Chapter 17.15


17.15.010    Street names and numbering.

17.15.010 Street names and numbering.

Street names and numbering shall be subject to approval by the building inspector. Street names shall not be duplicated and shall not be too closely similar phonetically to any name of an existing street in the town area. Any street, which is a continuation or an approximate or logical continuation of any existing street, shall bear the same name as the existing street. Streets with north-south orientation shall be numbered and streets with east-west orientation shall be named.

(a) Street, avenue, or road: shall be reserved for principal or minor arterial streets, in conformance with the major street plan.

(b) Street, circle, lane, way or drive: shall be reserved for collector or local streets with continuity.

(c) Court, place, square, or terrace: shall be reserved for streets with no continuity, such as cul-de-sacs. [Ord. 419 Ch. 5 § 6, 1976. 1996 Code § 7-101.]