Chapter 22.66


22.66.001    Statement of policy.

22.66.002    Purpose.

22.66.003    Authority.

22.66.004    Development subject to administrative design review.

22.66.005    Development exempt from administrative design review.

22.66.006    Criteria for administrative design review approval.

22.66.007    Application procedures.

22.66.008    Administrative design review process.

22.66.009    Submittal requirements.

22.66.010    Administrative design review modification and exemption.

22.66.011    Duration of an administrative design review approval.

22.66.012    Optional administrative design review.

22.66.001 Statement of policy.

New development can have a detrimental or beneficial effect on the character of the area in which the new development is located. The detrimental effects of one land use on another use or property can be prevented or minimized through zoning, subdivision regulations, and building codes. Other aspects of development, however, are more subtle and less amenable to exacting rules enacted without regard to specific development proposals. Among these aspects of development are the general form of the land before and after development, spatial relationships of the structures and open spaces with adjacent land uses, and the appearance of buildings, signs and open spaces as they contribute to the community.

One of the paramount goals of the city’s comprehensive plan is to retain or recreate the qualities that comprise livable, memorable and diverse community life within Fircrest. Zoning and other numerical standards and formulas are inadequate tools, by themselves, for building a livable community in that they cannot ensure quality of physical design. Design review is intended to be a complementary means of retaining, enhancing, or creating a sense of community through its physical structures. (Ord. 1246 § 19, 2000).

22.66.002 Purpose.

The purposes of design review are:

(a) To promote those qualities in the natural environment which will be beneficial to the community.

(b) To foster the attractiveness and functional utility of the community as a place to live and work.

(c) To preserve the special character and quality of Fircrest by maintaining the integrity of those areas which have a discernible character or are of special historic significance.

(d) To raise the level of community expectations for the quality of the built environment.

(e) To encourage originality and creativity in site planning and architecture.

(f) To communicate these purposes to the applicant and to assist the applicant in achieving these purposes.

(g) To consider the applicant’s needs and goals and the broader public impact of any proposal. (Ord. 1246 § 19, 2000).

22.66.003 Authority.

The director may approve, approve with conditions, modify and approve with conditions, or deny, an application for administrative design review. An administrative design review application shall be approved when the director has determined that the criteria listed in FMC 22.66.006 have been met by the proposal. (Ord. 1246 § 19, 2000).

22.66.004 Development subject to administrative design review.

The director shall review the following public and private projects which require construction permits or discretionary approval:

(a) New residential, accessory, commercial, industrial, public and quasi-public buildings;

(b) Additions to residential, accessory, commercial, industrial, public and quasi-public buildings;

(c) Facade improvements to commercial and industrial buildings;

(d) Establishment of an accessory dwelling unit which results in modifications to the exterior of a building, driveway or parking area;

(e) Parking lot improvements, as regulated in Chapter 22.60 FMC;

(f) New signs and modifications to existing signs, excluding changes in copy. (Ord. 1246 § 19, 2000).

22.66.005 Development exempt from administrative design review.

The following public and private projects are exempt from administrative design review:

(a) Exterior alterations to detached single-family residential buildings, other than additions;

(b) Residential accessory buildings less than or equal to 200 square feet in area, including garages, storage buildings and carports;

(c) Residential accessory structures, including arbors, pergolas, trellises, gazebos and fences;

(d) Uncovered porches, patios, decks, stairs and landings;

(e) Interior improvements. (Ord. 1246 § 19, 2000).

22.66.006 Criteria for administrative design review approval.

(a) The director shall approve an administrative design review application when all applicable criteria listed below are met by a proposal:

(1) The proposal meets or exceeds all applicable design guidelines in Chapter 22.64 FMC.

(2) The proposal meets or exceeds all applicable provisions in the “Design Standards and Guidelines for Small Lot and Multifamily Development” adopted by reference in Chapter 22.63 FMC.

