Chapter 21.11B


21.11B.010    General provisions.

21.11B.020    “A” definitions.

21.11B.030    “B” definitions.

21.11B.040    “C” definitions.

21.11B.050    “D” definitions.

21.11B.060    “E” definitions.

21.11B.070    “F” definitions.

21.11B.080    “G” definitions.

21.11B.090    “H” definitions.

21.11B.100    “I” definitions.

21.11B.130    “L” definitions.

21.11B.140    “M” definitions.

21.11B.150    “N” definitions.

21.11B.160    “O” definitions.

21.11B.170    “P” definitions.

21.11B.190    “R” definitions.

21.11B.200    “S” definitions.

21.11B.210    “T” definitions.

21.11B.220    “U” definitions.

21.11B.230    “V” definitions.

21.11B.240    “W” definitions.

21.11B.010 General provisions.

(1) This chapter contains the use definitions applied in combination with the use tables set forth in Chapter 21.21 WMC.

(2) In defining uses, they include the necessary structures to support the use subject to other standards in code, unless specifically prohibited or the context clearly indicates otherwise.

(3) The definitions in this chapter should be liberally construed to give them their broadest meaning consistent with the following criteria:

(a) The use is consistent with the purpose of the zone statements set forth in WMC 21.20.030;

(b) The physical characteristics of the use and its supporting structures are compatible with other uses set forth in the use tables including but not limited to traffic generation, noise, odor, and other environmental impacts; and

(c) The use is consistent with the Woodinville Comprehensive Plan.

(4) The definitions in this chapter are applied in combination with the definitions set forth in Chapter 21.11A WMC. Should there be a conflict between definitions, the definitions should be harmonized with each other to the extent feasible and consistent with subsection (3) of this section. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.020 “A” definitions.

“Accessory parking facility” means surface or structured parking facilities required by Chapter 21.37 WMC that are incidental and designed to provide off-street parking stalls to specific uses and buildings.

“Adult entertainment business” means any establishment or premises engaged in adult entertainment which offers its patrons services, entertainment, or conducts trade in the performance, exhibition, display, barter, rental, or sale of a medium which meets the criteria of “adult entertainment” as defined in WMC 21.48.030(1) and is subject to the requirements in Chapter 21.48 WMC, including but not limited to bookstores, movie theaters, escort businesses, cabarets, adult hotels/motels, and the like.

“Adult family home” means a residential home in which a person or persons provide personal care, special care, room, and board to more than one but not more than six adults who are not related by blood, marriage or adoption to the person or persons providing the services; provided, however, any limitation on the number of residents resulting from this definition shall not be applied if it prohibits the City from making reasonable accommodations to disabled persons in order to afford such persons equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling as required by the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988, 42 U.S.C. Section 3604(f)(3)(b).

“Airport/heliport” means any runway, landing area or other facility which is designed or used by public carriers or private aircraft for the landing and taking off of aircraft. This term includes associated facilities supporting aircraft operations.

“Ambulatory and outpatient clinics” means establishments furnishing health care services to patients without providing overnight (less than 24 hours) inpatient services. This term includes, but is not limited to, clinics and individual offices (e.g., physician offices, dentists, chiropractors, optometrists, etc.), family planning and outpatient care centers, medical and diagnostic laboratories, medical or dental labs, medical diagnostic and treatment facilities, and blood and organ banks.

“Animal lodging and training facility” means a facility that is not on a family farm in which larger domestic animals are sheltered and fed and may include but is not limited to training, riding lessons, and breeding for commercial or personal use. This definition excludes veterinaries and small animal shelters.

“Animal slaughtering and processing” means establishments primarily engaged in slaughtering animals, preparing processed meats and meat byproducts, and rendering and/or refining animal fat, bones, and meat scraps.

“Arts and cultural establishments” means for-profit, nonprofit, and public establishments primarily engaged in arts and entertainment that operate facilities or provide services to meet varied cultural and entertainment interests for their patrons. These include:

(a) Establishments involved in producing, promoting, or participating in live performances, events, or exhibits for consumer viewing;

(b) Establishments where consumers go to view films for entertainment (e.g., theater);

(c) Establishments that preserve and exhibit objects and sites of historical, cultural, or educational interest (e.g., art galleries, museums, and libraries); and

(d) Establishments operating facilities or providing services that enable patrons to pursue amusement, hobby, and leisure-time interests (e.g., nongambling games, music lessons, performing arts companies).

