99-044 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
99-045 | Council member expense claim policy (Repealed by Ord. 2008-004) |
99-046 | Deadlines for agenda information and documentation (Special) |
99-047 | Amends Res. 99-023, marine resource committee (2.112) |
99-048 | Request U.S. Congress to amend Endangered Species Act (Special) |
99-049 | Opposes Initiative 696, net fishing ban (Special) |
99-050 | WRIA 1 watershed management decisionmaking process (Special) |
99-051 | Cancellation of warrants (Special) |
99-052 | Cable communications franchise (Special) |
99-053 | Adopts 2000 road construction program (Special) |
99-054 | Extends Acme/Van Zandt flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
99-055 | Extends Lynden/Everson flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
99-056 | Extends Sumas/Nooksack/Everson flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
99-057 | Lower Nooksack River flood hazard management plan (Special) |
99-058 | Extends flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
99-059 | Supports action plan of farm futures task force (Special) |
99-060 | 2000 council meeting dates (Special) |
99-061 | Cancellation of warrants (Special) |
99-062 | Salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Rescinded by 2000-051) |
99-063 | Adopts six-year physical plant and facilities capital program (Special) |
99-064 | Council salary schedule (Special) |
99-065 | Evergreen Water/Sewer District levy rate, election (Special) |
99-066 | Approves Point Roberts Water District No. 4 comprehensive water system plan (Special) |
2000-001 | Property tax refunds (Special) |
2000-002 | Supports use of tobacco settlement funds for tobacco prevention and control programs (Special) |
2000-003 | Birch Bay water and sewer district comprehensive sewer system plan (Special) |
2000-004 | Supports PSSB 6731, implementation of Lake Whatcom Watershed Committee recommendations (Special) |
2000-005 | Comprehensive plan and zoning amendments docket (Special) |
2000-006 | Agricultural advisory committee (Special) |
2000-007 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2000-008 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2000-009 | Open space timber applications (Special) |
2000-010 | Initiates emergency zoning text amendments (Special) |
2000-011 | Street vacation (Special) |
2000-012 | Open space applications (Special) |
2000-013 | Amends Res. 99-016, project list (Special) |
2000-014 | Cancellation of property taxes (Special) |
2000-015 | Hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
2000-016 | Road project No. 900901 (Special) |
2000-017 | Supports amending goals of Section 110, Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (Special) |
2000-018 | Intervention, Sumas Energy 2 generation facility (Special) |
2000-019 | Hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
2000-020 | Solid waste management plan (Special) |
2000-021 | Open space/timber applications recommendations (Special) |
2000-022 | Amends Res. 2000-018, intervention, Sumas Energy 2 generation facility (Special) |
2000-023 | Coordinated water system plan update (Special) |
2000-024 | Road project No. 999013 (Special) |
2000-025 | Council information policy (Special) |
2000-026 | Adopts land and easement acquisition and flood mitigation program (Special) |
2000-027 | Adopts watershed work program (Special) |
2000-028 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2000-029 | Cancels Welcome Cemetery flood control assessment (Special) |
2000-030 | Road project No. 992224 (Special) |
2000-031 | Creates Lake Samish citizens advisory committee (Special) |
2000-032 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2000-033 | Road project No. 998010 (Special) |
2000-034 | Law and justice council (Repealed by Ord. 2019-009) |
2000-035 | Road project No. 997012 (Special) |
2000-036 | Adopts comprehensive road program (Special) |
2000-037 | Road project No. 900910 (Special) |
2000-038 | Authorizes additional expenditure for signalization program (Special) |
2000-039 | Supports work of Bellingham-Whatcom County commission against domestic violence (Special) |
2000-040 | Alley vacation (Special) |
2000-041 | Lake Whatcom watershed forestry forum (Special) |
2000-042 | Open space/timber applications recommendations (Special) |
2000-043 | Amends Res. 2000-013, project list (Special) |
2000-044 | Establishes Judy Way portion as county road (Special) |
2000-045 | Community development block grant funds (Special) |
2000-046 | Cancellation of warrants (Special) |
2000-047 | 2001 council meeting dates (Special) |
2000-048 | Amends Res. 2000-045, community development block grant funds (Special) |
2000-049 | Adopts six-year physical plant and facilities capital program (Special) |
2000-050 | Adopts one-year road construction program (Special) |
2000-051 | Salary schedule for unrepresented employees; rescinds Res. 99-062 (Repealed by 2001-066) |
2000-052 | Supports State Legislature changing exempt well criteria (Special) |
2000-053 | Opposes removal of freeze on truck length and weight restrictions (Special) |
2001-001 | Property tax refunds (Special) |
2001-002 | Supports creating plan for future pre-hospital emergency medical services (Special) |
2001-003 | Open space/timber applications recommendations (Special) |
2001-004 | Open space/timber applications recommendations (Special) |
2001-005 | Cancelling uncollectible property taxes (Special) |
2001-006 | Declares intention to accept county road (Special) |
2001-007 | Declares intention to accept county road (Special) |
2001-008 | Accepts solid waste executive committee recommendation (Special) |
2001-009 | Approves water district name change (Special) |
2001-010 | Amends Res. 2000-043, project list (Special) |
2001-011 | Initiates comprehensive plan and zoning amendments (Special) |
2001-012 | Road project No. 999019 (Special) |
2001-013 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2001-014 | Hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
2001-015 | Supports ongoing relationship between county and the Lummi Nation (Special) |
2001-016 | Surpluses property for exchange (Special) |
2001-017 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2001-018 | Condemns hate crimes and racial harassment (Special) |
2001-019 | Georgia Straits Crossing Pipeline application intervention (Special) |
2001-020 | Road project No. 998002 (Special) |
2001-021 | Eastern Whatcom County mineral resource study (Special) |
2001-022 | Essential public facilities advisory committee (Special) |
2001-023 | Appoints clerk as agent to receive tort liability claims (Special) |
2001-024 | Road projects Nos. 994010 and 998021 (Special) |
2001-025 | Supplemental retirement plan (Special) |
2001-026 | Dissolves citizen’s property review committee (Special) |
2001-027 | Emergency comprehensive plan amendment, adult businesses (special) |
2001-028 | Finalizes Academy Road improvement project assessment reimbursement area (Special) |
2001-029 | Road project No. 998026 (Special) |
2001-030 | Lead-based paint hazard reduction program (Special) |
2001-031 | Endorses resolution on stabilizing electrical energy prices (Special) |
2001-032 | Collective bargaining negotiation attendance (Special) |
2001-033 | Bellingham Squalicum Creek berm project (Special) |
2001-034 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2001-035 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2001-036 | Road project No. 900911 (Special) |
2001-037 | Adopts comprehensive road program (Special) |
2001-038 | Exchanges county-owned property (Special) |
2001-039 | Surpluses property for exchange (Special) |
2001-040 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2001-041 | Advances WCFCZD funds to Acme/Van Zandt subzone (Special) |
2001-042 | Timber analyst/coordinator position funding (Special) |
2001-043 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2001-044 | Road project No. 901013 (Special) |
2001-045 | Birch Bay water and sewer district comprehensive sewer plan amendment (Special) |
2001-046 | Amends Ch. 2.92, flood control zone district advisory committee (FCZD) |
2001-047 | National forest related safety net payments (Special) |
2001-048 | Road project No. 998026 (Special) |
2001-049 | Supports conservation futures fund use for purchasing agricultural lands (Special) |
2001-050 | Condemns hate crimes (Special) |
2001-051 | Lake Whatcom watershed land preservation criteria (Special) |
2001-052 | Road project No. 900911 (Special) |
2001-053 | 2002 council meeting dates (Special) |
2001-054 | Adopts 2002 road construction program (Special) |
2001-055 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2001-056 | Cancellation of warrants (Special) |
2001-057 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2001-058 | Open space/timber applications recommendations (Special) |
2001-059 | Adopts six-year physical plant and facilities capital program (Special) |
2001-060 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2001-061 | Bonds issuance (Special) |
2001-062 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2001-063 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2001-064 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2001-065 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2001-066 | Salary schedule for unrepresented employees; rescinds Res. 2000-051 (Special) |
2001-067 | Council salary schedule (Special) |
2002-001 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2002-002 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2002-003 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2002-004 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2002-005 | Property tax refunds (Special) |
2002-006 | Supports protecting individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstration (Special) |
2002-007 | Adopts recommendations for open space/open space, open space/farm and agriculture conservation and open space timber applications (Special) |
2002-008 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
2002-009 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2002-010 | Cancelling uncollectible property taxes (Special) |
2002-011 | Approves assignment of franchise from ARCO to BP (Special) |
2002-012 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2002-013 | Comprehensive plan and zoning amendments docket (Special) |
2002-014 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2002-015 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2002-016 | Amends Res. 2001-010, project list (Special) |
2002-017 | Approves open space/open space application for Victoria Luhrs (Special) |
2002-018 | Opposes location, construction and operation of the Sumas Energy 2 electrical generating facility (Special) |
2002-019 | Road project Nos. 998006 and 998007 (Special) |
2002-020 | Open space/timber applications recommendations (Special) |
2002-021 | Title II project payment distribution (Special) |
2002-022 | Road project Nos. 998006 and 998007 (Special) |
2002-023 | Zoning text amendment docket (Special) |
2002-024 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2002-025 | Zoning map amendment docket (Special) |
2002-026 | Authorizes additional expenditures, road project No. 992224 (Special) |
2002-027 | Approves Evergreen water-sewer district comprehensive plan (Special) |
2002-028 | Opposes memorial to Jefferson Davis (Special) |
2002-029 | Amends Res. 2001-066, salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2002-030 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2002-031 | Adopts 2003-2008 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (Special) |
2002-032 | Road project No. 901005 (Special) |
2002-033 | Road project No. 902023 (Special) |
2002-034 | National forest related safety net payments (Special) |
2002-035 | Authorizes additional funds, road project No. 998002 (Special) |
2002-036 | Salmon net pen moratorium (Special) |
2002-037 | 2002 Greater Whatcom Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (Special) |
2002-038 | Commemorates September 11, 2001 (Special) |
2002-039 | Retirement health savings plan (Special) |
2002-040 | Agricultural purchase of development rights program (Special) |
2002-041 | Mercury reduction (Special) |
2002-042 | Adopts 2003 Road Construction Program (Special) |
2002-043 | Council meeting dates (Special) |
2002-044 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2002-045 | Point Roberts Special Recreation Area (Special) |
2002-046 | Cancellation of inmate trust fund checks (Special) |
2002-047 | Cancellation of warrants (Special) |
2002-048 | Amends Res. 2002-029, salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2002-049 | Salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2002-050 | Sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2002-051 | Extends flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
2002-052 | Extends Acme/Van Zandt flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
2002-053 | Extends Sumas/Nooksack/Everson flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
2002-054 | Extends Lynden/Everson flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
2002-055 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2002-056 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2002-057 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2002-058 | Comprehensive plan map amendment (Special) |
2002-059 | Community development block grant application (Special) |
2002-060 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2002-061 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2002-062 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2002-063 | Interim sheriff appointment (Special) |
2003-001 | Community development block grant application (Special) |
2003-002 | Property tax refunds (Special) |
2003-003 | Sale of county property by negotiation (Special) |
2003-004 | Amends Res. 2002-029, salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2003-005 | Amends Res. 2002-049, salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2003-006 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2003-007 | Sale of county property by negotiation (Special) |
2003-008 | Olympic Pipeline restoration funding (Special) |
2003-009 | Point Roberts Special Recreation Area (Special) |
2003-010 | Open space/timber applications recommendations (Special) |
2003-011 | Amends 2003 Road Construction Program (Special) |
2003-012 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2003-013 | Point Roberts Special Recreation Area (Special) |
2003-014 | Cancelling uncollectible property taxes (Special) |
2003-015 | Comprehensive plan and zoning amendments docket (Special) |
2003-016 | Open space/timber applications recommendations (Special) |
2003-017 | Non-recourse revenue bonds issuance (Special) |
2003-018 | Cancelling uncollectible mobile home tax (Special) |
2003-019 | Supports Kendall Community Resource Center for local WA-CERT priority list (Special) |
2003-020 | Sale of county property by negotiation (Special) |
2003-021 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2003-022 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2003-023 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2003-024 | Sale of county property by negotiation (Special) |
2003-025 | Agricultural purchase of development rights ranking (Special) |
2003-026 | Remands rezone to hearing examiner (Special) |
2003-027 | Sale of county property by negotiation (Special) |
2003-028 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2003-029 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2003-030 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2003-031 | Sale of county property by negotiation (Special) |
2003-032 | Supports Skagit River bridges transportation project bill (Special) |
2003-033 | Amends road project No. 900905 (Special) |
2003-034 | Street vacation (Special) |
2003-035 | Community development block grant applications (Special) |
2003-036 | Amends purchase of development rights guidelines map (Special) |
2003-037 | Bicycle plan (Special) |
2003-038 | Address correction (Special) |
2003-039 | Road project No. 901002 (Special) |
2003-040 | Amends 2002-039, retirement health savings plan (Special) |
2003-041 | Amends 2002-016, project list (Special) |
2003-042 | Six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
2003-043 | Street vacation (Special) |
2003-044 | Community development block grant application (Special) |
