Chapter 9.50


9.50.010    Hunting and trapping on Town rights-of-way prohibited.

9.50.010 Hunting and trapping on Town rights-of-way prohibited.

1.    Authority. The Town Board of the Town of East Troy has the specific authority under Wis. Stat. § 169.43, and general authority under its village powers under Wis. Stat. § 60.22, to adopt this chapter. Further, said regulation is authorized under Wis. Stat. § 29.038(3).

2.    Public Policy. It is declared necessary in the interest of public safety, health, and welfare, and for the protection of persons and property, that hunting and trapping be regulated within the Town of East Troy.

3.    Prohibited Activities. In the Town of East Troy, no person shall:

a.    Trap or hunt on the right-of-way of any road, highway, or any other public thoroughfare.

b.    Hunt within 50 feet of the roadway’s center.

c.    Discharge a firearm, shoot an arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow from across a highway or within 50 feet of the roadway’s center.

d.    Hunt with a bow and arrow or crossbow within 100 yards from a building located on another person’s land, except that the restriction does not apply if the person who owns the land on which the building is located allows the hunter to hunt within the specified distance of the building.

e.    Discharge an arrow or bolt from a bow and arrow or crossbow anywhere other than the ground while hunting with the same. (Ord. 2019-2 § 1. 2008 code § 9.35)