15.010 Title and Purpose.
(1) Title. This chapter shall be known as the “Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance” of the City of Manitowoc.
(2) Purpose. The ordinance codified in this chapter is adopted for the following purposes:
(a) To implement the City’s comprehensive plan to the extent possible under zoning, as authorized by Wisconsin Statutes, and to promote the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience, prosperity and general welfare of the community;
(b) To lessen congestion in the streets;
(c) To zone all properties with a view to conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the City;
(d) To encourage reasonable flexibility of development design through appropriate innovation;
(e) To separate incompatible land uses, and to isolate or control the location of unavoidable nuisance producing uses;
(f) To foster a more rational pattern of relationship between residential, business, commercial and industrial uses for the mutual benefit of all;
(g) To provide adequate light, air, and open spaces;
(h) To prevent the overcrowding of land;
(i) To avoid undue concentration of population;
(j) To facilitate the adequate provisions for transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements;
(k) To protect existing uses from harmful encroachment by incompatible uses;
(l) To provide for the elimination and encouragement of the elimination of those uses of land, buildings, and structures which are contrary to the intent and purposes of this chapter or which are adversely affecting the character, development, and taxable value of property in each district;
(m) To provide for preservation and restoration of historically significant buildings and neighborhoods;
(n) To define the powers and duties of the administrative officers and bodies, as provided in this chapter;
(o) To preserve the historic character of Manitowoc’s Downtown Area including coordination of the type, placement and physical dimensions of signs, and to preserve and stabilize property values in the Downtown Area and the City of Manitowoc as a whole; and
(p) To protect existing and establish new urban gardens and farmers’ market opportunities as important community resources that build social connections; offer recreation, education and economic development opportunities; provide both open space and a local and regional food source; and enhance access to healthy foods.
(3) Fees. The Common Council shall, by resolution, adopt fees for various administrative procedures, including, but not limited to, zoning and land use permits, text and map changes; appeals petitions; annexation; site plan review; certified survey and subdivision review under Chapter 21 MMC; Official Map amendments and street/alley vacations under Chapter 22 MMC; certificates of compliance; public hearings; and legal notice publication.
[Ord. 12-529 § 5, 2012. Prior code § 15.01]