2003-45 | Road project No. 903007 (Special) |
2003-46 | Road project No. 901012 (Special) |
2003-47 | Road project No. 902006 (Special) |
2003-48 | Waives bid requirements for replacement of jail control system component (Special) |
2003-49 | Amends 2003 council meeting schedule (Special) |
2003-50 | Street vacation (Special) |
2003-51 | Initiates zoning code amendment (Special) |
2003-52 | Allocates expenditures of national forest related safety net payments under P.L. 106-393 (Special) |
2003-53 | Authorizes application for funding assistance for Firearms and Archery Range Recreation (FARR) program project (Special) |
2003-54 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2003-55 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2003-56 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2003-57 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2003-58 | Establishes airport/land use compatibility advisory committee (Special) |
2003-59 | Approves the Birch Bay water and sewer district comprehensive water system plan (Special) |
2003-60 | Property tax levy for emergency medical services (Special) |
2003-61 | Adopts the 2004 Whatcom County annual construction program (Special) |
2003-62 | Authorizes application for community development block grant (Special) |
2003-63 | Accepts poll book for Bertrand watershed improvement district formation election (Special) |
2003-64 | Bertrand watershed improvement district election (Special) |
2003-65 | Amends flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
2003-66 | Adopts 2004 six-year physical plant and facilities capital program (Special) |
2003-67 | Open space/timber applications recommendations (Special) |
2003-68 | Salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2003-69 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2003-70 | Cancellation of warrants (Special) |
2003-71 | Establishes 2004 council meeting dates (Special) |
2003-72 | Extends Sumas/Nooksack/Everson flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
2003-73 | Extends Acme/Van Zandt flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
2003-74 | Extends Lynden/Everson flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
2003-75 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2003-76 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2003-77 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2003-78 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2003-79 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2003-80 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2003-81 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2003-82 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2003-83 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2003-84 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2003-85 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2003-86 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2003-87 | Point Roberts recreation service area (Special) |
2003-88 | Fire district No. 13 annexation request (Special) |
2003-89 | Intent to fill Point Roberts fire commissioner vacancy (Special) |
2004-01 | Sale of county property by negotiation (Special) |
2004-02 | 2003 purchase of development rights applications (Special) |
2004-03 | Amends agricultural purchase of development rights guidelines (Special) |
2004-04 | Cancelling uncollectible property taxes (Special) |
2004-05 | Property tax refunds (Special) |
2004-06 | Approves mineral resource study (Special) |
2004-007 | Supports the Lake Whatcom landscape plan (Special) |
2004-008 | Opposes Substitute House Bill 2340 (Special) |
2004-009 | Initiation of comprehensive plan and zoning amendments (Special) |
2004-010 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-011 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-012 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-013 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-014 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-015 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-016 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-017 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-018 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-019 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-020 | Cancels warrants more than one year old (Special) |
2004-021 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2004-022 | Supports fair housing in Whatcom County (Special) |
2004-023 | Supports Whatcom County’s contractual rights in the agreement between Whatcom County and the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (Special) |
2004-024 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-025 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2004-026 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2004-027 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2004-028 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2004-029 | Opposes sections of the USA Patriot Act (Special) |
2004-030 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-031 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-032 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-033 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-034 | Amends county deferred compensation plan (Special) |
2004-035 | Amends county deferred compensation plan (Special) |
2004-036 | Road project No. 904008 (Special) |
2004-037 | Road project No. 902004 (Special) |
2004-038 | Charter review commission election (Special) |
2004-039 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2004-040 | Open space/timber applications recommendations (Special) |
2004-041 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-042 | Exchange of property (Special) |
2004-043 | Assessment against property (Special) |
2004-044 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2004-045 | Amends Res. 2003-041, project list (Special) |
2004-046 | Sale of county property by auction (Special) |
2004-047 | Road project No. 998023 (Special) |
2004-048 | Road project No. 903009 (Special) |
2004-049 | Six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
2004-050 | Sales and use tax election (Special) |
2004-051 | Endorses Deming Library expansion (Special) |
2004-052 | Road project No. 903005 (Special) |
2004-053 | Allocates expenditures of national forest related safety net payments under P.L. 106-393 (Special) |
2004-054 | Development rights purchase (Special) |
2004-055 | Updates 2002 comprehensive economic development strategy (Special) |
2004-056 | Adopts 2005 Whatcom County construction program (Special) |
2004-057 | Establishes 2005 council meeting dates (Special) |
2004-058 | Opposes Foothills Element in the Washington Commerce Corridor Study (Special) |
2004-059 | Sale of county property by negotiation (Special) |
2004-060 | Conditionally approves Point Roberts Water District No. 4 comprehensive sewer plan (Special) |
2004-061 | Point Roberts public hospital district election (Special) |
2004-062 | Flood control district tax levy (Special) |
2004-063 | Extends Lynden/Everson flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
2004-064 | Extends Acme/Van Zandt flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
2004-065 | Extends Sumas/Nooksack/Everson flood control zone district funding mechanism (Special) |
2004-066 | Sale of county property by negotiation (Special) |
2004-067 | Salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2004-068 | Cancellation of warrants (Special) |
2004-069 | Point Roberts public hospital district election (Special) |
2005-001 | Vote by mail precinct size limitation (Special) |
2005-002 | Development rights purchase (Special) |
2005-003 | Property tax refunds (Special) |
2005-004 | Amends six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
2005-005 | Amends 2005 annual construction program (Special) |
2005-006 | Comprehensive plan update (Special) |
2005-007 | Removes Lake Whatcom Connector from six-year road plan (Special) |
2005-008 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2005-009 | (Not effective) |
2005-010 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2005-011 | Conditionally approves Samish Water District comprehensive sewer plan (Special) |
2005-012 | Supports Whatcom Alliance for Healthcare Access (Special) |
2005-013 | Adopts the Lake Whatcom 2005-2009 Work Plan (Special) |
2005-014 | Purchase of agricultural development rights (Special) |
2005-015 | Community development block grant application (Special) |
2005-016 | Cancellation of warrants (Special) |
2005-017 | Supports countywide emergency medical services (Special) |
2005-018 | Initiates comprehensive plan and zoning amendments (Special) |
2005-019 | Open space/farm and agricultural conservation and open space/timber application recommendations (Special) |
2005-020 | Salary schedule for county council (Special) |
2005-021 | Approves Birch Bay Water and Sewer District comprehensive sewer system plan (Special) |
2005-022 | Road vacation (Special) |
2005-023 | Adopts Whatcom County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (Special) |
2005-024 | Authorizes funds for restoration and relocation of the Centennial Pole (Special) |
2005-025 | Approves the WRIA 1 Watershed Management Plan (Special) |
2005-026 | Road project No. 998023 (Special) |
2005-027 | Road project No. 904021 (Special) |
2005-028 | Promotes the use of LEED standards in building construction (Special) |
2005-029 | Adopts 2006-2011 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program and 2006-2019 14-Year Ferry Plan (Special) |
2005-030 | Amends Res. 2003-041, WA-CERT project prioritization (Special) |
2005-031 | Road project No. 902011 (Special) |
2005-032 | IAC grant application (Special) |
2005-033 | Road project No. 900902 (Special) |
2005-034 | Hearing on sale of county-owned property (Special) |
2005-035 | National forest related safety net payments (Special) |
2005-036 | Supports emergency medical services plan and sales tax (Special) |
2005-037 | Opposes Ferndale Pioneer Park mall and sales tax (Special) |
2005-038 | Road vacation (Special) |
2005-039 | Authorizes sale of surplus property (Special) |
2005-040 | Purchase of land for Lummi Island ferry parking lot (Special) |
2005-041 | Purchase and sale agreement for Lots A, B and C of Sunnyside Estates (Special) |
2005-042 | Sale of county property by negotiation (Special) |
2005-043 | Ballot proposition on a local sales and use tax to be used for funding countywide emergency medical services (Special) |
2005-044 | Sale of county property by negotiation (Special) |
2005-045 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2005-046 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2005-047 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2005-048 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2005-049 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2005-050 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2005-051 | Hearing and notice of hearing on surplus of county property for reversion to North West Industries (Special) |
2005-052 | Remands proposed ordinance amendment to planning commission for further review (Special) |
2005-053 | Sale of surplus county property (Special) |
2005-054 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2005-055 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2005-056 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2005-057 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2005-058 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2005-059 | Reversion of surplus property to North West Industries (Special) |
2005-060 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2005-061 | Establishes dates for 2006 county council meetings (Special) |
2005-062 | Establishes Foothills subarea plan advisory committee (Not codified) |
2005-063 | Supports professionally trained policing agencies and opposes armed militia enforcement of border and other crimes (Not codified) |
2005-064 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2005-065 | Community development block grant application (Special) |
2005-066 | Salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2005-067 | Salary schedule for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2005-068 | 2006 tax levy for flood control zone district (Special) |
2005-069 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2005-070 | Authorizes purchase of development rights on Paul Dairy property (Special) |
2005-071 | Adopts 2006 road construction program (Special) |
2005-072 | Sale of surplus county property (Special) |
2005-073 | Amends flood control zone district funding mechanism and levels for the Lynden/Everson subzone (Special) |
2005-074 | Amends flood control zone district funding mechanism and levels for the Acme/Van Zandt subzone (Special) |
2005-075 | Amends flood control zone district funding mechanism and levels for the Sumas/Nooksack/Everson subzone (Special) |
2005-076 | Cancellation of warrants over one year old (Special) |
2005-077 | Adopts 10-year homeless housing plan (Not codified) |
2005-078 | Establishes policy for meeting state public records requirement (Not codified) |
2006-001 | Accepts treasurer’s list of property tax refunds (Special) |
2006-002 | Hearing and notice of hearing of sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2006-003 | Hearing and notice of hearing of sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2006-004 | Hearing and notice of hearing of sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2006-005 | Supports retention of Magnuson amendment of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (Special) |
2006-006 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2006-007 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2006-008 | Sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2006-009 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2006-010 | Declares initiation of concurrency management program (Special) |
2006-011 | Authorizes purchase of development rights on Alamawala Farm property (Special) |
2006-012 | Transfer of surplus funds (Special) |
2006-013 | Hearing and notice of hearing of sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2006-014 | Hearing and notice of hearing of sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2006-015 | Hearing and notice of hearing of sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2006-016 | Hearing and notice of hearing of sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2006-017 | Hearing and notice of hearing of sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2006-018 | Hearing and notice of hearing of sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2006-019 | Adopts recommendations for open space/timber and open space/farm and agricultural conservation (Special) |
2006-020 | Sale of county tax title property by public auction (Special) |
2006-021 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2006-022 | Sale of county tax title property by public auction (Special) |
2006-023 | Sale of county tax title property by public auction (Special) |
2006-024 | Sale of county tax title property by public auction (Special) |
2006-025 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2006-026 | Supports county rapid border prosecution initiative (Special) |
2006-027 | Supports county multi-jurisdictional data integration project (Special) |
2006-028 | Supports protecting Lake Whatcom (Special) |
2006-029 | Initiates comprehensive plan and zoning amendments (Special) |
2006-030 | Hearing on sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2006-031 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2006-032 | Orders cancellation of checks over two years old (Special) |
2006-033 | Supports Whatcom County’s participation in the Counties and Cities for Climate Protection Campaign (Special) |
2006-034 | Hearing on the establishment of a flood control zone district subzone (Special) |
2006-035 | Joint meeting regarding proposed Northwood Nooksack tribal casino (Special) |
2006-036 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2006-037 | Hearing on sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2006-038 | Hearing on sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2006-039 | Hearing on sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2006-040 | Amends county road project (Special) |
2006-041 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2006-042 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2006-043 | Amends county road project (Special) |
