Chapter 8.08


8.08.010    Established.

8.08.020    Functions.

8.08.030    Membership.

8.08.040    Officials.

8.08.050    Meetings.

8.08.060    Order of business.

8.08.070    Formal acts by resolution.

8.08.080    Conflicts of interest.

8.08.090    Vacancies.

8.08.100    Office and staff.

8.08.010 Established.

There is established, in accordance with AS 29.40.020, the planning commission for the Northwest Arctic Borough. (Ord. 86-09 § 1, 1986; Code 1986 § 8.02.010)

8.08.020 Functions.

The planning commission shall perform the following functions:

A.    Prepare and submit to the assembly a proposed comprehensive plan for the systematic and organized development of the borough;

B.    Review and recommend amendments to the comprehensive plan for submittal to the assembly;

C.    Review and recommend amendments to the district coastal management program for submittal to the assembly;

D.    Review and recommend to the assembly measures necessary to implement the comprehensive plan, including but not limited to land use and platting regulations;

E.    Administer measures that are adopted by the assembly for implementation of the comprehensive plan and coastal management program;

F.    Act as the local historical district commission as provided in AS 29.55.010 and in Chapter 8.14 NABC; and

G.    Other tasks as requested by the assembly. (Ord. 05-07 § 2, 2005; Ord. 86-09 § 1, 1986; Code 1986 § 8.02.100)

8.08.030 Membership.

A.    The planning commission will be composed of seven members who are appointed at large by the mayor subject to confirmation by the assembly.

B.    When appointing commission members, the mayor and assembly shall consider the following: the ability of members to represent the borough as a whole; the expertise needed on the commission to develop plans and regulations related to specific topics or geographic areas; and other such factors deemed appropriate by the mayor and the assembly at the time a vacancy occurs.

C.    Members shall be appointed for a term of three years. Members first appointed shall draw lots for one-, two- and three-year terms. Appointments to fill vacancies are for the unexpired term.

D.    Each member of the commission shall receive compensation at the rate established by NABC 2.80.060 for each meeting day of the commission attended. Compensation shall be paid at the rate established by NABC 2.80.060 for each day of attendance at a convention, conference or similar gathering. Compensation does not include per diem which may be paid separately for attendance at a convention, conference or similar gathering.

E.    The planning commission shall solicit by public notice and open solicitation to a borough resident 60 years or older one elder representative as an advisory nonvoting member to be appointed to the planning commission. If the mayor agrees, the elder nominee may be appointed to the planning commission for a term of three years, subject to confirmation by the assembly. Appointments to fill vacancies in the elder position shall be for the unexpired term. The elder representative shall receive compensation and per diem as provided under subsection (D) of this section.

F.    Subject to confirmation by the assembly, the mayor shall appoint one youth representative as an advisory nonvoting member to be seated on the planning commission for a term of one year. Appointments to fill vacancies in the youth position shall be for the unexpired term. No youth representative may serve more than one term as youth member on the planning commission. The youth representative position shall be open to all Northwest Arctic Borough residents between the ages of 16 and 25 years of age. The youth representative shall receive compensation and per diem as provided under subsection (D) of this section. (Ord. 21-02 § 1, 2021; Ord. 20-11 § 1, 2020; Ord. 18-09 § 2, 2018; Ord. 10-01 § 1, 2010; Ord. 01-08 § 3, 2001; Ord. 89-12, 1989; Ord. 86-09 § 1, 1986; Code 1986 § 8.02.020)

8.08.040 Officials.

At its first meeting and annually thereafter, the commission shall elect a chairman to conduct the affairs of the commission, and a vice-chairman to serve as chairman in his absence. (Ord. 86-09 § 1, 1986; Code 1986 § 8.02.030)

8.08.050 Meetings.

A.    The planning commission shall establish a schedule for regular meetings. Special meetings may be called by the commission chairman or shall be called by the chairman at the request of two members.

B.    Reasonable public notice shall be given of all meetings of the planning commission as set forth in NABC 2.32.030.

C.    The planning director shall be responsible for ensuring that a journal of the commission’s proceedings will be kept as public record. Minutes and records shall be filed with the borough clerk.

D.    The planning commission shall adopt procedures and rules of order for their meetings.

E.    A majority of the membership constitutes a quorum. Any act of the commission requires an affirmative vote of four members. (Ord. 86-09 § 1, 1986; Code 1986 § 8.02.050)

8.08.060 Order of business.

A.    The planning commission shall establish the order of business for regular commission meetings.

B.    The order of business at special meetings shall be prescribed by the chairman. (Ord. 86-09 § 1, 1986; Code 1986 § 8.02.070)

8.08.070 Formal acts by resolution.

All formal actions of the commission shall be by resolution. (Ord. 86-09 § 1, 1986; Code 1986 § 8.02.090)

8.08.080 Conflicts of interest.

A.    A member of the planning commission shall declare any substantial financial interest the member has in an official action and ask to be excused from a vote on the matter. The chairman shall rule on the request for abstention (excusal). The decision of the chairman on the request may be overridden by the majority vote of the commission.

B.    Members of the planning commission shall be subject to the requirements of NABC 2.04.060. (Ord. 86-09 § 1, 1986; Code 1986 § 8.02.060)

8.08.090 Vacancies.

A.    A vacancy shall be declared, and filled as provided above, under the following conditions:

1.    If a member moves his permanent residence from the borough;

2.    If a member’s resignation is submitted to and accepted by the mayor;

3.    If a member misses three consecutive meetings or a cumulative total of six meetings per calendar year, unless excused by the commission.

B.    The planning director shall ensure that attendance records are kept and notify the chairman when vacancies occur. (Ord. 87-17, 1987; Ord. 86-09 § 1, 1986; Code 1986 § 8.02.040)

8.08.100 Office and staff.

A.    The commission shall be provided office space suitable for its needs and adequate to file its journals, resolutions, records, reference materials, correspondence and maps, plats and charts, all of which shall constitute public records of the borough.

B.    The commission shall be assisted by the planning director and planning staff. (Ord. 86-09 § 1, 1986; Code 1986 § 8.02.080)