This definition excludes all adult entertainment and nighttime entertainment establishments. Customary accessory uses may include incidental food and drink services, and small-scale incidental retail sales of general merchandise and products that advertise or promote the establishment.

Arts and cultural establishments are categorized as follows:

(a) Level 1 arts and cultural establishments are not Level 2 arts and cultural establishments;

(b) Level 2 arts and cultural establishments are designed to conduct outdoor live performances.

“Automotive parking facility” means surface or structured facilities designed mainly for the off-street parking of motor vehicles on a temporary, daily, hourly or valet basis. This term does not include accessory parking facilities.

Automotive parking facilities are classified as follows:

(a) Level 1 automotive parking facility has parking stalls typically available to the general public and may involve charging a fee;

(b) Level 2 automotive parking facility has parking stalls (including shared parking stalls) primarily designated for commuters transferring to transit, carpool and vanpool, car-sharing, bicycles, and other forms of transportation for traveling to their end destination. This includes local park and ride lots but does not include parking facility that qualify as a State or regional essential public facility. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.030 “B” definitions.

“Bed and breakfast inns” means establishments providing short-term lodging for a fee for fewer than 30 consecutive nights. Lodging is provided in private homes, small buildings converted for this purpose, or a portion thereof. Bed and breakfast inns are characterized by a highly personalized service and inclusion of a full breakfast in the room rate. The number of rooms in a bed and breakfast inn used for paying guests shall not exceed three unless specified otherwise. This term does not include property owners listing their spare room or home for rent for short-term periods such as an Airbnb where such personalized service is not offered. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.040 “C” definitions.

“Cemetery” means establishments primarily engaged in operating sites or facilities reserved for the interment of human or animal remains.

“Commercial accessory uses” means uses or structures containing a use accompanying a commercial establishment that is clearly subordinate, incidental, and supporting a primary commercial use. This group excludes accessory outdoor storage.

“Conference center” means a facility designed to hold many people and used for meetings, conferences, seminars, and similar activities. “Conference centers” may include amenities for recreation, food, and related uses for conference participants, but does not include overnight lodging. This term does not include meeting and seminar rooms contained within temporary lodging establishments.

“Construction services, shops and storage yards” means establishments primarily engaged in construction trades whose core activity is the production of specific components for such activities, or the storage of construction-related materials, vehicles, equipment, and other items on site for use at off-site projects. This term may include administrative offices and dispatch centers but does not include standalone offices and dispatch centers where no construction-related items are stored or parked on site, and which otherwise qualify as a professional office.

“Crematorium facilities” means establishment or facilities in which the bodies of the dead are cremated. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.050 “D” definitions.

“Daycare facility” means facilities designed for the supervised nonmedical care for periods less than 24 consecutive hours of children and adults who are not related to the governing authority by marriage, blood, or adoption. “Daycare facilities” can include community centers offering daycare, child daycare centers, family daycare providers, extended day programs, full day programs, and part day programs. Facilities including childcare must be licensed by the State of Washington as required by RCW 43.216.255. This term does not include preschools or adult family homes.

Daycare facilities are classified as follows:

(a) Level 1 daycare facility allows care for up to 12 adults or children;

(b) Level 2 daycare facility allows care for over 12 adults or children.

“Dwelling unit, accessory” means a separate dwelling unit attached internally or by addition or detached to a single detached dwelling unit designed for independent living and satisfying the dimensional and design requirements for an accessory dwelling unit.

“Dwelling unit, attached (townhome)” means attached dwelling units designed for occupancy by three or more families living independently of each other and containing three or more dwelling units. Each dwelling unit occupies space from the ground to the roof.

“Dwelling unit, duplex” means attached dwelling units designed for occupancy by two families living independently of each other and containing two dwelling units. Excludes accessory dwelling units.

“Dwelling unit, multiple” means attached dwelling units that are also stacked on other dwelling units or nonresidential uses designed for occupancy by families living independently of each other or in a cooperative arrangement. Such buildings shall provide for separate independent living units but may share common areas for cooking and recreation.

“Dwelling unit, single detached” means a detached, single-dwelling unit design exclusively for occupancy by one family. (Ord. 769 § 2, 2024; Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.060 “E” definitions.

“Eating and drinking places” means establishments primarily engaged in preparing meals, snacks, and beverages (alcoholic and nonalcoholic) for customers for immediate on-premises or off-premises consumption. Customary accessory uses may include small-scale retail sales of general merchandise and products that advertise or promote the establishment.