2006-044 | Public hearing concerning Samish watershed subzone assessment (Special) |
2006-045 | Authorizes application for funding assistance for Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program project (Special) |
2006-046 | Declares intent to establish Whitecap Road as a county road (Special) |
2006-047 | Nonrecourse revenue bonds issuance (Special) |
2006-048 | Authorizes conservation easement acquisition process for round 4, 2005 applications (Special) |
2006-049 | Regards Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (Special) |
2006-050 | Adopts 2007 – 2012 transportation improvement program (Special) |
2006-051 | Amends Res. 2005-071, county road construction project (Special) |
2006-052 | Amends Res. 2006-042, sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2006-053 | Supports creation of stormwater management plan for Lake Whatcom watershed (Special) |
2006-054 | Amends Res. 2006-051, county road construction project (Special) |
2006-055 | Election to receive National Forest related safety net payments under P.L. 106-393 (Special) |
2006-056 | Authorizes flood control zone district to join Washington Governmental Entity Pool (Special) |
2006-057 | Road vacation (Special) |
2006-058 | Declares county interest in promoting sustainable and purchasing renewable energy (Special) |
2006-059 | Hearing on sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2006-060 | Hearing on sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2006-061 | Designates October 22 through 28, 2006, as adult literacy week (Special) |
2006-062 | Council meeting dates (Special) |
2006-063 | Supports waterfront redevelopment project (Special) |
2006-064 | Adopts 2007 annual construction program (Special) |
2006-065 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2006-066 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2006-067 | Updates 2004 appendix of 2002 comprehensive economic development strategy (Special) |
2006-068 | Supports incentives for accessory residences (Special) |
2006-069 | Flood control zone district 2007 tax levy (Special) |
2006-070 | Adopts July 2006 Birch Bay comprehensive stormwater plan (Special) |
2006-071 | Amends flood control zone district funding mechanism and levels for the Sumas/Nooksack/Everson subzone (Special) |
2006-072 | Amends flood control zone district funding mechanism and levels for the Acme/Van Zandt subzone (Special) |
2006-073 | Amends flood control zone district funding mechanism and levels for the Lynden/Everson subzone (Special) |
2006-074 | Cancellation of warrants more than one year old (Special) |
2006-075 | Adopts 2007 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Repealed by 2008-047) |
2006-076 | Adopts recommendations for open space/timber, open space/open space and open space/farm and agricultural conservation (Special) |
2006-077 | Adopts recommendation for open space/timber application (Special) |
2007-001 | Supports findings and recommendations of 4410 Joint Select Committee on public health financing (Special) |
2007-002 | Adopts recommendation for open space/timber application (Special) |
2007-003 | Accepts list for property tax refunds (Special) |
2007-004 | Approves name change of Fire Protection District No. 13 to Fire Protection District No. 21 (Special) |
2007-005 | Appoints agent to receive claims for damages under Chapter 4.96 RCW (2.94) |
2007-006 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2007-007 | Supports Western Washington University funding request (Special) |
2007-008 | Public hearing process for development agreements (20.92) |
2007-009 | Initiates review of emergency amendment to Ch. 20.42, rural forestry district (Not codified) |
2007-010 | Access and utilities easement grant for trail across corner of county-owned property adjacent to Marshall Hill Road (Special) |
2007-011 | Supports shoreline management program update – restoration plan (Special) |
2007-012 | Public hearing concerning establishment of Birch Bay watershed and aquatic resources management district (Special) |
2007-013 | Authorizes purchase of conservation easement on Dickson farm property (Special) |
2007-014 | Amends county road project No. 999022 and awards contract for Cable Street Phase II – Cable Street reconstruction (Special) |
2007-015 | Public hearing concerning temporary one-way detours in relation to Cable Street reconstruction project (Special) |
2007-016 | Initiates comprehensive plan and zoning amendments (Special) |
2007-017 | Public hearing to declare surplus property (Special) |
2007-018 | Amends county road project No. 902005 and awards contract for Hannegan Road improvements (Special) |
2007-019 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2007-020 | Amends county road project No. 904018 and awards contract for Innis Creek Road Bridge No. 126 construction (Special) |
2007-021 | Adopts recommendations for open space/timber applications (Special) |
2007-022 | Public hearing to declare sale of tax title property (Special) |
2007-023 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2007-024 | Approves the Drayton Harbor shellfish protection district recovery plan – 2007 update (Special) |
2007-025 | Honoring centennial celebration of the YWCA and urging support (Special) |
2007-026 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2007-027 | Sale of tax title property (Special) |
2007-028 | Cancellation of inmate trust fund checks (Special) |
2007-029 | Appoints administrative finance committee; repeals Res. 79-5 (Special) |
2007-030 | Bonds issuance (Special) |
2007-031 | Establishes county road project No. 907013 and awards contract for Welcome Bridge No. 332 rehabilitation (Special) |
2007-032 | Declares county’s intent to require recycling of all electronics and mercury-containing products in the community waste stream (Special) |
2007-033 | Establishes county road project No. 907019 and awards contract for Everson – Goshen pavement reconstruction (Special) |
2007-034 | Initiates zoning text amendments (Special) |
2007-035 | Amends 2007 annual road construction program (Special) |
2007-036 | Concurring with and granting approval of WRIA 1 detailed implementation plan (Special) |
2007-037 | Amends county road project No. 999022 (Special) |
2007-038 | Approves recommendations relating to land supply analysis, proposed zoning and UGA boundary adjustment, initiates reconciliation discussions with city of Bellingham (Special) |
2007-039 | Supports commute trip reduction plan (Special) |
2007-040 | Requests that funding for high risk offender housing be reinstated (Special) |
2007-041 | Adopts climate protection and energy conservation action plan (Special) |
2007-042 | Adopts 2008 – 2013 transportation improvement program (Special) |
2007-043 | Establishes county road project No. 907012 and awards contract for Haxton Way nonmotorized improvements (Special) |
2007-044 | Authorizes application to IAC for funding assistance (Special) |
2007-045 | Elects to receive National Forest-related safety-net payments (Special) |
2007-046 | Salary schedule for county council (Special) |
2007-047 | Authorizes purchase of conservation easement (Special) |
2007-048 | Authorizes purchase of conservation easement (Special) |
2007-049 | Sets hearing to sell tax title property (Special) |
2007-050 | Sets hearing on proposal to sell easement (Special) |
2007-051 | Declares intent to consider street vacation (Special) |
2007-052 | Establishes council regular meeting dates (Special) |
2007-053 | Approves proposed poll book for North Lynden watershed improvement district election (Special) |
2007-054 | Orders election to determine formation of North Lynden watershed improvement district (Special) |
2007-055 | Adopts 2008 annual construction program (Special) |
2007-056 | Amends county road project No. 905016 and awards contract for Drayton Harbor Road repair project (Special) |
2007-057 | Approves sale of easement (Special) |
2007-058 | Directs administrative services to employ contractor to bid excess medical plan insurance (Special) |
2007-059 | Authorizes purchase of conservation easement (Special) |
2007-060 | Authorizes submission of application for community development block grant (Special) |
2007-061 | Orders the cancellation of warrants more than one year old (Special) |
2007-062 | Orders the cancellation of accounts receivable more than one year old (Special) |
2007-063 | Orders the cancellation of accounts receivable more than one year old (Special) |
2007-064 | Approves purchase and sale agreement for Department of Natural Resources surplus property (Special) |
2007-065 | Authorizes sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2007-066 | 2008 flood control zone district tax levy (Special) |
2007-067 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
2007-068 | Sets 10-year term for assessment to provide revenue for the Samish watershed subzone (Special) |
2007-069 | Amends funding mechanism and levels for the Lynden/Everson subzone (Special) |
2007-070 | Amends funding mechanism and levels for the Acme/Van Zandt subzone (Special) |
2007-071 | Amends funding mechanism and levels for the Sumas/Nooksack/Everson subzone (Special) |
2007-072 | Amends retirement health savings plan (Special) |
2007-073 | Amends Res. 2006-075, 2008 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2008-001 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2008-002 | Sets hearing to sell tax title property (Special) |
2008-003 | Sets hearing to sell tax title property (Special) |
2008-004 | Authorizes sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2008-005 | Authorizes sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2008-006 | Adopts recommendations for open space/timber, open space/open space and open space/farm and agriculture conservation (Special) |
2008-007 | Confirms completion of urban growth area review (Special) |
2008-008 | Accepts treasurer’s list of property tax refunds (Special) |
2008-009 | Integrated water resources management (Special) |
2008-010 | Approves acquisition of conservation easements and expenditure of conservation futures funds (Special) |
2008-011 | Declares intent to consider street vacation (Special) |
2008-012 | Adopts 10-year homeless housing plan (Special) |
2008-013 | Supports implementation of the North Cascades Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan (Special) |
2008-014 | Initiates comprehensive plan and zoning amendments (Special) |
2008-015 | Approves on-site sewage system local management plan (Special) |
2008-016 | Adds Ch. 2.93, Birch Bay watershed and aquatic resources management advisory committee (Repealed by Ord. 2008-033) |
2008-017 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax-title property (Special) |
2008-018 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax-title property (Special) |
2008-019 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax-title property (Special) |
2008-020 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax-title property (Special) |
2008-021 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax-title property (Special) |
2008-022 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax-title property (Special) |
2008-023 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax-title property (Special) |
2008-024 | Designates Whatcom County council chambers as Washington State Department of Natural Resources public auction site (Special) |
2008-025 | Establishes a joint committee of the Whatcom County council, the Bellingham city council and the Lake Whatcom water and sewer district (Special) |
2008-026 | Authorizes sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2008-027 | Authorizes sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2008-028 | Authorizes sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2008-029 | Authorizes sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2008-030 | Authorizes sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2008-031 | Orders cancellation of checks over two years old (Special) |
2008-032 | Authorizes acquisition of conservation easements (Special) |
2008-033 | Updates 2006 appendix of 2002 comprehensive economic development strategy (Special) |
2008-034 | Approves recommendations for open space/open space and open space/timber applications (Special) |
2008-035 | Authorizes interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and Whatcom Transportation Authority (WTA) for reduced-fare bus passes for county employees (Special) |
2008-036 | Approves November 2007 Lake Whatcom comprehensive stormwater plan (Special) |
2008-037 | Authorizes Whatcom County’s application for funding assistance for a Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (Special) |
2008-038 | Authorizes sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2008-039 | Authorizes sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2008-040 | Authorizes Whatcom County’s application for an aquatic lands enhancement account program project to the Recreation and Conservation Office (Special) |
2008-041 | Authorizes Whatcom County’s application for funding assistance for a Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program project to the Recreation and Conservation Office (Special) |
2008-042 | Establishes energy resources scarcity task force to study and make recommendations regarding the consequences of potential changes to the supply of energy resources (Special) |
2008-043 | Approves recommendations for open space current use assessment applications (Special) |
2008-044 | Approves recommendations for open space current use assessment applications (Special) |
2008-045 | Adopts Whatcom County comprehensive parks, recreation and open space plan (Special) |
2008-046 | Amends county road project No. 908005 (Special) |
2008-047 | Adopts 2008 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees; repeals Res. 2006-075 (Repealed by 2008-070, 2008-077, 2008-078) |
2008-048 | Declares intention to create a stormwater utility (Special) |
2008-049 | Birch Bay watershed and aquatic resources management district funding mechanism (FCZD) |
2008-050 | Birch Bay watershed and aquatic resources management district service rates (FCZD) |
2008-051 | Approves exchange of gravel pits between Whatcom County and WSDOT (Special) |
2008-052 | Approves amendment No. 1 to the Evergreen water-sewer district comprehensive plan (Special) |
2008-053 | Adopts six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
2008-054 | Establishes rules of operation for subzone advisory committees; repeals part of Res. 2008-016 (FCZD) |
2008-055 | Authorizes purchase of development rights (Special) |
2008-056 | Approves Department of Ecology’s changes to shoreline management program (Special) |
2008-057 | Authorizes demolition of county-owned structure (Special) |
2008-058 | Requests reconveyance of State Forest Board lands to Whatcom County (Special) |
2008-059 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2008-060 | Authorizes purchase of development rights (Special) |
2008-061 | Declares intent to consider street vacation (Special) |
2008-062 | Adopts 2009 annual construction program (Special) |
2008-063 | Authorizes sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2008-064 | Approves Point Roberts Water District No. 4 comprehensive water system plan update (Special) |
2008-065 | Approves changes to roofing contract (Special) |
2008-066 | Authorizes demolition of county-owned structure (Special) |
2008-067 | Establishes county council meeting dates for 2009 (Special) |
2008-068 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax-title property (Special) |
2008-069 | Authorizes sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2008-070 | Adopts 2009 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees; repeals Res. 2008-047 (Special) |
2008-071 | Amends county road project No. 904002 (Special) |
2008-072 | Corrects an error in the county executive’s salary (Repealed by 2008-078) |
2008-073 | Authorizes submission of application for community development block grant (Special) |
2008-074 | Orders the cancellation of accounts receivable more than one year old (Special) |
2008-075 | Orders the cancellation of warrants more than one year old (Special) |
2008-076 | Allocates expenditures of national forest related safety net payments under P.L. 106-393 and 110-343 (Special) |
