28.030 Purpose and Intent.
(1) Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to set forth long-term stormwater management requirements and criteria that will prevent and control water pollution and diminish the threats to public health, safety, welfare, and aquatic life due to runoff of stormwater from development and redevelopment. Specific purposes are to:
(a) Further the maintenance of safe and healthful conditions;
(b) Prevent and control the adverse effects of stormwater; prevent and control soil erosion; prevent and control water pollution; protect spawning grounds, fish and aquatic life; control building sites, placement of structures and land uses; preserve ground cover and scenic beauty; and promote sound economic growth;
(c) Control exceedance of the safe capacity of existing drainage facilities and receiving water bodies; prevent undue channel erosion; control increases in the scouring and transportation of particulate matter; and prevent conditions that endanger downstream property; and
(d) Assure that site plans pursuant to MMC 15.370(2) comply with the provisions of this chapter.
(2) Intent. It is the general intent of the City that this chapter achieve its purpose through:
(a) Regulating long-term, post-construction stormwater discharges from land development activities;
(b) Controlling the quantity, peak flow rates, and quality of stormwater discharges from land development activities; and
(c) Maintaining and enhancing the quality of life within the community. Towards this end, the City will manage stormwater to protect, maintain and enhance the natural environment; diversity of fish and wildlife; human life; property; and recreational use of waterways within the City.
(d) The City recognizes, however, that the preferred method of achieving the stormwater performance standards set forth in this chapter is through the preparation and implementation of comprehensive, systems-level stormwater management plans that cover hydrologic units, such as watersheds, on a municipal and regional scale. Such plans may prescribe regional stormwater devices, practices or systems, any of which may be designed to treat runoff from more than one site prior to discharge to waters of the State. Where such plans are in conformance with the performance standards developed under Wis. Stat. § 281.16 for regional stormwater management measures and have been approved by the City, it is the intent of this chapter that the approved plan be used to identify post-construction management measures acceptable for the community.
[Ord. 08-522 §§ 2, 3, 2008. Prior code § 28.03]