Chapter 2.20


2.20.010    Powers and duties.

2.20.020    Qualifications.

2.20.030    Election and term of mayor.

2.20.040    Salary.

2.20.050    Acting mayor.

2.20.060    Vacancy in office.

2.20.070    Filling a vacancy.

2.20.010 Powers and duties.

(a) The executive power of the city is vested in the mayor. Except as provided in subsection (a)(2) of this section, the mayor may veto an ordinance, resolution, motion, or other action of the city council, and may strike or reduce appropriation items.

(1) A veto must be exercised before the next regular meeting of the city council and must be accompanied by a written explanation of the reasons for the veto. A veto may be overridden by vote of two-thirds of the authorized membership of the governing body within twenty-one days following exercise of the veto, or at the next regular meeting, whichever is later.

(2) The veto does not extend to appropriation items in a school budget ordinance; actions of the city council sitting as the board of equalization or the board of adjustment; adoption or repeal of a manager plan of government; and any ordinance adopted under AS 04.11.498.

(b) The mayor shall preside at meetings of the city council. The mayor may take part in the discussion of a matter before the city council, but may not vote except in the case of a tie.

(c) The mayor acts as ceremonial head of the city government, executes official documents on authorization of the city council, and is responsible for additional duties and powers prescribed by Alaska law. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.20.020 Qualifications.

A qualified city voter who has been a resident of the city for at least one year prior to taking office and who is not delinquent in payment of any undisputed city property tax, sales tax, utility bill or other financial obligation is eligible to be the mayor. (Ord. O-13-06-07 § 10, 2013: Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.20.030 Election and term of mayor.

The mayor is elected at large for a two-year term and until a successor qualifies. The regular term of office begins on the first Wednesday following certification of the election. The current term of an incumbent mayor may not be altered. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.20.040 Salary.

The salary of the mayor shall be seventy-five dollars per month. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.20.050 Acting mayor.

If the mayor is absent from the city, unable to attend a council meeting or is otherwise incapacitated, there being a regular quorum of four council members present, the council shall elect one of its members to preside and perform the duties of the mayor for the meeting in question or such other period involved. The person elected shall be known as “acting mayor” and for the temporary period involved shall have the powers and duties of the mayor; except that the acting mayor may vote only as a council member. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.20.060 Vacancy in office.

The city council shall, by two-thirds vote, declare the office of mayor vacant only when the person elected:

(1) Fails to qualify or take office within thirty days after election or appointment;

(2) Is physically absent for ninety consecutive days, unless excused by the city council;

(3) Resigns and the resignation is accepted;

(4) Is physically or mentally unable to perform the duties of office;

(5) Is convicted of a felony or of an offense involving a violation of the oath of office;

(6) Is convicted of a felony or misdemeanor described in AS 15.56;

(7) Is convicted of a violation of AS 15.13;

(8) Is delinquent on payment of any undisputed city sales tax, property tax, utility bill or other financial obligation and fails to cure said delinquency within thirty days after receipt of written notice of an intent to declare the seat vacant signed by the city council;

(9) No longer physically resides in the municipality. (Ord. O-13-06-07 § 11, 2013: Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.20.070 Filling a vacancy.

(a) If a vacancy in the office of mayor occurs more than six months before a regular election, the city council shall call a special election to fill the unexpired term of mayor. If a vacancy occurs six months or less before a regular election, the city council shall appoint an interim mayor. The person appointed serves until the next regular election when a successor is elected to serve the balance of the term.

(b) If a member of the city council is appointed mayor, the member shall resign the seat on the city council. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)