Chapter 8.04
For statutory provisions regarding the same or similar offenses, see AS 15.56.010—15.56.130.
8.04.010 Prohibited practices
The following acts are unlawful and prohibited practices:
(a) Falsely subscribing any affidavit required to be made under the provisions of Chapters 2.16 through 2.28 KCC;
(b) Illegally registering or assisting another to so do;
(c) Electioneering on election day within the polling place or within 200 feet of the same;
(d) Interfering with, interrupting, hindering, or opposing any voter while approaching the polling place for the purpose of voting;
(e) Making false statements as to inability to mark ballot;
(f) Interference or attempted interference with any voter when marking the voter’s ballot;
(g) Endeavoring to show a voter how any other voter marked the ballot;
(h) Willfully destroying, spoiling, or tearing down, prior to election, any list posted in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 2.16 through 2.28 KCC;
(i) During election, willfully tearing down the cards of instruction or specimen ballots posted for voters’ instruction;
(j) During election, willfully destroying any election supplies or conveniences;
(k) Willful hindrance or obstruction or interference with the voting of others;
(l) The taking from polling places of official ballots or the substituting for them of any spurious ballot or ballots;
(m) Making, using, circulating, or causing to be made, used, or circulated for any official ballot any paper printed in imitation or resemblance thereof, unless clearly marked “Specimen Ballot for Political Purposes”;
(n) Willful destruction, defacement, or spoilation of any ballot;
(o) Willful interference with or delay of the delivery of any ballot; or
(p) Willful neglect of any public or election officer upon whom a duty is imposed by Chapters 2.16 through 2.28 KCC to perform such a duty. [Ord. 695 §17, 1983. CCK §3.6.1]