Eating and drinking places are classified as follows:

(a) Level 1 eating and drinking places have food and drink preparation, storage and circulation and indoor/outdoor seating areas totaling up to 2,000 square feet of gross floor area.

(b) Level 2 eating and drinking places have food and drink preparation, storage and circulation and indoor/outdoor seating areas totaling over 2,000 square feet of gross floor area.

“Educational facilities” means institutions, whether public or private, that offer teaching and learning activities or experiences, including preschools, elementary/middle/high schools, colleges and universities, and technical, trade, vocational and other specialty schools. This term does not include public administration facilities or daycare facilities.

Educational facilities are classified as follows:

(a) Level 1 educational facilities provide autonomous specialized instructions including tutoring services that are not coupled with a Level 2 or 3 educational facility;

(b) Level 2 educational facilities provide any combination of preschool, primary, intermediate, and secondary education and may include administrative educational support services;

(c) Level 3 educational facilities provide any combination of post-secondary education such as vocational and higher education and may include administrative educational support services.

“Electric vehicle infrastructure” means structures, machinery, and equipment necessary and integral to supporting electric vehicles including battery charging stations, rapid charging stations and battery exchange stations.

Electric vehicle infrastructures are classified as follows:

(a) Level 1 electric vehicle infrastructures are minor facilities that are accessory to a primary use and are not Level 2 electric vehicle infrastructure;

(b) Level 2 electric vehicle infrastructures are standalone or accessory facilities that operate similar to a fuel service station.

“Energy resource recovery facility” means establishments with facilities engaged in the recovery of energy in a usable form from mass burning or refuse-derived fuel incineration, pyrolysis, or any other means of using the heat of combustion of solid waste.

“Essential public facility” means any facilities defined in RCW 36.70A.200 that are typically difficult to site, such as airports, State education facilities and State or “regional transportation facilities” as defined in RCW 47.06.140, “regional transit authority facilities” as defined in RCW 81.112.020, State and local correctional facilities, solid waste handling facilities, and inpatient facilities including substance abuse facilities, mental health facilities, group homes, and “secure community transition facilities” as defined in RCW 71.09.020.

Essential public facilities are categorized in the City as:

(a) “Essential public facility, local” means an essential public facility that is owned, operated, or sponsored by the City of Woodinville, a special purpose district, King County (for facilities that do not provide service to the County-wide population), or another unit of local government. An essential public facility is “sponsored” by a local government when it will be owned or operated by a local government or nongovernmental entity pursuant to a contract with the local government to provide the essential public facility.

(b) “Essential public facility, regional” means an essential public facility that is owned, operated, or sponsored by King County or a regional agency whose boundaries encompass the City, and which serves a substantial portion of the County-wide population or a geographic area that is greater than the County. An essential public facility is “sponsored” by the County or a regional agency when it will be owned or operated by the County or a nongovernmental entity pursuant to a contract with the County or regional agency to provide the essential public facility.

(c) “Essential public facility, State” means an essential public facility that is owned, operated, or sponsored by the State of Washington, including any department or agency thereof. An essential public facility is “sponsored” by the State when it will be owned or operated by the State or a nongovernmental entity pursuant to a contract with the State to provide the essential public facility. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.070 “F” definitions.

“Family farm” means an area of land not to exceed 10 acres in size, which includes an on-site residence, and its buildings associated with raising and harvesting of row crops, field crops or tree crops such as grains, vegetables, fruits, trees, flowers, etc., as well as the commercial raising, training, and boarding of animals and the production of animal products raised primarily on site. This definition excludes the growing, harvesting or sale of marijuana.

Family farms are classified as follows:

(a) Level 1 family farms exclude the raising or fattening of animals for the commercial sale of animals or animal products;

(b) Level 2 family farms are family farms not classified as Level 1.

“Food and grocery store” means establishments primarily engaged in retailing a general line of food, such as but not limited to canned and frozen foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh and prepared meats, fish, and poultry, as well as other convenience and household goods. Wholesale to individual consumers for their own use is included in this definition. Customary accessory uses may include food and drink preparation for immediate consumption on premises or off premises. This term does not include “small farm direct marketing uses.” Food and grocery store establishments are classified as follows:

(a) Level 1 food and grocery stores do not exceed 15,000 square feet of indoor gross floor area;

(b) Level 2 food and grocery stores have over 15,000 square feet of indoor gross floor area.

