Chapter 2.60


2.60.010    Created.

2.60.020    Scholarship awards.

2.60.030    Requirements.

2.60.040    Deadline.

2.60.050    Scholarship committee.

2.60.060    Delegation.

2.60.070    Payment.

2.60.010 Created.

A.    There is created the Frank R. Ferguson Scholarship Program, in recognition of the contributions made by Senator Ferguson throughout his long career of public service to the residents of the state of Alaska and the Northwest Arctic Borough.

B.    The mayor, with approval of the assembly, may from time to time designate an organization to administer the scholarship program if it is not administered by the borough. No organization may be designated to administer the program unless the organization requests it. The designation of a new organization cancels the designation of a prior organization. In the case of the designation of a new organization to administer the program, the previously designated organization shall deliver all records related to the program in its possession to the newly designated organization. The borough treasurer or other appropriate official shall have the right, upon reasonable notice, to inspect the records related to the scholarship program. (Ord. 20-08 § 1, 2020; Ord. 20-01 § 1, 2020; Ord. 17-14 § 1, 2017; Ord. 00-01 § 1, 2000; Ord. 88-04 § 1, 1988; Ord. 88-02 § 1, 1988; Code 1986 § 6.36.010)

2.60.020 Scholarship awards.

A.    For accredited academic schools: Awards will be made according to the following schedule:

Enrolled Credits

Maximum Award

1 – 2


3 – 5


6 – 8


9 – 11




B.    For vocational or technical schools: No individual award may exceed $1,000 per training session under two months in length nor exceed $2,000 per training session over two months in length.

C.    The awards of the committee shall be reported to the assembly.

D.    In conjunction with the requirements of this chapter the committee may take into consideration financial need, outstanding performance and community service in making its awards. (Ord. 23-02 § 1, 2023; Ord. 20-08 § 1, 2020; Ord. 20-01 § 1, 2020; Ord. 17-14 § 1, 2017; Ord. 07-08 § 1, 2007; Ord. 06-05 § 1, 2006; Ord. 03-10 § 2, 2003; Ord. 03-01 § 1, 2003; Ord. 89-20 § 1, 1989; Ord. 88-04 § 1, 1988; Code 1986 § 6.36.030)

2.60.030 Requirements.

Applicants are required to submit the following information:

A.    Major field of study:

1.    Economics;

2.    Political science;

3.    Business administration;

4.    Education;

5.    Vocational and technical fields;

6.    Other justifiable area;

B.    Copies of unofficial transcripts from high school or accredited equivalent, vocational, or technical school reflecting a 2.0 GPA or higher. The GPA is based on the applicant’s latest cumulative grades received. Previously awarded students are eligible to further receive awards when grades are received and meet GPA requirements. If applicants do not meet GPA requirements, probationary awards representing one-half of the previously full award may be granted. The remaining one-half may be awarded during midterm if GPA requirements are met;

C.    Two letters of recommendations for the first-time applicant;

D.    Proof of actual residency in the Northwest Arctic Borough at the time of each application for the scholarship program;

E.    College or university program: 12 or more credit hours from a freshman to a junior full-time status; nine or more credit hours from a senior or graduate full-time status or 12 or less credit hours from a freshman to a junior part-time status; nine or less credit hours from a senior or graduate part-time status. High school student enrollment: Students still in high school enrolled in a course by an accredited academic school as approved by that student’s school district. Vocational or technical school or institute program: part-time or full-time status;

F.    Complete a budget forecast from the school or technical institution which the student is attending;

G.    Evidence that the student has been accepted at an academic, vocational or technical institution. (Ord. 20-08 § 1, 2020; Ord. 20-01 § 1, 2020; Ord. 17-14 § 1, 2017; Ord. 07-08 §§ 2, 3, 2007; Ord. 03-10 § 3, 2003; Ord. 90-12 § 1, 1990; Ord. 88-04 § 1, 1988; Ord. 88-02 § 2, 1988; Code 1986 § 6.36.040)

2.60.040 Deadline.

Completed applications shall be submitted to the borough or the designated organization responsible for administering the scholarship program if the borough is not administering the program directly. Applications must be received by the first business day following August 15th for the fall academic term and the first business day following January 15th for the spring academic term and the first business day following April 15th for the summer academic term. The borough may extend or otherwise alter these deadlines upon reasonable public notice. (Ord. 20-08 § 1, 2020; Ord. 20-01 § 1, 2020; Ord. 17-14 § 1, 2017; Ord. 03-01 § 2, 2003; Ord. 00-01 § 1, 2000; Ord. 96-08 § 2, 1996; Ord. 89-20 § 2, 1989; Ord. 88-04 § 1, 1988; Code 1986 § 6.36.050)

2.60.050 Scholarship committee.

A.    A scholarship committee will consist of the mayor, the assistant to the mayor, the controller or their designated alternates. The mayor or designee will serve as the lead for committee formation and business activities. The committee shall meet twice annually to make awards in a timely manner.

B.    The scholarship committee shall not make awards in excess of the amount budgeted for the Frank R. Ferguson Scholarship Program.

C.    The scholarship committee retains the authority to make awards to applicants who are students in good standing or for other good cause consistent with the general guidelines of the Frank R. Ferguson Scholarship Program. (Ord. 20-08 § 1, 2020; Ord. 20-01 § 1, 2020; Ord. 17-14 § 1, 2017; Ord. 03-10 § 4, 2003; Ord. 00-01 § 1, 2000; Ord. 96-08 § 3, 1996; Ord. 89-20 § 3, 1989; Ord. 88-04 § 1, 1988; Code 1986 § 6.36.060)

2.60.060 Delegation.

A.    The administration and implementation of this chapter is delegated to the organization responsible under NABC 2.60.010 for administration of the scholarship program. If no organization is designated, the borough shall operate the program as nearly as practicable according to the provisions of this chapter.

B.    The designated organization shall implement an outreach program to advise eligible applicants of the Frank R. Ferguson Scholarship Program and shall affirmatively advise that the program is operated as an equal opportunity program for all eligible applicants.

C.    The designated organization shall not charge an administrative or overhead fee to the borough for the administration of this program. (Ord. 20-08 § 1, 2020; Ord. 20-01 § 1, 2020; Ord. 17-14 § 1, 2017; Ord. 00-01 § 1, 2000; Ord. 96-08 § 4, 1996; Ord. 89-20 § 4, 1989; Code 1986 § 6.36.070)

2.60.070 Payment.

A.    Payments made to students shall be made care of the financial aid office of the institution the student is attending and are for the following purpose: books, tuition, fees and other college- or vocational-school-related expenses.

B.    The designated organization shall submit for reimbursement for funds actually expended to students, which shall not exceed the amount appropriated by the assembly. (Ord. 20-08 § 1, 2020; Ord. 20-01 § 1, 2020; Ord. 17-14 § 1, 2017; Ord. 00-01 § 1, 2000; Ord. 96-08 § 5, 1996; Ord. 89-20 § 5, 1989; Code 1986 § 6.36.080)