Chapter 2.72


2.72.010    Definitions.

2.72.020    Records management program.

2.72.030    Records management officer.

2.72.040    Records management officer – Duties.

2.72.050    Records and archive filing.

2.72.060    Records retention schedule.

2.72.070    Disposal of records and other materials.

2.72.080    Copies of records.

2.72.010 Definitions.

As used in this chapter, the following words have the given meanings:

“Agency” means the Northwest Arctic Borough assembly and any department, office, board or commission of the borough.

“Record” means any method of storing information, including but not limited to spoken words, handwriting, typewriting, printing, photostatting, photographing and any other form of communication or reproduction, upon any medium, including but not limited to paper, magnetic or paper tape, photographic film or prints, magnetic or punched cards, discs, drums and phonograph records, developed or received under law or in connection with the transaction of agency business and preservation as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations or activities of the municipality or because of their informational value. “Records” do not include:

1.    Library and museum material developed or acquired and preserved solely for reference, historical or exhibition purposes, extra copies of documents preserved solely for convenience of reference, or stocks of publications and processed documents;

2.    Records disposable upon the occurrence of an event;

3.    Reference files; or

4.    Transitory files.

“Records disposable on occurrence of an event” means records which become of no further use to the borough upon the occurrence of a certain event, such as completion of a job, audit, project, contract or the like.

“Reference files” means copies of notes, feeder notes and similar working papers accumulated in preparation of a communication, study or other writing or record.

“Transitory files” means transmittal letters, suspense copies when a reply has been received, routine requests for information and publications, tracer letters, feeder reports and the like. (Ord. 94-03 § 1(A), 1994)

2.72.020 Records management program.

The borough clerk shall administer a records management program. The records management program shall provide for the orderly and efficient management, retention, preservation and disposal of records in accordance with this chapter. (Ord. 94-03 § 1(B), 1994)

2.72.030 Records management officer.

The borough clerk shall be the records management officer, unless the mayor, in consultation with the clerk, shall designate another person to perform that function. The records management officer shall administer the records management program and perform the duties set forth in this chapter. (Ord. 94-03 § 1(C), 1994)

2.72.040 Records management officer – Duties.

A.    As necessary, the records management officer shall develop a records manual which will identify proper records procedures for all municipal agencies. Each agency shall manage its records in accordance with the records manual.

B.    As necessary, and in accordance with the records manual, the records management officer shall:

1.    Establish standards for records maintenance and security within agencies;

2.    Make continuing surveys of paperwork operations and implement improvements in current records management practices, including the use of space, equipment and supplies;

3.    Initiate programs for improving the management of correspondence, forms, reports and directives as integral parts of the records management program;

4.    Institute and maintain a training and information program in all phases of the management of current records for all agencies;

5.    Establish standards for preparing records retention schedules;

6.    Recommend and obtain from agencies records retention schedules conforming to this chapter and administers schedule approved under this chapter; and

7.    Obtain reports and other information from agencies necessary for the administration of the records management program. (Ord. 94-03 § 1(D), 1994)

2.72.050 Records and archive filing.

A.    The records management officer shall establish and maintain a records filing system for the purposes of accepting, servicing, storing and protecting records which must be preserved for varying periods of time but which are not needed for the transaction of current business.

B.    The records management officer shall establish and maintain archive files for the preservation, arrangement, repair duplication, reproduction, description and retrieval of records to be retained permanently by the municipality.

C.    In operating the records and archive files, the records management officer shall, as necessary:

1.    Prepare inventories, indices, catalogs and other finding aids or guides to facilitate the use of the records center and archive;

2.    Accept documents that have been deemed appropriate for preservation by the municipality as evidence of its organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures and transactions; and

3.    Establish and maintain a master retention schedule for all records. (Ord. 94-03 § 1(E), 1994)

2.72.060 Records retention schedule.

A.    Each agency shall prepare, in accordance with the records management manual, a schedule stating for each type of record produced by the agency:

1.    The duration for which the agency will retain the record for the transaction of current business; and

2.    The duration after which the record will have no further legal, administrative, fiscal or historical value, and may be destroyed.

B.    Each agency shall update its records schedule at reasonable intervals.

C.    The records management officer shall complete the submission under subsection (A) of this section into a master retention schedule, which shall be submitted to the borough clerk, auditor and treasurer for review.

D.    All records shall be transferred to a records center in accordance with the master retention schedule adopted under this section. (Ord. 94-03 § 1(F), 1994)

2.72.070 Disposal of records and other materials.

A.    Until such time as the assembly approves a master retention schedule, no records may be disposed of without assembly approval.

B.    Upon assembly approval of a master retention schedule, agencies shall dispose of records in accordance with that schedule.

C.    Notwithstanding the establishment or lack of a master retention schedule, an agency may dispose of reference files, transitory files and records disposable upon the occurrence of an event at the agency’s discretion when they no longer are required for the transaction of municipal business.

D.    Records of a confidential nature shall be disposed of by shredding. All other records shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner. (Ord. 94-03 § 1(G), 1994)

2.72.080 Copies of records.

Records not otherwise required by law to be preserved in original form, and records that are worn or damaged, may be copied by photostatic, photographic, microphotographic, microfilm or other mechanical process which produces a clear, accurate and permanent copy. When such a copy is retained in accordance with this chapter, the original may be disposed of. The copy shall be considered as the original record for all purposes. (Ord. 94-03 § 1(H), 1994)