“Forest and fish and wildlife resource management” means establishments engaged in the sound management of forests, water, air, soil, fish, and wildlife including but not limited to forest research and forest practices, hatcheries, fish preserves, and aquaculture.

“Fuel service station” means establishments primarily engaged in the retail sale of petroleum-based fuels and biofuels. This term includes fuel service stations that are standalone facilities or are accessory to another primary use. Customary accessory uses for standalone fuel service stations may include car washes, minor automotive repair services, convenience stores, and food marts.

“Funeral services” means establishments primarily engaged in preparing the dead for burial or internment and conducting funerals (i.e., providing facilities for holding wakes, arranging transportation for the dead, and selling caskets and related merchandise). Funeral services do not include crematorium facilities. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.080 “G” definitions.

“General sales, retail, or service” means establishments primarily engaged in:

(a) Retail sale, rental, small repair, or leasing of merchandise and other goods and services to individual consumers for their own use;

(b) Personal services involving the administering to the individual and personal needs of persons including, but not limited to, barber and beauty shops, skin and nail care, tanning, health spas, massage, dry cleaning and laundry, tailoring and shoemaking, florist, printing using photographic processes, pet grooming and boarding but excluding veterinarian, and similar types of personal services; and

(c) Administrative and professional services provided primarily to individual consumers such as real estate, finance and insurance, and similar administrative and professional services.

Outside sales and outside display of merchandise for the general public are included. However, the outdoor sales and display of bulk goods are not included. General sales, retail or services do not include uses otherwise defined herein such as motorized vehicles or heavy equipment/machinery sales, services, repair, or rental; wholesale/retail warehouses; packing, or convention and trade shows, or marijuana sales or services, etc.

General sales, retail, or service are classified as follows:

(a) Level 1 general sales, retail, or service have up to 30,000 square feet of gross floor area, including areas designed for permanent outdoor business space; or

(b) Level 2 general sales, retail, or service have over 30,000 square feet of gross floor area, including areas designed for permanent outdoor business space.

“Golf facilities” means facilities having an outdoor area with at least nine holes for playing golf including improved tees, greens, fairways, and hazards. “Golf facilities” may include a driving range, clubhouse with related pro-shop, and food and drink services. Miniature golf and golf facilities that are entirely indoors are categorized as indoor recreation and sports facilities. Outdoor miniature golf is categorized as outdoor recreation and sports facility.

“Ground passenger and transit services” means a facility for the storage, parking, dispatch, repair, and maintenance of ground passenger and transit transportation systems such as buses, rail systems, taxis, vans, and similar vehicles composing a transit network available to the general public. This term includes supporting storage facilities and infrastructure and may include Level 2 automotive parking facility.

“Group residential quarters” means a residential building providing sleeping quarter rooms for individuals or for groups usually without private baths, and may include shared cooking, dining, recreational, and sanitation facilities. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.090 “H” definitions.

“Heavy equipment/machinery sales, service and rental” means establishments primarily engaged in the sale, storage, servicing, or renting of heavy equipment, including heavy trucks, and construction and earthwork machinery.

“Helipad” means an area on a roof or ground used for the takeoff and landing of helicopters for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers or cargo but not including fueling service, hangars, maintenance, or overhaul facilities.

“Home business” means a limited-scale service or fabrication activity undertaken in a residence for financial gain, which complies with the requirements of WMC 21.41.030 and 21.43.020. The home business must be clearly incidental and secondary to the primary residential use of the property.

Home businesses are classified as follows:

(a) Level 1 home business includes business activities occurring entirely inside a residence including attached garage;

(b) Level 2 home business includes business activities occurring inside a residential accessory building, barn, or other accessory buildings on site associated with a residence. A Level 2 home business may include some business activities inside the residence in addition to the business activities in the accessory buildings.

“Hospital” means establishments licensed by the State of Washington to provide primary health care services and medical or surgical services to both outpatients and inpatients requiring medical care for a variety of physical and mental conditions. This term includes related facilities and services integral to the institution including food services, anatomical pathology services, diagnostic X-ray services, clinical laboratory services, operating room services for a variety of procedures, and facilities for overnight patient care. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.100 “I” definitions.

