15.350 I-2, Heavy Industrial District.
(1) Intent. This district is intended to provide for a heavier type of manufacturing and industrial development which, because of physical and operational characteristics, is often objectionable to surrounding uses. It is further intended that the location of these uses be reviewed by the City Plan Commission to ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses.
(2) Specific Uses Permitted. Land shall be used and buildings shall be erected, altered, enlarged, or used for only one or more of the following uses, subject to the provisions of this section and other applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance:
(a) Any use permitted in the “I-1” Industrial District;
(b) Ammonia, bleaching powder, or chlorine manufacture;
(c) Boiler works;
(d) Brick, concrete products, tile or terra cotta manufacture;
(e) Disinfectants and exterminators manufacture;
(f) Dyestuff manufacture;
(g) Fish smoking and curing;
(h) Iron, steel, or copper works;
(i) Machinery and heavy equipment manufacture;
(j) Paint, oil, shellac, turpentine or varnish manufacture;
(k) Paper and pulp manufacture;
(l) Rolling mill;
(m) Sawmill;
(n) Shipbuilding and/or repairs;
(o) Soaps and detergents manufacture;
(p) Sugar refining; and
(q) Yeast plant.
Accessory buildings and uses to the specific uses permitted shall also be permitted.
(3) Conditional Uses Permitted. The following uses are permitted subject to MMC 15.370(27):
(a) Acetylene and other gas manufacture and storage;
(b) Acid manufacture;
(c) Fireworks, explosive and match manufacturing and storage;
(d) Asphalt manufacturing or refining;
(e) Automobile wrecking, dismantling and storage of motor vehicle parts;
(f) Blast furnaces, foundries and coke ovens;
(g) Cement, lime, gypsum or plaster of paris manufacture;
(h) Coal yards, including the processing of coal and coal products;
(i) Drop forge industries;
(j) Fertilizer manufacture and potash refining;
(k) Garbage, offal, or dead animals – reduction or dumping, except by the City or its agents;
(l) Glue manufacture, fat rendering, or distillation of bones, coal or wood;
(m) Incinerators, public or commercial;
(n) Junk yard or shop for the storage, salvage, sale, handling, baling, reclaiming, or remaking of scrap iron or other metals, bottles, rags, rubber, or other secondhand materials;
(o) Petroleum or other inflammable liquids, production, refining or bulk storage;
(p) Rubber manufacture or treatment;
(q) Smelting of tin, copper, zinc, or iron ores;
(r) Smelting or refining of salvaged metal;
(s) Stock yards, slaughterhouses, meat packing or processing;
(t) Stone mill or quarry, sand, gravel or crushed stone mining, washing, grading or manufacture;
(u) Tanning, curing or storage of raw hides;
(v) Vinegar manufacture;
(w) Storage in bulk, or transloading activities, of materials listed in MMC 15.330(4)(b);
(x) Sanitary landfills;
(y) Waste transfer, processing and disposal facilities;
(z) Conditional uses permitted in the “I-1” Light Industrial District.
(4) Area Regulations.
(a) Front Yard. No principal or accessory building shall be located closer to the street line as established by the Official Map than required in any adjoining Residential District within the same block. If there is no adjoining Residential District within the same block, no setback from the street line as established by the Official Map shall be required except as provided in MMC 15.390(14).
(b) Side Yard. None required, except a lot whose side property line adjoins an “R” Zone shall provide a side yard as required for the Residential Zone it abuts and shall be effectively sight screened by a wall, tight fence, evergreen hedge, or other suitable enclosure of a minimum height of four and one-half feet and a maximum height of seven feet. Street side yards, however, shall be provided as required in MMC 15.390(14).
(c) Rear Yard. No rear yard shall be required except where the rear yard of a lot adjoins an “R” Zone without an intervening alley. Such rear yard shall not be less than 15 feet in depth.
(5) Height Regulations. No building shall exceed 100 feet in height, subject also to airport height provisions.
(6) Downtown Underground District. See MMC 15.370(28).
[Ord. 21-159 § 2, 2021. Prior code § 15.35]