Chapter 11.12


11.12.010    Street address assignment plan adopted.

11.12.020    Assignment of street addresses.

11.12.030    Duty of property owner.

11.12.040    Street names.

11.12.050    Duties of subdividers.

11.12.060    Renaming streets.

11.12.070    Violation – Penalty.

11.12.010 Street address assignment plan adopted.

A plan for assigning street addresses in the City of Homer, Alaska, dated January 8, 1975, and amended August 13, 1979, as prepared by the Homer Planning Commission is adopted. The plan is to be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk, and is subject to amendment by Council resolution. [Ord. 19-32(S) § 2, 2019; Ord. 13-28(A) § 2, 2013. Code 1967 § 14-600.1].

11.12.020 Assignment of street addresses.

It shall be the responsibility of the City Planner to assign street addresses to specific locations, in accordance with the plan adopted by reference in this chapter. Upon the assignment of a street address, the City Planner shall notify the owner of the property to which the address has been assigned of the address and the requirements in HCC 11.12.030 for the posting of the address on the property. The City shall keep a record of such street address assignments which may include a map. [Ord. 13-28(A) § 3, 2013; Ord. 80-8 § 2, 1980. Code 1967 § 14-600.3].

11.12.030 Duty of property owner.

It is the duty of each property owner within 60 days after notice of the assignment of a street address to the property to post the street address or addresses assigned to the property in Arabic numerals a minimum of four inches (102 mm) high with a minimum stroke of one-half inch (12.7 mm) in a color contrasting with the background in such manner and location as to be plainly visible from the street. [Ord. 13-28(A) § 4, 2013; Ord. 02-31, 2002; Ord. 80-8 § 1, 1980. Code 1967 § 14-600.2].

11.12.040 Street names.

a. A street name shall comply with National Emergency Number Association (“NENA”) standards.

b. In addition to complying with NENA standards, a street name shall comply with the following requirements:

1. Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section:

a. A street name shall not duplicate the name of any existing street in the City. For this purpose, the use of a different street type designation does not avoid duplication of an existing street name.

b. A letter or number shall not be used as a street name.

2. A newly created street or right-of-way that extends or has the same alignment as an existing named street shall have the same name as the existing named street.

3. No street name shall sound similar to an existing street name in the City.

4. No street name may include a directional designation.

5. A street name shall not exceed 17 characters, including the standard abbreviation for the street type designation.

6. The type of a street shall be designated using the following standards:

a. “Street” shall designate a right-of-way running north and south.

b. “Avenue” shall designate a right-of-way running east and west.

c. “Drive” shall designate a right-of-way running southeast to northwest, at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to an avenue or street.

d. “Lane” shall designate a right-of-way running southwest to northeast, at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to an avenue or street.

e. “Place” shall designate a right-of-way running north and south that does not exceed 1,400 feet in length.

f. “Way” shall designate a right-of-way running east and west that does not exceed 1,400 feet in length.

g. “Circle” shall designate a right-of-way running north and south that ends in a cul-de-sac and that does not exceed 1,400 feet in length.

h. “Court” shall designate a right-of-way running east and west that ends in a cul-de-sac and that does not exceed 1,400 feet in length.

i. “Road” shall designate a major curving right-of-way.

c. The City Council may allow exceptions to the standards in subsection (b) of this section where it finds that the exception will not harm the public interest. [Ord. 13-28(A) § 6, 2013].

11.12.050 Duties of subdividers.

A subdivider of property in the City shall name the streets in the subdivision in accordance with the standards in HCC 11.12.040. [Ord. 13-28(A) § 8, 2013].

11.12.060 Renaming streets.

a. An application to rename a street shall be submitted to the City Planner on a form provided by the City. The application shall include:

1. The existing street name;

2. The proposed street name;

3. Justification for changing the street name; and

4. A map showing the location of the street.

b. The City Planner will determine if the application is complete. If not complete, the City Planner will advise the applicant what corrective actions should be taken to complete the application.

c. The City Planner shall schedule a public hearing on the application before the City Council within 45 days after determining the application is complete, and provide notice of the application as specified in Chapter 21.94 HCC.

d. Within 45 days after the close of the public hearing, the City Council shall approve or disapprove the application. [Ord. 13-28(A) § 10, 2013].

11.12.070 Violation – Penalty.

The violation of any provision contained herein shall be punished under HCC 1.16.010. [Code 1967 § 14-600.7].