2008-077 | Adopts 2009 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees; repeals Res. 2008-047 (Special) |
2008-078 | Adopts 2009-2010 salary schedule for executive branch elected officials; repeals Resos. 2008-047 and 2008-072 (Repealed by 2013-046) |
2008-079 | Whatcom County flood control zone district flood control construction cost share program (FCZD) |
2008-080 | Establishes funds and amends bylaws of the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2008-081 | 2009 tax levy for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2008-082 | Adopts 2009 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2008-083 | Funding for the public health system in Washington State (Special) |
2008-084 | Amends Res. 2008-077, 2009 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2008-085 | Authorizes executive to transfer unexpended general fund budget authority to superior court (Special) |
2009-001 | Final order of street vacation (Special) |
2009-002 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2009-003 | Declares intent to consider street vacation (Special) |
2009-004 | Approves recommendations for open space current use assessment applications (Special) |
2009-005 | Approves amendment No. 3 to the Birch Bay water and sewer district comprehensive sewer system plan (Special) |
2009-006 | Amends the Whatcom County flood control zone district funding mechanism and levels for the Acme/Van Zandt subzone (FCZD) |
2009-007 | Amends the Whatcom County flood control zone district funding mechanism and levels for the Sumas/Nooksack/Everson subzone (FCZD) |
2009-008 | Amends the Whatcom County flood control zone district funding mechanism and levels for the Lynden/Everson subzone (FCZD) |
2009-009 | Accepts treasurer’s list of petitions for property tax refunds (Special) |
2009-010 | Authorizes sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2009-011 | Declares intent to consider street vacation (Special) |
2009-012 | Authorizes sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2009-013 | Amends 2009-2010 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2009-014 | Declares support of Washington State Legislature in establishing an emergency response system for the Strait of Juan de Fuca (Special) |
2009-015 | Amends Ch. 100.07, Birch Bay watershed and aquatic resources management district funding mechanism (FCZD) |
2009-016 | Authorizes sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2009-017 | Authorizes sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2009-018 | Amends county road project No. 904016 (Special) |
2009-019 | Authorizes purchase of development rights (Special) |
2009-020 | Council approval and intent to adopt Shoreline Master Program amendments (Special) |
2009-021 | Authorizes sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2009-022 | Authorizes sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2009-023 | Orders cancellation of checks over two years old (Special) |
2009-024 | Amends 2009-2010 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2009-025 | Docket of proposed comprehensive plan and zoning amendments (Special) |
2009-026 | Approves modifications to the 2008 comprehensive parks, recreation and open space plan (Special) |
2009-027 | Recodifies Ch. 2.92 as Chapter 100.02 FCZD (FCZD) |
2009-028 | Amends 2009-2010 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2009-029 | Approves sale of surplus gravel pits (Special) |
2009-030 | Amends county project No. 904019 and authorizes funds for award of contract for Mosquito Lake Road Middle Fork Bridge No. 140 rehabilitation project (Special) |
2009-031 | Approves purchase of antiviral medications (Special) |
2009-032 | Considers vacating a portion of Edwards Drive (Special) |
2009-033 | Expresses support for designating June 10th as National Pipeline Safety Day (Special) |
2009-034 | Intent to conduct hearing in consideration of creating a no shooting zone in the Columbia Valley urban growth area (Special) |
2009-035 | Vacates a portion of Saxon Road (Special) |
2009-036 | Declares intent to consider street vacation (Special) |
2009-037 | Appoints director and alternative director to the Washington Counties Risk Pool’s Board (Special) |
2009-038 | Requests executive to implement Roeder Home short term rent recommendations (Special) |
2009-039 | Amends Res. 2008-077, 2009 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2009-040 | Declares goals for farmland preservation (Special) |
2009-041 | Amends 2009-2010 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2009-042 | Amends county project No. 908014 and authorizes funds for award of contract for Hannegan Road Scott Ditch Bridge No. 245 replacement (Special) |
2009-043 | Establishes policies regarding detection and assessment of illicit discharges to county’s municipal separate storm sewer system (Special) |
2009-044 | Initiates comprehensive plan amendment to the six-year capital improvement program (Special) |
2009-045 | Amends 2009-2010 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2009-046 | Election of expenditures of national forest related safety-net payments (Special) |
2009-047 | Requesting information from executive for mid-biennium 2009-2010 budget review (Special) |
2009-048 | Approves Birch Bay water and sewer district comprehensive water system plan (Special) |
2009-049 | Approves Birch Bay water and sewer district comprehensive sewer system plan (Special) |
2009-050 | Approves salary schedule for county council for the years 2012 and 2013 (Special) |
2009-051 | Establishes regular county council meeting dates for 2010 (Special) |
2009-052 | County assistance to purchase van for transporting veterans (Special) |
2009-053 | Six-year transportation improvement program for the years 2010 through 2015 (Special) |
2009-054 | Authorizes preparation of a reassessment roll for property within the boundaries of Whatcom County road improvement district No. 2 (Special) |
2009-055 | Sets hearing and notice of hearing of the sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2009-056 | Sets hearing and notice of hearing of the sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2009-057 | Sets hearing and notice of hearing of the sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2009-058 | Accepts reassessment roll of property within the boundaries of Whatcom County road improvement district No. 2 (Special) |
2009-059 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2009-060 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2009-061 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2009-062 | Consideration of vacating a portion of Portal Way (Special) |
2009-063 | Authorizes submittal of grant application to the Washington State Department of Commerce Community Economic Revitalization Board (Special) |
2009-064 | (Replaced by Res. 2010-001) |
2009-065 | Confirms reassessment roll for property within the boundaries of Whatcom County road improvement district No. 2 (Special) |
2009-066 | Adopts 2010 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2009-067 | 2010 tax levy for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2009-068 | Adopts 2010 annual construction program (Special) |
2009-069 | Amends 2010 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2009-070 | Approves recommendations for open space current use assessment applications (Special) |
2009-071 | Adopts 2010 budget for the Birch Bay watershed and aquatic resources management district (FCZD) |
2009-072 | Hearing on sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2009-073 | Orders the cancellation of accounts receivable more than one year old (Special) |
2009-074 | Orders the cancellation of warrants more than one year old (Special) |
2009-075 | Amends Res. 2008-077, 2009-2010 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2009-076 | Approves sale of easement (Special) |
2009-077 | Approves development agreement between Whatcom County and Birch Bay Bible Community Church (Special) |
2009-078 | Approves recommendations for open space current use assessment applications (Repealed by 2014-051) |
2010-001 | Vacates a portion of Edwards Drive (Special) |
2010-002 | Authorizes sale of Whatcom County surplus property (Special) |
2010-003 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2010-004 | Accepts treasurer’s list of petitions for property tax refunds (Special) |
2010-005 | Orders cancellation of checks more than two years old (Special) |
2010-006 | Opposes the Model Toxics Control Act tax increase (Special) |
2010-007 | Amends county project No. 905017 and authorizes funds for award of contract for Clearbrook Road Johnson Creek Bridge No. 302 replacement (Special) |
2010-008 | Initiates comprehensive plan and zoning amendments (Special) |
2010-009 | Supports the City of Bellingham’s Google Fiber for Communities submittal (Special) |
2010-010 | Solid and hazardous waste management plan (Special) |
2010-011 | Approves allocation received from the State of Washington Recovery Zone Facility Bond to the Port of Bellingham (Special) |
2010-012 | Designates recovery zone (Special) |
2010-013 | Amends the 2010 annual road construction program (Special) |
2010-014 | Requests executive to prepare legislation amending the comprehensive plan, zoning code and maps to alter various urban growth area designations (Special) |
2010-015 | Declares flood control zone intention to lease property (Special) |
2010-016 | Amends county road project No. 998001 and authorizes additional funds for award of contract for Yew St. Road – Phase II Project (Special) |
2010-017 | Vacates a portion of Portal Way (Special) |
2010-018 | Authorizes Whatcom County’s application for funding assistance for a Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program project to the Recreation and Conservation Office (Special) |
2010-019 | Limits total annual real estate property tax increases for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2010-020 | Proclaims May 15, 2010, as Peace Officers Memorial Day (Special) |
2010-021 | Amends county road project No. 909009 and authorizes additional funds for award of contract for Rutsatz Road repair (Special) |
2010-022 | Authorizes conservation easement acquisition process for round 8 applications (Special) |
2010-023 | Amends county road project No. 908013 and authorizes additional funds for award of contract for Baker Lake Road Sulphur Creek Bridge #422 replacement (Special) |
2010-024 | Supports continuing multi-agency coordination center (Special) |
2010-025 | Amends county road project No. 909010 and authorizes additional funds for award of contract for Northwest Drive culvert replacement at Bear Creek (Special) |
2010-026 | Six-year transportation improvement program for 2011 through 2016 (Special) |
2010-027 | Approves inclusion of two new projects on existing 2008 comprehensive economic development strategy list (Special) |
2010-028 | Sale of county-owned real property (Special) |
2010-029 | Authorizes application for shooting range development grant (Special) |
2010-030 | Recommends approval of Dozer Corner bank repair project (Special) |
2010-031 | Adopts 2010-2014 Lake Whatcom Management Program (Special) |
2010-032 | Requests notification letter to amend interlocal agreement with Bellingham for emergency medical services (Special) |
2010-033 | Election to receive National Forest related safety net payments under P.L. 106-393 (Special) |
2010-034 | Supports request for appropriation in the federal budget for traffic improvements in and near Lummi Reservation (Special) |
2010-035 | Adopts 2011 annual construction program (Special) |
2010-036 | Approves recommendations on application for open space current use assessment (Special) |
2010-037 | Approves purchase and sale agreement for 3421 South Pass Road, Everson (Special) |
2010-038 | Establishes regular Whatcom County council meeting dates for 2011 (Special) |
2010-039 | Amends Chs. 100.02 and 100.06, flood control zone districts (100.02, 100.06) |
2010-040 | Approves sale of Finsrud Quarry as surplus real property (Special) |
2010-041 | Orders the cancellation of accounts receivable more than one year old (Special) |
2010-042 | Orders the cancellation of warrants more than one year old (Special) |
2010-043 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2010-044 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2010-045 | Approves request by the Evergreen Water-Sewer District Board of Commissioners to change its name to Columbia Valley Water District (Special) |
2010-046 | Establishes citizen’s task force for the Lummi Island ferry (Special) |
2010-047 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2010-048 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2010-049 | Adopts 2011 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2010-050 | 2011 tax levy for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2010-051 | Updates appendix of the 2002 comprehensive economic development strategy (Special) |
2010-052 | Requests letter be sent to city of Bellingham to discontinue interlocal EMS agreement (Special) |
2010-053 | Amends Res. 2008-077, 2009-2010 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2010-054 | Amends Res. 2008-077, 2009-2010 salaries for executive branch elected officials (Repealed by 2013-046) |
2010-055 | Establishes a minimum balance for the flood control zone district fund (FCZD) |
2011-001 | Authorizes application for boating facilities program funding (Special) |
2011-002 | Approves amendment to Birch Bay Water and Sewer District comprehensive water system plan (Special) |
2011-003 | Approves pedestrian and bicycle plan (Special) |
2011-004 | Sets hearing to declare property surplus (Special) |
2011-005 | Cancels uncollectible property taxes (Special) |
2011-006 | Accepts annual list of property tax refunds (Special) |
2011-007 | Authorizes sale of Whatcom County surplus property (Special) |
2011-008 | Hearing on sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2011-009 | Initiates comprehensive plan and zoning amendments (Special) |
2011-010 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2011-011 | Amends Whatcom County 2011 annual road construction program (Special) |
2011-012 | Supports maintaining the Olympic Coordination Center in Whatcom County (Special) |
2011-013 | Authorizes purchase of development rights (Special) |
2011-014 | Establishes jail planning task force (Special) |
2011-015 | Accepts annual risk exposure self-assessment (Special) |
2011-016 | Intention to ensure adequate development standards in the Lake Whatcom watershed (Special) |
2011-017 | Hearing on sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2011-018 | Authorizes sale of Whatcom County surplus property (Special) |
2011-019 | Amends county road project No. 909006 and authorizes additional funds for award of contractor (Special) |
2011-020 | Approves development agreement with Harbor Shores, LLC (Special) |
2011-021 | Supports American Alps Legacy Proposal (Special) |
2011-022 | Amends county road project No. 910018 and authorizes additional funds for award of contract for Tyee Drive pavement reconstruction – Benson Road to Roosevelt Road (Special) |
2011-023 | Endorses Whatcom County Agricultural Strategic Plan (Special) |
2011-024 | Amends 2011 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (Special) |
2011-025 | Six-year transportation improvement program for 2012 through 2017 (Special) |
2011-026 | Orders the cancellation of accounts receivable more than one year old (Special) |
2011-027 | Orders the cancellation of warrants more than one year old (Special) |
2011-028 | Supports inclusion of Bureau of Land Management lands in San Juan Islands National Conservation Area (Special) |
2011-029 | Election to receive National Forest related safety-net payments under P.L. 110-343 (Special) |
2011-030 | Adopts Whatcom County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (Special) |
2011-031 | Adopts Whatcom County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (FCZD) |
2011-032 | Dissolves citizen’s task force for the Lummi Island ferry (Special) |
2011-033 | Adopts Whatcom County 2012 annual road construction program (Special) |
2011-034 | Establishes regular Whatcom County council meeting dates for 2012 (Special) |
2011-035 | Intent to conduct hearing in consideration of creating a no shooting zone in the Glenhaven Lakes area (Special) |
2011-036 | Approves recommendations on applications for open space current use assessment (Special) |
