Chapter 2.74
2.74.010 Established—Statutory authority.
2.74.020 Membership. Amended Ord. 5466
2.74.030 Term of office. Amended Ord. 5466
2.74.040 Organization and procedures. Amended Ord. 5466
2.74.050 Powers and duties. Amended Ord. 5466
2.74.010 Established—Statutory authority.
The Planning Commission is established under the authority of Government Code Sections 65100 et seq., in compliance with SCCC 2.38.060. [Ord. 2277, 1976; prior code § 3.05.010].
2.74.020 Membership. Amended Ord. 5466
The Commission shall consist of five members, residents of the County, appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Each Supervisor shall nominate one person, who may reside within the Supervisor’s district, to serve on the Commission. Each Supervisor shall nominate one alternate member, who may reside within the Supervisor’s district, to serve on the Commission when the regular member appointed by that Supervisor is absent or is unable to vote on an item for any reason. Such alternate member may vote only when the regular member nominated by the same Supervisor is absent, abstains, or for some other reason does not vote. [Ord. 2277, 1976; prior code § 3.05.030].
2.74.030 Term of office. Amended Ord. 5466
Each member of the Planning Commission shall serve for a term which shall coincide with the actual time served by the member’s nominating Supervisor. [Ord. 5285 § 12, 2018; Ord. 3044, 1981; Ord. 2277, 1976; prior code § 3.05.040].
2.74.040 Organization and procedures. Amended Ord. 5466
(A) General Organization. The Commission shall comply in all respects with SCCC 2.38.110 through 2.38.250 unless otherwise provided herein.
(B) Staff Support. The Planning Department shall provide staff support to the Commission. The Planning Director, or a designated representative, shall serve as Administrative Secretary to the Commission and shall receive copies of all minutes, reports and recommendations submitted to the Board of Supervisors by the Commission.
(C) Staff Consultation. Staff members from the Public Works Department, Environmental Health Services, County Counsel and other departments shall be available to the Commission upon assignment by the respective department heads.
(D) Compensation. Each member or alternate member of the Planning Commission shall receive as compensation for services the sum of $75.00 for each meeting held on or after August 28, 1979, at which the member is in attendance. Compensation for attendance at meetings of the Planning Commission shall be in addition to expenses or other compensation, which such members may otherwise be entitled by law to receive. [Ord. 5285 § 12, 2018; Ord. 2800, 1979; Ord. 2786, 1979; Ord. 2506, 1977; Ord. 2277, 1976; prior code § 3.05.050].
2.74.050 Powers and duties. Amended Ord. 5466
The Commission shall exercise the following responsibilities:
(A) Develop and maintain a General Plan;
(B) Develop such specific plans as may be necessary or desirable;
(C) Review the annual Planning Department work program and budget, and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors;
(D) Periodically review the County capital improvement program for consistency with the General Plan and related elements;
(E) Develop and maintain, with staff, a Commission policy manual;
(F) Communicate with other County advisory bodies concerned with planning matters;
(G) Exercise any other responsibilities which may be set forth in the Commission’s bylaws approved by the Board of Supervisors. [Ord. 2800, 1979; Ord. 2506, 1977; Ord. 2277, 1976; prior code § 3.05.020].