Chapter 2.20


2.20.010    Short title.

2.20.020    Authority, powers and duties.

2.20.030    Checks.

2.20.040    Deposit of town money.

2.20.050    Records.

2.20.060    Taxes.

2.20.010 Short title.

This chapter is entitled the “town of Richmond town treasurer ordinance.” [Code 2002 § 2-161.]

2.20.020 Authority, powers and duties.

(a) The town board and the town treasurer have the specific authority, powers and duties, pursuant to Wis. Stats. Sections 60.10, 60.22, 60.34 and 60.341, to manage and direct certain affairs of the town. In addition, the town treasurer has certain additional statutory authority, powers and duties beyond Wis. Stats. Ch. 60 (Wis. Stats. Section 60.01 et seq.) and certain statutory authority, powers and duties with authorization of the town meeting.

(b) The town board has, by adoption of this chapter, confirmed the specific statutory authority, powers and duties of the town treasurer noted in this section and in Wis. Stats. Ch. 60 (Wis. Stats. Section 60.01 et seq.) and has established, pursuant to Wis. Stats. Ch. 60 (Wis. Stats. Section 60.01 et seq.) and this chapter, other statutory authority, powers and duties of the town treasurer to manage and direct certain affairs of the town.

(c) The town treasurer shall make a report to the town board at the monthly meeting, and submit the account book and all other supporting documents as requested by the town board.

(d) Any and all accounting will be performed in accordance with the most recently issued Statements of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.

(e) The town treasurer shall maintain accounting of all expenditures, per the budget or amended budget that has been passed by the town board. [Code 2002 § 2-162.]

2.20.030 Checks.

The town treasurer shall address envelopes for valid town bills as needed, and shall mail the bills in a timely fashion. Unless otherwise directed by the town board, the town treasurer shall keep the town passbooks and/or savings books. [Code 2002 § 2-163.]

2.20.040 Deposit of town money.

The town treasurer shall deposit, as soon as practicable, the funds of the town in the name of the town in a proper public depository or in the public depository or public depositories designated by the town board. Failure to comply with this section is grounds for removal from office. [Code 2002 § 2-164.]

2.20.050 Records.

The town treasurer shall comply with Wis. Stats. Section 19.21 et seq., concerning records of which the town treasurer is legal custodian. [Code 2002 § 2-165.]

2.20.060 Taxes.

The town treasurer shall perform all of the duties relating to taxation required of the town treasurer under Wis. Stats. Chs. 70 through 79 (Wis. Stats. Sections 70.01 et seq. through 79.01 et seq.). [Code 2002 § 2-166.]