2011-037 | Clarifies meaning of expired Ord. 2010-067, one-time economic hardship extension of land use permit expirations (Special) |
2011-038 | 2012 tax levy for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2011-039 | Adopts 2012 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2011-040 | Public service recognition armrest placard program (Special) |
2011-041 | Appoints director and alternative director to Washington counties risk pool’s board (Special) |
2011-042 | Amends Resos. 2008-077 and 2010-053, salaries for unrepresented county employees (Special) |
2011-043 | Appoints interim county auditor (Special) |
2012-001 | Orders the cancellation of checks more than two years old (Special) |
2012-002 | Establishes policies and procedures for retention of council emails (Special) |
2012-003 | Accepts annual list of property tax refunds (Special) |
2012-004 | Cancels uncollectible property taxes (Special) |
2012-005 | Amends Ch. 100.06, subzone advisory committees (100.06) |
2012-006 | Initiates comprehensive plan and zoning amendments (Special) |
2012-007 | Supports maintenance of funding for sheriff’s programs (Special) |
2012-008 | Amends 2012-2017 transportation improvement program (Special) |
2012-009 | Amends county road project No. 909011 (Special) |
2012-010 | Mountain bike trails development and maintenance (Special) |
2012-011 | Authorizes submission of applications for farmland preservation grants (Special) |
2012-012 | Authorizes acquisition of conservation easements (Special) |
2012-013 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2012-014 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2012-015 | Approves South Fork regional park conceptual plan (Special) |
2012-016 | Adopts jointly recommended business model for countywide emergency medical services (Special) |
2012-017 | Amends county road project No. 912002 (Special) |
2012-018 | Amends county road project No. 908012 (Special) |
2012-019 | Amends county road project No. 998001 (Special) |
2012-020 | Orders the cancellation of checks more than two years old (Special) |
2012-021 | Amends Resos. 2008-077, 2010-053 and 2011-42, salaries for unrepresented county employees (Special) |
2012-022 | Amends county road project No. 912001 (Special) |
2012-023 | Six-year transportation improvement program for 2013 through 2018 (Special) |
2012-024 | Election to receive National Forest related safety-net payments under P.L. 112-141 (Special) |
2012-025 | Declares intent to consider street vacation (Special) |
2012-026 | Amends county road project No. 912004 (Special) |
2012-027 | Approves recommendations on applications for open space current use assessment (Special) |
2012-028 | Adopts 2013 annual construction program (Special) |
2012-029 | Termination of Washington Counties Insurance Pool (Special) |
2012-030 | Establishes regular Whatcom County council meeting dates for 2013 (Special) |
2012-031 | Orders the cancellation of accounts receivable more than one year old (Special) |
2012-032 | Orders the cancellation of warrants more than one year old (Special) |
2012-033 | Approves comprehensive sewer plan for water district No. 13 (Special) |
2012-034 | 2013 tax levy for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2012-035 | Adopts 2013 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2012-036 | Clarifying accessory uses in the RGC and RIM zones (20.59, 20.69) |
2012-037 | Authorizes submission of application for community development block grant (Special) |
2012-038 | Appoints director and alternate director to Washington counties risk pool’s board (Special) |
2012-039 | Adopts salaries and policies for unrepresented county employees (Special) |
2012-040 | Hearing on sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2012-041 | Accepts addition of capital project into comprehensive economic development strategy (Special) |
2013-001 | Accepts annual list of property tax refunds (Special) |
2013-002 | Hearing on sale of county surplus property (Special) |
2013-003 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2013-004 | Calls upon Washington State Legislature to maintain current level of funding for public health system (Special) |
2013-005 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2013-006 | Requests addition of fourth Superior Court judge (Special) |
2013-007 | Initiates comprehensive plan and zoning amendments (Special) |
2013-008 | Cancels uncollectible property taxes (Special) |
2013-009 | Requests reconveyance of forest land from DNR to the county (Special) |
2013-010 | Authorizes submission of application for community development block grant (Special) |
2013-011 | Amends salaries and policies for unrepresented county employees (Special) |
2013-012 | Street vacation (Special) |
2013-013 | Amends 2013 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2013-014 | Amends 2013 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2013-015 | Amends county road project No. 912004 (Special) |
2013-016 | Accepts addition of capital projects into comprehensive economic development strategy (Special) |
2013-017 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2013-018 | Amends county road project No. 912004 (Special) |
2013-019 | Accepts agricultural land cover analysis (Special) |
2013-020 | Amends 2013 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2013-021 | Orders the cancellation of checks more than two years old (Special) |
2013-022 | Amends county road project No. 913001 and authorizes additional funds for award of contract for Hannegan Road pavement rehabilitation – Hemmi Road to Scott Ditch Bridge (Special) |
2013-023 | Amends Res. 2013-007, comprehensive plan amendment (Special) |
2013-024 | Amends county road project No. 911003 and authorizes additional funds for award of contract for Mosquito Lake Road/North Fork Nooksack Bridge No. 332 scour mitigation (Special) |
2013-025 | Recognizes role of WRIA planning unit to assist council regarding water resources (Special) |
2013-026 | Adopts Swift Creek sediment management action plan and projects (Special) |
2013-027 | Approves recommendations on applications for open space current use assessment (Special) |
2013-028 | Schedule for joint county and city review of UGAs (Special) |
2013-029 | Six-year transportation improvement program for 2014 through 2019 (Special) |
2013-030 | Whatcom County flood control zone district six-year water resources improvement program for 2014 through 2019 (FCZD) |
2013-031 | Election to receive National Forest related safety-net payments under P.L. 112-141 (Special) |
2013-032 | Orders the cancellation of warrants more than one year old (Special) |
2013-033 | Orders the cancellation of accounts receivable more than one year old (Special) |
2013-034 | 2014 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Repealed by 2014-067) |
2013-035 | Approves Columbia Valley water district’s 2013 water system comprehensive plan update (Special) |
2013-036 | Street vacation (Special) |
2013-037 | Establishes regular Whatcom County council meeting dates for 2014 (Special) |
2013-038 | Calls for compassionate community approach to public health related services (Special) |
2013-039 | Approves Whatcom County 2014 annual road construction program (Special) |
2013-040 | Orders the cancellation of accounts more than one year old (Special) |
2013-041 | Approves correction of equipment rental and revolving fund accounting records (Special) |
2013-042 | Authorizes transfer of Civic Center Building from general government ownership to road fund (Special) |
2013-043 | Authorizes transfer of 316 Lottie Street building from equipment rental and revolving fund to administrative services fund (Special) |
2013-044 | Authorizes transfer of land from general government ownership to road fund (Special) |
2013-045 | Accepts addition of capital project in comprehensive economic development strategy (Special) |
2013-046 | Adopts 2014-2015 salary schedule for executive branch elected officials; repeals Resos. 2008-078 and 2010-054 (Special) |
2013-047 | Supports fiscal sustainability initiative (Special) |
2013-048 | Approves Samish Water District comprehensive sewer plan update (Special) |
2013-049 | Adopts 2014 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2013-050 | 2014 tax levy for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2013-051 | Authorizes purchase of property (Special) |
2013-052 | 2014-2015 councilmember salaries (Special) |
2013-053 | Orders the cancellation of accounts receivable more than 10 years old (Special) |
2013-054 | Boundary line adjustment (Special) |
2014-001 | Supports increased safety standards for rail tank cars that transport oil, ethanol and other flammable liquids (Special) |
2014-002 | Grants quitclaim deed to Washington State Department of Transportation (Special) |
2014-003 | Orders cancellation of uncollectible accounts receivable (Special) |
2014-004 | Accepts annual list of property tax refunds (Special) |
2014-005 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2014-006 | Approves name change from Northwest Park and Recreation District 2 to Blaine-Birch Bay Park and Recreation District 2 (Special) |
2014-007 | Calls upon state legislature to allow fuel excise tax revenues to be used for transportation improvements (Special) |
2014-008 | Application for community development block grant (Special) |
2014-009 | Amends 2014 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2014-010 | Approves Swift Creek joint agency agreement (FCZD) |
2014-011 | Approves executive signature on Swift Creek joint agency agreement (FCZD) |
2014-012 | Initiates comprehensive plan and zoning amendments (Special) |
2014-013 | Agreement regarding population and employment allocations (Special) |
2014-014 | Adopts Lake Samish Basin comprehensive stormwater plan (Special) |
2014-015 | Declares intention to create 2014 water action plan (Special) |
2014-016 | Calls for election of charter review commissioners (Special) |
2014-017 | Application for community development block grants (Special) |
2014-018 | Amends 2014 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2014-019 | Reaffirms commitment to health of Lake Whatcom (Special) |
2014-020 | Invites Sudden Valley community association to participate in Lake Whatcom policy group (Special) |
2014-021 | Amends 2014 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2014-022 | Supports reducing speed limit for portion of Kendall Road (Special) |
2014-023 | Amends 2014 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2014-024 | Recognizes fortieth anniversary of Whatcom Medic One (Special) |
2014-025 | Amends county road project No. 914004 and authorizes additional funds for award of contract for Gooseberry Point ferry dolphin replacement (Special) |
2014-026 | Authorizes interlocal agreement for additional funding to address homelessness and homes affordable to lower-wage workers (Special) |
2014-027 | Approves Portage Bay shellfish recovery plan – 2014 update (Special) |
2014-028 | Public hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
2014-029 | Approves Lake Whatcom water and sewer district’s 2014 comprehensive sewer plan update (Special) |
2014-030 | Amends Whatcom County flood control zone district six-year water resources improvement program for 2014 through 2019 (FCZD) |
2014-031 | Amends six-year transportation improvement program for 2014 through 2019 (Special) |
2014-032 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2014-033 | Cancels unclaimed funds (Special) |
2014-034 | Amends §§ 100.02.080 and 100.06.080, advisory committee vacancies (FCZD) |
2014-035 | Establishes policy for plain language use in documents (Special) |
2014-036 | Approves recommendations on application for open space current use assessment (Special) |
2014-037 | Local agency participating agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation (Special) |
2014-038 | Approves recommendations on application for open space current use assessment (Special) |
2014-039 | Authorizes acquisition of conservation easements (Special) |
2014-040 | Amends Whatcom County flood control zone district six-year water resources improvement program for 2015 through 2020 (FCZD) |
2014-041 | Amends six-year transportation improvement program for 2015 through 2020 (Special) |
2014-042 | Cancels unclaimed checks (Special) |
2014-043 | Public hearing on sale of surplus property (Special) |
2014-044 | Supports pollution identification and correction program (Special) |
2014-045 | Commences coordinated water system plan update process (Special) |
2014-046 | Orders election for proposed irrigation district (Special) |
2014-047 | Orders election for proposed irrigation district (Special) |
2014-048 | Orders election for proposed irrigation district (Special) |
2014-049 | Orders election for proposed irrigation district (Special) |
2014-050 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2014-051 | Repeals Res. 2009-078, recommendations for open space current use assessment applications (Repealer) |
2014-052 | Authorizes remodel project (Special) |
2014-053 | Establishes regular Whatcom County council meeting dates for 2015 (Special) |
2014-054 | Approves recommendations on applications for open space current use assessment (Special) |
2014-055 | Approves Whatcom County 2015 annual road construction program (Special) |
2014-056 | Orders the cancellation of warrants more than one year old (Special) |
2014-057 | Orders cancellation of uncollectible accounts receivable (Special) |
2014-058 | Orders cancellation of uncollectible accounts receivable (Special) |
2014-059 | Declares flood control zone district intention to lease property (FCZD) |
2014-060 | Declares November “Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month” (Special) |
2014-061 | Establishes program to enhance monitoring and reporting to public on county government performance (Special) |
2014-062 | 2015 tax levy for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2014-063 | Adopts 2015 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2014-064 | Inclusion of city of Everson annexation proposal to Whatcom County Fire Protection District No. 1 on special election ballot (Special) |
2014-065 | Inclusion of city of Nooksack annexation proposal to Whatcom County Fire Protection District No. 1 on special election ballot (Special) |
2014-066 | Inclusion of city of Ferndale annexation proposal to Whatcom County Fire Protection District No. 7 on special election ballot (Special) |
2014-067 | 2015 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees; repeals Res. 2013-034 (Repealed by 2016-051) |
2014-068 | Amends 2014 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2015-001 | Accepts treasurer’s list of petitions for property tax refunds (Special) |
2015-002 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2015-003 | Approves interlocal agreement for participation in Whatcom County Council of Governments (Special) |
2015-004 | Provides guidance to water resource planning unit (Special) |
2015-005 | Initiates comprehensive plan and zoning amendments (Special) |
2015-006 | Application for community development block grant (Special) |
2015-007 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2015-008 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2015-009 | Changes color of road name signs (Special) |
2015-010 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2015-011 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2015-012 | Adopts 2015 comprehensive economic development strategy (Special) |
2015-013 | Amends Res. 2014-067, 2015 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Repealed by 2016-051) |
2015-014 | Street vacation (Special) |
2015-015 | Adopts Lake Whatcom management program 2015-2019 work plan (Special) |
2015-016 | Amends 2015 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2015-017 | Approves agreement for sale of license (Special) |
2015-018 | Designates Portage Bay as a marine recovery area (Special) |
2015-019 | Application for community development block grant (Special) |
2015-020 | Amends 2015 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2015-021 | Authorizes support for national Stepping Up initiative (Special) |
2015-022 | Approves jail facility use interlocal agreement (Special) |
2015-023 | Amends 2015 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2015-024 | Ballot proposition on a local sales and use tax to be used for funding jail facilities and other public safety purposes (Special) |
