8.150 Management of Parks.

The Department of Parks and Recreation shall be responsible for management and maintenance of City parks.

(1) Park Donations.

(a) Creation of Fund. There is hereby established in the City of Manitowoc a fund, separate and distinct from every other fund, and designated as the “Park Donation Fund” for the maintenance, improvements and upkeep of the park or specific subject for which a donation is given. The sources of said fund shall be such moneys and gifts donated, from any source whatsoever, including but not limited to the donation canisters located at the various City parks. Said donations shall be accounted for in the yearly budget and the donations made shall be used for the specific subject designated to receive said donation, either as listed on the donation canister or as indicated otherwise by the gift giver.

(b) Records. The City Treasurer shall keep a separate record, relating to such funds, including an accurate account of the transactions, investments, earnings and expenditures from this account for each park or specific subject for which a donation is received.

(c) Finance Committee. The City Finance Committee of the Common Council may, from time to time, recommend to the Common Council the investment of said funds, or part thereof, as it accrues, and all interest, income and earnings of said funds shall be held for the purposes for which said fund was created, that being the maintenance, improvements and upkeep of the park or specific subject so designated by said donation.

[Ord. 10-610 § 1, 2010. Prior code § 8.15]