(3) The proposal meets or exceeds all applicable provisions in the “City of Fircrest Design Standards and Guidelines for Streetscape Elements” adopted by reference in Chapter 22.65 FMC.

(4) The proposal meets or exceeds all applicable form-based standards adopted by reference in Chapter 22.57 FMC.

(5) The proposal meets or exceeds all applicable development regulations contained in FMC Title 22.

(b) The director may approve an administrative design review application when a proposal does not meet one or more applicable design standards or guidelines when the director determines:

(1) The departure from the design standard(s) or guideline(s) is consistent with both the comprehensive plan and the intent statement(s) of the design standard(s) or guideline(s).

(2) The departure from the strict application of the design standard(s) or guideline(s) will not have a significant negative impact on the public, surrounding properties, or character of the zone or neighborhood.

(3) The proposal creates an equal or better environment, results in an equal or better use of land, and achieves an equal or better design than could be produced through the strict application of the design standard(s) or guideline(s).

(4) The departure from the design standard(s) or guideline(s) is compensated by the provision of additional design features and amenities in the development plan than would normally be required. The additional design features and amenities are of equal or greater design benefit and function.

(c) The director may approve all or part of an applicant’s request for a departure from the strict application of the design standard(s) or guideline(s), approve with additional requirements above those specified in this code, or require modification of the proposal to comply with specified requirements or local conditions.

(d) The director shall deny a request for a departure from the design standard(s) or guideline(s) if the proposal does not meet or cannot be conditioned to meet the required findings in this section. (Ord. 1667 § 42, 2020; Ord. 1246 § 19, 2000).

22.66.007 Application procedures.

Administrative design review is classified as a Type II application. The processing procedures for this application are described in Chapters 22.05, 22.06, 22.07, 22.08, 22.09 and 22.10 FMC. (Ord. 1246 § 19, 2000).

22.66.008 Administrative design review process.

Administrative design review requires a comprehensive staff review to ensure project compliance with all applicable development regulations contained in this code, the design guidelines adopted in this title and incorporated by reference in Chapter 22.64 FMC, and the goals, policies and objectives of the comprehensive plan. Administrative design review may consist of either a one-step or two-step process depending on the complexity of the proposal and the preferences of an applicant.

(a) One-Step Process. The one-step process consists of a detailed design review typically conducted at the time plans are submitted for a building permit or other construction permit review.

(b) Two-Step Process. The two-step process typically begins with a review of conceptual plans conducted concurrently with the review of a discretionary land use permit application. Once a discretionary land use approval is granted for a conceptual design, detailed plans shall be prepared by an applicant and submitted for final design review. This second review is intended to ensure that all design issues identified during the review of the conceptual plans are fully addressed prior to issuance of a building permit or other construction permit. An optional two-step process may also be requested by an applicant for a proposal not requiring discretionary land use approval. This option provides an applicant with an opportunity to submit conceptual plans for review prior to the preparation and submittal of detailed plans for a building or other construction permit. (Ord. 1246 § 19, 2000).

22.66.009 Submittal requirements.

Application for administrative design review shall be submitted on forms provided by the department. A minimum of two sets of the following plans and other information shall be submitted with the application in clear and intelligible form when determined by the director to be applicable and necessary to complete the design review:

(a) Elevation Plans. Elevation plans shall be provided for each building or structure elevation that is subject to design review. Additions and alterations to existing structures shall be clearly identified on the plans. Design details such as exterior finish materials and textures, lighting and other fixtures, and design elements such as beltcourses, brackets, chimneys, cornices, roof overhangs, window trim, sills, and sashes, shall be identified.

(b) Spatial Site Plan Elements. The following shall be provided:

(1) A massing model showing proposed building in its context (a simple sketch-up model may suffice).

(2) A figure-ground drawing showing: the relationship between public and private realm; how the solid components of buildings relate to the open spaces contained by the built form; and how a proposed building or space might interact with the existing fabric of the neighborhood, particularly in terms of the mass, proportions and edge conditions.

