Chapter 3.16


3.16.010    Travel and per diem allowance.

3.16.020    Convention registration fees.

3.16.030    Improper payments and reimbursement.

3.16.010 Travel and per diem allowance.

All borough employees, whether in the exempt, partially exempt or classified services, while traveling on official business and away from home or designated duty post, or when they incur approved out-of-pocket expenses in the conduct of official business, shall be reimbursed or paid in advance in accordance with the following guidelines:

A.    Common Carrier. The common carrier fare, or the cost of charter or other special hire, if essential, or other similar fare as necessary for the efficient performance of official duties; provided, that no reimbursement or payment shall be allowed for more than the lowest tourist class fare for the most direct route, unless:

1.    Tourist class accommodations are not available;

2.    Waiting for such accommodations would occasion a delay harmful to the borough;

3.    The department head finds that travel by such accommodation is not in the best interests of the borough and authorizes other accommodations.

B.    Per Diem. Except as provided for assembly members in NABC 2.04.040(B), a per diem allowance at the rate set by the annual budget ordinance will be allowed for travel within and out of the boundaries of the borough for travel funded through the borough general fund; provided, that such travel requires the employee to spend more than four and one-half hours away from home or designated duty post. Federal- and state-funded travel by borough staff shall comply with the funding agreement per diem requirements.

C.    Private Vehicle. Occasional use of privately owned vehicles will be compensated at the current federal mileage reimbursement rate, together with actual costs of ferry fare, bridge, road and tunnel tolls; provided, that the total of such shall not exceed the cost of equivalent coach air fare. Where two or more employees are traveling in the same direction, and it is possible to share a vehicle, the mileage permitted shall be allowed to only one employee.

D.    Lodging Ground Transportation. Claims for reasonable lodging expenses and destination ground transportation shall be supported by and reimbursed in accordance with actual receipts, or may be paid in advance by the borough.

E.    Host Reimbursement. Recognizing that it is in the best interest of the borough for its representatives to host appropriate officials at luncheons or dinners, the borough mayor may authorize reimbursement for reasonable hosting expenses incurred by borough employees or assembly persons.

F.    Extenuating Circumstances. Actual expenses other than those identified above may be allowed by the personnel officer, if incurred as a result of circumstances beyond the control of the employee, and any such expenses shall be supported by and reimbursed in accordance with actual receipts. (Ord. 17-05 § 1, 2017; Ord. 13-10 § 1, 2014; Ord. 13-07 § 1, 2013; Ord. 13-02 § 1, 2013; Ord. 00-09 § 1, 2000; Ord. 91-04am2 § 2, 1991; Ord. 91-04 § 2, 1991; Code 1986 § 3.16.010)

3.16.020 Convention registration fees.

Upon approval by the personnel officer or the assembly, the actual registration fee and lodging (not including meals, entertainment or similar costs) charged any borough employee, whether in the exempt, partially exempt or classified services, for attending a convention or conference will be paid for by the borough, in addition to the per diem allowance. (Ord. 13-10 § 1, 2014; Ord. 91-04am2 § 2, 1991; Ord. 91-04 § 2, 1991; Code 1986 § 3.16.020)

3.16.030 Improper payments and reimbursement.

A.    Borough employees who are determined by the personnel officer or the personnel committee to have received per diem or other payments improperly, shall be required to reimburse the borough.

B.    Improper payments include, but are not limited to, reimbursements for false receipts and per diem or travel payments for trips not taken or for trips on which the employee does not substantially perform their assigned duties without a proper reason.

C.    An employee who resigns prior to completing six months of service after receiving training reimbursement shall pay back to the borough the amount reimbursed unless the payback is waived in writing by the mayor. Payback shall be deducted from the employee’s final pay or shall be paid directly to the borough if adequate funds are not available.

D.    Any employee may grieve the decision of the personnel officer or the personnel committee as provided in Chapter 3.48 NABC. (Ord. 13-10 § 1, 2014; Ord. 91-04am2 § 2, 1991; Code 1986 § 3.16.030)