2015-025 | Street vacation (Special) |
2015-026 | Approves recommendations on applications for open space current use assessment (Special) |
2015-027 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2015-028 | Adopts multi-jurisdictional natural hazards mitigation plan – exhibit is on file in the council office (FCZD) |
2015-029 | Adopts multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plan (Special) |
2015-030 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2015-031 | Amends county road project No. 915022 and awards contract for Lummi Island ferry dolphin repair (Special) |
2015-032 | Authorizes acquisition of title search and appraisal services for purchase of development rights (Special) |
2015-033 | Six-year transportation improvement program for 2016 through 2021 (Special) |
2015-034 | Appoints director and alternate directors to Washington counties risk pool’s board (Special) |
2015-035 | Cancels unclaimed checks (Special) |
2015-036 | Amends 2015 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2015-037 | Requests county executive to continue to negotiate with the city of Bellingham on long-term jail facility use agreement (Special) |
2015-038 | Commits to “healthy planning” approach (Special) |
2015-039 | Authorizes RRET I funds to support expansion at East Whatcom Regional Resource Center (Special) |
2015-040 | Alley vacation (Special) |
2015-041 | Approves sale of access easement (Special) |
2015-042 | Requests development of jail utilization model (Special) |
2015-043 | Establishes council meeting dates for 2016 (Special) |
2015-044 | Approves Whatcom County 2016 annual road construction program (Special) |
2015-045 | Amends Whatcom County flood control zone district six-year water resources improvement program for 2016 through 2021 (FCZD) |
2015-046 | Amends Ch. 100.01, bylaws of the Whatcom County flood control zone district board of supervisors (FCZD) |
2015-047 | Adopts 2016 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2015-048 | 2016 tax levy for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2015-049 | Adopts 2016 budget for Point Roberts transportation benefit district (Special) |
2015-050 | Adopts 2016-2017 salary schedule for elected officials (Special) |
2015-051 | Approves 2016 funding recommendations made by lodging tax committee (Special) |
2015-052 | Orders the cancellation of warrants more than one year old (Special) |
2015-053 | Amends street vacation (Special) |
2015-054 | Amends Res. 2014-067, 2015 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Repealed by 2016-051) |
2015-055 | Orders the cancellation of accounts receivable more than one year old (Special) |
2016-001 | Supports construction of lighthouse at Lighthouse Marine Park (Special) |
2016-002 | Accepts treasurer’s list of petitions for property tax refunds (Special) |
2016-003 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2016-004 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2016-005 | Adopts 2016 comprehensive parks, recreation and open space plan (Special) |
2016-006 | Recognizes contributions of Wolf Bauer; recommends naming landform at Terrell Creek mouth Wolf Bauer Point (Special) |
2016-007 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2016-008 | Statement of principles for criminal justice and behavioral health systems (Special) |
2016-009 | Initiates comprehensive plan and zoning amendments (Special) |
2016-010 | Supports solar industry and economic development in Whatcom County (Special) |
2016-011 | Application for community development block grant (Special) |
2016-012 | Application for community development block grant (Special) |
2016-013 | Amends 2016 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2016-014 | Amends 2016 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2016-015 | Amends 2015 comprehensive economic development strategy (Special) |
2016-016 | Alley vacation (Special) |
2016-017 | Application for community development block grant (Special) |
2016-018 | Application for community development block grant (Special) |
2016-019 | Application for community development block grant (Special) |
2016-020 | Application for community development block grant (Special) |
2016-021 | Establishes jail stakeholder workgroup (Special) |
2016-022 | Considers alley vacation (Special) |
2016-023 | Accepts petition to create Columbia Valley park and recreation district (Special) |
2016-024 | Application for lower mainstream habitat assessment grant (Special) |
2016-025 | Amends membership on jail stakeholder workgroup (Special) |
2016-026 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2016-027 | Initiates comprehensive plan amendments (Special) |
2016-028 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2016-029 | Authorizes acquisition of conservation easements (Special) |
2016-030 | Determines coordinated water system plan is not inconsistent with comprehensive plan (Special) |
2016-031 | Six-year transportation improvement program for 2017 through 2022 (Special) |
2016-032 | Amends street vacation (Special) |
2016-033 | Requests reimbursement for public safety costs from Donald J. Trump campaign visit (Special) |
2016-034 | Establishes council meeting dates for 2017 (Special) |
2016-035 | Adopts Whatcom County 2017 annual road construction program (Special) |
2016-036 | Approves 2017 funding recommendations made by lodging tax committee (Special) |
2016-037 | Cancels unclaimed checks (Special) |
2016-038 | Extends funding mechanism and level for Samish Watershed subzone (FCZD) |
2016-039 | Forwards draft shoreline master program amendments for Department of Ecology review (Special) |
2016-040 | Approves Lookout Mountain Forest Preserve and Lake Whatcom Park Recreational Trail Plan (Special) |
2016-041 | Supports raising legal sales age for tobacco and vapor products from 18 to 21 (Special) |
2016-042 | Orders the cancellation of accounts receivable more than one year old (Special) |
2016-043 | Orders the cancellation of checks more than one year old (Special) |
2016-044 | Nonhighway and off-road vehicle activities grant funding application (Special) |
2016-045 | Adopts 2017 budget of Point Roberts transportation benefit district (Special) |
2016-046 | Adopts 2017 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2016-047 | Adopts Whatcom County flood control zone district six-year water resources improvement program for 2017 through 2022 (FCZD) |
2016-048 | 2017 tax levy for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2016-049 | Requests alternative financing options for water resource services (Special) |
2016-050 | Directs letter to be sent to State Legislature requesting amendments to Growth Management Act clarifying that counties can rely on Ecology guidance for determining legal water availability (Special) |
2016-051 | 2017 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees; repeals Resos. 2014-067, 2015-013 and 2015-054 (Repealed by 2017-052) |
2016-052 | Plantation indoor range roof replacement grant funding application (Special) |
2017-001 | Calls on Washington State Legislature for support of funding for core public health services (Special) |
2017-002 | Adopts update to solid and hazardous waste management plan (Special) |
2017-003 | Considers street vacation (Special) |
2017-004 | Declares formation of Columbia Valley park and recreation district (Special) |
2017-005 | Accepts treasurer’s list of petitions for property tax refunds (Special) |
2017-006 | Amends Res. 2016-051, 2017 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2017-007 | Requests that public works submit a petition for, and authorizes publics works forces to perform, railroad crossing improvements (Special) |
2017-008 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2017-009 | Amends 2017 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2017-010 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2017-011 | Authorizes use of parks property for road purposes (Special) |
2017-012 | Approves new level of service for Lummi Island ferry system (Special) |
2017-013 | Sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2017-014 | Condemns recent hate crimes in Washington and other states (Special) |
2017-015 | Authorizes application for community block development grants (Special) |
2017-016 | Initiates comprehensive plan and zoning amendments (Special) |
2017-017 | Updates appendix of 2015 comprehensive economic development strategy (Special) |
2017-018 | Approves Birch Bay Community Park master plan (Special) |
2017-019 | Requests State Legislature to amend Growth Management Act (Special) |
2017-020 | Sale of tax title property (Special) |
2017-021 | Sale of tax title property (Special) |
2017-022 | Sale of tax title property (Special) |
2017-023 | Sale of tax title property (Special) |
2017-024 | Application for forestland preservation grant funding assistance (Special) |
2017-025 | Interlocal cooperation agreement for HOME program regional consortium (Special) |
2017-026 | Amends 2017 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2017-027 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2017-028 | Authorizes purchase of renewable wind energy (Special) |
2017-029 | Grants quitclaim deed to city of Bellingham (Special) |
2017-030 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2017-031 | Approves jail facility financing and use interlocal agreement (Special) |
2017-032 | Adopts 2018-2019 salary schedule for elected officials (Special) |
2017-033 | Supports efforts for homeless youth employment (Special) |
2017-034 | Public hearing on sizing of new jail (Special) |
2017-035 | Approves sale of conservation easement (Special) |
2017-036 | Accepts petition proposing to create Lummi Island park and recreation district (Special) |
2017-037 | Amends 2017 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2017-038 | Authorizes preparation of a reassessment roll for property within the boundaries of Whatcom County road improvement district No. 7 (Special) |
2017-039 | Authorizes preparation of a reassessment roll for property within the boundaries of Whatcom County road improvement district No. 1 (Special) |
2017-040 | Six-year transportation improvement program for 2018 through 2023 (Special) |
2017-041 | Requests development of special funding district to fund water quality improvements (Special) |
2017-042 | Authorizes acquisition of title search and appraisal services for purchase of development rights (Special) |
2017-043 | Accepts assessment roll for property within the boundaries of Whatcom County road improvement district No. 7 (Special) |
2017-044 | Accepts assessment roll for property within the boundaries of Whatcom County road improvement district No. 1 (Special) |
2017-045 | Establishes council meeting dates for 2018 (Special) |
2017-046 | Cancels unclaimed checks (Special) |
2017-047 | Confirms assessment roll for property within the boundaries of Whatcom County road improvement district No. 7 (Special) |
2017-048 | Confirms assessment roll for property within the boundaries of Whatcom County road improvement district No. 1 (Special) |
2017-049 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2017-050 | Approves 2018 annual construction program (Special) |
2017-051 | Adopts Whatcom County flood control zone district six-year water resources improvement program for 2018 through 2023 (FCZD) |
2017-052 | 2018 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees; repeals Res. 2016-051 (Repealed by 2018-040) |
2017-053 | Orders the cancellation of accounts receivable more than one year old (Special) |
2017-054 | Orders the cancellation of checks more than one year old (Special) |
2017-055 | Establishes homeless strategies workgroup (Special) |
2017-056 | Sale of easement (Special) |
2017-057 | Sale of tax title property (Special) |
2017-058 | Requests county executive to allocate funding for gender-neutral public restrooms, installation of changing tables in public restrooms, and permanent signs for reserved parking, in government facilities (Special) |
2017-059 | Sale of tax title property (Special) |
2017-060 | Approves allocation of funds from lodging tax fund for tourism-related activities (Special) |
2017-061 | Approves recommendations on applications for open space current use assessments (Special) |
2017-062 | Amends 2017 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2017-063 | Adopts updates to Lake Whatcom comprehensive stormwater plan (Special) |
2017-064 | 2018 tax levy for the Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2017-065 | Adopts 2018 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2018-001 | Clarifies 2018 property tax levies (Special) |
2018-002 | Accepts treasurer’s list of petitions for property tax refunds (Special) |
2018-003 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2018-004 | Veterans assistance program eligibility income standard (Special) |
2018-005 | Initiates comprehensive plan and zoning amendments (Special) |
2018-006 | Amends Res. 2017-055, homeless strategies workgroup (Special) |
2018-007 | Authorizes community development block grant application (Special) |
2018-008 | Establishes Lake Whatcom stormwater utility advisory committee (Special) |
2018-009 | Amends 2018 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2018-010 | Authorizes filing of claim with State of Washington seeking reimbursement for unfunded ballot box mandate (Special) |
2018-011 | County executive authorized to sign agreement with Washington State recreation office to receive matching funds for acquisition of PDR conservation easements (Special) |
2018-012 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2018-013 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2018-014 | Amends 2018 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2018-015 | Requests planning staff draft code amendments for major project permits in Cherry Point UGA (Special) |
2018-016 | Recognizes roles and duties of county and WRIA planning unit regarding water resources planning (Special) |
2018-017 | Amends Res. 2017-045, council meeting dates for 2018 (Special) |
2018-018 | Appoints representative for Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office Washington Wildlife and Recreation Farmland Preservation project grants (Special) |
2018-019 | Authorizes use and establishes expenditure authority for Point Roberts transportation benefit district tax revenue funds (Special) |
2018-020 | Authorizes Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program grant application (Special) |
2018-021 | Authorizes Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program grant application (Special) |
2018-022 | Authorizes Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program grant application (Special) |
2018-023 | Authorizes Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program grant application (Special) |
2018-024 | Updates appendix of 2015 comprehensive economic development strategy (Special) |
2018-025 | Authorizes allocation of REET I funding to support East Whatcom Regional Resource Center building expansion (Special) |
2018-026 | Establishes level of service for Lummi Island ferry system (Special) |
2018-027 | Declares support for agricultural strategic plan (Special) |
2018-028 | Authorizes purchase of development rights (Special) |
2018-029 | Updates appendix of 2015 comprehensive economic development strategy (Special) |
2018-030 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2018-031 | Authorizes estuary and salmon restoration program application (FCZD) |
2018-032 | Approves Lake Whatcom water and sewer district water system comprehensive plan (Special) |
2018-033 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2018-034 | Approves six-year transportation improvement program 2019-2024 (Special) |
2018-035 | Amends 2018 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2018-036 | Adopts Whatcom County flood control zone district six-year water resources improvement program for 2019 through 2024 (FCZD) |
2018-037 | Establishes council meeting dates for 2019 (Special) |
2018-038 | Approves 2019 annual construction program (Special) |
2018-039 | Cancels unclaimed checks (Special) |
2018-040 | 2019 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees; repeals Res. 2017-052 (Repealed by 2019-061) |
2018-041 | Cancels accounts receivable more than four years old (Special) |
2018-042 | Cancels checks more than a year old (Special) |
