Chapter 12.02
12.02.040 Standards/practices.
12.02.050 Goal to foster partnerships.
12.02.070 Performance standards.
12.02.010 Purpose.
The City of Woodinville shall, to the maximum extent practical, incorporate complete streets infrastructure in the planning, scoping, design, construction, and maintenance of appropriate facilities to safely accommodate pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, transit users, emergency responders, and freight. These features shall consider users of all ages and abilities for new construction and reconstruction projects. (Ord. 727, 2024)
12.02.020 Definition.
“Complete streets infrastructure” means features that contribute to a safe, convenient, or comfortable travel experience for users of all ages and abilities, including but not limited to features such as: sidewalks; shared use paths; bicycle lanes; automobile lanes; paved shoulders; street trees and landscaping; planting strips; curbs; accessible curb ramps; bulb outs; crosswalks; refuge islands; pedestrian and traffic signals, including countdown and accessible signals; signage; street furniture; bicycle parking facilities; public transportation stops and facilities; transit priority signalization; traffic calming devices such as roundabouts, traffic bumps, and surface treatments such as paving blocks and textured or painted asphalt and concrete; narrow vehicle lanes; raised medians; and dedicated transit lanes. (Ord. 727, 2024)
12.02.030 Exceptions.
Complete streets infrastructure is not required to be provided when:
(1) There is no current demand and no probable future demand for a particular mode or modes of transportation;
(2) Transportation plans and the Comprehensive Plan do not recommend facilities to support a particular mode or modes of transportation;
(3) A particular mode of transportation is prohibited by law;
(4) The cost to construct the improvements would be disproportionate to the current and future demands or the overall cost of the project.
(5) Environmental constraints significantly adversely affect the feasibility to provide appropriate facilities for a particular mode or modes of transportation;
(6) For routine maintenance that does not affect the geometry or operations of the road such as mowing, sweeping, spot repairs, and pavement preservation;
(7) A documented exception is granted by the City Manager or their assignee. (Ord. 727, 2024)
12.02.040 Standards/practices.
The Public Works Director shall modify, develop, and adopt policies and standards based on recognized best practices considering all likely modes and users of all ages and abilities. Best practices include, but are not limited to, those developed or adopted by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), and National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO). All transportation projects should consider complete streets standards and implement those standards to the maximum extent practical. Complete streets infrastructure should be coordinated with adjoining jurisdictions to allow for continuity of the system. (Ord. 727, 2024)
12.02.050 Goal to foster partnerships.
It is a goal for the City of Woodinville to foster partnerships with WSDOT, adjacent local agencies, citizens, businesses, and with transportation funding agencies including WSDOT, Federal Highways Administration (FHWA), and the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) to implement the complete streets ordinance and to coordinate facilities at municipal boundaries and agency operational boundaries. (Ord. 727, 2024)
12.02.060 Network.
Appropriate attention should be given to projects which enhance the overall transportation system and its connectivity for access to parks or recreation areas, schools, shopping/commercial areas, public transportation, employment centers, existing pedestrian or bicycle networks, or regional bicycle pedestrian plans prepared by other associated groups such as King County and the Puget Sound Regional Council. (Ord. 727, 2024)
12.02.070 Performance standards.
The City of Woodinville shall establish performance standards to evaluate the success and opportunities for improvement of the work addressed by the complete streets ordinance. The standards may include mode shift, number of miles of bike lanes, sidewalks, and paths constructed, number of accessible features constructed, number of exceptions granted, or other metrics as determined by the City. (Ord. 727, 2024)
12.02.080 Implementation.
This policy will be primarily implemented through developing bike and pedestrian network plans on a regional basis within the city and in conjunction with King County’s and the Puget Sound Regional Council’s regional plans as well as the City of Woodinville Transportation Plan. These plans shall specify the type and location of improvements and shall be implemented as funding becomes available or as new development occurs. Special emphasis shall be placed on those elements of these plans that can be accomplished with little or no additional expense, such as providing bike lanes where existing pavement is adequate or where road shoulders are sufficient to allow for safe bicycle use. (Ord. 727, 2024)