Chapter 2.12


2.12.010    Mayor – Executive.

2.12.020    Mayor – Additional duties.

2.12.030    Mayor – Election and term.

2.12.040    Filling a vacancy.

2.12.050    Mayor pro tempore.

2.12.060    Successor to office of mayor and mayor pro tempore.

2.12.070    Salary of mayor.

2.12.080    Acting mayor.

2.12.090    Chief of staff.

2.12.010 Mayor – Executive.

A.    The mayor is the chief executive officer of the borough. He shall act as ceremonial head of the borough, and sign documents on the borough’s behalf upon assembly authorization.

B.    The mayor shall:

1.    Appoint borough employees and administrative officers, except as provided otherwise in NABC 2.40.030 and AS 14.14.060; he may hire necessary administrative assistants and may authorize an appointive administrative officer to appoint, suspend or remove subordinates in his department;

2.    Suspend or remove by written order borough employees and administrative officers, except as provided otherwise in NABC 2.40.030 and AS 14.14.060;

3.    Supervise enforcement of borough law;

4.    Prepare the annual budget and capital improvement program for the assembly;

5.    Execute the budget and capital program as adopted;

6.    Make monthly financial reports to the assembly on borough finances and operations;

7.    Report to the assembly at the end of each fiscal year on the finances and administrative activities of the borough;

8.    Prepare and make available for public distribution an annual report on borough affairs;

9.    Serve as borough personnel officer unless the assembly authorizes him to appoint a personnel officer;

10.    Execute other powers and duties specified in AS Title 29 or lawfully prescribed by the assembly. (Ord. 95-02 § 6, 1995; Code 1986 § 2.16.010)

2.12.020 Mayor – Additional duties.

The mayor shall in addition to the powers and duties conferred on his office by NABC 2.12.010:

A.    Direct and supervise the business of the borough to assure that all ordinances and resolutions are executed;

B.    Sign the special assessment rolls;

C.    Act as ex officio chairman of the board of adjustment for matters of building and zoning regulations of the borough;

D.    Act as ex officio chairman of the board of equalization for matters of taxation and special assessments. (Code 1986 § 2.16.020)

2.12.030 Mayor – Election and term.

A.    A voter of the borough who has been a resident of the borough for three years is eligible to hold the office of mayor.

B.    The mayor is elected at large for a term of three years and until a successor is elected and has qualified. The assembly may provide by ordinance for a different term not to exceed four years, except that the current term of an incumbent mayor may not be altered.

C.    The mayor’s regular term begins on the first Monday following his election, which is held on the first Tuesday of October. (Code 1986 § 2.16.030)

2.12.040 Filling a vacancy.

A vacancy in the office of mayor occurring within six months of a regular election shall be filled by the assembly. The person designated shall serve until the next regular election and until a successor is elected and has qualified. If an assemblyman is chosen, he shall resign his assembly seat. If a vacancy occurs more than six months before a regular election, the assembly shall call a special election to fill the unexpired term. (Code 1986 § 2.16.040)

2.12.050 Mayor pro tempore.

Should the office of the mayor become vacant, or if the existing mayor is disabled or unable to act, the assembly may appoint a mayor pro tempore, to serve until the mayor resumes his official duties, or until a new mayor is qualified. (Code 1986 § 2.16.050)

2.12.060 Successor to office of mayor and mayor pro tempore.

Should the office of mayor and mayor pro tempore become vacant or should both the mayor and mayor pro tempore be absent or unable to perform the duties of the office of mayor, the order of interim succession shall be determined as follows:

A.    The assembly member with the longest total period of tenure in office shall assume the office of mayor pro tempore.

B.    Should more than one assemblyman have the same total period of tenure in office, that assemblyman who received the largest plurality at the last election at which such assembly members were elected shall assume the office of mayor pro tempore. (Code 1986 § 2.16.060)

2.12.070 Salary of mayor.

A.    The office of the mayor of the borough shall be filled on a full-time basis. The assembly has sole authority to adjust the salary of the mayor, which will not be subject to any cost of living salary or wage increases provided to classified and partially exempt employees. Salary of the mayor shall be $160,000 per annum. A minimum salary shall be set by the assembly at the start of the mayor’s term and shall not be diminished during the mayor’s term of office. However, if the mayor is incumbent, having served immediately preceding in that status, the salary shall not be set at a sum less than the rate paid on the last day of the mayor’s preceding term.

B.    The borough assembly may, at any time during the mayor’s term in office, raise the salary of the mayor to an amount the borough assembly determines to be commensurate with the duties and responsibilities of the office of the mayor. The assembly should endeavor to evaluate the mayor’s salary on an annual basis and determine whether a salary increase is appropriate considering the scope of duties and responsibilities, change in cost of living, general budget considerations, and other relevant factors. However, the assembly may not increase the mayor’s salary more than once in any 12-month period.

C.    The mayor may not accept or receive remunerative employment from any other sources, except that he may serve on boards, commissions or other appointive committees at his discretion and pleasure. Military service is not considered as remunerative employment for the purpose of this section. (Ord. 23-01 § 1, 2023; Ord. 19-05 § 1, 2019; Ord. 18-13 § 1, 2019; Ord. 07-04 § 1, 2007; Code 1986 § 2.16.070)

2.12.080 Acting mayor.

The mayor may appoint a borough employee to serve as acting mayor during periods of temporary absence from office. Temporary absences may not exceed 20 days. Any time the mayor designates an acting mayor, the mayor shall provide the assembly president notice no later than the day an acting mayor is appointed. During a temporary absence, the acting mayor shall exercise the management and administrative responsibilities of mayor. The acting mayor may not exercise veto authority. (Ord. 17-10 § 1, 2017)

2.12.090 Chief of staff.

The mayor may appoint a chief of staff and assign to that person certain duties as the mayor deems appropriate to carry out the day-to-day management and administration of borough affairs. (Ord. 15-10 § 1, 2016)