2018-043 | 2019 tax levy for Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2018-044 | Adopts 2019 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2018-045 | Adopts 2019 budget of Point Roberts transportation benefit district (Special) |
2018-046 | Authorizes NOVA grant application (Special) |
2018-047 | Approves recommendations on applications for open space current use assessment (Special) |
2018-048 | Approves recommended convention center allocations (Special) |
2018-049 | Approves Glacier Water District water system comprehensive plan (Special) |
2018-050 | Supports health protection for immigrant families (Special) |
2019-001 | Public hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2019-002 | Comprehensive plan and development regulation amendments docket (Special) |
2019-003 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2019-004 | Allows Cascadia Law Group to complete contract related to legal ways to limit negative impacts from petroleum and coal transshipments from Cherry Point UGA (Special) |
2019-005 | Accepts treasurer’s list of property tax refunds (Special) |
2019-006 | Amends 2019 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2019-007 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2019-008 | Allows appointment of one council member to serve as optional alternate member of Washington State Association of Counties Board of Directors (Special) |
2019-009 | Calls upon Washington State Legislature to provide down payment to support public health services (Special) |
2019-010 | Selects Liz Lovelett to fill vacant state senate seat (Special) |
2019-011 | Requests the county executive provide staff resources and funding to coordinate with Whatcom County cities, social services agencies, and other providers to provide resources and funding for sufficient shelter capacity during cold weather periods (Special) |
2019-012 | Requests support for Washington State House and Senate bills related to pollution prevention, habitat and fish abundance, protection of southern resident orca whales and the safety of oil transportation (Special) |
2019-013 | Requests Washington State attorney general to review opinions related to eligibility of county council members and commissioners to be appointed to vacant legislative positions (Special) |
2019-014 | Amends 2019 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2019-015 | Comprehensive plan and development regulation amendments docket (Special) |
2019-016 | Community development block grant application (Special) |
2019-017 | Authorizes release of covenants on playground tract (Special) |
2019-018 | Supports retaining Alaska Marine Highway System between Bellingham and Alaska (Special) |
2019-019 | Supports House Bill 1023 to increase allowable bed capacity in adult family homes from six to eight (Special) |
2019-020 | Affirms commitment to Generations Forward initiative (Special) |
2019-021 | Supports funding for stewardship forester positions in the Department of Natural Resources small forest landowner office (Special) |
2019-022 | Honors the Sikh American community (Special) |
2019-023 | Updates 2015 economic development strategy appendix (Special) |
2019-024 | Supports share funding bills (Special) |
2019-025 | Considers street vacation (Special) |
2019-026 | Affirms PDR oversight committee ranking and authorizes acquisition of forestry conservation easement on Seed Orchard application (Special) |
2019-027 | Authorizes Whatcom County executive Jack Louws to act as authorized representative for Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office, Washington Wildlife and Recreation Farmland and Forestland Preservation project grants (Special) |
2019-028 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2019-029 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2019-030 | Reduces incarceration of young adults (Special) |
2019-031 | Amends 2019 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2019-032 | Authorizes application to the Brian Abbott fish barrier removal board – fish barrier removal design for Kenney Creek at North Fork Road (Special) |
2019-033 | Amends 2019 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2019-034 | Amends homeless strategies workgroup to expand membership and purpose (Special) |
2019-035 | Intent to conduct hearing in consideration of creating a no shooting zone in Drayton Harbor (Special) |
2019-036 | Adopts statement of public health, safety, and justice facility planning principles for Whatcom County (Special) |
2019-037 | Forwards Cascadia Law Group’s recommendations for proposed Cherry Point urban growth area comprehensive plan and zoning code amendments to the planning commission for review and recommendation and to planning and development services for SEPA review and determination (Special) |
2019-038 | Intent to authorize maximum capacity of sales and use tax for affordable and supportive housing (Special) |
2019-039 | Vacates Safsten Road (Special) |
2019-040 | Six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
2019-041 | Adopts Whatcom County flood control district six-year water resources improvement program for 2020 through 2025 (FCZD) |
2019-042 | Declares support for update to rural land study to identify areas deserving heightened agricultural protection measures (Special) |
2019-043 | Considers street vacation (Special) |
2019-044 | Amends Ch. 100.07, Birch Bay watershed and aquatic resources management district funding mechanism (FCZD) |
2019-045 | Approves 2020 annual road construction program (Special) |
2019-046 | Cancels unclaimed checks (Special) |
2019-047 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2019-048 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2019-049 | Supports renaming of Squaw Creek to Páatstel Creek (Special) |
2019-050 | Establishes council meeting dates for 2020 (Special) |
2019-051 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2019-052 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2019-053 | Approves recommended convention center allocations (Special) |
2019-054 | Acknowledges receipt of citizen petition to form no shooting zone (Special) |
2019-055 | 2019 tax levy for Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2019-056 | Adopts 2020 budget for Point Roberts transportation benefit district (Special) |
2019-057 | Adopts 2020 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2019-058 | Authorizes communication tower lease with Crown Castle GT (Special) |
2019-059 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2019-060 | Cancels checks more than a year old (Special) |
2019-061 | 2020 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees; repeals Res. 2018-040 (Repealed by 2020-046) |
2019-062 | Declares intent to sell county tax title property (Special) |
2019-063 | Establishes stakeholder advisory committee for the public health, safety, and justice facility needs assessment project (Special) |
2019-064 | Requests county prosecutor to ask Attorney General for update on opinion docket No. 19-04-03 (Special) |
2020-001 | Selects Alex Ramel to fill vacant state representative position (Special) |
2020-002 | Affirms PDR oversight committee ranking and authorizes acquisition of agricultural conservation easements (Special) |
2020-003 | Approves Nooksack Valley School District lease for Ostrom conservation site (Special) |
2020-004 | Supports environmentally friendly renewable energy projects (Special) |
2020-005 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2020-006 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2020-007 | Accepts treasurer’s list of property tax refunds (Special) |
2020-008 | Veterans assistance program eligibility income standard (Special) |
2020-009 | Amends membership of stakeholder advisory committee for the public health, safety, and justice facility needs assessment (Special) |
2020-010 | Amends membership of homeless strategies workgroup (Special) |
2020-011 | Community development block grant application (Special) |
2020-012 | Community development block grant application (Special) |
2020-013 | Proclaims public health week (Special) |
2020-014 | Authorizes Whatcom County executive Satpal Sidhu to act as authorized representative for Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office, Washington Wildlife and Recreation Farmland and Forestland Preservation project grants (Special) |
2020-015 | Convenes public health advisory board task force on employer infection control and social distancing guidance (Special) |
2020-016 | Community development block grant application (Special) |
2020-017 | Establishes process for development of a COVID-19 interim economic recovery plan (Special) |
2020-018 | Safe Start Washington Plan Phase 2 application (Special) |
2020-019 | Authorizes application to the Brian Abbott fish barrier removal board – fish barrier removal construction funds for Kenney Creek at North Fork Road (Special) |
2020-020 | Authorizes Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program grant application (Special) |
2020-021 | Authorizes Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program grant application (Special) |
2020-022 | Invites other local jurisdictions to collaborate to improve efficiency for the benefit of taxpayers (Special) |
2020-023 | Adopts Lake Whatcom management program 2020-2024 work plan (Special) |
2020-024 | Authorizes youth athletic facilities grant application (Special) |
2020-025 | Amends Res. 2019-061, 2020 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2020-026 | Supports the executive’s budget goals for 2021-2022 (Special) |
2020-027 | Comprehensive plan and development regulation amendments docket (Special) |
2020-028 | Amends membership of homeless strategies workgroup (Special) |
2020-029 | Authorizes tower lease agreement with PI Tower Development LLC (Special) |
2020-030 | Approves Lake Whatcom water and sewer district comprehensive sewer plan 2020 update (Special) |
2020-031 | Authorizes tower lease agreement with Cellco Partnership (Special) |
2020-032 | Establishes county council budget goals and guidelines (Special) |
2020-033 | Adopts Whatcom County flood control zone district six-year water resources improvement program for 2021 through 2026 (FCZD) |
2020-034 | Six-year transportation improvement program for 2021 through 2026 (Special) |
2020-035 | Approves Birch Bay water and sewer district comprehensive water system plan 2020 update (Special) |
2020-036 | Approves Birch Bay water and sewer district comprehensive sewer system plan 2020 update (Special) |
2020-037 | Declaration of support for sheriff’s deputies, corrections deputies, courts and support staff (Special) |
2020-038 | Adopts 2020 update to the 2015 Whatcom County economic development strategy appendix (Special) |
2020-039 | Amends 2020 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2020-040 | Approves recommendations on applications for open space current use assessment (Special) |
2020-041 | Surplus property sale (Special) |
2020-042 | Street vacation (Special) |
2020-043 | Authorizes the sale of surplus personal property (Special) |
2020-044 | Approves 2021 Whatcom County annual road construction program (Special) |
2020-045 | Sets council meeting dates for 2021 (Special) |
2020-046 | 2021 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees; repeals Res. 2019-061 (Repealed by 2021-048) |
2020-047 | Requests the county transition from paper to digital (Special) |
2020-048 | Requests the county distribute surplus computers to the community (Special) |
2020-049 | Adopts 2021-2022 budget for Point Roberts transportation benefit district (Special) |
2020-050 | Adopts 2021 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2020-051 | 2021 tax levy for Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2020-052 | Certifies 2021 property tax levies for collection (Special) |
2020-053 | Cancels checks more than one year old (Special) |
2020-054 | Affirms that racism is a public health crisis (Special) |
2020-055 | Approves recommended convention center allocations (Special) |
2020-056 | Approves development agreement (Special) |
2021-001 | Reflecting diversity of county population by improving written accessibility (Special) |
2021-002 | Grant agreement with Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office for development of Lake Whatcom Park trails (Special) |
2021-003 | Adopts indigent defense policy (Special) |
2021-004 | Affirms PDR oversight committee ranking and authorizes acquisition of conservation easements (Special) |
2021-005 | Accepts treasurer’s list of property tax refunds (Special) |
2021-006 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2021-007 | Comprehensive plan and development regulation amendments docket (Special) |
2021-008 | Supports formation of tourism promotion area (Special) |
2021-009 | Transfer of quitclaim deed from county to city of Bellingham (Special) |
2021-010 | Hearing and notice of hearing on sale of county tax title property (Special) |
2021-011 | Lummi Island ferry system grant (Special) |
2021-012 | Sale of county tax title property by public auction (Special) |
2021-013 | Declares flood control zone district intention to lease property (FCZD) |
2021-014 | Declares flood control zone district intention to lease property (FCZD) |
2021-015 | Review and enhancement of public participation process opportunities (Special) |
2021-016 | Adopts Americans with Disabilities Act transition plan within public rights-of-way (Special) |
2021-017 | Application for community development block grant (Special) |
2021-018 | Concludes work of homeless strategies workgroup; transfers responsibilities to housing advisory committee (Special) |
2021-019 | Potential creation of Whatcom public radio system (Special) |
2021-020 | Approves recommendations on applications for open space current use assessment (Special) |
2021-021 | Amends Res. 2020-046, 2021 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2021-022 | Amends 2021 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2021-023 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2021-024 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2021-025 | Approves Water District No. 7 water system plan (Special) |
2021-026 | Transfers flood control zone district property to Lummi Nation (FCZD) |
2021-027 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2021-028 | Adopts employee’s personnel handbook (Special) |
2021-029 | Considers street vacation (Special) |
2021-030 | Considers street vacation (Special) |
2021-031 | Considers street vacation (Special) |
2021-032 | Considers street vacation (Special) |
2021-033 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2021-034 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2021-035 | Amends Res. 2020-046, 2021 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2021-036 | Amends 2021 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2021-037 | Approves recommended convention center allocations (Special) |
2021-038 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2021-039 | Six-year transportation improvement program for 2022 through 2027 (Special) |
2021-040 | Adopts Whatcom County flood control zone district six-year water resources improvement program for 2022 through 2027 (FCZD) |
2021-041 | Amends 2021 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2021-042 | Approves Water District No. 13 small water system plan (Special) |
2021-043 | Sets council meeting dates for 2022 (Special) |
2021-044 | Requests presidential executive order to open border to allow access to Canadian property owners in Point Roberts (Special) |
2021-045 | Approves 2022 Whatcom County annual road construction program (Special) |
2021-046 | Adopts 2021-2025 Whatcom County economic development strategy (Special) |
2021-047 | Amends 2021 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2021-048 | 2022 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees; repeals Res. 2020-046 (Repealed by 2022-046) |
2021-049 | Approves 2021 climate action plan (Special) |
2021-050 | Approves naming of crisis stabilization facility (Special) |
2021-051 | Adopts 2022 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2021-052 | 2022 tax levy for Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2021-053 | Cancels checks more than one year old (Special) |
2021-054 | Cancels uncollectable accounts receivable (Special) |
2021-055 | Certifies 2022 property tax levies for collection (Special) |
