Chapter 2.76


2.76.010    Findings.

2.76.020    Tobacco-free facilities.

2.76.030    Smoke-free exits.

2.76.040    Signage.

2.76.010 Findings.

The Northwest Arctic Borough is dedicated to providing a healthy, comfortable, and productive work environment for its employees and the public. The borough recognizes that tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the United States. Secondhand smoke exposure is also a leading cause of preventable disease, and only smoke-free environments can fully protect public health. (Ord. 13-03 § 1, 2013)

2.76.020 Tobacco-free facilities.

Tobacco use is prohibited within facilities owned, operated, or leased by the borough. (Ord. 13-03 § 1, 2013)

2.76.030 Smoke-free exits.

Smoking is prohibited within 25 feet of entrances, exits, and windows of facilities owned, operated, or leased by the borough. (Ord. 13-03 § 1, 2013)

2.76.040 Signage.

The public entrances to all facilities owned, operated, or leased by the borough shall be conspicuously posted with no smoking signs, prohibiting smoking within 25 feet of the entrance to the facility. (Ord. 13-03 § 1, 2013)