Chapter 3.20


3.20.010    Full-time employees.

3.20.020    Part-time employees.

3.20.030    Temporary employees.

3.20.040    Leave-without-pay status.

3.20.050    Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

3.20.060    Authorized leave.

3.20.070    Subsistence leave.

3.20.080    Termination.

3.20.090    Accumulation limit – Length of absence.

3.20.100    Pay in lieu of time off.

3.20.110    Accrual.

3.20.120    Mayor.

3.20.130    Recognized holidays.

3.20.010 Full-time employees.

A.    All full-time employees on 7.5-hour days, five days a week, including employees in the partially exempt service, shall accrue personal leave time at the following rates:

Length of Service

Earned Monthly
(work days)

Annual Total (work days)

0 through 4th year



5th through 9th year



10th and on



B.    All full-time employees on 9.375-hour days, four days a week, including employees in the partially exempt service, shall accrue personal leave time at the following rates:

Length of Service

Earned Monthly
(work days)

Annual Total (work days)

0 through 4th year



5th through 9th year



10th and on



(Ord. 13-10 § 1, 2014; Ord. 91-04 § 2, 1991; Code 1986 § 3.28.010. Formerly 3.28.010)

3.20.020 Part-time employees.

Part-time employees, including employees in the partially exempt service, shall accrue personal leave time on a ratio of the hours they work to a 37.5-hour week, pursuant to NABC 3.20.010. (Ord. 13-10 § 1, 2014; Ord. 91-04 § 2, 1991; Code 1986 § 3.28.020. Formerly 3.28.020)

3.20.030 Temporary employees.

A.    An employee appointed to a temporary position shall not accrue personal leave time.

B.    A temporary employee is not entitled to holiday pay or subsistence leave.

C.    If an employee, hired in a temporary position, is hired into a permanent position, he or she is entitled to personal leave accruals retroactive to the date of hire in the temporary position. (Ord. 13-10 § 1, 2014; Ord. 91-04 § 2, 1991; Code 1986 § 3.28.030. Formerly 3.28.030)

3.20.040 Leave-without-pay status.

Employees may be granted leave without pay if preapproved by the personnel officer; provided, that the leave will not negatively impact the borough. Each request for leave without pay will be considered in light of the circumstances involved and in regard to the needs of the borough. Leave without pay may only be granted to an employee after all personal leave earned by the employee has been exhausted. Upon approval, leave without pay shall be deemed to run concurrently with, and shall not augment, any other period of unpaid leave to which the employee may otherwise be entitled. Personal leave time will not accrue while an employee is on leave-without-pay status. (Ord. 20-03 § 1, 2020; Ord. 13-10 § 1, 2014; Ord. 91-04 § 2, 1991; Code 1986 § 3.28.040. Formerly 3.28.040)

3.20.050 Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

While on personal leave, Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and other regular scheduled days off will not be considered as leave time. (Ord. 13-10 § 1, 2014; Ord. 91-04 § 2, 1991; Code 1986 § 3.28.050. Formerly 3.28.050)

3.20.060 Authorized leave.

A.    Personal leave may be taken when authorized by the supervisor. Personal leave must be scheduled at least 14 days in advance. For an absence due to sudden illness or other unanticipated events, employees must telephone their supervisor or a designated representative of the administration as soon as possible prior to the time the employee is scheduled to report for work. Routine medical and dental appointments require prior approval.

B.    Personal leave may be taken for medical reasons when an employee’s supervisor is satisfied that the employee is absent for medical reasons. Whenever an employee is absent for more than three working days for medical reasons, a doctor’s certification may be required. The following constitute medical reasons:

1.    Medical disability of an employee or an emergency medical or dental appointment;

2.    Medical disability or death of a member of the employee’s extended family, if the disability is such that the attendance of the employee is required;

3.    A medical condition of an employee which makes their presence at work a danger to the health of the employee or fellow employees;

4.    Pregnancy and childbirth is a medical reason for a female employee to take personal leave. A female employee, otherwise qualified for a leave of absence, is entitled to take a maximum of 12 weeks’ leave immediately preceding or following childbirth. If an employee’s accrued personal leave is insufficient for this purpose, she is entitled to take leave without pay for the balance of the 12-week period. (Ord. 21-11 § 1, 2021; Ord. 13-10 § 1, 2014; Ord. 00-09 § 1, 2000; Ord. 96-07 § 3, 1996; Ord. 91-04 § 2, 1991; Code 1986 § 3.28.070. Formerly 3.28.070)

3.20.070 Subsistence leave.

A.    In addition to personal leave time that employees may accrue, employees will be allowed time off with pay from his/her respective job each year during the appropriate seasons for subsistence leave upon prior approval by his/her supervisor and approval of the mayor.

B.    Subsistence leave shall not accrue from one year to another. It shall be granted on the employee’s anniversary date and any unused portion from the previous year shall be terminated.