“Indoor recreation and sports facilities” means public or private establishments consisting of indoor facilities engaged in fitness or active recreation. These include any of the following:

(a) Establishments offering exercise, other physical fitness activities, and/or athletics to groups or individuals in such facilities as gyms, swimming pools, sports courts, and other athletic types of activities;

(b) Establishments operating active amusement activities such as bowling, go-carts, arcades, batting cages, billiards, minigolf, skating/rollerblading, etc.;

(c) Establishments operating entertainment arcades and parlors, excluding gambling; or

(d) Establishments designed for firearms and archery shooting practice.

These facilities may include competition and may have areas set aside for spectators and offer instructions and learning activities in recreation and sports to individuals and groups.

Indoor recreation and sports facilities are categorized as follows:

(e) Level 1 indoor recreation and sports facilities have recreation and sports facilities, including supporting accessory uses, up to 10,000 square feet of indoor gross floor area; or

(f) Level 2 indoor recreation and sports facilities are not Level 1 or Level 3 indoor recreation and sports facilities; or

(g) Level 3 indoor recreation and sports facilities have facilities for indoor firearms shooting ranges regardless of floor area.

“Industrial accessory uses” means a use or structure accompanying an industrial establishment that is clearly subordinate, incidental, and supporting of the primary industrial use. The impacts associated with an industrial accessory use should not be such as to qualify the industrial use for a higher category (e.g., should not contribute such impacts that cause a light industrial use to qualify as either a medium or heavy industrial use).

“Industrial, heavy” means establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing or other enterprises with significant external effects, or which pose significant risks due to the involvement of hazardous materials in the manufacturing or other processes. Heavy industry uses include aircraft, ship and boat building, industrial launderers, mineral processing, tire retreading, the manufacture of chemicals of allied products, electronics, electric equipment and appliances, industrial and commercial machinery and equipment, leather and leather goods, motor vehicles, bicycles, paper and allied products, petroleum refining, plastics and rubber products, transportation equipment and any other manufacturing or assembly process which involves hazardous conditions or where the effects from noise, fumes, smoke, vibration, dust, traffic and other environmental impacts cast outside of the structure will have a likelihood of more than a moderate adverse impact on environmental quality.

“Industrial, light” means establishments primarily engaged in the processing, manufacturing, compounding, packaging, fabrication, assembly, and/or treatment of finished or semi-finished products from previously prepared materials, the activities of which are conducted wholly within an enclosed building. This term can include but is not limited to distilleries, wine and beer production, food and kindred products, apparel and textile products, and other manufacturing and assembly processes where the effects from noise, fumes, smoke, vibration, dust, traffic and other environmental impacts cast outside of the structure will have a reasonable likelihood of a de minimis impact on environmental quality.

“Industrial, medium” means establishments primarily engaged in the processing, manufacturing, compounding, packaging, fabrication, and/or the assembly of products from raw materials, the activities of which may be conducted indoors or outdoors. This term can include but is not limited to distilleries, and wine and beer production not qualifying as light industrial; measuring and controlling instruments; fabricated metal products; furniture and fixtures; printing and publishing; stone, clay, glass and concrete products; textile mill products, other wood products besides furniture; and any other manufacturing and assembly process where the effects from noise, fumes, smoke, vibration, dust, traffic and other environmental impacts cast outside of any structures will have more than a de minimis impact but less than a likelihood of a moderate adverse impact on environmental quality. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.130 “L” definitions.

“Local recycling collection facility” means establishments or sites with facilities engaged in the collection and transferring of recyclable materials that includes collection of off-site materials that are not an essential public facility. For collection of recyclable materials on site only, see storage areas for the collection of recyclables and solid waste in WMC 21.40.020.

“Long-term automotive parking facility” means a surface or structured facility designed primarily for the off-street parking of motor vehicles on a weekly or longer-term basis for which a fee is charged.

“Long-term care facility” means a facility or a distinct part of a facility that is licensed or approved to provide health care under medical supervision pursuant to Chapter 18.20 RCW and Chapter 388-78A WAC for periods of 24 or more consecutive hours involving two or more patients who are not related to the governing authority by marriage, blood, or adoption. This term includes but is not limited to skilled nursing facilities, dementia care facilities, hospice care centers, convalescent centers, and governmental medical institutions and facilities that provide intensive medical supervision. Long-term care facilities may provide maintenance care as well as restorative services. This term does not include adult family homes or places that qualify as residential care facilities. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.140 “M” definitions.

“Marijuana processor” means an establishment or facility licensed by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board to process marijuana into usable marijuana and marijuana-infused products, package and label usable marijuana and marijuana-infused products for sale in retail outlets and sell usable marijuana and marijuana-infused products at wholesale to marijuana retailers.

