Chapter 2.122
2.122.010 Prohibited Locations.
2.122.040 Implementation and Enforcement.
2.122.050 Sales of Smoking Materials Prohibited.
2.122.060 Smoke Cessation – Information, Educational Materials and Programs.
2.122.010 Prohibited Locations.
To protect the health and welfare of all county employees, smoking is not permitted in county facilities, buildings and vehicles.
(Res. 276-1991, Policy Reg. No. 27-L, 1991).
2.122.020 Purpose.
The purpose of the smoking policy is to provide employees with a safe workplace and the right to work in an environment free of the hazards of tobacco smoke pollution. Smoking poses a significant risk to the health of the smoker and in sufficient concentrations, sidestream smoke can be annoying, and may be harmful to nonsmokers. It can damage sensitive technical equipment and can be a safety hazard.
(Res. 276-1991, Policy Reg. No. 27-L, 1991).
2.122.030 Goals.
The goals of a smoke-free environment include the following:
(1) Provide a safe and healthy work environment;
(2) Reduce the risk of diseases such as lung cancer and other respiratory ailments and decrease the chance of other physical problems;
(3) Reduce absenteeism;
(4) Reduce maintenance, cleaning costs and property damage;
(5) Improve morale;
(6) Increase productivity.
(Res. 276-1991, Policy Reg. No. 27-L, 1991).
2.122.040 Implementation and Enforcement.
It shall be the responsibility of the Yakima County personnel department to direct the implementation of this policy and department heads, other management and supervisors of each department will be responsible for enforcement of the policy. For purposes of this policy, the definitions of employee and county facility, [and] county vehicle are as follows:
(1) “Employees” are considered:
(a) Any person employed by Yakima County;
(b) Volunteers and contractors within the confines of any county building, facility, vehicle or off-site facility being utilized to perform a county service to the citizens.
(2) A “county building or facility” includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Office space, conference rooms, break rooms, and shop areas;
(b) Any off-site facility utilized for the purpose of conducting a function of county government.
(3) “County vehicle” refers to any motor vehicle.
(a) Cars, trucks, vans, buses and heavy equipment.
(Res. 276-1991, Policy Reg. No. 27-L, 1991).
2.122.050 Sales of Smoking Materials Prohibited.
The county shall prohibit the sale of smoking materials through vending machines in any county facility or building.
(Res. 276-1991, Policy Reg. No. 27-L, 1991).
2.122.060 Smoke Cessation – Information, Educational Materials and Programs.
(1) Information and educational materials will be provided to aid employees in their goal to stop smoking.
(2) When appropriate, smoking cessation programs will be offered to those employees who need assistance.
(Res. 276-1991, Policy Reg. No. 27-L, 1991).
2.122.070 Administration.
The no-smoking policy is effective May 15, 1991, to be administered by the Yakima County personnel department.
(Res. 276-1991, Policy Reg. No. 27-L, 1991).