(3) Existing and proposed street sections.

(4) Descriptions, conceptual plans and/or illustrations of public and private open spaces.

(5) Drawings that establish existing context by identifying neighboring building types, frontage types, and building heights.

(c) Exterior Mechanical Device Screening Plans. All proposed exterior mechanical devices, including roof-mounted equipment and proposed screening, shall be identified on the architectural and mechanical plans. In addition, plans of any proposed screening design shall be submitted. When mechanical plans are submitted without a corresponding building permit application, the location of all exterior and roof-mounted mechanical devices shall be shown on a building elevation plan.

(d) Coordinated Site Design Plan. A site plan shall identify the proposed locations of parking, pedestrian and vehicular circulation areas, trash enclosure areas, mechanical and utility facility areas, building footprints, landscaping, and significant trees to remain and be removed.

To ensure effective implementation of comprehensive plan policies and objectives and development regulations relating to design, applications for administrative design review and other discretionary land use permits for the same proposal shall be submitted concurrently for review. (Ord. 1667 § 43, 2020; Ord. 1246 § 19, 2000).

22.66.010 Administrative design review modification and exemption.

An applicant may request administrative approval of modifications to a plan previously approved for design review by submitting two sets of plans which clearly identify the proposed changes to the previously approved design. The director may determine that:

(a) The proposed modification is exempt from further review because it represents a minor change from the originally approved plans and the criteria listed in FMC 22.66.006 continue to be met by the proposal; or

(b) The proposed modification is subject to additional review because it represents a major change from the originally approved plans and further review is necessary to determine whether the criteria listed in FMC 22.66.006 would continue to be met by the proposal.

A request to modify a previously approved design which has been determined to be subject to additional review shall be processed using the same procedures applicable to the original design review process. The director may impose conditions on an exempted modification or a modification subject to further review to ensure that the intent and conditions of the original approval are met. Deviations from a plan approved for design review are not permitted unless an applicant first obtains approval in accordance with this section. (Ord. 1246 § 19, 2000).

22.66.011 Duration of an administrative design review approval.

In the event that an administrative design approval is not exercised within one year from the effective date of approval, it shall automatically become null and void; provided, however, that for good cause, the director may grant a one-time extension of one year if an extension request is filed with the department no less than 15 days prior to the date of expiration for the administrative design review approval. A properly filed application for a time extension shall stay the effective date of expiration until action on the request has become final. The process for taking action on the request shall be the same used for the original administrative design review application. Before taking action to grant an extension, the director shall determine that the following circumstances exist:

(a) The proposal approved under the terms of the administrative design review approval originally granted remains in conformance with current development standards and design guidelines contained or referenced in this title. (If the proposal no longer conforms to this title as a result of more restrictive standards or guidelines being adopted subsequent to the original approval, the director may consider a modified proposal which would comply with the more restrictive standards or guidelines.)

(b) The findings adopted in support of the original administrative design review request remain valid and supportive of the time extension request. (Ord. 1246 § 19, 2000).

22.66.012 Optional administrative design review.

FMC 22.66.004 identifies categories of projects which the city has determined have the greatest potential to impact a neighborhood or the community. The designs of other projects which are exempt from administrative design review, however, may also have the potential to impact a neighborhood or the community. For example, modifications to historic homes which fail to take into account the original architectural design may be detrimental to the character of the home as well as the historic fabric of the surrounding neighborhood. An individual proposing an exempt project may request a no-fee review of their design by the director. The purpose of this review is to familiarize the individual with specific design guidelines which would apply to the project if it were subject to review under FMC 22.66.004 and to identify possible design solutions which could be used to enhance the quality of the design. The individual will be encouraged, but not required, to design the project in a manner which is consistent with the adopted guidelines. (Ord. 1246 § 19, 2000).