“Marijuana producer” means an establishment or facility licensed by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board for the production and sale at wholesale of any of the following:

(a) Marijuana to marijuana processors and other marijuana producers;

(b) Immature plants or clones and seeds for sale to cooperatives under RCW 69.51A.250; and

(c) Immature plants or clones and seeds for sale to qualifying patients and designated providers as provided under RCW 69.51A.310.

“Marijuana retailer” means a person, establishment or facility licensed by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board where marijuana concentrates, usable marijuana, and marijuana-infused products may be sold at retail in retail outlets.

“Mineral, oil, and gas extractions” means establishments primarily engaged in any of the following:

(a) Developing a mine site and/or mining, quarrying, dredging for sand, gravel, clay and/or other minerals; or

(b) Operating and/or developing oil and gas field properties; or

(c) Recovering liquid hydrocarbons from oil and gas fields.

Such establishments may include activities such as exploration, drilling, completing and equipping wells. This includes the mining and extraction of oil from oil shale and oil sands, the production of natural gas, sulfur recovery from natural gas, and the recovery of hydrocarbon liquids from oil and gas field gases.

“Mobile/manufactured home park” means development where homeowners place two or more mobile homes, manufactured homes, or similar types of portable homes on a site for more than 30 days. Such parks may provide basic utilities and other amenities such as mowing, garbage removal, community rooms, pools, and playgrounds.

“Motor vehicle parts sales” means establishments primarily engaged in the retail sale of automotive and truck parts, accessories, products, tires, and cleaning agents. This term does not include other uses included under motor vehicle/vessel sales, rental, service, and repair.

“Motor vehicle/vessel sales, rental, service, and repair” means establishments primarily engaged in the sale, repair, maintenance or service of motorized vehicles and vessels including automobiles, cargo vans, trailers, all-terrain vehicles, trucks, boats, recreational vehicles, motorhomes, or motorcycles. This term includes the replacement, maintenance, and repair of motors, exhaust systems, transmissions, body, paint, interior, and glass, as well as car washes. Customary accessory uses may include the sales of parts, tires, accessories, etc. This term excludes the sale, maintenance, and repair of heavy trucks.

Motor vehicle/vessel sales, rental, service, and repair are classified as follows:

(a) Level 1 motor vehicle/vessel sales, rental, service, and repair are entirely within enclosed buildings;

(b) Level 2 motor vehicle/vessel sales, rental, service, and repair include, in part or in whole, the outdoor display of vehicles/vessels. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.150 “N” definitions.

“Nighttime entertainment establishments” means establishments that are primarily open late into the night offering live entertainment or recordings for an audience, and may include comedy, or dancing and live music venues, which may offer food and drinks as an accessory use. This term excludes arts and cultural establishments that are on average open more than nighttime hours, recreational and sports facilities, and adult entertainment. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.160 “O” definitions.

“Outdoor recreation and sports facilities” means public or private establishments engaged in sporting or active recreation/amusement conducted almost wholly outdoors. These facilities may include competition and may have areas set aside for spectators and may offer instructions and learning activities to individuals and groups in recreation and sports. This term does not include public parks and trails, motor and animal racing tracks, or outdoor firearms shooting ranges.

Outdoor recreation and sports facilities are categorized as follows:

(a) Level 1 outdoor recreation and sports facilities are small-scale outdoor facilities not exceeding three acres in size and that are not designed to attract a substantial number of users and spectators from outside of the immediate neighborhood.

(b) Level 2 outdoor recreation and sports facilities are medium to larger-scale outdoor facilities, which are greater than three acres in size or, regardless of size, are likely to attract a substantial number of users and spectators from outside of the immediate neighborhood. Typically, these facilities have, but are not required to have, 20 or more off-street parking stalls and permanent facilities for spectators. Outdoor facilities may include two or more sports fields, or four or more sports courts, or have any of the following: outdoor swimming pool, mini golfing facilities, equestrian/rodeo facilities, running tracks, water parks, stadiums, arenas, fairgrounds, amusement parks, and similar medium and larger-scale outdoor recreational facilities.

“Outdoor storage yard” means the storing outdoors, or under a roofed open structure, of materials, containers, vehicles, equipment, or similar items for more than 72 hours. This term does not apply to uses where outdoor storage or displays are expressly included. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.170 “P” definitions.