C.    Full-time employees shall accrue subsistence leave at the following rates:

1.    Zero through one year (less than one year) – one day;

2.    One through four years (with one, but less than four years) – five days;

3.    Four through seven years (with four, but less than seven years) – seven days;

4.    Seven or more years – 10 days.

D.    Permanent part-time employees who work 75 hours per pay period or more shall accrue subsistence leave at one-half the rate of full-time employees with the same time of service.

E.    Temporary employees shall not be entitled to subsistence leave.

F.    Upon termination of an employee no subsistence leave shall be paid as part of the employee’s final pay.

G.    Subsistence is defined as hunting and food gathering within the state, including related traditional and cultural activities. Traditional and cultural activities do not include attending trade fairs. (Ord. 13-10 § 1, 2014; Ord. 96-07 § 4, 1996; Ord. 91-04 § 2, 1991; Code 1986 § 3.28.080. Formerly 3.28.080)

3.20.080 Termination.

Upon termination for any reason, accrued and unpaid personal leave will be paid within three working days to employees, except that probationary employees who have not successfully completed their probationary period are not entitled to accrued personal leave time. (Ord. 13-10 § 1, 2014; Ord. 91-04 § 2, 1991; Code 1986 § 3.28.090. Formerly 3.28.090)

3.20.090 Accumulation limit – Length of absence.

A.    Unused personal leave time may be accumulated up to and including 30 working days.

B.    It shall be mandatory for employees accruing personal leave time to take all accrued time off, except as described in subsections (C) and (D) of this section.

C.    If accrued personal leave time exceeds 30 working days in a year beginning July 1st and ending June 30th, the excess time shall be forfeited by the employee unless the mayor approves personal leave payout pursuant to subsection (D) of this section or the employee’s supervisor certifies in writing that the employee was denied use of accumulated leave time by the supervisor for reasons beyond the control of the employee. The supervisor may postpone requested leave without loss for up to three additional months.

D.    The mayor may allow an employee to receive a cash payment for the employee’s accrued personal leave up to 75 hours once per fiscal year. Employees electing to receive cash payment for a portion of their accrued personal leave may be required to retain sufficient personal leave for future use, and shall only receive payment for actual hours accrued during the designated period. Donated personal leave may not be cashed out.

E.    No employee shall use more than 16 consecutive working days of personal leave without the approval of the mayor. (Ord. 21-11 § 1, 2021; Ord. 13-10 § 1, 2014; Ord. 00-09 § 1, 2000; Ord. 91-04 § 2, 1991; Code 1986 § 3.28.110. Formerly 3.28.110)

3.20.100 Pay in lieu of time off.

There shall be no pay in lieu of earned personal leave except upon termination or death of the employee. (Ord. 13-10 § 1, 2014; Ord. 91-04 § 2, 1991; Code 1986 § 3.28.120. Formerly 3.28.120)

3.20.110 Accrual.

Personal leave time may not be taken prior to three months of satisfactory service, but after three months, personal leave shall accrue retroactive to date of hire. (Ord. 13-10 § 1, 2014; Ord. 91-04 § 2, 1991; Code 1986 § 3.28.130. Formerly 3.28.130)

3.20.120 Mayor.

The mayor shall be allowed 32 working days of personal leave. However, any leave in excess of four consecutive weeks shall have prior assembly approval. Leave will accrue in a lump sum on an annual basis beginning on the general election certification date regardless of whether the mayor’s election is certified at the general election or later at a runoff. (Ord. 21-12 § 1, 2021; Ord. 13-10 § 1, 2014; Ord. 91-04 § 2, 1991; Code 1986 § 3.28.140. Formerly 3.28.140)

3.20.130 Recognized holidays.

A.    The following days shall be recognized as holidays with pay for all employees who are in pay status before and following such days:

1.    New Year’s Day – January 1st;

2.    Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – third Monday in January;

3.    President’s Day – third Monday in February;

4.    NANA Day – one day shall be taken the day meetings of NANA are designated each year;

5.    Memorial Day – last Monday in May;

6.    Juneteenth – June 19th;

7.    Fourth of July – July 4th;

8.    Labor Day – first Monday in September;

9.    Alaska Day – third Monday in October;

10.    Veteran’s Day – closest Monday to November 11th;

11.    Thanksgiving Day – fourth Thursday in November;

12.    Christmas Day – December 25th.

B.    When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as that holiday. When a holiday falls on a Sunday the following Monday shall be observed. Holidays falling Tuesday through Thursday will be observed on those days that they fall.

C.    When a holiday falls within an employee’s personal leave period, it is not counted as part of leave time. The employee will be paid for that holiday.

D.    All hourly employees, except temporary employees, who work on a holiday shall receive one and one-half times their regular rate of pay and credit for a normal seven-and-one-half-hour workday in addition to any approved overtime hours worked.

1.    All salaried employees shall be entitled to accrue paid time off on an hour-to-hour basis for actual time worked on a holiday.

2.    If a salaried employee’s regular day off is a holiday, the employee shall accumulate seven and one-half hours of paid time off. (Ord. 22-07 § 1, 2022; Ord. 21-01 § 1, 2021; Ord. 13-10 § 1, 2014; Ord. 91-04 § 2, 1991; Code 1986 § 3.12.090. Formerly 3.12.110)