2021-056 | Council approval and intent to adopt Shoreline Master Program amendments (Special) |
2021-057 | Adopts multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plan (Special) |
2021-058 | Adopts multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plan (FCZD) |
2021-059 | Considers alley vacation (Pending) |
2021-060 | Amends Res. 2021-046, 2021-2025 Whatcom County economic development strategy (Special) |
2021-061 | Certifies 2022 property tax levies for collection (Special) |
2022-001 | Affirms appointment to vacant 42nd legislative district senate seat (Special) |
2022-002 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2022-003 | Accepts treasurer’s list of property tax refunds (Special) |
2022-004 | Approves recommendations on applications for open space current use assessment (Special) |
2022-005 | Regarding permanent affordability of child care (Special) |
2022-006 | Amends 2022 Whatcom County economic development strategy appendix (Special) |
2022-007 | Authorizes acquisition of conservation easements (Special) |
2022-008 | Supports state legislative action resetting deadline for participation in the Voluntary Stewardship Program (Special) |
2022-009 | Establishes respectful workplace standard (Special) |
2022-010 | Updates appendix to 2022 comprehensive economic development strategy project list (Special) |
2022-011 | Comprehensive plan and development regulation amendments docket (Special) |
2022-012 | Amends. Res. 2021-048, 2022 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2022-013 | Authorizes Whatcom County executive Satpal Sidhu to act as authorized representative for Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office Farmland Preservation project grant (Special) |
2022-014 | Amends 2022 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2022-015 | Affirms county council and county executive expectations for boards and commissions (Special) |
2022-016 | Street vacation (Special) |
2022-017 | Street vacation (Special) |
2022-018 | Establishes guidelines for council appointment to judicial and legislature vacancies (Special) |
2022-019 | Grant application to Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board (Special) |
2022-020 | Amends 2022 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (Special) |
2022-021 | Amends membership of stakeholder advisory committee for the justice project (Special) |
2022-022 | Declaration of surplus real property (Special) |
2022-023 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2022-024 | Authorizes Whatcom County executive to act as authorized representative for Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office Puget Sound acquisition and restoration grant (Special) |
2022-025 | Supports Snohomish, Whatcom, Island, San Juan and Skagit (SWISS) Regional Partnership with Washington State Association of Counties (Special) |
2022-026 | Street vacation (Special) |
2022-027 | Amends Res. 2021-056, making additional amendments to Shoreline Management Program update documents (Special) |
2022-028 | Declares real property as surplus (Special) |
2022-029 | Supports right to inclusive healthcare (Special) |
2022-030 | Amends 2022 Whatcom County economic development strategy appendix (Special) |
2022-031 | Amends 2022 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (Special) |
2022-032 | Transfer of surplus property (Special) |
2022-033 | Supports transition to low- or zero-emission transportation system (Special) |
2022-034 | Amends 2022 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (Special) |
2022-035 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2022-036 | Establishes priorities for comprehensive plan update (Special) |
2022-037 | Alley vacation (Pending) |
2022-038 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2022-039 | Amends 2022 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (Special) |
2022-040 | Six-year transportation improvement program for 2023 through 2028 (Special) |
2022-041 | Approves allocation of funds from lodging tax fund for tourism-related activities (Special) |
2022-042 | Sets council meeting dates for 2023 (Special) |
2022-043 | Adopts Whatcom County flood control zone district six-year water resources improvement program for 2023 through 2028 (FCZD) |
2022-044 | Approves 2023 Whatcom County annual construction program (Special) |
2022-045 | Adopts road administration board written policies (Special) |
2022-046 | 2023 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees; repeals Res. 2021-048 (Repealed by 2023-048) |
2022-047 | Adopts 2023-2024 budget for Point Roberts transportation benefit district (Special) |
2022-048 | Adopts 2023 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2022-049 | 2023 tax levy for Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2022-050 | Certifies 2023 property tax levies for collection (Special) |
2022-051 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2022-052 | Certifies 2023 property tax levies for collection (Special) |
2022-053 | Approves recommendations on applications for open space current use assessment (Special) |
2023-001 | Accepts treasurer’s list of petitions for property tax refunds (Special) |
2023-002 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2023-003 | Cancels uncollectable accounts receivable (Special) |
2023-004 | Orders the cancellation of warrants more than one year old (Special) |
2023-005 | Comprehensive plan and development regulation amendments docket (Special) |
2023-006 | Accepts needs assessment report of stakeholder advisory committee for the justice project (Special) |
2023-007 | Adopts healthy children’s fund implementation plan (Special) |
2023-008 | Authorizes Whatcom County executive to execute easement for Puget Sound Energy (Special) |
2023-009 | Amends 2023 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2023-010 | Adopts 2022 Whatcom County comprehensive solid and hazardous waste management plan (Special) |
2023-011 | Updates appendix to 2022 comprehensive economic development strategy (Special) |
2023-012 | Authorizes Whatcom County executive to purchase Department of Commerce funded flood response equipment (Special) |
2023-013 | Schedule for joint county and city review of urban growth areas (Special) |
2023-014 | Amends unified fee schedule (Special) |
2023-015 | Grants quitclaim deed to city of Lynden (Special) |
2023-016 | Requests council approval of the interpretation and retroactive application of ambiguous language in WCC 10.34.030 (Special) |
2023-017 | Grants easement to Puget Sound Energy (Special) |
2023-018 | Adopts food system plan (Special) |
2023-019 | Requests language inclusivity code revisions (Special) |
2023-020 | Affirms housing affordability and homelessness constitute public health crisis (Special) |
2023-021 | Authorizes Whatcom County executive to act as authorized representative for Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office Local Park Maintenance Program grant (Special) |
2023-022 | Considers road vacation (Special) |
2023-023 | Considers right-of-way vacation (Special) |
2023-024 | Six-year transportation improvement program for 2024 through 2029 (Special) |
2023-025 | Amends 2023 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2023-026 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2023-027 | Sale of county tax title property by negotiation (Special) |
2023-028 | Sale of county tax title property by public auction (Special) |
2023-029 | Sale of county tax title property by public auction (Special) |
2023-030 | Adopts Whatcom County flood control zone district six-year water resources improvement program for 2024 through 2029 (FCZD) |
2023-031 | Authorizes purchase of supplies and equipment from U.S. General Services Administration (Special) |
2023-032 | Approves Samish water district comprehensive sewer plan 2023 update (Repealed by 2024-045) |
2023-033 | Amends Res. 2023-005, making additional amendments to comprehensive plan and development regulation amendments docket (Special) |
2023-034 | Sets council meeting dates for 2024 (Special) |
2023-035 | Sale of county tax title property by public auction (Special) |
2023-036 | Sale of county tax title property by public auction (Special) |
2023-037 | Sale of county tax title property by public auction (Special) |
2023-038 | Approves 2024 Whatcom County annual construction program (Special) |
2023-039 | Approves recommended convention center allocations (Special) |
2023-040 | Adopts equipment rental and revolving fund management policy (Special) |
2023-041 | Supports Lummi Indian Business Council declaration of state of emergency regarding fentanyl crisis (Special) |
2023-042 | Amends Res. 2023-033, making additional amendments to comprehensive plan and development regulation amendments docket (Special) |
2023-043 | Supports increased use of economic development investment funds for affordable housing (Special) |
2023-044 | Proposes amendments to county code to support clean energy (Special) |
2023-045 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2023-046 | 2024 tax levy for Whatcom County flood control zone district (FCZD) |
2023-047 | Adopts 2024 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2023-048 | 2024 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees; repeals Res. 2022-046 (Special) |
2023-049 | Requests county executive and staff pursue public access opportunities for trails on all county-owned land and easements (Special) |
2023-050 | Certifies 2024 property tax levies for collection (Special) |
2023-051 | Cancels checks more than one year old (Special) |
2023-052 | Certifies 2024 property tax levies for collection (Special) |
2023-053 | Approves recommendations on applications for open space current use assessment (Special) |
2023-054 | Establishes independent review of countywide fire and EMS structures (Special) |
2023-055 | Encourages county executive to pursue opportunities for property acquisition that promotes conservation, economic development and tourism associated with Bellingham to Mt. Baker trails (Special) |
2023-056 | Amends Res. 2023-050, re-certifies 2024 property tax levies for collection (Special) |
2024-001 | Updates appendix to 2022 comprehensive economic development strategy (Special) |
2024-002 | Requests governor declare state of emergency in response to opioid and fentanyl crisis (Special) |
2024-003 | Requests U.S. president declare state of emergency in response to opioid and fentanyl crisis (Special) |
2024-004 | Adopts 2024 comprehensive parks, recreation and open space plan (Special) |
2024-005 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2024-006 | Accepts treasurer’s list of petitions for property tax refunds (Special) |
2024-007 | Declares county-owned structure as worthless (Special) |
2024-008 | Amends Res. 2023-056 to revise and recertify tax levy amounts (Special) |
2024-009 | Orders the cancellation of invoice as uncollectible (Special) |
2024-010 | Authorizes acquisition of conservation easement on the Jacoby application (Special) |
2024-011 | Amends 2024 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2024-012 | Amends 2024 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2024-013 | Approves Water District No. 2 water system plan (Special) |
2024-014 | Supports ferry rate increase and allocation of American Rescue Plan funds (Special) |
2024-015 | Alley vacation (Special) |
2024-016 | Comprehensive plan and development regulation amendments docket (Special) |
2024-017 | Identifies approaches to fentanyl emergency (Special) |
2024-018 | Supports modernization of the economic development investment board (Special) |
2024-019 | Supports expanding access to affordable and reliable internet (Special) |
2024-020 | Declares county-owned structure as worthless (Special) |
2024-021 | Approves revised business rules of the hearing examiner (Not codified) |
2024-022 | Approves recommendations on applications for open space current use assessment (Special) |
2024-023 | Approves Drayton Harbor Shellfish Recovery and Protection Plan 2024 update (Special) |
2024-024 | Amends Res. 2023-048, 2024 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2024-025 | Authorizes Whatcom County personnel to act as authorized representatives for Aquatic Land Enhancement Act grant (Special) |
2024-026 | Authorizes Whatcom County personnel to act as authorized representatives for Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program grant (Special) |
2024-027 | Authorizes Whatcom County personnel to act as authorized representatives for Community Outdoor Athletic Facilities grant (Special) |
2024-028 | Grants easement to Puget Sound Energy (Special) |
2024-029 | Authorizes Whatcom County executive Satpal Sidhu to act as authorized representative for Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office and Wildlife and Recreation Forestland Preservation grants (Special) |
2024-030 | Amends Ch. 100.07, Birch Bay watershed and aquatic resources management district funding mechanism (FCZD) |
2024-031 | Amends 2024 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2024-032 | Approves Whatcom County Superior Court’s request to preside over water adjudication hearings outside of Bellingham (Special) |
2024-033 | Declares real property as surplus and approves transfer (Special) |
2024-034 | Approves major project permit (Special) |
2024-035 | Requests the superior court to issue a declaratory judgment to determine whether Initiative 2024-01 is procedurally invalid (Special) |
2024-036 | Requests county executive and housing advisory committee to take measures to mitigate homelessness (Special) |
2024-037 | Acknowledges appropriate expenditures of tax revenue for Point Roberts transportation benefit district (Special) |
2024-038 | Amends 2024 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2024-039 | Amends 2024 Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones budget (FCZD) |
2024-040 | Approves 2025-2030 six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
2024-041 | Sets council meeting dates for 2025 (Special) |
2024-042 | Revises 2025-2030 six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
2024-043 | Adopts 2025 annual road program (Special) |
2024-044 | Amends 2024 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (FCZD) |
2024-045 | Approves revised Samish Water District comprehensive sewer plan; repeals Res. 2023-032 (Special) |
2024-046 | Affirms that food security is public health priority and that county should pursue funding to support implementation of food systems plan (Special) |
2024-047 | Revises membership of Northwest Clean Air Agency by adding San Juan County to the agency (Special) |
2024-048 | Approves revised level of service action plan for Lummi Island ferry service (Special) |
2024-049 | Authorizes 2025 tax levy for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (Special) |
2024-050 | Adopts 2025 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (Special) |
2024-051 | Adopts 2025 salary schedule and policies for unrepresented employees (Special) |
2024-052 | Approves allocation of funds from lodging tax fund for tourism-related activities (Special) |
2024-053 | Approves 2025-2026 equipment rental and revolving fund rates (Special) |
2024-054 | Certifies 2025 property tax levies for collection (Special) |
2024-055 | Adopts 2025 budget for Point Roberts transportation benefit district (Special) |
2024-056 | Amends 2024 budget for the Whatcom County flood control zone district and subzones (Special) |
2024-057 | Approves development of Whatcom County child care provider rate augmentation program, family tuition subsidy program and state subsidy outreach campaign (Special) |
2024-058 | Certifies 2025 property tax levies for collection (Special) |
2025-001 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
2025-002 | Amends Res. 2024-058 to replace and recertify tax levy amounts (Special) |
2025-003 | Approves recommendations on applications for open space current use assessment (Special) |
2025-004 | Establishes council goals for full, timely awarding of healthy children’s fund contracts (Special) |
2025-005 | Amends county council and county executive expectations for advisory group members (Special) |
2025-006 | Cancels uncollectible personal property taxes (Special) |
2025-007 | Accepts treasurer’s list of petitions for property tax refunds (Special) |
2025-008 | Adopts Lake Whatcom management program 2025-2029 work plan (Special) |