“Pawnshop” means establishments primarily or, as an accessory, engaging in offering loans in exchange for personal property as collateral. Pawnshops may also include general sales, retail, and personal and general service types of uses.

“Private stormwater management facility” means a surface water control structure installed by a project proponent to retain, detain, or otherwise limit runoff from an individual or group of developed sites specifically served by the facility.

“Professional office” means an establishment for professional, executive, or administrative offices engaged primarily in professional services that provide only minor access to the general public such as research and development, small-scale laboratory and testing, call-centers, legal and accounting firms, architect and engineering firms, business headquarters, and other professional offices. Professional offices offering on-premises access to the general public are categorized as “general sales, retail, or service.” Establishments furnishing health care services defined elsewhere in this code are not included as “professional office.”

“Public administration/safety facilities” means establishments primarily engaged in governmental functions, including Federal, State, and local government agencies that provide services to the general public. This term includes but is not limited to civic centers, fire safety facilities, police facilities, animal control facilities, public safety services, courts, information and general services, and government and public health administrative services. This term may include nonprofits contracted with government agencies to provide governmental services.

“Public parks and trails” means a site designed or developed for active and/or passive recreational use by the general public including, but not limited to, swimming pools, activity centers, playfields, sports courts, fishing areas, off-leash dog areas, picnic and related outdoor activity areas, art displays, arboretums, and areas and trails designed for nonmotorized transportation. Golf facilities are not included in this term. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.190 “R” definitions.

“Religious facilities” means a facility for religious worship, the main building/structure of which contains a sanctuary or primary place of religious worship. A religious facility may include related uses supporting the religious mission including but not limited to religious education, counseling, assembly rooms, kitchen, library, recreation hall, daycare facilities, and residential quarters.

“Residential accessory uses” means a use and/or structure that is incidental and subordinate to a residence including, but not limited to:

(a) Garages, carports, and parking facilities for residents on the site;

(b) Playhouses, patios, cabanas, gazebos, swimming pools, sports courts, and incidental household storage buildings (sheds);

(c) Other accessory uses listed for the zone in the municipal code; and

(d) Other necessary and customary uses not listed and determined by the Director to be appropriate, incidental, and subordinate.

“Residential care facility” means an establishment that provides on a regular basis supportive living care, including but not limited to dressing and eating, social needs, and health-related care and services. This term includes senior assisted living centers, nursing homes, continued care retirement homes, and similar types of supported living but does not include adult family homes. A residential care facility does not provide the degree of medical or skilled nursing care and treatment on site that a hospital or long-term care facility provides. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.200 “S” definitions.

“School bus base” means facilities used for the storage, dispatch, repair and maintenance of buses, coaches and other vehicles utilized for school transit systems.

“Self-service storage” means establishments primarily engaged in renting or leasing space (i.e., rooms, compartments, lockers, containers, or outdoor space) to individuals for temporary storage of personal property and where such individuals can store and retrieve their property.

“Small farm direct marketing” means small-scale transactions involving the sale directly to customers of fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers, and related products grown and produced primarily on site. This use is typically found in roadside stands, self-pick/self-harvest activities, and culinary and agritourism. This term can include online and mail-order sales, intermediated markets, and direct sales to local restaurants, grocery stores, food co-ops, and schools.

“Social services” means establishments that primarily provide a variety of social assistance services directly to clients and includes but is not limited to the following:

(a) Nonresidential social assistance to children and youth, the elderly, persons with disabilities, and all other individuals and families;

(b) Collecting, preparing, and delivering food and other goods for the needy;

(c) Food, shelter, clothing, medical relief, resettlement, and counseling to victims of domestic or international disasters or conflicts;

(d) Short-term emergency shelter, temporary residential shelter, and transitional housing not included elsewhere in this code;

(e) Vocational rehabilitation or habilitation services such as job counseling, job training, and work experience, to unemployed and underemployed persons, persons with disabilities, and persons who have a job market disadvantage; and

(f) Other similar types of social assistance programs to individuals and families.

“Soil remediation facilities” means establishments with facilities primarily engaged in collecting, storage and remediation of contaminated soils.

“Solid waste transfer and recycling facility” means establishments with facilities primarily engaged in the short-term collection and processing of solid waste and recyclable materials. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.210 “T” definitions.

“Tasting room” means establishments primarily engaged in allowing the tasting of samples of wine, beer or spirits and has a State of Washington issued liquor license as a tasting room. A “tasting room” may include the sales of products, marketing events, special events, entertainment, and/or food services. This term does not include manufacturing or production facilities.

