Chapter 2.45


2.45.010    Declaration of policies and principles.

2.45.020    Classified and exempt service.

2.45.030    Pay plan.

2.45.040    Pay ranges.

2.45.050    Per diem.

2.45.010 Declaration of policies and principles.

The city manager shall fix by regulations the compensation, job classification and terms of employment of all city employees, administrators and administrative assistants in accordance with the following personnel policies and principles established by the city council:

(a) Employment in the city government shall be based on merit and free of personal and political considerations.

(b) Just and equitable incentives and conditions of employment shall be established and maintained to promote efficiency and economy in operation.

(c) Positions having similar duties and responsibilities shall be classified and compensated for on a uniform basis.

(d) Every effort shall be made to stimulate high morale by fair administration of this section and by every consideration of the rights and interests of employees, consistent with the best interests of the public and the city.

(e) Continuity of employment shall be subject to good behavior, satisfactory performance of work, necessity for the performance of work and availability of funds.

(f) Members of the immediate family of any elected official, department head, city manager, city clerk, city attorney, utilities manager, superintendent or employee of any firm covered by contract, may not be employed by the city except upon approval by resolution of the city council.

(g) Staff members of a municipal corporation or department may not serve on a board or commission directly governing the municipal body for which they work. The city of Nome places no prohibition on staff members of one municipal body serving on the board or commission governing a different municipal body.

(h) An employee of a municipal corporation or department who holds elected or appointed office shall be paid their regular wage for that employment, in addition to the monthly stipend for that elected or appointed office, throughout their term. The employee shall not, however, be entitled to duplicate fringe benefits, such as retirement and insurance packages. (Ord. O-16-09-01 § 3, 2016; Ord. O-16-08-01 § 3, 2016; Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.45.020 Classified and exempt service.

(a) All offices and positions of the city shall be and are allocated to either the classified service or the exempt service.

(b) The exempt service shall include all elected officials and members of citizen boards and commissions, the city manager, the city clerk, the city attorney, department heads, employees and firms covered by contracts, part-time employees, temporary employees and all other personnel appointed to serve without compensation.

(c) The classified service shall include all other regular full-time positions in the city service which are not placed in the exempt category. Unless specifically designated otherwise, personnel policies promulgated by the city manager with the consent of the city council shall apply to all employees of the city. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.45.030 Pay plan.

The city manager shall develop and review from time to time a uniform and equitable pay plan. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.45.040 Pay ranges.

(a) Pay ranges for positions shall be fixed by the council by ordinance and set forth in schedules. The pay ranges set forth in the schedules shall not be fixed or amended without the council’s first receiving a recommendation regarding the proposed pay range or amendment thereto from the city manager.

(b) Schedules shall contain a series of pay ranges and shall contain a series of step increases within each pay range. Each pay range in the series of pay ranges shall be the equivalent of one step above the preceding pay range. An employee will normally start at the first step in the applicable pay range and, upon satisfactory completion of the probationary period, advance to the second step in that pay range. Thereafter, an employee may advance one step in the pay range per year, based on merit.

(c) The minimum rate of each range shall be the normal entering rate. However, the city manager may authorize initial appointment above the minimum rate through and including Step D due to recruiting difficulties or where candidates possess skills, training or experience warranting employment at a higher rate.

(d) The city manager, in the case of part-time or temporary employment, may authorize rates up to sixteen percent in excess of rates established in the pay plan. He may also hire temporary persons for less than two months as “contract hire.” (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.45.050 Per diem.

Council members, the city manager, department heads, members of boards and commissions, and other employees on travel status shall receive a per diem of seventy-five dollars per day to cover meal expenses and incidentals. Hotel fees will be paid directly through the city finance department. Individuals incurring higher expenses may be reimbursed for reasonable documented expenses based on receipts in accordance with city travel guidelines. (Ord. O-24-11-01 § 2, 2024; Ord. O-98-2-5, 1998: Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)