“Temporary lodging” means establishments primarily engaged in offering transient lodging accommodations to the general public, and which may include incidental offerings such as restaurants, conference/meeting rooms, giftshops, beauty/spas, and indoor recreational facilities. This term includes hotels, motels, inns, organizational lodging, and hostels. This term does not include “bed and breakfast inns” or “temporary shelters.”

“Temporary shelter” means:

(a) A facility that provides a temporary place for individuals or families who are currently homeless, and which does not require occupants to enter into a lease or an occupancy agreement, and may include day and warming centers that do not provide overnight accommodations; or

(b) A facility that provides temporary indoor accommodations for individuals or families who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless that is intended to address the basic health, food, clothing, and personal hygiene needs of individuals or families, and may or may not require occupants to enter into a lease or an occupancy agreement.

This term does not include temporary encampments as set forth in WMC 21.23.100. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.220 “U” definitions.

“Utilities” means services, facilities and infrastructure that produce, transmit, carry, store, process or dispose of electrical power, gas, water, sewage, communications, oil, stormwater and the like. This includes:

(a) Primary: facilities and infrastructure that are provided by a public agency, utility, or franchise which produce, transmit, convey, store, process, or dispose of essential utility services throughout an area. These include, but are not limited to, water storage tanks and lines, reservoirs and booster stations, wastewater interceptors, sewage pump stations and lines, electrical transmission substations and high-tension and distribution power lines, natural gas pipelines, and associated equipment; and including telecommunication facilities provided by a public or private entity.

(b) Accessory: on-site utilities that connect directly to uses and are considered part of the primary use.

“Utility production and processing facilities” means large-scale facilities for the making or treatment of a utility, such as power plants and sewage treatment plants, or parts of those facilities, but excluding utility facilities for producing potable water, stormwater facilities, and utility facilities that are designated as essential public facilities. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.230 “V” definitions.

“Vehicle salvage, towing operators, and impoundment yards” means establishments that provide indoor or outdoor storage and sales of scrap vehicle parts, towing services, or impoundment of motor vehicles. This term includes incidental services such as temporary vehicle storage and vehicle emergency road repair services.

“Veterinary facilities” means establishments furnishing licensed veterinary medicine, dentistry, surgery or testing services relating to the prevention, cure, or alleviation of disease and injury in animals and especially domestic animals. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)

21.11B.240 “W” definitions.

“Warehousing” means establishments primarily engaged in the short-term or long-term storage of liquids, materials and/or products typically for sale or distribution to persons, firms, or corporations for resale, or in providing logistics services related to the distribution and transportation of such products. Warehousing is classified as follows:

(a) Level 1 warehousing has indoor storage only and has a gross floor area of 35,000 square feet or less; or

(b) Level 2 warehousing are warehouses that are not Level 1 warehousing.

“Wholesale trade” means a warehouse-type facility offering products of primarily discounted or wholesale goods for sale to businesses and other establishments and does not include retail sales to individuals for their own consumption. Many goods and products are typically, but not required to be, sold in large quantities or bulk.

“Wildlife shelter” means a facility for the temporary housing or rehabilitation of sick, wounded, or displaced wildlife. This term may include veterinary services.

“Wireless communication and information facilities” means facilities which transmit and receive radio frequencies for communications, television, radio, navigation, etc., including wireless communication services facilities. These facilities may include satellite dishes, antennas, tower support structures, base stations and supporting equipment and structures. This term does not include incidental antennas designed to receive television broadcast signals and similar for home or individual business use, or small antennas of one meter or less diameter designed to receive broadcast satellite services that are incidental to a residence or business.

Wireless communication and information facilities are classified as follows:

(a) Level 1 wireless communication and information facilities are:

(i) Noncommercial facilities such as amateur radios and 911; and

(ii) “Small wireless facilities” as defined in WMC 21.11A.200;

(b) Level 2 wireless communication and information facilities are wireless communication and information facilities that are neither Level 1 nor Level 3 wireless communication and information facilities;

(c) Level 3 wireless communication and information facilities are:

(i) Any staffed facilities; or

(ii) Any unstaffed facilities that are not a Level 1 wireless communication and information facility having curved antennas with a diameter greater than 25 feet; or a tower, including antennas, protruding more than 120 feet above the ground. (Ord. 737 § 2 (Att. A), 2022)